blob: 714865dc4a4a8fa3c4475f74413f91ab294c248a [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) Marvell International Ltd. and its affiliates
Marvell GPL License Option
If you received this File from Marvell, you may opt to use, redistribute and/or
modify this File in accordance with the terms and conditions of the General
Public License Version 2, June 1991 (the "GPL License"), a copy of which is
available along with the File in the license.txt file or by writing to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 or
on the worldwide web at
DISCLAIMED. The GPL License provides additional details about this warranty
#include <config.h>
#include <common.h>
#include <command.h>
#include <pci.h>
#include <net.h>
#include <spi_flash.h>
#include <bzlib.h>
#include "mvCommon.h"
#include "ctrlEnv/mvCtrlEnvLib.h"
#include "boardEnv/mvBoardEnvLib.h"
#include "cpu/mvCpu.h"
#include "norflash/mvFlash.h"
#if defined(MV_INCLUDE_GIG_ETH)
#include "eth-phy/mvEthPhy.h"
#if defined(MV_INCLUDE_PEX)
#include "pex/mvPex.h"
#if defined(MV_INCLUDE_PDMA)
#include "pdma/mvPdma.h"
#include "mvSysPdmaApi.h"
#if defined(MV_INCLUDE_XOR)
#include "xor/mvXorRegs.h"
#include "xor/mvXor.h"
#if defined(MV_INCLUDE_PMU)
#include "pmu/mvPmuRegs.h"
#include "cntmr/mvCntmrRegs.h"
#include "switchingServices.h"
/* defines */
#undef MV_DEBUG
#ifdef MV_DEBUG
#define DB(x) x
#define DB1(x) x
#define DB(x)
#define DB1(x)
/* SAR defines when Connected to Bc2*/
#define MV_BOARD_CTRL_I2C_ADDR_BC2 0x0
#define TWSI_CHANNEL_BC2 0
#define TWSI_SPEED_BC2 20000 // wa for bits 1,2 in 0x4c. Mmust lower 100000 -> 20000 . adiy, erez
typedef volatile unsigned long VUL;
static MV_U8 tread_bc2(MV_U8 addr, int reg)
MV_TWSI_SLAVE twsiSlave;
MV_U8 data;
DB(printf("tread_bc2, DevAddr = 0x%x\n", addr));
/* TWSI init */
slave.address = MV_BOARD_CTRL_I2C_ADDR_BC2;
slave.type = ADDR7_BIT;
mvTwsiInit (TWSI_CHANNEL_BC2, TWSI_SPEED_BC2, mvBoardTclkGet(), &slave, 0);
/* read SatR */
twsiSlave.slaveAddr.type = ADDR7_BIT;
twsiSlave.slaveAddr.address = addr ;
twsiSlave.validOffset = MV_TRUE;
twsiSlave.offset = reg;
twsiSlave.moreThen256 = MV_FALSE;
if (MV_OK != mvTwsiRead(TWSI_CHANNEL_BC2, &twsiSlave, &data, 1)) {
DB(printf("tread_bc2 : twsi read fail\n"));
return MV_ERROR;
DB(printf("tread_bc2: twsi read succeeded, data = 0x%x\n", data));
return data;
static MV_STATUS twrite_bc2(MV_U8 addr, int reg, MV_U8 regVal)
MV_TWSI_SLAVE twsiSlave;
MV_U8 data;
// printf(">>> in twrite_bc2, addr=0x%x, reg = 0x%x, val=0x%x\n", addr, reg, regVal);
/* TWSI init */
slave.address = MV_BOARD_CTRL_I2C_ADDR_BC2;
slave.type = ADDR7_BIT;
mvTwsiInit (TWSI_CHANNEL_BC2, TWSI_SPEED_BC2, mvBoardTclkGet(), &slave, 0);
/* write SatR */
twsiSlave.slaveAddr.address = addr;
twsiSlave.slaveAddr.type = ADDR7_BIT;
twsiSlave.validOffset = MV_TRUE;
twsiSlave.offset = reg;
twsiSlave.moreThen256 = MV_FALSE;
data = regVal;
if (MV_OK != mvTwsiWrite(TWSI_CHANNEL_BC2, &twsiSlave, &data, 1)) {
DB(mvOsPrintf("twrite_bc2: twsi write fail\n"));
return MV_ERROR;
DB(mvOsPrintf("twrite_bc2: twsi write succeeded\n"));
