blob: 10f03501425de5c3ec17127339252420efb11295 [file] [log] [blame]
LOCAL &runmode
LOCAL &ddrbus
LOCAL &boardtype
HEADER "Marvell Avanta-LP debug"
POS 1. 0. 28. 1.
TEXT "Please select the run mode:"
;choosebox group for Mode
POS 0. 1. 29. 1.
LINE "Run Mode"
POS 1. 2. 25. 1.
Mode.1: CHOOSEBOX "Debugger initialization" "GOTO disable_ddr"
Mode.2: CHOOSEBOX "Debugger and SOC initialization" "GOTO enable_ddr"
;choosebox group for DDR init method
POS 0. 4. 29. 1.
LINE "DDR Init Method"
POS 1. 5. 25. 1.
DdrBus.1: CHOOSEBOX "Static DDR training" "GOTO enable_board"
DdrBus.2: CHOOSEBOX "Dynamic training (bypass BootROM)" "GOTO disable_board"
DdrBus.3: CHOOSEBOX "Dynamic training (SRAM via BootROM)" "GOTO disable_board"
LINE "Board type for static training"
POS 1. 9. 10.
BoardType.1: CHOOSEBOX "DB-6650/6660" ""
BoardType.2: CHOOSEBOX "RD-6650" ""
BoardType.3: CHOOSEBOX "RD-6660" ""
;buttons OK (Default) and Cancel
POS 1. 13. 10. 1.
POS 14. 13. 10. 1.
BUTTON "Cancel" "GOTO mode_cancel"
;define action when window is closed
CLOSE "GOTO mode_cancel"
GOTO dialog_ok
;script continues here when Cancel is clicked"
DIALOG.OK "Script cancelled"
GOTO waitforok
DIALOG.SET BoardType.1
GOTO waitforok
;get selections
;close dialog window
; First it is very important to select the CPU and then set the options,
; otherwise important options are cleared again
SYStem.CPU CortexA9MPCore ; or CortexA9
;SYStem.MemAccess Denied
SYStem.MultiCore COREBASE 0xc2310000
SYStem.MultiCore ETMBASE 0xc231c000
SYStem.MultiCore ETBBASE 0xc2324000
;SYStem.Option L2CacheBase 0xD0008000
SYStem.JtagClock 10Mhz
SYStem.Mode attach
; set system settings according LE MMU
; <MCR|MRC> p15, <op1>, Rd, CRn, CRm, <op2>
; BIT0-3:CRn, BIT4-7:CRm, BIT8-10:<op2>, BIT12-14:<op1>, Bit16=0 (32-bit access)
Per.Set C15:1 %LONG 0x00052078
IF ("&runmode"=="ddr")
IF ("&ddrbus"=="bootrom")
Break 0x40000000 /Write ; Stop on L2 SRAM access
GO ; Run the Bootrom
PRINT "Please select the bin_hdr.elf file location"
D.LOAD ../../bin_hdr/*
; The binary header is started by the following ASM code (bin_entry.s):
; _start:
; push {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, ip, lr}
; blx <mvBinHdrDispatcher>
; mov r0, #0
; pop {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, ip, pc}
; Each of these commands is 4 bytes long, while PC is set to _start upon ELF load.
