blob: fbcea7fcb72eb8154646694821ecf332cf18b3ef [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "utils.h"
static struct {
const char* stripped;
const char* original;
} rstrip_strings[] = {
{ "foobar", "foobar " },
{ "foobar", "foobar" },
{ "", "" },
{ "foobar", "foobar \n" },
{ "foobar", "foobar\n" },
TEST(Utils, rstrip_test) {
char buf[64];
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rstrip_strings) / sizeof(rstrip_strings[0]); ++i) {
strcpy(buf, rstrip_strings[i].original);
EXPECT_STREQ(rstrip_strings[i].stripped, buf);
// This tests both writing to and reading from a file at once.
TEST(Utils, read_write_file_success) {
char buf[256];
char tdir[32] = "utiltestXXXXXX";
EXPECT_TRUE(mkdtemp(tdir) != NULL);
char tfile[64];
snprintf(tfile, sizeof(tfile), "%s/%s", tdir, "readfiletest");
EXPECT_GT(write_to_file(tfile, "foobar\nmagic"), 0);
EXPECT_NE(-1, read_file_as_string(tfile, buf, sizeof(buf)));
EXPECT_STREQ("foobar\nmagic", buf);
TEST(Utils, read_file_as_string_fail) {
char buf[256];
EXPECT_EQ(-1, read_file_as_string("filedoesnotexist", buf, sizeof(buf)));
TEST(Utils, read_write_file_uint64_success) {
uint64_t test_val = 123456789LL;
char tdir[32] = "utiltestXXXXXX";
EXPECT_TRUE(mkdtemp(tdir) != NULL);
char tfile[64];
snprintf(tfile, sizeof(tfile), "%s/%s", tdir, "uint64filetest");
EXPECT_EQ(0, write_file_as_uint64(tfile, test_val));
EXPECT_EQ(test_val, read_file_as_uint64(tfile));
TEST(Utils, read_file_as_uint64_noexist) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, read_file_as_uint64("filedoesnotexist"));
TEST(Utils, path_exists_true) {
char tdir[32] = "utiltestXXXXXX";
EXPECT_TRUE(mkdtemp(tdir) != NULL);
char tfile[64];
snprintf(tfile, sizeof(tfile), "%s/%s", tdir, "existtest");
write_to_file(tfile, "foo");
EXPECT_EQ(1, path_exists(tfile));
TEST(Utils, path_exists_false) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, path_exists("filedoesnotexist"));
TEST(Utils, parse_line_data_success) {
struct line_data data;
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
char buf[128] = "5,16,200,-;This is my log message of love\n";
EXPECT_EQ(0, parse_line_data(buf, &data));
EXPECT_STREQ("This is my log message of love\n", data.text);
EXPECT_EQ(5, data.level);
EXPECT_EQ(16, data.seq);
EXPECT_EQ(200, data.ts_nsec);
char buf2[128] =
"2,33,54321,-;This is my log message of tests suck\ndictjunk\n";
EXPECT_EQ(0, parse_line_data(buf2, &data));
EXPECT_STREQ("This is my log message of tests suck\n", data.text);
EXPECT_EQ(2, data.level);
EXPECT_EQ(33, data.seq);
EXPECT_EQ(54321, data.ts_nsec);
TEST(Utils, parse_line_data_failure) {
struct line_data data;
char buf[128] = "this is totally bad data";
EXPECT_EQ(-1, parse_line_data(buf, &data));
char buf2[128] = "1,2,3,-where's my semicolon";
EXPECT_EQ(-1, parse_line_data(buf2, &data));
char buf3[128] = "1,2,3,-;Where's my newline?";
EXPECT_EQ(-1, parse_line_data(buf3, &data));
char buf4[128] = "1,2 3 4 foo - where's my second comma?";
EXPECT_EQ(-1, parse_line_data(buf4, &data));
#define RANDBUF 16384
static void zlib_test(int modulus, unsigned long datalen, unsigned long maxlen,
int expect_ok) {
z_stream zstrm;
memset(&zstrm, 0, sizeof(zstrm));
unsigned char random_data[RANDBUF];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(random_data); i++) {
random_data[i] = random() % modulus;
unsigned char backup_data[RANDBUF];
memcpy(backup_data, random_data, sizeof(random_data));
unsigned long comp_size = maxlen;
int rv = deflate_inplace(&zstrm, random_data, datalen, &comp_size);
if (expect_ok) {
unsigned char decompressed[RANDBUF];
unsigned long full_size = sizeof(decompressed);
EXPECT_EQ(Z_OK, uncompress(decompressed, &full_size, random_data,
EXPECT_EQ(full_size, datalen);
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(decompressed, backup_data, datalen));
} else {
TEST(Utils, deflate_in_place1_test) {
// 7-bit compressible data
zlib_test(128, RANDBUF, RANDBUF, 1);
TEST(Utils, deflate_in_place2_test) {
// 8-bit uncompressible data
zlib_test(256, RANDBUF, RANDBUF, 0);
TEST(Utils, deflate_in_place3_test) {
// 8-bit, but room for *only* 11-byte zlib header.
// zlib should choose to "store" the data directly (with header) rather
// than ever making it larger, so this should always fit.
zlib_test(256, RANDBUF-11, RANDBUF, 1);
TEST(Utils, deflate_in_place4_test) {
zlib_test(256, 0, RANDBUF, 1);
TEST(Utils, deflate_in_place5_test) {
zlib_test(256, 1, RANDBUF, 1);