Set the aon gpios to be outputs for the leds.

Adjust the pwm frequency to the pwm feeding the power and change
the gpios that control the on/off to be outputs only.  The gpios that
connect to the switches are connected to the LDK controller but we
get better control with the the PWM.  We left the LDK working so older
evt boards would continue to work (the power pwm was added around evt3).
However we need to remove the LDK code in order to get full brightness
on the leds.

Change-Id: I0cdea98499c842e2902e8075038f4e7232211eb9
diff --git a/gpio-mailbox/brcm-direct.c b/gpio-mailbox/brcm-direct.c
index 8abacbb..9667db1 100644
--- a/gpio-mailbox/brcm-direct.c
+++ b/gpio-mailbox/brcm-direct.c
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
       .offset_data = 0x6580,            // PWM_CTRL ...
       .channel = 0,
       .open_drain = 1,
-      .period = 0x63,
+      .period = 0xf0,
     .temp_monitor = {
       .is_present = 1,                  // 7425 AVS_RO_REGISTERS_0
@@ -261,12 +261,12 @@
         .is_present = 1,                  // AON_GPIO_05
         .pinmux_offset = 0x10700,         // PIN_MUX_CTRL_0
         .pinmux_mask =  0x00f00000,
-        .pinmux_value = 0x00200000,       // LED_LD_13
-        .offset_data = 0x1701c,           // LDK_DIGIT1
-        .mask = 1<<13,                    // 1<<13
-        .shift = 13,
-        .off_value =1,
-        .on_value = 0,
+        .pinmux_value = 0x00000000,       // AON_GPIO_05
+        .offset_data = 0x17404,           // AON_DATA
+        .mask = 1<<5,
+        .shift = 5,
+        .off_value =0,
+        .on_value = 1,
         .old_val = -1,
       .led_blue = {
@@ -276,12 +276,12 @@
         .is_present = 1,                  // AON_GPIO_04
         .pinmux_offset = 0x10700,         // PIN_MUX_CTRL_0
         .pinmux_mask = 0x000f0000,
-        .pinmux_value = 0x00020000,       // LED_LD_12
-        .offset_data = 0x1701c,           // LDK_DIGIT1
-        .mask = 1<<12,                    // 1<<12
-        .shift = 12,
-        .off_value = 1,
-        .on_value = 0,
+        .pinmux_value = 0x00000000,       // AON_GPIO_04
+        .offset_data = 0x17404,           // LDK_DIGIT1
+        .mask = 1<<4,                    // 1<<12
+        .shift = 4,
+        .off_value = 0,
+        .on_value = 1,
         .old_val = -1,
       .led_standby = {
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
         .offset_data = 0x9000,          // PWM_2
         .channel = 0,
         .old_percent = -1,
-        .period = 0x63,
+        .period = 0x65,
     .reset_button = {
@@ -374,51 +374,8 @@
 /* set LED/Keypad timings to control LED brightness */
 static void init_gfhd254(struct platform_info* p) {
   volatile uint32_t* reg;
-  // The following comment explains how the LED controller works on <= EVT3.
-  //  For EVT4+, the LED controller was changed to control via PWM. We currently
-  //  configure both. The EVT3 specific code can be removed at a later date.
-  //
-  // The led display controller works like this:
-  //  - there are 16 gpios (we connect our leds to 2 of these)
-  //  - the controller steps through digit1-4 and then status
-  //  - bit0 in a register maps to a particular gpio
-  //     when digit1 is being displayed the controller uses digit1_bit[15:0] to
-  //     drive the gpios.  When digit 2 is displayed digit2[15:0] and so forth.
-  //  - duty_on controls how many clocks a digit is displayed
-  //  - duty_off controls number of clocks of all off time when switching
-  //    between digits
-  //
-  //  To get 100% brightness you set all of digit1-4 and status to 1 for the led
-  //  you are drivng, and set duty_off to 0.
-  //
-  //  Here we also invert the values, so a 1 means off, and 0 means on, this is
-  //  done because for unknown reasons the time between status and digit1 is on,
-  //  so we can't get the brightness to 0 unless we invert.
-  //
-  //  For simplicity we enable only one of the digits because the leds are
-  //  already insanely bright, and then to disable an led we simply toggle the
-  //  bit in that one digit register.
-  //
-  //  The red led is attached to bit 13 and blue led is attached to bit 12.
-  reg = mmap_addr + 0x17034;     // LDK_CONTROL
-  *reg = 0x01;                   // reset
-  *reg = 0x18;                   // ver=1
-  reg = mmap_addr + 0x17018;
-  reg[0] = 0xffff;               // LDK_DIGIT2
-  reg[1] = 0xcfff;               // LDK_DIGIT1
-  reg[2] = 0xffff;               // LDK_DIGIT4
-  reg[3] = 0xffff;               // LDK_DIGIT3
-  reg[5] = 0xffff;               // LDK_STATUS
-  reg = mmap_addr + 0x17008;     // LDK_PRESCHI, LO (clock divisor)
-  reg[0] = 0x00;
-  reg[1] = 0x10;                 // tick = clock / 0x0010, not sure what clock is
-  reg = mmap_addr + 0x17010;     // LDK_DUTYOFF, ON
-  reg[0] = 0x40;
-  reg[1] = 0xc0;                 // 0x40 off ticks then 0xc0 on ticks to dim a bit more.
+  reg = mmap_addr + 0x17408;         // AON_IODIR
+  reg[0] |= reg[0] & ~(1<<4 | 1<<5); // set gpios to be output
   // The fan is connected to PWM3, the register PWM3_CWORD_LSB is set to 1,
   // this is the frequency of the PWM, the other pwm register control
@@ -429,8 +386,9 @@
   // LEDs are connected to PWM2. Setting CWORD_LSB to 0xf to control
   // the output freq of the var rate clock.
-  reg = mmap_addr + 0x900c;
-  reg[0] = 0xf;
+  reg = mmap_addr + 0x9008;
+  reg[0] = 0x00;
+  reg[1] = 0x57;
   // Default the LED brightness to 50.
   set_pwm(&p->leds.led_brightness, 50);