; Therefore the end execution break point should be set to _start + 0xC (pop)
Break.Set Register(PC)+0xC ; Stop at the end of BIN header execution
GO ; Run the BIN header
Per.Set C15:1 %LONG 0x00052078 ; Disable MMU
PRINT "Done, DRAM is ready" ; The u-boot can be loaded and executed
ELSE IF ("&ddrbus"=="naked")
LOCAL &regval
LOCAL &savectrl
LOCAL &savebar
LOCAL &address
LOCAL &counter
; Activate L2 cache
; 1. Invalidate all ways
; 2. Instruction lock all ways
; bit[16] - 16 Ways(1)/ Bit 17-19 - 64KB way (0b011)
; bit[26] - enable non-secure lockdown
Data.Set D:0xD0008104 %LONG (Data.Long(D:0xD0008104)|(0x4070000))
;SCU Disable and invalidate
Data.Set D:0xD000C000 %LONG (Data.Long(D:0xD000C000)&~(0x1))
Data.Set D:0xD000C00C %LONG 0xFFFFFFFF
; Disable L2 cache through L2 REG1_CONTROL
Data.Set D:0xD0008100 %LONG (Data.Long(D:0xD0008100)&~(0x1))
; Invalidate all ways
Data.Set D:0xD000877C %LONG 0xFFFF 0xFFFF ; REG7_INV_WAY
; Check for loops
WHILE ((Data.Long(D:0xD000877C)&(0x0000FFFF))!=0)
; Enable L2 cache - REG1_CONTROL
Data.Set D:0xD0008100 %LONG (Data.Long(D:0xD0008100)|(0x1))
; Lock all ways Instruction cache
Data.Set D:0xD0008904 %LONG 0x0000FFFF ; REG9_I_LOCKDOWN0
; Configure EFUSE Window
Data.Set D:0xD00200EC %LONG 0x410F0000 ; Window 19 base
Data.Set D:0xD00200E8 %LONG 0x00000AE1 ; Window 19 control
; Initial Clean up & configurations
; <MCR|MRC> p15, <op1>, Rd, CRn, CRm, <op2>
; BIT0-3:CRn, BIT4-7:CRm, BIT8-10:<op2>, BIT12-14:<op1>, Bit16=0 (32-bit access)
Per.Set C15:0x57 %LONG 0x0 ; Invalidate entire I-cache, flush BTC & BTAC
Per.Set C15:0x78 %LONG 0x0 ; TLB invalidate
WAIT 1.s
Per.Set C15:0x3 %LONG 0x3 ; Set DAC Register - Domain 0 is manager domain
Per.Set C15:0x2 %LONG 0xD002C000 ; Set TTBR Register to Table in SRAM start
; Enable I-Cache
Per.Set C15:1 %LONG (Data.Long(C15:0x1)|(0x1000)) ; set bit 12 (I) I-Cache enable
; Initialize MMU - 8 Static Windows
Data.Set D:0xD0020890 %LONG ((0x00001027)|(0xFFF00000)) ; BootROM Window - 1MB
Data.Set D:0xD0020894 %LONG ((0x00001001)|(0xD0080000)) ; Internal Registers Window - 256MB
Data.Set D:0xD0020898 %LONG ((0x00001001)|(0xE0090000)) ; RUNIT Window - 512MB
Data.Set D:0xD002089C %LONG ((0x0000103F)|(0xC8000000)) ; CESA Window - 1MB
Data.Set D:0xD00208A0 %LONG ((0x00001001)|(0x41000000)) ; EFUSE Window - 1MB
Data.Set D:0xD00208A4 %LONG ((0x0000902F)|(0x40000000)) ; SRAM Window - 1MB
Data.Set D:0xD00208A8 %LONG ((0x00001001)|(0x800A0000)) ; PEX Window - 1GB
Data.Set D:0xD00208AC %LONG ((0x00001001)|(0x000A0000)) ; DUNIT Window - 1GB
WAIT 1.s
; D-cache invalidate
; <MCR|MRC> p15, <op1>, Rd, CRn, CRm, <op2>
; BIT0-3:CRn, BIT4-7:CRm, BIT8-10:<op2>, BIT12-14:<op1>, Bit16=0 (32-bit access)
Per.Set C15:0x2000 %LONG 0x0 ; cache size selection register, select dcache
WAIT 1.s
&regval=((Data.Long(C15:0x1000)>>(0xD))&(0xFFF)) ; cache size ID register
IF &regval==0x7F
&counter=0x1000 ; 4KB per way
IF &regval==0xFF
&counter=0x2000 ; 8KB per way
&counter=0x4000 ; 16KB per way
