blob: b9b1f92671331c6d5c2316c9a12c7fffe5b84256 [file] [log] [blame]
# Only load the rhabout plugin if it was installed.
foreach dir $::gdb_plugins {
if {[file exists [file join $dir rhabout]]} {
package require RHABOUT 1.0
$Menu add command Other "About Red Hat" \
{ManagedWin::open RHAbout} -underline 0
# To activate the PlugIn sample, uncomment the next line
set plugins_available 1
# Only load the Intel Pentium plugin for x86 targets.
if {[string match "i?86-*" $::GDBStartup(target_name)] && ![TargetSelection::native_debugging]} {
package require INTELPENTIUM 1.0
# Add a new cascading-style menu to plugin menu
$Menu add cascade intel "Intel Pentium" 0
# Add MSR selection dialog menu item.
$Menu add command None "MSR Selection..." \
{ManagedWin::open_dlg MsrSelDlg} -underline 0
# Add CPU info menu item.
$Menu add command None "CPU Information..." \
display_cpu_info -underline 0
# Activate the PlugIn.
set plugins_available 1