blob: a20d5a7543f2663761947f7b9b7205c59db5e45e [file] [log] [blame]
import time
import autochannel
import wgdata
from wvtest import wvtest
def OverlapsTest():
wvtest.WVPASSGE(autochannel.Overlaps20(2412, 2411), 2) # partial overlap
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(autochannel.Overlaps20(2412, 2412), 1) # clean overlap
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps20(2412, 2393))
wvtest.WVFAIL(autochannel.Overlaps20(2412, 2392))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps20(2412, 2412))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps20(2412, 2417))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps20(2412, 2422))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps20(2412, 2427))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps20(2412, 2431))
wvtest.WVFAIL(autochannel.Overlaps20(2412, 2432))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps40(2412, 2432))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps40(2412, 2451))
# This one is non-obvious! Because on 2.4 GHz, 40 MHz wide channels are so
# flexible, any 40 MHz channel overlaps with any other 40 MHz channel, even
# if the primary channels are >= 40 MHz apart. For example, imagine an
# AP on (2412,2432) and another on (2432,2452). They will definitely
# interfere with each other.
# To narrow this down, we cheat. Overlaps40 treats the first parameter
# as a verbatim 20 MHz channel, and searches for the second parameter
# as part of a channel group.
wvtest.WVFAIL(autochannel.Overlaps40(2412, 2452))
# On the other hand, on 5 GHz, 40 MHz channel pairs are better defined,
# so there are far fewer risky combinations.
wvtest.WVFAIL(autochannel.Overlaps40(5745, 5725))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps40(5745, 5765))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps40(5745, 5784))
wvtest.WVFAIL(autochannel.Overlaps40(5745, 5785))
# There are no 80 MHz channels on 2.4 GHz, so it's always the same answer
# as for 40 MHz.
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps80(2412, 2432))
wvtest.WVFAIL(autochannel.Overlaps80(2412, 2452))
wvtest.WVFAIL(autochannel.Overlaps80(2412, 2462))
# On 5 GHz, 80 MHz pairs exist and are well-defined.
wvtest.WVFAIL(autochannel.Overlaps80(5745, 5725))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps80(5745, 5765))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps80(5745, 5784))
wvtest.WVPASS(autochannel.Overlaps80(5745, 5785))
def LegalCombosTest():
r = list(autochannel.LegalCombos(allowed_freqs=[],
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r, [])
r = list(autochannel.LegalCombos(allowed_freqs=[2432],
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r, [(2432,)])
r = list(autochannel.LegalCombos(allowed_freqs=[2412, 2432, 2452],
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r, [(2412, 2432), (2412,), (2432,), (2432, 2452,), (2452,)])
r = list(autochannel.LegalCombos(allowed_freqs=[2412, 2432, 2452],
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r, [(2412, 2432), (2412,), (2432,)])
r = list(autochannel.LegalCombos(allowed_freqs=range(5745, 5826, 20),
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r, [(5745, 5765, 5785, 5805),
(5745, 5765),
(5785, 5805),
def GenState(bssfreqs, surveys):
me = wgdata.Me(now=0,
bss_list = [wgdata.BSS(is_ours=False, mac='', freq=freq, rssi=-40,
flags=0, last_seen=time.time(), cap=0, phy=0,
for freq in bssfreqs]
survey_list = [wgdata.Channel(freq=freq, noise_dbm=0,
observed_ms=observed_ms, busy_ms=busy_ms)
for freq, observed_ms, busy_ms in surveys]
return wgdata.State(me=me, seen_bss=bss_list, channel_survey=survey_list,
assoc=[], arp=[])
def AutoChannelTest():
combos = list(autochannel.LegalCombos(range(2412, 2500, 5),
combos_20 = [i for i in combos if len(i) == 1]
# With no other APs and all idle channels, every channel is equally likely.
results = set()
for i in range(10000):
GenState([], []), combos, use_primary_spreading=True,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None).primary_freq)
if len(results) == 11:
wvtest.WVPASSGE(len(results), 11)
