blob: afa9a1aad0909cdf8cf94ea03bde50031a6e18f3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
my $instructions = "
cat dump | $0 --bin u-boot/u-boot # read from stdin, using u-boot for symbols
$0 --bin linux/vmlinux dump # read from file 'dump' using linux for symbols
take any fragment of text that has pointers in it from a file or stdin;
load symbol table of desired file through objdump, then convert hex pointers to symbols.
Arguments: --bin <file> executable to read symbol table from.
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
BEGIN { push(@INC, abs_path(dirname(__FILE__))); }
use arcsymbols;
my $script_path = dirname(__FILE__);
if (!caller) {
sub main {
my $help = undef;
my $bin_path = "$script_path/../../macfw/qtn_ruby";
my $result = GetOptions(
"help" => \$help,
"bin=s" => \$bin_path,
if ($help) {
die "$instructions\n";
sub convert_lines {
my $bin_path = shift;
my @symbol_stores;
push @symbol_stores, new arcsymbols($bin_path);
if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
foreach my $dump_file (@ARGV) {
open(F, $dump_file) or die "Could not load dump file: $dump_file: $!\n";
read_file_convert(*F, \@symbol_stores);
} else {
read_file_convert(*STDIN, \@symbol_stores);
sub read_file_convert {
my ($fh, $symbols_ref) = @_;
my @symbol_stores = @{$symbols_ref};
my $last_saw_parsedump_helper = 0;
my $parsedump_helper_sections = {};
while(<$fh>) {
if ( /^parsedump\s+([\w_]+)\s+([\.\w_]+)\s+(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)\s*$/ ) {
my $module_name = $1;
my $section_name = $2;
my $section_addr = hex($3);
$parsedump_helper_sections->{$module_name}->{$section_name} = $section_addr;
$last_saw_parsedump_helper = 1;
} else {
if ($last_saw_parsedump_helper) {
foreach my $module_name (sort keys %{$parsedump_helper_sections}) {
foreach my $mod_path (<$script_path/../../drivers/*/$module_name.ko>) {
my $mod_rel = File::Spec->abs2rel(abs_path($mod_path));
warn "$0: Loading symbols from '$mod_rel'\n";
push @symbol_stores, new arcsymbols($mod_rel, $parsedump_helper_sections->{$module_name});
$last_saw_parsedump_helper = 0;
$parsedump_helper_sections = {};
s/\b(0x[\d\w]+)\b/fix_hex($1, \@symbol_stores)/eg;
sub fix_hex {
my ($addr_str, $symbol_stores_ref) = @_;
my $addr = hex($addr_str);
foreach my $store (@{$symbol_stores_ref}) {
my $symbol = $store->find_symbol($addr);
if ($symbol) {
my $symbol_name = $symbol->{name};
my $offset = $addr - $symbol->{addr};
return sprintf("%s (%s+0x%x)", $addr_str, $symbol_name, $offset);
return $addr_str;