; D-cache invalidate by way loop
WHILE (&address<&counter)
; <MCR|MRC> p15, <op1>, Rd, CRn, CRm, <op2>
; BIT0-3:CRn, BIT4-7:CRm, BIT8-10:<op2>, BIT12-14:<op1>, Bit16=0 (32-bit access)
Per.Set C15:0x267 %LONG &address ; invalidate dcache by set / way
Per.Set C15:0x267 %LONG (0x40000000+&address) ; invalidate dcache by set / way
Per.Set C15:0x267 %LONG (0x80000000+&address) ; invalidate dcache by set / way
Per.Set C15:0x267 %LONG (0xC0000000+&address) ; invalidate dcache by set / way
; Enable MMU & D-Cache
Per.Set C15:0x1 %LONG (Data.Long(C15:0x1)|(0x5)) ; Enable MMU (bit0) and Dcache (bit2)
; Create SRAM from L2 cache
; 1. Redirect SRAM address to CESA sram
; 2. Read 192K into the L2
; 3. Lock the L2
; 4. Restore CESA sram bar to default setting
; Keep CESA Window original values and change the CESA BAR to SRAM values
&savectrl=Data.Long(D:0xD0020040) ; Original value of CESA BAR Control
&savebar=Data.Long(D:0xD0020044) ; Original value of CESA BAR Base Address
Data.Set D:0xD0020040 %LONG 0x000F1991 ; New value for CESA BAR Control
Data.Set D:0xD0020044 %LONG 0x40000000 ; New value for CESA BAR Base Address
; Create an SRAM
&address=0x40000000 ; bit[4:0] - way, bit[31:10] - base address
WHILE (&address<0x40004000)
&regval=Data.Long(D:&address) ; Read from SRAM CESA to the L2
&address=&address+0x20 ; Increment address. 4KB*32 / (32 bytes read fetch at the time)=32K writes
; ==================PLE TEST========================
; <MCR|MRC> p15, <op1>, Rd, CRn, CRm, <op2>
; BIT0-3:CRn, BIT4-7:CRm, BIT8-10:<op2>, BIT12-14:<op1>, Bit16=0 (32-bit access)
;Per.Set C15:0x11B %LONG 0x3FFFFF00 ; MRC p15, 0, <Rt>, c11, c1, 1; Write PLEPCR
; <MCRR|MRRC> p15, <op1>, <Rd1>, <Rd2>, <CRm>
; BIT0-3: -, BIT4-7:CRm, BIT8-10: -, BIT12-14:<op1>, Bit16=1 (64-bit access)
; MCRR p15, 0, <Rt>,<Rt2> c11 - PLE programm new channel
;Per.Set C15:0x90B0 %QUAD 0x4000000040000000 ; Length - 0x1000 words, 1 block
;WAIT 1.s
; <MCR|MRC> p15, <op1>, Rd, CRn, CRm, <op2>
; BIT0-3:CRn, BIT4-7:CRm, BIT8-10:<op2>, BIT12-14:<op1>, Bit16=0 (32-bit access)
;Per.Set C15:0x23B %LONG 0x0 ; Kill channel MCR p15, 0, <Rt>, c11, c3, 2
; ==================PLE TEST END====================
; Lock all ways
&address=0xD0008900 ; L2 lockdown registers base - REG9_D_LOCKDOWN0
WHILE (&address<=0xD000893C) ; REG9_I_LOCKDOWN7 - last lockdown register
Data.Set &address %LONG 0x0000FFFF ; Lock the current way
&address=&address+0x4 ; Go to next way
; Restore CESA Window
Data.Set 0xD0020040 %LONG &savectrl ; Saved value of CESA BAR Control
Data.Set 0xD0020044 %LONG &savebar ; Saved value of CESA BAR Base Address
; Stack pointer
Register.Set R13 0x4003FFFC
PRINT "Please select the bin_hdr.elf file location"
D.LOAD ../../bin_hdr/*
WAIT 5.s
Per.Set C15:1 %LONG 0x00052078 ; Disable MMU
PRINT "Done, DRAM is ready" ; The u-boot can be loaded and executed
ELSE ; Static DDR init
; 533 MHZ DDR
PRINT "Starting DRAM Static initialization :"
; First descrease size of CS[2] to prevent overlap with 0xD0000000
