blob: bcf9935ffe18091d775308cfa087fc5576886262 [file] [log] [blame]
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* PACKAGE: [incr Tcl]
* DESCRIPTION: Object-Oriented Extensions to Tcl
* [incr Tcl] provides object-oriented extensions to Tcl, much as
* C++ provides object-oriented extensions to C. It provides a means
* of encapsulating related procedures together with their shared data
* in a local namespace that is hidden from the outside world. It
* promotes code re-use through inheritance. More than anything else,
* it encourages better organization of Tcl applications through the
* object-oriented paradigm, leading to code that is easier to
* understand and maintain.
* To add [incr Tcl] facilities to a Tcl application, modify the
* Tcl_AppInit() routine as follows:
* 1) Include this header file near the top of the file containing
* Tcl_AppInit():
* #include "itcl.h"
* 2) Within the body of Tcl_AppInit(), add the following lines:
* if (Itcl_Init(interp) == TCL_ERROR) {
* return TCL_ERROR;
* }
* 3) Link your application with libitcl.a
* NOTE: An example file "tclAppInit.c" containing the changes shown
* above is included in this distribution.
* ========================================================================
* AUTHOR: Michael J. McLennan
* Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies
* RCS: $Id: itclInt.h,v 1.7 2001/04/07 07:20:53 davygrvy Exp $
* ========================================================================
* Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
* of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
#ifndef ITCLINT_H
#define ITCLINT_H
#include "itcl.h"
#include "tclInt.h"
#ifdef BUILD_itcl
* Common info for managing all known objects.
* Each interpreter has one of these data structures stored as
* clientData in the "itcl" namespace. It is also accessible
* as associated data via the key ITCL_INTERP_DATA.
struct ItclObject;
typedef struct ItclObjectInfo {
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* interpreter that manages this info */
Tcl_HashTable objects; /* list of all known objects */
Itcl_Stack transparentFrames; /* stack of call frames that should be
* treated transparently. When
* Itcl_EvalMemberCode is invoked in
* one of these contexts, it does an
* "uplevel" to get past the transparent
* frame and back to the calling context. */
Tcl_HashTable contextFrames; /* object contexts for active call frames */
int protection; /* protection level currently in effect */
Itcl_Stack cdefnStack; /* stack of class definitions currently
* being parsed */
} ItclObjectInfo;
#define ITCL_INTERP_DATA "itcl_data"
* Representation for each [incr Tcl] class.
typedef struct ItclClass {
char *name; /* class name */
char *fullname; /* fully qualified class name */
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* interpreter that manages this info */
Tcl_Namespace *namesp; /* namespace representing class scope */
Tcl_Command accessCmd; /* access command for creating instances */
struct ItclObjectInfo *info; /* info about all known objects */
Itcl_List bases; /* list of base classes */
Itcl_List derived; /* list of all derived classes */
Tcl_HashTable heritage; /* table of all base classes. Look up
* by pointer to class definition. This
* provides fast lookup for inheritance
* tests. */
Tcl_Obj *initCode; /* initialization code for new objs */
Tcl_HashTable variables; /* definitions for all data members
in this class. Look up simple string
names and get back ItclVarDefn* ptrs */
Tcl_HashTable functions; /* definitions for all member functions
in this class. Look up simple string
names and get back ItclMemberFunc* ptrs */
int numInstanceVars; /* number of instance vars in variables
table */
Tcl_HashTable resolveVars; /* all possible names for variables in
* this class (e.g., x, foo::x, etc.) */
Tcl_HashTable resolveCmds; /* all possible names for functions in
* this class (e.g., x, foo::x, etc.) */
int unique; /* unique number for #auto generation */
int flags; /* maintains class status */
} ItclClass;
typedef struct ItclHierIter {
ItclClass *current; /* current position in hierarchy */
Itcl_Stack stack; /* stack used for traversal */
} ItclHierIter;
* Representation for each [incr Tcl] object.
typedef struct ItclObject {
ItclClass *classDefn; /* most-specific class */
Tcl_Command accessCmd; /* object access command */
int dataSize; /* number of elements in data array */
Var** data; /* all object-specific data members */
Tcl_HashTable* constructed; /* temp storage used during construction */
Tcl_HashTable* destructed; /* temp storage used during destruction */
} ItclObject;
#define ITCL_IGNORE_ERRS 0x002 /* useful for construction/destruction */
* Implementation for any code body in an [incr Tcl] class.
