blob: 37ddca3c2fd326d4f41c1f7ebe65dcedd5ea1acb [file] [log] [blame]
Priority Queue Setup for QoS
QuarterDeck Device has 4 Priority Queues to support QoS. The priority of
a frame is determined by (in priority order):
1) The CPU's Trailer if enabled on the port.
2) The DA address in the frame if the frame's DA address is in the address
database with a priority defined.
3) The IEEE 802.3ac Tag containing IEEE 802.1p priority information
if enabled on the port.
4) The IPv4 Type of Service (TOS)/DiffServ field or IPv6 Traffic Class
field if enabled on the port.
5) The Port's default priority defined in DefPri.
This sample program will deal with the above 3) ~ 5) cases.
sampleQoS will enable using both IEEE 802.3ac Tag and IPv4/IPv6 Traffic
Class field and IEEE 802.3ac has a higher priority than IPv4/IPv6.
The following is the QoS mapping programmed by sampleQos:
1) IEEE 802.3ac Tag (Priority 0 ~ 7, 3 bits)
Priority 1~3 is using QuarterDeck Queue 0.
Priority 0,4 is using QuarterDeck Queue 1.
Priority 6,7 is using QuarterDeck Queue 2.
Priority 5 is using QuarterDeck Queue 3.
2) IPv4/IPv6 (Priority 0 ~ 63, 6 bits)
Priority 0~7 is using QuaterDeck Queue 0.
Priority 8~31 is using QuaterDeck Queue 1.
Priority 32~55 is using QuaterDeck Queue 2.
Priority 56~63 is using QuaterDeck Queue 3.
3) Each port's default priority is set to 1.