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* SciTech OS Portability Manager Library
* ========================================================================
* The contents of this file are subject to the SciTech MGL Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 1991-1998 SciTech Software, Inc.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SciTech Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* ========================================================================
* Language: ANSI C
* Environment: Any
* Description: Keyboard translation code pages for US English keyboards.
#include "event.h"
/*--------------------------- Global variables ----------------------------*/
/* This table is used for all normal key translations, and is the fallback
* table if the key is not found in any of the other translation tables.
* If the code is not found in this table, the ASCII code is set to 0 to
* indicate that there is no ASCII code equivalent for this key.
static codepage_entry_t US_normal[] = {
{0x01, 0x1B},
{0x02, '1'},
{0x03, '2'},
{0x04, '3'},
{0x05, '4'},
{0x06, '5'},
{0x07, '6'},
{0x08, '7'},
{0x09, '8'},
{0x0A, '9'},
{0x0B, '0'},
{0x0C, '-'},
{0x0D, '='},
{0x0E, 0x08},
{0x0F, 0x09},
{0x10, 'q'},
{0x11, 'w'},
{0x12, 'e'},
{0x13, 'r'},
{0x14, 't'},
{0x15, 'y'},
{0x16, 'u'},
{0x17, 'i'},
{0x18, 'o'},
{0x19, 'p'},
{0x1A, '['},
{0x1B, ']'},
{0x1C, 0x0D},
{0x1E, 'a'},
{0x1F, 's'},
{0x20, 'd'},
{0x21, 'f'},
{0x22, 'g'},
{0x23, 'h'},
{0x24, 'j'},
{0x25, 'k'},
{0x26, 'l'},
{0x27, ';'},
{0x28, '\''},
{0x29, '`'},
{0x2B, '\\'},
{0x2C, 'z'},
{0x2D, 'x'},
{0x2E, 'c'},
{0x2F, 'v'},
{0x30, 'b'},
{0x31, 'n'},
{0x32, 'm'},
{0x33, ','},
{0x34, '.'},
{0x35, '/'},
{0x37, '*'}, /* Keypad */
{0x39, ' '},
{0x4A, '-'}, /* Keypad */
{0x4E, '+'}, /* Keypad */
{0x60, 0x0D}, /* Keypad */
{0x61, '/'}, /* Keypad */
/* This table is used for when CAPSLOCK is active and the shift or ctrl
* keys are not down. If the code is not found in this table, the normal
* table above is then searched.
static codepage_entry_t US_caps[] = {
{0x10, 'Q'},
{0x11, 'W'},
{0x12, 'E'},
{0x13, 'R'},
{0x14, 'T'},
{0x15, 'Y'},
{0x16, 'U'},
{0x17, 'I'},
{0x18, 'O'},
{0x19, 'P'},
{0x1E, 'A'},
{0x1F, 'S'},
{0x20, 'D'},
{0x21, 'F'},
{0x22, 'G'},
{0x23, 'H'},
{0x24, 'J'},
{0x25, 'K'},
{0x26, 'L'},
{0x2C, 'Z'},
{0x2D, 'X'},
{0x2E, 'C'},
{0x2F, 'V'},
{0x30, 'B'},
{0x31, 'N'},
{0x32, 'M'},
/* This table is used for when shift key is down, but the ctrl key is not
* down and CAPSLOCK is not active. If the code is not found in this table,
* the normal table above is then searched.