# Every channel is equally likely, but with hysteresis, we pick the
# same channel every time.
result1 = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([], []), combos, use_primary_spreading=True,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None).primary_freq
results = set()
for i in range(100):
GenState([], []), combos, use_primary_spreading=True,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=result1).primary_freq)
print results
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(len(results), 1)
result1 = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([], []), combos, use_primary_spreading=False,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None).primary_freq
results = set()
for i in range(100):
GenState([], []), combos, use_primary_spreading=False,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=result1).primary_freq)
print results
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(len(results), 1)
# With a single AP at 2432, the system should try for a 40 MHz channel
# that either doesn't include 2432 (impossible) or aligns so it
# at least doesn't partially overlap with 2432. That means one of the
# two channels should be 2432. And we want it to *not* be the primary
# channel, so that 20 MHz traffic is non-interfering.
r = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([2432], []), combos, use_primary_spreading=True,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None)
print r
wvtest.WVPASSNE(r.primary_freq, 2432)
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(len(, 2)
wvtest.WVPASS(r.primary_freq in [2412, 2452])
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r.count_80, 1)
# With use_primary_spreading=False, the logic above should all work the
# same, but now it should choose 2432 as the primary every time.
r = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([2432], []), combos, use_primary_spreading=False,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None)
print r
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r.primary_freq, 2432)
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(len(, 2)
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r.count_80, 1)
# A bad scenario: two existing APs too close together in the middle of the
# spectrum. There's no way to get a 40 MHz channel without some kind of
# partial overlap. With use_primary_spreading=True, at least the primary
# channel will be clear.
r = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([2432, 2437], []), combos, use_primary_spreading=True,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None)
print r
wvtest.WVPASS(r.primary_freq in [2412, 2457, 2462])
# TODO(apenwarr): really we should switch to 20 MHz wide in this case.
# Anything to avoid a partial overlap. But we don't yet.
# wvtest.WVPASSEQ(len(, 1)
wvtest.WVPASSGT(r.count_80, 1)
wvtest.WVPASSGT(r.count_40, 1)
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r.count_20, 0)
r = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([2432, 2437], []), combos, use_primary_spreading=False,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None)
print r
wvtest.WVPASS(r.primary_freq in [2432, 2437])
wvtest.WVPASSGT(r.count_80, 1)
wvtest.WVPASSGT(r.count_40, 1)
wvtest.WVPASSGT(r.count_20, 1)
# When we force to a 20 MHz channel, it should not have any overlap,
# regardless of use_primary_spreading.
r = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([2432, 2437], []), combos_20, use_primary_spreading=False,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None)
print r
wvtest.WVPASS(r.primary_freq in [2412, 2457, 2462])
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r.count_20, 0)
# If there are two APs on 2432, it's better to partially overlap with
# those than with the one AP on 2437.
r = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([2432, 2432, 2437], []), combos, use_primary_spreading=False,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None)
print r
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r.primary_freq, 2432)
r = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([2432, 2432, 2437], []), combos, use_primary_spreading=True,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None)
print r
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r.primary_freq, 2412)
# Even when we force 20 MHz channels, only 2412 is the right match.
# The system considers 2412+2432, 2417+2437, 2432+2452, and 2437+2457 are
# all in use, some of them twice. 2412 has the fewest *partial* overlaps.
# (This can be improved if we teach waveguide about HT40+ vs HT40-.)
r = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([2432, 2432, 2437], []), combos_20, use_primary_spreading=True,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None)
print r
wvtest.WVPASS(r.primary_freq in [2412, 2452, 2457, 2462])
# Check that a busy channel overrides other logic.
# With 2412 ruled out, 2452 is the next best match.
r = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([2432, 2432, 2437], [(2412, 1000, 100)]),
combos_20, use_primary_spreading=True,
use_active_time=True, hysteresis_freq=None)
print r
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r.primary_freq, 2452)
# Make sure use_active_time=False causes us to ignore busy channels.
r = autochannel.SoloChooseChannel(
GenState([2432, 2432, 2437], [(2412, 1000, 100)]),
combos_20, use_primary_spreading=True,
use_active_time=False, hysteresis_freq=None)
print r
wvtest.WVPASSEQ(r.primary_freq, 2412)
if __name__ == '__main__':