Data.Set 0xD00200b0 %LONG 0x000f3b11
IF ("&boardtype"=="db6660")
; 533 MHZ DDR
; First descrease size of CS[2] to prevent overlap with 0xD0000000
Data.Set 0xD00200b0 %LONG 0x000f3b11
; Start DRAM init
Data.Set 0xD0001400 %LONG 0x7B00c820
Data.Set 0xD0001404 %LONG 0x36301820
Data.Set 0xD0001408 %LONG 0x33137772
Data.Set 0xD000140c %LONG 0x384019D5
Data.Set 0xD0001410 %LONG 0x10000000
Data.Set 0xD0001414 %LONG 0x00000700
Data.Set 0xD0001424 %LONG 0x60F3FF
Data.Set 0xD0001428 %LONG 0x000D6720
;DDR ODT Timing (High) Register
Data.Set 0xD000147c %LONG 0x0000B571
Data.Set 0xD0001494 %LONG 0x00030000
Data.Set 0xD000149c %LONG 0x303
;AXI Control Register
Data.Set 0xD00014a8 %LONG 0x0
;Win 0 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x20184)
Data.Set 0xD0001504 %LONG 0x7FFFFFE1
;Win 1 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x2018C)
Data.Set 0xD000150c %LONG 0x7FFFFFE5
;Win 2 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x20194)
Data.Set 0xD0001514 %LONG 0x0
;Win 3 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x2019C)
Data.Set 0xD000151c %LONG 0x0
;Read Data Sample Delays Register
Data.Set 0xD0001538 %LONG 0x707
;Read Data Ready Delays Register
Data.Set 0xD000153c %LONG 0x707
;DDR3 MR0 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015d0 %LONG 0x630
;DDR3 MR1 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015d4 %LONG 0x46
;DDR3 MR2 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015d8 %LONG 0x8
;DDR3 MR3 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015dC %LONG 0x0
;DDR3 Rank Control Register
Data.Set 0xD00015e0 %LONG 0x1
;ZQC Configuration Register
Data.Set 0xD00015e4 %LONG 0x203C18
;DRAM PHY Configuration Register
Data.Set 0xD00015ec %LONG 0xF8000025
;DRAM address and Control Driving Strenght
Data.Set 0xD00014c0 %LONG 0x192434E9
;DRAM Data and DQS Driving Strenght
Data.Set 0xD00014c4 %LONG 0x192434E9
ELSE IF ("&boardtype"=="rd6650")
; Start DRAM init
Data.Set 0xD0001400 %LONG 0x7B004C30
Data.Set 0xD0001404 %LONG 0x36300820
Data.Set 0xD0001408 %LONG 0x3303555D
Data.Set 0xD000140c %LONG 0x384019BF
Data.Set 0xD0001410 %LONG 0x10000001
Data.Set 0xD0001414 %LONG 0x00000700
Data.Set 0xD0001424 %LONG 0x60F3FF
Data.Set 0xD0001428 %LONG 0x000C5720
;DDR ODT Timing (High) Register
Data.Set 0xD000147c %LONG 0x0000A471
Data.Set 0xD0001494 %LONG 0x00010000
Data.Set 0xD000149c %LONG 0x301
;AXI Control Register
Data.Set 0xD00014a8 %LONG 0x0
;Win 0 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x20184)
Data.Set 0xD0001504 %LONG 0x1FFFFFE1
;Win 1 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x2018C)
Data.Set 0xD000150c %LONG 0x0
;Win 2 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x20194)
Data.Set 0xD0001514 %LONG 0x0
;Win 3 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x2019C)
Data.Set 0xD000151c %LONG 0x0
;Read Data Sample Delays Register
Data.Set 0xD0001538 %LONG 0x6
;Read Data Ready Delays Register
Data.Set 0xD000153c %LONG 0xc
;DDR3 MR0 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015d0 %LONG 0x620
