blob: d2c3c524903f323bd2ec013ff69bdc6ff42f3b9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Some portions Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors.
// Options abstract class for minijails.
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include "minijail/env.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace minijail {
class Options {
Options() : env_(new Env),
use_capabilities_(false) { }
virtual ~Options() { }
// Takes ownership of an Env pointer
virtual const Env *env() const { return env_.get(); }
virtual void set_env(Env *env) { env_.reset(env); }
//// Methods for configuring the binary to be run.
// Sets the path to the executable when Run() is called in the jail.
// Pointer ownership is not taken.
virtual void set_executable_path(const char *exe) { executable_path_ = exe; }
virtual const char *executable_path() const { return executable_path_; }
// Sets an array of arguments to use for running the executable.
// Pointer ownership is not taken.
virtual void set_arguments(char * const *argv, int count)
{ arguments_ = argv; argument_count_ = count; }
virtual char * const *arguments() const { return arguments_; }
virtual int argument_count() const { return argument_count_; }
// Sets the baseline environment for the executable.
// Pointer ownership is not taken.
virtual void set_environment(char * const *envp) { environment_ = envp; }
virtual char * const *environment() const { return environment_; }
//// Methods for configuring the jail.
// Determines if a read-only /proc will be mounted.
// This option requires namespace_vfs_ = true.
// If enabled, this option forcibly enables namespace_vfs_.
virtual void set_add_readonly_mounts(bool val) { add_readonly_mounts_ = val; }
virtual bool add_readonly_mounts() const { return add_readonly_mounts_; }
// Disables cross-process tracing and core dumps. This may cause problems
// when generating crash dumps. Options around that are TBD.
virtual void set_disable_tracing(bool val) { disable_tracing_ = val; }
virtual bool disable_tracing() const { return disable_tracing_; }
// Enable no-op syscall filtering for raw benchmarking.
virtual void set_enforce_syscalls_benchmark(bool val)
{ enforce_syscalls_benchmark_ = val; }
virtual bool enforce_syscalls_benchmark() const
{ return enforce_syscalls_benchmark_; }
// Enable kernel enforcement that all system calls originate from
// read-only memory areas.
virtual void set_enforce_syscalls_by_source(bool val)
{ enforce_syscalls_by_source_ = val; }
virtual bool enforce_syscalls_by_source() const
{ return enforce_syscalls_by_source_; }
// The value passed with this is numeric GID to transition to.
// Calling this implies a gid change will be attempted.
// TODO(wad) All supplementary groups are dropped.
virtual void set_gid(gid_t val) { gid_ = val; change_gid_ = true; }
virtual gid_t gid() const { return gid_; }
// Sets VFS namespacing. This is needed to have a custom
// filesystem view (read-only mounts, etc).
virtual void set_namespace_vfs(bool val) { namespace_vfs_ = val; }
virtual bool namespace_vfs() const { return namespace_vfs_; }
// Enable PID namespacing. This will result in the process being
// executed to be PID 1 in their own process tree. The process will
// not have visibility into other running processes (except via
// /proc if not remounted).
// TODO(wad) add init-like functionality and start the first process as pid 2.
virtual void set_namespace_pid(bool val) { namespace_pid_ = val; }
virtual bool namespace_pid() const { return namespace_pid_; }
// Enables environment variable scrubbing.
virtual void set_sanitize_environment(bool val)
{ sanitize_environment_ = val; }
virtual bool sanitize_environment() const
{ return sanitize_environment_; }
// The value passed with this is the numeric UID to transition to.
virtual void set_uid(uid_t val) { uid_ = val; change_uid_ = true; }
virtual uid_t uid() const { return uid_; }
// Enables the use and sanitization of POSIX capabilities.
// Without kKeepCapabilities, all capabilities save CAP_SETPCAP are
// removed from the effective, inherited, permitted and bounding sets.
virtual void set_use_capabilities(bool val) { use_capabilities_ = val; }
virtual bool use_capabilities() const { return use_capabilities_; }
// The set of caps to use when use_capabilities is set.
virtual void set_caps_bitmask(uint64 val) { caps_bitmask_ = val; }
virtual uint64 caps_bitmask() const { return caps_bitmask_; }
#if 0
TODO(wad): additional functionality:
virtual void set_cgroup_dir(const string& val) { cgroup_dir_ = val; }
virtual const string& cgroup_dir() const { return cgroup_dir_; }
virtual void set_supplemental_groups(std::vector<std::string>& val)
{ supplemental_groups_ = val; }
virtual const std::vector<std::string> *supplemental_groups() const
{ return supplemental_groups_; }
virtual void set_use_delayed_chroot(bool val) { use_delayed_chroot_ = val; }
virtual bool use_delayed_chroot() const { return use_delayed_chroot_; }
virtual void set_memory_limit(int64 val) { memory_limit_ = val; }
virtual int64 memory_limit() const { return memory_limit_; }
virtual void set_cpu_limit(int64 val) { cpu_limit_ = val; }
virtual int64 cpu_limit() const { return cpu_limit_; }
virtual void set_open_file_limit(int32 val) { open_file_limit_ = val; }
virtual int32 open_file_limit() const { return open_file_limit_; }
TODO(wad) other rlimits
virtual void set_chroot(const std::string val) { chroot_ = val; }
virtual const std::string chroot() const { return chroot_; }
virtual void set_install_device_shims(bool val)
{ install_device_shims_ = val; }
virtual bool install_device_shims() const { return install_device_shims_; }
//// Helper methods
// Indicate if the uid was set.
virtual bool change_uid() const { return change_uid_; }
// Indicate if the gid was set.
virtual bool change_gid() const { return change_gid_; }
// Ensures that all inter-dependent options are properly set.
virtual bool FixUpDependencies();
scoped_ptr<Env> env_;
const char *executable_path_;
int argument_count_;
char * const *arguments_;
char * const *environment_;
bool add_readonly_mounts_;
uint64 caps_bitmask_;
bool change_gid_;
bool change_uid_;
bool disable_tracing_;
bool enforce_syscalls_benchmark_;
bool enforce_syscalls_by_source_;
gid_t gid_;
bool namespace_vfs_;
bool namespace_pid_;
bool sanitize_environment_;
uid_t uid_;
bool use_capabilities_;
} // namespace minijail
} // namespace chromeos