return MV_OK;
static int do_sar_list_bc2(int argc, char *const argv[])
const char *cmd;
int all = 0;
if (argc < 1)
goto usage;
cmd = argv[0];
if (strcmp(cmd, "all") == 0)
all = 1;
if ((strcmp(cmd, "corefreq") == 0) || all) {
printf("corefreq (0x4d 0:3): Determines the CORE frequency:\n");
printf("\t0x0 = 360MHz\n");
printf("\t0x1 = 220MHz\n");
printf("\t0x2 = 250MHz\n");
printf("\t0x3 = 400MHz\n");
printf("\t0x4 = 500MHz\n");
printf("\t0x5 = 520MHz\n");
printf("\t0x6 = 450MHz\n");
if ((strcmp(cmd, "cpufreq") == 0) || all) {
printf("cpufreq (0x4d 3:4 + 0x4e 0:0): Determines the CPU and DDR frequencies:\n");
printf("\t0x0 = CPU 400MHz, DDR 400MHz\n");
printf("\t0x2 = CPU 667MHz, DDR 667MHz\n");
printf("\t0x3 = CPU 800MHz, DDR 800MHz\n");
if ((strcmp(cmd, "tmfreq") == 0) || all) {
printf("tmfreq (0x4e 1:3): Determines the boot selection:\n");
printf("\t0x0 = TM clock is disabled\n");
printf("\t0x1 = TM runs 400MHZ, DDR3 runs 800MHz\n");
printf("\t0x2 = TM runs 466MHZ, DDR3 runs 933MHz\n");
printf("\t0x3 = TM runs 333MHZ, DDR3 runs 667MHz\n");
if ((strcmp(cmd, "bootsel") == 0) || all) {
printf("bootsel (0x4f 0:2): Determines the TM frequency:\n");
printf("\t0x0 = BootROM enabled, Boot from Device(NOR) flash\n");
printf("\t0x1 = BootROM enabled, Boot from NAND flash (new NF controller on DEV_CSn[0])\n");
printf("\t0x2 = BootROM enabled, boot from UART\n");
printf("\t0x3 = BootROM enabled, boot from SPI0(CS0)\n");
printf("\t0x5 = BootROM enabled, Standby slave. Must set PCIs as endpoint (i.e. CPU IDLE)\n");
printf("\t0x6 = BootROM enabled, UART debug prompt mode\n");
if ((strcmp(cmd, "jtagcpu") == 0) || all) {
printf("jtagcpu (0x4f 3:3): Determines the JTAG to CPU connection:\n");
printf("\t0x0 = JTAG is connected to C3M CPU\n");
printf("\t0x1 = JTAG is connected to MSYS CPU\n");
if ((strcmp(cmd, "ptppll") == 0) || all) {
printf("ptppll (0x4f 4:4): Determines the ptppll:\n");
printf("\t0x1 = Must write 0x1. PTP PLL runs @ 1093.75MHz, PTP Clock = 546.875MHz\n");
if ((strcmp(cmd, "pciegen1") == 0) || all) {
printf("pciegen1 (0x4c.1 4:4): Determines the pciegen1:\n");
printf("\t0x0 = Do not force BC2 PCIe connection to GEN1\n");
printf("\t0x1 = Force BC2 PCIe connection to GEN1\n");
return 0;
printf("Usage: Satr - see options\n");
return 1;
static int do_sar_read_bc2(int argc, char *const argv[])
bc2 sample and reset register
# 4f # 4e # 4d # 4c #
# # # # #
# | | | | # | | | | # | | | | # | | | | #
# | # | | # | # #
const char *cmd;
volatile uint satr_reg;
cmd = argv[0];
if (strcmp(cmd, "dump") == 0) {
satr_reg =
((tread_bc2(0x4c, 0)&0x1f) << 0) | // 5 bits
((tread_bc2(0x4d, 0)&0x1f) << 5) |
((tread_bc2(0x4e, 0)&0x1f) << 10) |
((tread_bc2(0x4f, 0)&0x1f) << 15);
printf("BC2 S@R raw register = 0x%08x\n", satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "devid") == 0) {
satr_reg = tread_bc2(0x4c, 0) & 0x1f;
printf("BC2 S@R devid = 0x%02x\n", satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "corefreq") == 0) {
satr_reg = tread_bc2(0x4d, 0) & 0x07;
printf("BC2 S@R corefreq = 0x%x\n", satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "cpufreq") == 0) {
