| <TITLE><B>toolbar</B> - Create and manipulate a tool bar</TITLE> |
| <H1><B>toolbar</B> - Create and manipulate a tool bar</H1> |
| |
| </pre><H2>SYNOPSIS</H2> |
| <B>toolbar</B> <I>pathName</I> ?<I>options</I>? |
| </pre><H2>STANDARD OPTIONS</H2> |
| <P> |
| <table cellpadding=5> |
| <td valign=top> |
| <B>activeBackground</B><br> |
| <B>activeForeground</B><br> |
| <B>background</B><br> |
| <B>borderWidth</B><br> |
| <B>cursor</B><br> |
| </td> |
| <td valign=top> |
| <B>disabledForeground</B><br> |
| <B>font</B><br> |
| <B>foreground</B><br> |
| <B>highlightBackground</B><br> |
| <B>highlightColor</B><br> |
| </td> |
| <td valign=top> |
| <B>highlightThickness</B><br> |
| <B>insertBackground</B><br> |
| <B>insertForeground</B><br> |
| <B>orient</B><br> |
| <B>selectBackground</B><br> |
| </td> |
| <td valign=top> |
| <B>selectBorderWidth</B><br> |
| <B>selectColor</B><br> |
| <B>selectForeground</B><br> |
| <B>state</B><br> |
| <B>troughColor</B><br> |
| </td> |
| </table> |
| <P> |
| See the <A HREF="http://www.sco.com/Technology/tcl/man/tk_man/options.n.html"> "options" </A> manual entry for details on the standard options. For widgets |
| added to the toolbar, these options will be propogated if the widget supports |
| the option. For example, all widgets that support a font option will be changed |
| if the the toolbar's font option is configured. |
| <P> |
| <pre> |
| Name: <B>balloonBackground</B> |
| Class: <B>BalloonBackground</B> |
| Command-Line Switch: <B>-ballooonbackground</B> |
| </pre> |
| <UL> |
| Specifies the background color of the balloon help displayed at the bottom |
| center of a widget on the toolbar that has a non empty string for its |
| balloonStr option. The default color is yellow. |
| </UL> |
| <P> |
| <pre> |
| Name: <B>balloonDelay1</B> |
| Class: <B>BalloonDelay1</B> |
| Command-Line Switch: <B>-balloondelay1</B> |
| </pre> |
| <UL> |
| Specifies the length of time (in milliseconds) to wait before initially |
| posting a balloon help hint window. This delay is in effect whenever 1) |
| the mouse leaves the toolbar, or 2) a toolbar item is selected with the |
| mouse button. |
| </UL> |
| <P> |
| <pre> |
| Name: <B>balloonDelay2</B> |
| Class: <B>BalloonDelay2</B> |
| Command-Line Switch: <B>-balloondelay2</B> |
| </pre> |
| <UL> |
| Specifies the length of time (in milliseconds) to wait before continuing to |
| post balloon help hint windows. This delay is in effect after the first |
| time a balloon hint window is activated. It remains in effect until 1) the |
| mouse leaves the toolbar, or 2) a toolbar item is selected with the mouse |
| button. |
| </UL> |
| <P> |
| <pre> |
| Name: <B>balloonFont</B> |
| Class: <B>BalloonFont</B> |
| Command-Line Switch: <B>-balloonfont</B> |
| </pre> |
| <UL> |
| Specifies the font of the balloon help text displayed at the bottom center |
| of a widget on the toolbar that has a non empty string for its |
| balloonStr option. The default font is 6x10. |
| </UL> |
| <P> |
| <pre> |
| Name: <B>balloonForeground</B> |
| Class: <B>BalloonForeground</B> |
| Command-Line Switch: <B>-ballooonforeground</B> |
| </pre> |
| <UL> |
| Specifies the foreground color of the balloon help displayed at the |
| bottom center of a widget on the toolbar that has a non empty string for |
| its balloonStr option. The default color is black. |
| </UL> |
| <P> |
| <pre> |
| Name: <B>helpVariable</B> |
| Class: <B>HelpVariable</B> |
| Command-Line Switch: <B>-helpvariable</B> |
| </pre> |
| <UL> |
| Specifies the global variable to update whenever the mouse is in motion |
| over a toolbar widget. This global variable is updated with the current |
| value of the active widget's helpStr. Other widgets can "watch" this |
| variable with the trace command, or as is the case with entry or label |
| widgets, they can set their textVariable to the same global variable. This |
| allows for a simple implementation of a help status bar. Whenever the |
| mouse leaves a menu entry, the helpVariable is set to the empty string {}. |
| </UL> |
| <P> |
| <pre> |
| Name: <B>orient</B> |
| Class: <B>Orient</B> |
| Command-Line Switch: <B>-orient</B> |
| </pre> |
| <UL> |
| Specifies the orientation of the toolbar. Must be either horizontal or |
| vertical. |
| </UL> |
| </pre><HR> |
| </pre><H2>DESCRIPTION</H2> |
| The <B>toolbar</B> command creates a new window (given by the pathName |
| argument) and makes it into a <B>toolbar</B> widget. Additional options, |
| described above may be specified on the command line or in the option |
| database to configure aspects of the toolbar such as its colors, font, |
| and orientation. The <B>toolbar</B> command returns its pathName argument. At |
| the time this command is invoked, there must not exist a window named |
| pathName, but pathName's parent must exist. |
| <P> |
| A <B>toolbar</B> is a widget that displays a collection of widgets arranged |
| either in a row or a column (depending on the value of the -orient option). |
| This collection of widgets is usually for user convenience to give access |
