fix: msys: Fix the dead-lock of mvBoardTclkGet with I2C.

	Tclk routine was dependent on I2C transaction, which needs Tclk.
	this created a dead-lock, which lead to always using DB board as default
	Board ID.
	to prevent dead-lock, separated Tclk get flow from U-Boot & Linux:

	U-Boot Flow:
	according to MV_MSYS definition (exists only in MSYS platform U-Boot),
	Skip reading FamilyIdGet to derrive Tclk, and use static Tclk for MSYS
	platforms (AXP-AMC uses different u-boot version:2011.12)

	Linux flow:
	previous flow remains: FamilyIdGet can use BoardIDGet,
	since Board id is not being read from TWSI, but passed from
	U-Boot tags instead

Signed-off-by: Terry <>
Change-Id: Idea042b3b55bfa66c9bb2d4c5fdf7dcf0d3e9ec9
Reviewed-by: Omri Itach <>
Tested-by: Omri Itach <>
1 file changed