blob: fd05a68565e624e62d8b31f03857a184b527f00d [file] [log] [blame]
package devstatus;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
message Status {
// Wan link up.
optional bool wan_connected = 1 [default=false];
// Has ACS ever been contacted since last boot.
optional bool acs_contacted = 2 [default=false];
// Time since Unix epoch in seconds since last good ACS contact.
optional int64 acs_contact_time = 3 [default=0];
// Uptime of device in seconds.
optional int64 uptime = 4 [default=0];
// Device serial number.
optional string serial = 5;
// Public ipv6 address of onu
optional string ipv6 = 6;
// Which channel fiber jack is supposed use
optional int64 requested_channel = 7;
// Which channel fiber jack is currently using
optional int64 current_channel = 8;