static codepage_entry_t US_shift[] = {
{0x02, '!'},
{0x03, '@'},
{0x04, '#'},
{0x05, '$'},
{0x06, '%'},
{0x07, '^'},
{0x08, '&'},
{0x09, '*'},
{0x0A, '('},
{0x0B, ')'},
{0x0C, '_'},
{0x0D, '+'},
{0x10, 'Q'},
{0x11, 'W'},
{0x12, 'E'},
{0x13, 'R'},
{0x14, 'T'},
{0x15, 'Y'},
{0x16, 'U'},
{0x17, 'I'},
{0x18, 'O'},
{0x19, 'P'},
{0x1A, '{'},
{0x1B, '}'},
{0x1E, 'A'},
{0x1F, 'S'},
{0x20, 'D'},
{0x21, 'F'},
{0x22, 'G'},
{0x23, 'H'},
{0x24, 'J'},
{0x25, 'K'},
{0x26, 'L'},
{0x27, ':'},
{0x28, '"'},
{0x29, '~'},
{0x2B, '|'},
{0x2C, 'Z'},
{0x2D, 'X'},
{0x2E, 'C'},
{0x2F, 'V'},
{0x30, 'B'},
{0x31, 'N'},
{0x32, 'M'},
{0x33, '<'},
{0x34, '>'},
{0x35, '?'},
/* This table is used for when CAPSLOCK is active and the shift key is
* down, but the ctrl key is not. If the code is not found in this table,
* the shift table above is then searched.
static codepage_entry_t US_shiftCaps[] = {
{0x10, 'q'},
{0x11, 'w'},
{0x12, 'e'},
{0x13, 'r'},
{0x14, 't'},
{0x15, 'y'},
{0x16, 'u'},
{0x17, 'i'},
{0x18, 'o'},
{0x19, 'p'},
{0x1E, 'a'},
{0x1F, 's'},
{0x20, 'd'},
{0x21, 'f'},
{0x22, 'g'},
{0x23, 'h'},
{0x24, 'j'},
{0x25, 'k'},
{0x26, 'l'},
{0x2C, 'z'},
{0x2D, 'x'},
{0x2E, 'c'},
{0x2F, 'v'},
{0x30, 'b'},
{0x31, 'n'},
{0x32, 'm'},
/* This table is used for all key translations when the ctrl key is down,
* regardless of the state of the shift key and CAPSLOCK. If the code is
* not found in this table, the ASCII code is set to 0 to indicate that
* there is no ASCII code equivalent for this key.
static codepage_entry_t US_ctrl[] = {
{0x01, 0x1B},
{0x06, 0x1E},
{0x0C, 0x1F},
{0x0E, 0x7F},
{0x10, 0x11},
{0x11, 0x17},
{0x12, 0x05},
{0x13, 0x12},
{0x14, 0x14},
{0x15, 0x19},
{0x16, 0x16},
{0x17, 0x09},
{0x18, 0x0F},
{0x19, 0x10},
{0x1A, 0x1B},
{0x1B, 0x1D},
{0x1C, 0x0A},
{0x1E, 0x01},
{0x1F, 0x13},
{0x20, 0x04},
{0x21, 0x06},
{0x22, 0x07},
{0x23, 0x08},
{0x24, 0x0A},
{0x25, 0x0B},
{0x26, 0x0C},
{0x2B, 0x1C},
{0x2C, 0x1A},
{0x2D, 0x18},
{0x2E, 0x03},
{0x2F, 0x16},
{0x30, 0x02},
{0x31, 0x0E},
{0x32, 0x0D},
{0x39, ' '},
static codepage_entry_t US_numPad[] = {
{0x4C, '5'},
{0x62, '4'},
{0x63, '6'},
{0x64, '8'},
{0x65, '2'},
{0x66, '0'},
{0x67, '.'},
{0x68, '7'},
{0x69, '1'},
{0x6A, '9'},
{0x6B, '3'},
codepage_t _CP_US_English = {
"US English",
US_normal, EVT_ARR_SIZE(US_normal),
US_caps, EVT_ARR_SIZE(US_caps),
US_shift, EVT_ARR_SIZE(US_shift),
US_shiftCaps, EVT_ARR_SIZE(US_shiftCaps),
US_ctrl, EVT_ARR_SIZE(US_ctrl),
US_numPad, EVT_ARR_SIZE(US_numPad),