blob: 51b4d006fac481a5d2b64b211718a8cacac3ce7b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/python -S
"""Utils related to automatic channel selection."""
import random
import subprocess
import time
import utils
'24MAIN_20': '2412 2432 2462',
'24MAIN_40': '2412',
'24MAIN_80': '',
'24OVERLAP_20': '2412 2417 2422 2427 2432 2437 2442 2447 2452 2457 2462',
'24OVERLAP_40': '2412',
'24OVERLAP_80': '',
'5LOW_20': '5180 5200 5220 5240',
'5LOW_40': '5180 5220',
'5LOW_80': '5180',
'5HIGH_20': '5745 5765 5785 5805 5825',
'5HIGH_40': '5745 5785',
'5HIGH_80': '5745',
'5DFS_20': '5260 5280 5300 5320 5500 5520 5540 5560 5580 5660 5680 5700',
'5DFS_40': '5260 5300 5500 5540 5660',
'5DFS_80': '5260 5500',
def get_permitted_frequencies(band, autotype, width):
return {
('2.4', 'LOW', '20'): MODES['24MAIN_20'],
('2.4', 'LOW', '40'): MODES['24MAIN_40'],
('2.4', 'HIGH', '20'): MODES['24MAIN_20'],
('2.4', 'HIGH', '40'): MODES['24MAIN_40'],
('2.4', 'NONDFS', '20'): MODES['24MAIN_20'],
('2.4', 'NONDFS', '40'): MODES['24MAIN_40'],
('2.4', 'ANY', '20'): MODES['24MAIN_20'],
('2.4', 'ANY', '40'): MODES['24MAIN_40'],
('2.4', 'OVERLAP', '20'): MODES['24OVERLAP_20'],
('2.4', 'OVERLAP', '40'): MODES['24OVERLAP_40'],
('5', 'LOW', '20'): MODES['5LOW_20'],
('5', 'LOW', '40'): MODES['5LOW_40'],
('5', 'LOW', '80'): MODES['5LOW_80'],
('5', 'HIGH', '20'): MODES['5HIGH_20'],
('5', 'HIGH', '40'): MODES['5HIGH_40'],
('5', 'HIGH', '80'): MODES['5HIGH_80'],
('5', 'DFS', '20'): MODES['5DFS_20'],
('5', 'DFS', '40'): MODES['5DFS_40'],
('5', 'DFS', '80'): MODES['5DFS_80'],
('5', 'NONDFS', '20'): ' '.join((MODES['5LOW_20'], MODES['5HIGH_20'])),
('5', 'NONDFS', '40'): ' '.join((MODES['5LOW_40'], MODES['5HIGH_40'])),
('5', 'NONDFS', '80'): ' '.join((MODES['5LOW_80'], MODES['5HIGH_80'])),
('5', 'ANY', '20'): ' '.join((MODES['5LOW_20'], MODES['5HIGH_20'],
('5', 'ANY', '40'): ' '.join((MODES['5LOW_40'], MODES['5HIGH_40'],
('5', 'ANY', '80'): ' '.join((MODES['5LOW_80'], MODES['5HIGH_80'],
}[(band, autotype, width)]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Unknown autochannel type: band=%s autotype=%s width=%s'
% (band, autotype, width))
def scan(interface, band, autotype, width):
"""Do an autochannel scan and return the recommended channel.
interface: The interface on which to scan.
band: The band on which to scan.
autotype: Determines permitted frequencies. See get_permitted_frequencies
for valid values.
width: Determines permitted frequencies. See get_permitted_frequencies for
valid values.
The channel to use, or None if no recommendation can be made.
utils.log('Doing autochannel scan.')
permitted_frequencies = get_permitted_frequencies(band, autotype, width)'ip', 'link', 'set', interface, 'up'))
# TODO(apenwarr): We really want to clear any old survey results first. But
# there seems to be no iw command for that yet...
# TODO(apenwarr): This only scans each channel for 100ms. Ideally it should
# scan for longer, to get a better activity sample. It would also be nice to
# continue scanning in the background while hostapd is running, using 'iw
# offchannel'. Retry this a few times if it fails, just in case there was a
# scan already in progress started somewhere else (e.g. from waveguide).
for _ in xrange(9):
if utils.subprocess_quiet(('iw', 'dev', interface, 'scan', 'passive'),
no_stdout=True) == 0:
# TODO(apenwarr): This algorithm doesn't deal with overlapping channels. Just
# because channel 1 looks good doesn't mean we should use it; activity in
# overlapping channels could destroy performance. In fact, overlapping
# channel activity is much worse than activity on the main channel. Also, if
# using 40 MHz or 80 MHz channel width, we should count activity in all the 20
# MHz sub-channels separately, and choose the least-active sub-channel as the
# primary.
best_frequency = best_noise = best_ratio = frequency = None
for tokens in utils.subprocess_line_tokens(
('iw', 'dev', interface, 'survey', 'dump')):
# TODO(apenwarr): Randomize the order of channels. Otherwise when channels
# are all about equally good, we would always choose exactly the same
# channel, which might be bad in the case of hidden nodes.
if len(tokens) >= 2 and tokens[0] == 'frequency:':
frequency = tokens[1]
noise = active = busy = None
elif len(tokens) >= 2 and tokens[0] == 'noise:':
noise = int(tokens[1])
elif len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[:3] == ('channel', 'active', 'time:'):
active = int(tokens[3])
elif len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[:3] == ('channel', 'receive', 'time:'):
busy = int(tokens[3])
# TODO(rofrankel): busy or 1 might make more sense than busy + 1 here;
# need to discuss with apenwarr@.
ratio = (active + 1) * 1000 / (busy + 1)
if frequency not in permitted_frequencies.split():
# Some radios support both bands, but we only want to match channels on
# the band we have chosen.
if band[0] != frequency[0]:
utils.log('freq=%s ratio=%s noise=%s', frequency, ratio, noise)
if best_noise is None or best_noise - 15 > noise or best_ratio < ratio:
best_frequency, best_ratio, best_noise = frequency, ratio, noise
if not best_frequency:
utils.log('Autoscan did not find any channel, picking random channel.')
utils.log('Permitted frequencies: %s', permitted_frequencies)
if not permitted_frequencies:
utils.log('No default channel: type=%s band=%s width=%s',
autotype, band, width)
return None
best_frequency = random.choice(permitted_frequencies.split())
utils.log('autofreq=%s', best_frequency)
for tokens in utils.subprocess_line_tokens(('iw', 'phy')):
if len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[2] == 'MHz':
frequency = tokens[1]
if frequency == best_frequency:
channel = tokens[3].strip('[]')
if not channel:
utils.log('No channel number matched freq=%s.', best_frequency)
return None
utils.log('autochannel=%s', channel)
return channel