satr_reg = ((tread_bc2(0x4d, 0) & 0x18) >> 3) | ((tread_bc2(0x4e, 0) & 0x01) << 2);
printf("BC2 S@R cpufreq = 0x%x\n", satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "tmfreq") == 0) {
satr_reg = (tread_bc2(0x4e, 0) & 0x0e) >> 1;
printf("BC2 S@R tmfreq = 0x%x\n", satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "bootsel") == 0) {
satr_reg = tread_bc2(0x4f, 0) & 0x07;
printf("BC2 S@R bootsel = 0x%x\n", satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "jtagcpu") == 0) {
satr_reg = (tread_bc2(0x4f, 0) & 0x08) >> 3;
printf("BC2 S@R jtagcpu = 0x%x\n", satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "ptppll") == 0) {
satr_reg = (tread_bc2(0x4f, 0) & 0x10) >> 4;
printf("BC2 S@R ptppll = 0x%x\n", satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "pciegen1") == 0) {
satr_reg = (tread_bc2(0x4c, 1) & 0x10) >> 4;
printf("BC2 S@R pciegen1 = 0x%x\n", satr_reg);
return 0;
static int do_sar_write_bc2(int argc, char *const argv[])
const char *cmd;
volatile uint satr_reg;
volatile int bit_mask;
cmd = argv[0];
if (strcmp(cmd, "devid") == 0) {
bit_mask = (simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16) & 0x1f);
twrite_bc2(0x4c, 0, (MV_U8)bit_mask);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "corefreq") == 0) {
bit_mask = (simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16) & 0x07);
satr_reg = tread_bc2(0x4d, 0) & 0x1f;
satr_reg = (satr_reg & 0x18) | bit_mask;
twrite_bc2(0x4d, 0, (MV_U8)satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "cpufreq") == 0) {
bit_mask = (simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16) & 0x07);
satr_reg = tread_bc2(0x4d, 0) & 0x1f;
satr_reg = (satr_reg & 0x07) | ((bit_mask & 0x03) << 3);
twrite_bc2(0x4d, 0, (MV_U8)satr_reg);
satr_reg = tread_bc2(0x4e, 0) & 0x1f;
satr_reg = (satr_reg & 0x1e) | ((bit_mask & 0x04) >> 2);
twrite_bc2(0x4e, 0, (MV_U8)satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "tmfreq") == 0) {
bit_mask = (simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16) & 0x07);
satr_reg = tread_bc2(0x4e, 0) & 0x1f;
satr_reg = (satr_reg & 0x11) | (bit_mask << 1);
twrite_bc2(0x4e, 0, (MV_U8)satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "bootsel") == 0) {
bit_mask = (simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16) & 0x07);
satr_reg = tread_bc2(0x4f, 0) & 0x1f;
satr_reg = (satr_reg & 0x18) | bit_mask;
twrite_bc2(0x4f, 0, (MV_U8)satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "jtagcpu") == 0) {
bit_mask = (simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16) & 0x01);
satr_reg = tread_bc2(0x4f, 0) & 0x1f;
satr_reg = (satr_reg & 0x17) | (bit_mask << 3);
twrite_bc2(0x4f, 0, (MV_U8)satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "ptppll") == 0) {
bit_mask = (simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16) & 0x01);
satr_reg = tread_bc2(0x4f, 0) & 0x1f;
satr_reg = (satr_reg & 0x0f) | (bit_mask << 4);
twrite_bc2(0x4f, 0, (MV_U8)satr_reg);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "pciegen1") == 0) {
