blob: b8ceff8f0f697c91afe642a7c7a2cbc2ffdbe62f [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/perl
# texi2any: Texinfo converter.
# Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Original author: Patrice Dumas <>
# Parts (also from Patrice Dumas) come from or texi2html.init.
# for POSIX::setlocale and File::Spec
require 5.00405;
use strict;
# for file names portability
use File::Spec;
# to determine the path separator and null file
use Config;
# for dirname and fileparse
use File::Basename;
#use Cwd;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
# for carp
#use Carp;
# This big BEGIN block deals with finding modules and
# some dependencies that we ship
# * in source or
# * installed or
# * installed relative to the script
# emulate -w
$^W = 1;
my ($real_command_name, $command_directory, $command_suffix)
= fileparse($0, '.pl');
my $updir = File::Spec->updir();
# These are substituted by the Makefile to create "texi2any".
my $datadir = '/usr/local/google/home/pgynther/clients/buildroot/output/host/usr/share';
my $package = 'texinfo';
my $packagedir = '/usr/local/google/home/pgynther/clients/buildroot/output/host/usr/lib/texinfo';
if ($datadir eq '@' .'datadir@' or $package eq '@' . 'PACKAGE@'
or $packagedir eq '@' .'pkglibdir@'
or defined($ENV{'TEXINFO_DEV_SOURCE'})
and $ENV{'TEXINFO_DEV_SOURCE'} ne '0')
# Use uninstalled modules
# To find Texinfo::ModulePath
if (!defined($ENV{'top_builddir'})) {
$ENV{'top_builddir'} = File::Spec->catdir($command_directory, $updir);
unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir($ENV{'top_builddir'}, 'tp');
if (defined($ENV{'top_srcdir'})) {
my $lib_dir = File::Spec->catdir($ENV{'top_srcdir'}, 'tp');
unshift @INC, $lib_dir;
require Texinfo::ModulePath;
} else {
# Look for modules in their installed locations.
my $lib_dir = File::Spec->catdir($datadir, $package);
# try to make package relocatable, will only work if
# standard relative paths are used
if (! -f File::Spec->catfile($lib_dir, 'Texinfo', '')
and -f File::Spec->catfile($command_directory, $updir, 'share',
'texinfo', 'Texinfo', '')) {
$lib_dir = File::Spec->catdir($command_directory, $updir,
'share', 'texinfo');
unshift @INC, $lib_dir;
require Texinfo::ModulePath;
Texinfo::ModulePath::init($lib_dir, $packagedir);
} # end BEGIN
my $enable_xs = 'no';
if ($enable_xs eq 'no') {
package Texinfo::Convert::Paragraph;
our $disable_XS;
$disable_XS = 1;
use Locale::Messages;
use Texinfo::Common;
use Texinfo::Convert::Converter;
my ($real_command_name, $command_directory, $command_suffix)
= fileparse($0, '.pl');
# this associates the command line options to the arrays set during
# command line parsing.
my @css_files = ();
my @css_refs = ();
my $cmdline_options = { 'CSS_FILES' => \@css_files,
'CSS_REFS' => \@css_refs };
# determine the path separators
my $path_separator = $Config{'path_sep'};
$path_separator = ':' if (!defined($path_separator));
my $quoted_path_separator = quotemeta($path_separator);
# Paths and file names
my $curdir = File::Spec->curdir();
my $updir = File::Spec->updir();
# set by configure, prefix for the sysconfdir and so on
# This could be used in the eval
my $prefix = '/usr/local/google/home/pgynther/clients/buildroot/output/host/usr';
my $datarootdir;
my $sysconfdir;
my $pkgdatadir;
my $datadir;
my $fallback_prefix = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->rootdir(), 'usr', 'local');
