blob: 83bc1a4b5b07ddbff1ffb7e29b6dc60a83ce6b5a [file] [log] [blame]
* host/umsdl.c
* Copyright (c) Quantenna Communications Incorporated 2007.
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Common definitions for the umsdl and bin2ums applications.
#ifndef _HOST_UMSDL_H
#define _HOST_UMSDL_H
/* Special marker and escape characters in the serial download stream */
#define FLAG_CHAR (0x80)
#define ESC_CHAR (0x10)
#define PACKET_ACK (0x2e)
#define PACKET_NAK (0x78)
/* Programs downloaded serially and run can signal to the download
* program that they have finished by sending an un-escaped Ctrl-Z
* back on the serial line. The download program will then continue
* with other downloads it may have.
* If the program fails, then it returns NAK (ASCII 21) and the download
* will terminate.
#define END_OF_PROGRAM_OK (26)
#define END_OF_PROGRAM_FAIL (21)
/* Frame specific definitions. The frame format is
* [FLAG_CHAR][header][data]
* The flag character acts as a frame delimiter. If it appears in the
* header or data then it is escaped to a two byte sequence using ESC_CHAR
* followed by ~FLAG_CHAR. Escape characters are sent as <ESC_CHAR><~ESC_CHAR>.
* The header structure is defined by umsdl_hdr and contains the first four
* bytes of any data. If the frame contains more than four bytes then an
* optional [data] section is added which contains 4 to UMS_MAX_DATA bytes,
* is a multiple of 4 bytes in size and is followed by a CRC-8 byte checksum
* (of the bytes in the data section only). Any trailing bytes are handled by
* generating an additional frame.
* If a frame contains 4 or more bytes then these are written as words on
* the target system. If the frame contains fewer than 4 bytes then they
* are written as bytes.
* The target responds with one of three characters. PACKET_ACK is sent when
* a frame (header & optional data) has been received correctly. PACKET_NAK
* is sent if the header or data fails the CRC check, or if the header length
* field is > 4 but not a multiple of 4 bytes. FLAG_NAK is sent if the target
* is expecting the start of a frame FLAG, but got some other character.
* All responses are sent immediately the error is detected, so the timeout
* on the sender for lost responses can be very short (i.e. ~ 2 characters).
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned long u32;
/* Header format of each frame, preceeded by a FLAG_CHAR */
struct umsdl_hdr {
u8 addr[4]; /* Target physical address, addr[0]=lsb */
u8 length; /* Total bytes in header and any data section */
u8 data[4]; /* First 4 bytes of data, data[0] = first byte */
u8 crc; /* CRC-8 checksum of preceeding header bytes */
/* The maximum number of bytes in the data section of the frame */
#define UMS_MAX_DATA (248)
int ums_exec(FILE *out, u32 address);
int ums_single_write(FILE *out, u32 address, int len, u32 data);
int bin2ums(FILE *in, FILE *out, u32 addr);