;DDR3 MR1 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015d4 %LONG 0x44
;DDR3 MR2 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015d8 %LONG 0x8
;DDR3 MR3 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015dC %LONG 0x0
;DDR3 Rank Control Register
Data.Set 0xD00015e0 %LONG 0x1
;ZQC Configuration Register
Data.Set 0xD00015e4 %LONG 0x203C18
;DRAM PHY Configuration Register
Data.Set 0xD00015ec %LONG 0xF8000F25
;DRAM address and Control Driving Strenght
Data.Set 0xD00014c0 %LONG 0x192424C9
;DRAM Data and DQS Driving Strenght
Data.Set 0xD00014c4 %LONG 0x192424C9
ELSE ; rd-6660
; Start DRAM init
Data.Set 0xD0001400 %LONG 0x7B00D040
Data.Set 0xD0001404 %LONG 0x36300820
Data.Set 0xD0001408 %LONG 0x33137772
Data.Set 0xD000140c %LONG 0x3841199F
Data.Set 0xD0001410 %LONG 0x16100011
Data.Set 0xD0001414 %LONG 0x00000700
Data.Set 0xD0001424 %LONG 0x60F3FF
Data.Set 0xD0001428 %LONG 0x000D6720
;DDR ODT Timing (High) Register
Data.Set 0xD000147c %LONG 0x0000B571
Data.Set 0xD0001494 %LONG 0x00010000
Data.Set 0xD000149c %LONG 0x301
;AXI Control Register
Data.Set 0xD00014a8 %LONG 0x0
;Win 0 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x20184)
Data.Set 0xD0001504 %LONG 0x1FFFFFE1
;Win 1 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x2018C)
Data.Set 0xD000150c %LONG 0x7FFFFFE5
;Win 2 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x20194)
Data.Set 0xD0001514 %LONG 0x0
;Win 3 Control Register (This value will be writen by the bin header file to register 0x2019C)
Data.Set 0xD000151c %LONG 0x0
;Read Data Sample Delays Register
Data.Set 0xD0001538 %LONG 0x6
;Read Data Ready Delays Register
Data.Set 0xD000153c %LONG 0xc
;DDR3 MR0 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015d0 %LONG 0x630
;DDR3 MR1 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015d4 %LONG 0x44
;DDR3 MR2 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015d8 %LONG 0x8
;DDR3 MR3 Register
Data.Set 0xD00015dC %LONG 0x0
;DDR3 Rank Control Register
Data.Set 0xD00015e0 %LONG 0x1
;ZQC Configuration Register
Data.Set 0xD00015e4 %LONG 0x203C18
;DRAM PHY Configuration Register
Data.Set 0xD00015ec %LONG 0xF8000F25
;DRAM address and Control Driving Strenght
Data.Set 0xD00014c0 %LONG 0x192424C9
;DRAM Data and DQS Driving Strenght
Data.Set 0xD00014c4 %LONG 0x192424C9
;Enable DDR
Data.Set 0xD0001480 %LONG 0x1
; Set Dram size 256MB for FPGA (only if using XBAR)
Data.Set 0xD0008c04 %LONG 0x3fff0000
;set ddr_phy width
Data.Set 0xD00014a8 %LONG 0x00000000
Data.Set 0xD0020184 %LONG 0x1fFFFFE1
;FASTPASS- close XBAR window 19 (set BIT0=0 - Disabled DDR window enabled in default)
Data.Set 0xD00200e8 %LONG 0x0fff0e00
; training
Data.Set 0xD00015B0 %LONG 0x80100008
WAIT 1.s
; training
Data.Set 0xD00015B0 %LONG 0x80100010
WAIT 1.s
; training
Data.Set 0xD00015B0 %LONG 0x80100040
WAIT 1.s
; End DRAM init
PRINT "Done, DRAM is ready" ; The u-boot can be loaded and executed
) ; End of if &ddrbus!=3
) ; End of &runmode==ddr