bit_mask = (simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16) & 0x01);
satr_reg = tread_bc2(0x4c, 1) & 0x1f;
satr_reg = (satr_reg & 0x0f) | (bit_mask << 4);
twrite_bc2(0x4c, 1, (MV_U8)satr_reg);
return 0;
MV_STATUS check_twsi_bc2(void)
MV_U8 reg = tread_bc2(0x4c, 0);
DB(printf("\ncheck_twsi_bc2: read_BC2= 0x%x\n", reg));
if (reg == 0xff)
return MV_ERROR;
return MV_OK;
int do_sar_bc2(cmd_tbl_t * cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
const char *cmd;
/* need at least two arguments */
if (argc < 2)
goto usage;
cmd = argv[1];
if (check_twsi_bc2() == MV_ERROR) {
printf("BC2 twsi channel not connected\n");
return 1;
if (strcmp(cmd, "list") == 0)
return do_sar_list_bc2(argc - 2, argv + 2);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "read") == 0)
return do_sar_read_bc2(argc - 2, argv + 2);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "write") == 0) {
if (do_sar_write_bc2(argc - 2, argv + 2) == 0) {
do_sar_read_bc2(argc - 2, argv + 2);
return 0;
printf("BC2 Sample At Reset sub-system\n");
printf("SatR list corefreq - print corefreq list\n");
printf("SatR list cpufreq - print cpufreq list\n");
printf("SatR list tmfreq - print tmfreq list\n");
printf("SatR list bootsel - print boolsel list\n");
printf("SatR list jtagcpu - print jtagcpu list\n");
printf("SatR list ptppll - print ptppll list\n");
printf("SatR list pciegen1 - print pciegen1 list\n");
printf("SatR read devid - read device id\n");
printf("SatR read corefreq - read CORE frequency\n");
printf("SatR read cpufreq - read CPU frequency\n");
printf("SatR read tmfreq - read TM frequency\n");
printf("SatR read bootsel - read Boot select\n");
printf("SatR read jtagcpu - read JTAG CPU selection\n");
printf("SatR read ptppll - read PTP PLL setting\n");
printf("SatR read pciegen1 - read Force PCIe GEN1 setting\n");
printf("SatR read dump - read all values\n");
printf("SatR write devid <val> - write device id\n");
printf("SatR write corefreq <val> - write CORE frequency\n");
printf("SatR write cpufreq <val> - write CPU frequency\n");
printf("SatR write tmfreq <val> - write TM frequency\n");
printf("SatR write bootsel <val> - write Boot select\n");
printf("SatR write jtagcpu <val> - write JTAG CPU selection\n");
printf("SatR write ptppll <val> - write PTP PLL setting\n");
printf("SatR write pciegen1 <val> - write Force PCIe GEN1 setting\n");
return 1;
#ifndef MV_MSYS
/* This function used for AMC + remote MSYS case. The MSYS standalone implementation differs */
static int do_qsgmii_sel(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
int bit_mask;
if (argc < 2)
goto usage;
if (check_twsi_bc2() == MV_ERROR) {
printf("BC2 twsi channel not connected\n");
return 1;
bit_mask = (simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16) & 0x0000ffff);
twrite_bc2(0x20, 2, (MV_U8)((bit_mask >> 0) & 0xff));
twrite_bc2(0x20, 3, (MV_U8)((bit_mask >> 8) & 0xff));
twrite_bc2(0x20, 6, 0x0);
twrite_bc2(0x20, 7, 0x0);
return 1;
return 1;
qsgmii_sel, 2, 1, do_qsgmii_sel,
" Select SFP or QSGMII modes on bc2.\n",
" apply 16 bit array to select SFP or QSGMII modes"