# We need to eval as $prefix has to be expanded. However when we haven't
# run configure @sysconfdir will be expanded as an array, thus we verify
# whether configure was run or not
if ('/usr/local/google/home/pgynther/clients/buildroot/output/host/etc' ne '@' . 'sysconfdir@') {
$sysconfdir = eval '"/usr/local/google/home/pgynther/clients/buildroot/output/host/etc"';
} else {
$sysconfdir = File::Spec->catdir($fallback_prefix, 'etc');
if ('/usr/local/google/home/pgynther/clients/buildroot/output/host/usr/share' ne '@' . 'datarootdir@') {
$datarootdir = eval '"/usr/local/google/home/pgynther/clients/buildroot/output/host/usr/share"';
} else {
$datarootdir = File::Spec->catdir($fallback_prefix, 'share');
if ('/usr/local/google/home/pgynther/clients/buildroot/output/host/usr/share' ne '@' . 'datadir@' and 'texinfo' ne '@' . 'PACKAGE@') {
$datadir = eval '"/usr/local/google/home/pgynther/clients/buildroot/output/host/usr/share"';
my $package = 'texinfo';
$pkgdatadir = File::Spec->catdir($datadir, $package);
} else {
$datadir = File::Spec->catdir($fallback_prefix, 'share');
$pkgdatadir = File::Spec->catdir($datadir, 'texinfo');
# work-around in case libintl-perl do not do it itself
# see
if ((defined($ENV{"LC_ALL"}) and $ENV{"LC_ALL"} =~ /^(C|POSIX)$/)
or (defined($ENV{"LANG"}) and $ENV{"LANG"} =~ /^(C|POSIX)$/)) {
delete $ENV{"LANGUAGE"} if defined($ENV{"LANGUAGE"});
#my $messages_textdomain = 'texinfo';
my $messages_textdomain = 'texinfo';
$messages_textdomain = 'texinfo' if ($messages_textdomain eq '@'.'PACKAGE@');
my $strings_textdomain = 'texinfo' . '_document';
$strings_textdomain = 'texinfo_document'
if ($strings_textdomain eq '@'.'PACKAGE@' . '_document');
sub __($) {
my $msgid = shift;
return Locale::Messages::dgettext($messages_textdomain, $msgid);
sub __p($$) {
my $context = shift;
my $msgid = shift;
return Locale::Messages::dpgettext($messages_textdomain, $context, $msgid);
my $srcdir;
if (defined($ENV{'top_srcdir'})) {
$srcdir = File::Spec->catdir($ENV{'top_srcdir'}, 'tp');
} else {
$srcdir = $command_directory;
my $libsrcdir = File::Spec->catdir($srcdir, 'maintain');
# we want a reliable way to switch locale, so we don't use the system
# gettext.
#my @search_locale_dirs = ("$datadir/locale", (map $_ . '/LocaleData', @INC),
# qw (/usr/share/locale /usr/local/share/locale));
my @search_locale_dirs = ();
if (($command_suffix eq '.pl' and !(defined($ENV{'TEXINFO_DEV_SOURCE'})
# in case of build from the source directory, out of source build,
# this helps to locate the locales.
my $locales_dir_found = 0;
@search_locale_dirs = (
File::Spec->catdir($libsrcdir, $updir, 'LocaleData'),
File::Spec->catdir($curdir, 'LocaleData'),
File::Spec->catdir($updir, $updir, $updir, 'tp', 'LocaleData'),
File::Spec->catdir($updir, $updir, 'tp', 'LocaleData'));
foreach my $locales_dir (@search_locale_dirs) {
if (-d $locales_dir) {
Locale::Messages::bindtextdomain ($strings_textdomain, $locales_dir);
# the messages in this domain are not regenerated automatically,
# only when calling ./maintain/
Locale::Messages::bindtextdomain ($messages_textdomain, $locales_dir);
$locales_dir_found = 1;
if (!$locales_dir_found) {
warn "Locales dir for document strings not found (@search_locale_dirs)\n";
} else {
Locale::Messages::bindtextdomain ($strings_textdomain,
File::Spec->catdir($datadir, 'locale'));
Locale::Messages::bindtextdomain ($messages_textdomain,
File::Spec->catdir($datadir, 'locale'));
