blob: ff65bfc444afd7139c3b79aed41c3bf369253758 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/python -S
"""Utility for attempting to join a list of BSSIDs."""
import time
class AgingPriorityCycler(object):
"""A modified priority queue.
1) Items are not removed from the queue, but automatically reinserted (thus
"cycler" rather than "queue").
2) Baseline priority is multiplied by time in queue.
This data structure is not efficient and may not scale well. Don't use it for
anything big.
As a minor optimization, items must be hashable. This restriction could be
removed, but we don't have a use case for non-hashable values yet.
def __init__(self, cycle_length_s=0, items=()):
"""Initializes the queue.
cycle_length_s: The minimum amount of time an item will spend in the
queue after being automatically reinserted.
items: Initial items for the queue, as tuples of (item, priority).
t = time.time()
self._items = {item: [priority, t] for item, priority in items}
self._min_time_in_queue_s = cycle_length_s
def empty(self):
return not self._items
def insert(self, item, priority):
"""Insert a new item, or update the priority of an existing item."""
self._items[item][0] = priority
except KeyError:
self._items[item] = [priority, time.time()]
def remove(self, item):
if item in self._items:
def peek(self):
"""Return the next item in the queue, but do not cycle it."""
return self._find_next(cycle=False)
def next(self):
"""Return the next item in the queue.
Also resets that item's age to now + cycle_length_s.
The next item in the queue.
return self._find_next(True)
def _find_next(self, cycle=False):
"""Implementation of peek and next."""
if self.empty():
now = time.time()
def aged_priority(key_value):
_, (priority, birth) = key_value
return priority * (now - birth)
result, value = max(self._items.iteritems(), key=aged_priority)
if value[1] > now:
if cycle:
value[1] = now + self._min_time_in_queue_s
return result