typedef struct ItclMemberCode {
int flags; /* flags describing implementation */
CompiledLocal *arglist; /* list of arg names and initial values */
int argcount; /* number of args in arglist */
Proc *procPtr; /* Tcl proc representation (needed to
* handle compiled locals) */
union {
Tcl_CmdProc *argCmd; /* (argc,argv) C implementation */
Tcl_ObjCmdProc *objCmd; /* (objc,objv) C implementation */
} cfunc;
ClientData clientData; /* client data for C implementations */
} ItclMemberCode;
* Basic representation for class members (commands/variables)
typedef struct ItclMember {
Tcl_Interp* interp; /* interpreter containing the class */
ItclClass* classDefn; /* class containing this member */
char* name; /* member name */
char* fullname; /* member name with "class::" qualifier */
int protection; /* protection level */
int flags; /* flags describing member (see below) */
ItclMemberCode *code; /* code associated with member */
} ItclMember;
* Flag bits for ItclMemberCode and ItclMember:
#define ITCL_IMPLEMENT_NONE 0x001 /* no implementation */
#define ITCL_IMPLEMENT_TCL 0x002 /* Tcl implementation */
#define ITCL_IMPLEMENT_ARGCMD 0x004 /* (argc,argv) C implementation */
#define ITCL_IMPLEMENT_OBJCMD 0x008 /* (objc,objv) C implementation */
#define ITCL_IMPLEMENT_C 0x00c /* either kind of C implementation */
#define ITCL_CONSTRUCTOR 0x010 /* non-zero => is a constructor */
#define ITCL_DESTRUCTOR 0x020 /* non-zero => is a destructor */
#define ITCL_COMMON 0x040 /* non-zero => is a "proc" */
#define ITCL_ARG_SPEC 0x080 /* non-zero => has an argument spec */
#define ITCL_OLD_STYLE 0x100 /* non-zero => old-style method
* (process "config" argument) */
#define ITCL_THIS_VAR 0x200 /* non-zero => built-in "this" variable */
* Representation of member functions in an [incr Tcl] class.
typedef struct ItclMemberFunc {
ItclMember *member; /* basic member info */
Tcl_Command accessCmd; /* Tcl command installed for this function */
CompiledLocal *arglist; /* list of arg names and initial values */
int argcount; /* number of args in arglist */
} ItclMemberFunc;
* Instance variables.
typedef struct ItclVarDefn {
ItclMember *member; /* basic member info */
char* init; /* initial value */
} ItclVarDefn;
* Instance variable lookup entry.
typedef struct ItclVarLookup {
ItclVarDefn* vdefn; /* variable definition */
int usage; /* number of uses for this record */
int accessible; /* non-zero => accessible from class with
* this lookup record in its resolveVars */
char *leastQualName; /* simplist name for this variable, with
* the fewest qualifiers. This string is
* taken from the resolveVars table, so
* it shouldn't be freed. */
union {
int index; /* index into virtual table (instance data) */
Tcl_Var common; /* variable (common data) */
} var;
} ItclVarLookup;
* Representation for the context in which a body of [incr Tcl]
* code executes. In ordinary Tcl, this is a CallFrame. But for
* [incr Tcl] code bodies, we must be careful to set up the
* CallFrame properly, to plug in instance variables before
* executing the code body.
typedef struct ItclContext {
ItclClass *classDefn; /* class definition */
CallFrame frame; /* call frame for object context */
Var *compiledLocals; /* points to storage for compiled locals */
Var localStorage[20]; /* default storage for compiled locals */
} ItclContext;
* Compatibility flags. Used to support small "hacks". These are stored
* in the global variable named itclCompatFlags.
#define ITCL_COMPAT_USECMDFLAGS 0x0001 /* Tcl8.4a1 introduced a different Command
* structure, and we need to adapt
* dynamically */
#include "itclIntDecls.h"
* Since the Tcl/Tk distribution doesn't perform any asserts,
* dynamic loading can fail to find the __assert function.
* As a workaround, we'll include our own.
#undef assert
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define assert(EX) ((void)0)
#if defined(__STDC__)
#define assert(EX) (void)((EX) || (Itcl_Assert(#EX, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0))
#define assert(EX) (void)((EX) || (Itcl_Assert("EX", __FILE__, __LINE__), 0))
#endif /* __STDC__ */
#endif /* NDEBUG */
#endif /* ITCLINT_H */