#Locale::Messages::bindtextdomain ($messages_textdomain,
# File::Spec->catdir($datadir, 'locale'));
# Version setting is complicated, because we cope with
# * script with configure values substituted or not
# * script shipped as part of texinfo or as a standalone perl module
# When shipped as a perl modules, $hardcoded_version is set to undef here
# by a sed one liner. The consequence is that is not used
# to retrieve the version number.
# Otherwise this is only used as a safety value, and should never be used
# in practice as a regexp extracts the version from
my $hardcoded_version = "0.00-hardcoded";
# Version set in
my $configured_version = '6.1';
if ($configured_version eq '@' . 'PACKAGE_VERSION@') {
# if not configured, and $hardcoded_version is set search for the version
# in
if (defined($hardcoded_version)) {
if (open (CONFIGURE,
"< ".File::Spec->catfile($srcdir, $updir, ''))) {
while (<CONFIGURE>) {
if (/^AC_INIT\(\[[^\]]+\]\s*,\s*\[([^\]]+)\]\s*,/) {
$configured_version = "$1+dev"; # +dev to distinguish from installed
close (CONFIGURE);
# This should never be used, but is a safety value
$configured_version = $hardcoded_version if (!defined($configured_version));
} else {
# used in the standalone perl module, as $hardcoded_version is undef
# and it should never be configured in that setup
require Texinfo::Parser;
$configured_version = $Texinfo::Parser::VERSION;
my $configured_package = 'texinfo';
$configured_package = 'Texinfo' if ($configured_package eq '@' . 'PACKAGE@');
my $configured_name = 'GNU Texinfo';
$configured_name = $configured_package
if ($configured_name eq '@' .'PACKAGE_NAME@');
my $configured_name_version = "$configured_name $configured_version";
my $configured_url = '';
$configured_url = ''
if ($configured_url eq '@' .'PACKAGE_URL@');
my $texinfo_dtd_version = '6.0';
# $hardcoded_version is undef for a standalone perl module
if ($texinfo_dtd_version eq '@' . 'TEXINFO_DTD_VERSION@') {
$texinfo_dtd_version = undef;
if (defined($hardcoded_version)) {
if (open (CONFIGURE,
"< ".File::Spec->catfile($srcdir, $updir, ''))) {
while (<CONFIGURE>) {
if (/^TEXINFO_DTD_VERSION=([0-9]\S*)/) {
$texinfo_dtd_version = "$1";
close (CONFIGURE);
# Used in case it is not hardcoded in configure and for standalone perl module
$texinfo_dtd_version = $configured_version
if (!defined($texinfo_dtd_version));
# defaults for options relevant in the main program, not undef, and also
# defaults for all the converters.
# Other relevant options (undef) are NO_WARN FORCE OUTFILE
# Others are set in the converters (SHOW_MENU).
my $converter_default_options = {
'ERROR_LIMIT' => 100,
'TEXI2DVI' => 'texi2dvi',
'PACKAGE_VERSION' => $configured_version,
'PACKAGE' => $configured_package,
'PACKAGE_NAME' => $configured_name,
'PACKAGE_AND_VERSION' => $configured_name_version,
'PACKAGE_URL' => $configured_url,
'PROGRAM' => $real_command_name,
'TEXINFO_DTD_VERSION' => $texinfo_dtd_version,
# determine configuration directories.
my $conf_file_name = 'Config' ;
my $texinfo_htmlxref = 'htmlxref.cnf';
# directories for texinfo configuration files
my @language_config_dirs = File::Spec->catdir($curdir, '.texinfo');
push @language_config_dirs, File::Spec->catdir($ENV{'HOME'}, '.texinfo')
if (defined($ENV{'HOME'}));
push @language_config_dirs, File::Spec->catdir($sysconfdir, 'texinfo')
if (defined($sysconfdir));
push @language_config_dirs, File::Spec->catdir($datadir, 'texinfo')
if (defined($datadir));
my @texinfo_config_dirs = ($curdir, @language_config_dirs);
my @program_config_dirs;
my @program_init_dirs;
my $program_name = 'texi2any';
@program_config_dirs = ($curdir, File::Spec->catdir($curdir, ".$program_name"));
push @program_config_dirs, File::Spec->catdir($ENV{'HOME'}, ".$program_name")
if (defined($ENV{'HOME'}));
push @program_config_dirs, File::Spec->catdir($sysconfdir, $program_name)
if (defined($sysconfdir));
push @program_config_dirs, File::Spec->catdir($datadir, $program_name)
if (defined($datadir));
@program_init_dirs = @program_config_dirs;
foreach my $texinfo_config_dir (@language_config_dirs) {
push @program_init_dirs, File::Spec->catdir($texinfo_config_dir, 'init');
# Namespace for configuration
package Texinfo::Config;
#use Carp;
# passed from main program
my $cmdline_options;
my $default_options;
# used in main program
our $options = {};
sub _load_config($$) {
$default_options = shift;
$cmdline_options = shift;
#print STDERR "cmdline_options: ".join('|',keys(%$cmdline_options))."\n";
sub _load_init_file($) {
my $file = shift;
require Texinfo::Convert::HTML;
eval { require($file) ;};
my $e = $@;
if ($e ne '') {
main::document_warn(sprintf(main::__("error loading %s: %s\n"),
$file, $e));