| to a set of commands or settings. Any widget may be placed on a toolbar. |
| However, command or value-oriented widgets (such as button, radiobutton, |
| etc.) are usually the most useful kind of widgets to appear on a toolbar. |
| <P> |
| In addition, the toolbar adds two new options to all widgets that are added to |
| it. These are the <B>helpStr</B> and <B>balloonStr</B> options. See the |
| discussion for the widget command add below. |
| |
| <P> |
| The toolbar command creates a new Tcl command whose name is pathName. This |
| command may be used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has the |
| following general form: |
| <pre> |
| <I>pathName</I> <I>option</I> <I>?arg arg ...?</I> |
| </pre> |
| Option and args determine the exact behavior of the command. |
| <P> |
| Many of the widget commands for a toolbar take as one argument an indicator of |
| which widget item of the toolbar to operate on. The indicator is called |
| an <B>index</B> and may be specified in any of the following forms: |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <I>number</I> |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> Specifies the widget numerically, where 0 corresponds to the first |
| widget in the notebook, 1 to the second, and so on. (For horizontal, 0 is the |
| leftmost; for vertical, 0 is the topmost). |
| </DL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <B>end</B> |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> Specifes the last widget in the toolbar's index. If the toolbar is |
| empty this will return -1. |
| </DL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <B>last</B> |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> Same as end. |
| </DL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <I>pattern</I> |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> If the index doesn't satisfy any of the above forms, then this form is |
| used. Pattern is pattern-matched against the widgetName of each widget in the |
| toolbar, in order from the first to the last widget, until a matching entry is |
| found. An exact match must occur. |
| </DL> |
| <P> |
| The following commands are possible for toolbar widgets: |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>add</B> <I>widgetCommand</I> <I>widgetName</I> <I>?option value?</I> |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> Adds a widget with the command widgetCommand whose name is widgetName to the |
| toolbar. If widgetCommand is radiobutton or checkbutton, its packing is |
| slightly padded to match the geometry of button widgets. In addition, the |
| indicatorOn option is false by default and the selectColor is that of the |
| toolbar background by default. This allows Radiobutton and Checkbutton widgets |
| to be added as icons by simply setting their bitmap or image options. If |
| additional arguments are present, they are the set of available options |
| that the widget type of <I>widgetCommand</I> supports. In addition they may |
| also be one of the following options: |
| </DL> |
| <UL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <B>-helpstr</B> <I>value</I> |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> Specifes the help string to associate with the widget. When the mouse moves |
| over the widget, the variable denoted by <B>helpVariable</B> is set |
| to <B>helpStr</B>. Another widget can bind to the helpVariable and thus |
| track status help. |
| </DL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <B>-balloonstr</B> <I>value</I> |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> Specifes the string to display in a balloon window for this widget. A |
| balloon window is a small popup window centered at the bottom of the |
| widget. Usually the <B>balloonStr</B> value is the name of the item on the |
| toolbar. It is sometimes known as a hint window. |
| <UL> |
| When the mouse moves into an item on the toolbar, a timer is set based on |
| the value of <B>balloonDelay1</B>. If the mouse stays inside the item |
| for <B>balloonDelay1</B>, the balloon window will pop up displaying |
| the <B>balloonStr</B> value. Once the balloon window is posted, a new |
| timer based on <B>balloonDelay2</B> is set. This is typically a shorter |
| timer. If the mouse is moved to another item, the window is unposted and |
| a new window will be posted over the item if the shorter delay time is |
| satisfied. |
| </UL> |
| <UL> |
| While the balloon window is posted, it can also be unposted if the item |
| is selected. In this case the timer is reset to <B>balloonDelay1</B>. |
| Whenever the mouse leaves the toolbar, the timer is also reset |
| to <B>balloonDelay1</B>. |
| </UL> |
| <UL> |
| This window posting/unposting model is the same model used in the |
| Windows95 environment. |
| </UL> |
| </DL> |
| </UL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>cget</B> <I>option</I> |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> Returns the current value of the configuration option given by <I>option</I>. |
