blob: 17890eb8d4b90ac57ddeda49ab48910ec1f3ad5f [file] [log] [blame]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# DEMO: dialog in [incr Widgets]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
package require Iwidgets 4.0
iwidgets::radiobox .rb -labelpos nw \
-labeltext "Use modality to\nlock up your\napplication:"
pack .rb -padx 4 -pady 4
.rb add none -text "-modality none"
.rb add application -text "-modality application"
.rb add global -text "-modality global"
.rb select none
button .activate -text "Push Me" -command {
.d configure -modality [.rb get]
.d activate
pack .activate
# Build a generic dialog
iwidgets::dialog .d
.d buttonconfigure OK -command {
puts "pushed: OK"
.d deactivate 1
.d buttonconfigure Apply -command {
puts "pushed: Apply"
.d buttonconfigure Cancel -command {
puts "pushed: Cancel"
.d deactivate 0
.d buttonconfigure Help -command {
puts "pushed: Help"
# Add something to the top of the dialog...
set win [.d childsite]
label $win.ex -text "Standard Dialog\n(put your widgets here)" \
-background black -foreground white \
-width 40 -height 5
pack $win.ex -expand yes -fill both -padx 4 -pady 4