taxonomy: qualify Amazon Dash Button with OUI.

The OS signature for the Dash Button is very, very simple and
does not differentiate other embedded devices like Honeywell
thermostats which use the same Wifi chipset and have the same
DHCP signature.

Qualify the Dash Button with the OUI instead of the OS signature.
We'll leave the OS signature in as a record that it has

Fixes b/34062262

Change-Id: Ia84cd42fd281022603aca2263648f46ce0a9c96f
diff --git a/taxonomy/ b/taxonomy/
index a8f83c1..1d7e200 100644
--- a/taxonomy/
+++ b/taxonomy/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
         ('Alcatel OneTouch', 'Pop Astro', '2.4GHz'),
-    'wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,45,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|os:dashbutton':
+    'wifi4|probe:0,1,50,45,3,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|assoc:0,1,48,50,45,221(001018,2),221(00904c,51),221(0050f2,2),htcap:110c,htagg:19,htmcs:000000ff|oui:amazon':
         ('Amazon Dash Button', '', '2.4GHz'),