| </DL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>configure</B> ?<I>option</I> <I>value</I>? |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> Query or modify the configuration options of the widget. If no <I>option</I> is |
| specified, returns a list describing all of the available options for pathName |
| (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information on the format of this list). If |
| <I>option</I> is specified with no value, then the command returns a |
| list describing the one |
| named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the |
| value returned if no option is specified). If one or more option-value pairs |
| are specified, then the command modifies the given widget option(s) to have the |
| given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. |
| </DL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>delete</B> <I>index</I> ?<I>index2</I>? |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> This command deletes all items between <I>index</I> and <I>index2</I> |
| inclusive. If <I>index2</I> is omitted then it defaults to <I>index</I>. |
| Returns an empty string. |
| </DL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>index</B> <I>index</I> |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> Returns the widget's numerical index for the entry corresponding |
| to <I>index</I>. If <I>index</I> is not found, -1 is returned. |
| </DL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>insert</B> <I>beforeIndex</I> <I>widgetCommand</I> <I>widgetName</I> <I>?option value?</I> |
| </DL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> Insert a new item named <I>widgetName</I> with the |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> command <I>widgetCommand</I> before the item specified by <I>beforeIndex</I>. |
| If <I>widgetCommand</I> is <B>radiobutton</B> or <B>checkbutton</B>, its |
| packing is slightly padded to match the geometry of button widgets. In |
| addition, the <B>indicatorOn</B> option is <B>false</B> by default and the |
| <B>selectColor</B> is that of the toolbar background by default. This allows |
| <B>Radiobutton</B> and <B>Checkbutton</B> widgets to be added as icons by |
| simply setting their <B>bitmap</B> or <B>image</B> options. The set of |
| available options is the same as specified in the <B>ad</B> command. |
| </DL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>itemcget</B> <I>index</I> <I>option</I> |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> Returns the current value of the configuration option given by <I>option</I> for |
| index. The item type of <I>index</I> determines the valid available options. |
| </DL> |
| <DL> |
| <DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>itemconfigure</B> <I>index</I> <I>?option value?</I> |
| </I></B> |
| <DD> Query or modify the configuration options of the widget of the toolbar |
| specified by <I>index</I>. If no option is specified, |
| returns a list describing all of |
| the available options for <I>index</I> |
| (see <B>Tk_ConfigureInfo</B> for information on the |
| format of this list). If <I>option</I> is specified with no value, |
| then the command |
| returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to |
| the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If |
| one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the |
| given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command |
| returns an empty string. The item type of <I>index</I> determines the valid |
| available options. The set of available options is the same as specified |
| in the <B>ad</B> command. |
| </DL> |
| </pre><H2>EXAMPLE</H2> |
| <pre> |
| toolbar .tb -helpvariable statusVar |
| |
| .tb add button item1 \\ |
| -helpstr "Save It" -bitmap @./icons/Tool_32_box.xbm \\ |
| -balloonstr "Save" -command {puts 1} |
| .tb add button item2 \\ |
| -helpstr "Save It" -bitmap @./icons/Tool_32_brush.xbm \\ |
| -balloonstr "Save" -command {puts 1} |
| .tb add button item3 \\ |
| -helpstr "Save It" -bitmap @./icons/Tool_32_cut.xbm \\ |
| -balloonstr "Save" -command {puts 1} |
| .tb add button item4 \\ |
| -helpstr "Save It" -bitmap @./icons/Tool_32_draw.xbm \\ |
| -balloonstr "Save" -command {puts 1} |
| .tb add button item5 \\ |
| -bitmap @./icons/Tool_32_erase.xbm -helpstr "Play It" \\ |
| -command {puts 2} |
| .tb add frame filler \\ |
| -borderwidth 1 -width 10 -height 10 |
| .tb add radiobutton item6 \\ |
| -bitmap @./icons/Tool_32_oval.xbm -command {puts 4} \\ |
| -variable result -value OPEN -helpstr "Radio Button # 1" \\ |
| -balloonstr "Radio" |
| .tb add radiobutton item7 \\ |
| -bitmap @./icons/Tool_32_line.xbm -command {puts 5} \\ |
| -variable result -value CLOSED |
| .tb add checkbutton item8 \\ |
| -bitmap @./icons/Tool_32_text.xbm -command {puts 6} \\ |
| -variable checkit -onvalue yes -offvalue no |
| .tb add checkbutton check2 \\ |
| -bitmap @./icons/Tool_32_points.xbm -command {puts 7} \\ |
| -variable checkit2 -onvalue yes -offvalue no |
| |
| pack .tb -side top -anchor nw |
| </pre> |
| </pre><H2>AUTHOR</H2> |
| Bill Scott |
| </pre><H2>KEYWORDS</H2> |
| toolbar, button, radiobutton, checkbutton, iwidgets, widget |
| |