# FIXME: maybe use an opaque return status that can be used to retrieve
# an error message?
sub set_from_init_file($$) {
my $var = shift;
my $value = shift;
if (!Texinfo::Common::valid_option($var)) {
# carp may be better, but infortunately, it points to the routine that
# loads the file, and not to the init file.
main::document_warn(sprintf(main::__("%s: unknown variable %s"),
'set_from_init_file', $var));
return 0;
} elsif (Texinfo::Common::obsolete_option($var)) {
main::document_warn(sprintf(main::__("%s: obsolete variable %s\n"),
'set_from_init_file', $var));
return 0 if (defined($cmdline_options->{$var}));
delete $default_options->{$var};
$options->{$var} = $value;
return 1;
sub set_from_cmdline($$) {
my $var = shift;
my $value = shift;
delete $options->{$var};
delete $default_options->{$var};
if (!Texinfo::Common::valid_option($var)) {
main::document_warn(sprintf(main::__("%s: unknown variable %s\n"),
'set_from_cmdline', $var));
return 0;
} elsif (Texinfo::Common::obsolete_option($var)) {
main::document_warn(sprintf(main::__("obsolete variable %s\n"),
'set_from_cmdline', $var));
$cmdline_options->{$var} = $value;
return 1;
# This also could get and set some @-command results.
# FIXME But it does not take into account what happens during conversion,
# for that something like $converter->get_conf(...) has to be used.
sub get_conf($) {
my $var = shift;
if (exists($cmdline_options->{$var})) {
return $cmdline_options->{$var};
} elsif (exists($options->{$var})) {
return $options->{$var};
} elsif (exists($default_options->{$var})) {
return $default_options->{$var};
} else {
return undef;
# back in main program namespace
# file: file name to locate. It can be a file path.
# directories: a reference on a array containing a list of directories to
# search the file in.
# all_files: if true collect all the files with that name, otherwise stop
# at first match.
sub locate_init_file($$$)
my $file = shift;
my $directories = shift;
my $all_files = shift;
if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($file)) {
return $file if (-e $file and -r $file);
} else {
my @files;
foreach my $dir (@$directories) {
next unless (-d $dir);
my $possible_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file);
if ($all_files) {
push (@files, $possible_file)
if (-e $possible_file and -r $possible_file);
} else {
return $possible_file if (-e $possible_file and -r $possible_file);
return @files if ($all_files);
return undef;
sub locate_and_load_init_file($$)
my $filename = shift;
my $directories = shift;
my $file = locate_init_file($filename, $directories, 0);
if (defined($file)) {
} else {
document_warn(sprintf(__("could not read init file %s"), $filename));
# read initialization files
foreach my $file (locate_init_file($conf_file_name,
[ reverse(@program_config_dirs) ], 1)) {
sub set_from_cmdline($$) {
return &Texinfo::Config::set_from_cmdline(@_);
sub set_from_init_file($$) {
return &Texinfo::Config::set_from_init_file(@_);
sub get_conf($) {
return &Texinfo::Config::get_conf(@_);
my @input_file_suffixes = ('.txi','.texinfo','.texi','.txinfo','');
my @texi2dvi_args = ();
my $format = 'info';
# this is the format associated with the output format, which is replaced
# when the output format changes. It may also be removed if there is the
# corresponding --no-ifformat.
my $default_expanded_format = [ $format ];
my @conf_dirs = ();
my @include_dirs = ();
my @prepend_dirs = ();
# options for all the files
my $parser_default_options = {'expanded_formats' => [],
'values' => {'txicommandconditionals' => 1},
'gettext' => \&__,
'pgettext' => \&__p,};
Texinfo::Config::_load_config($converter_default_options, $cmdline_options);
sub set_expansion($$) {
my $region = shift;
my $set = shift;
$set = 1 if (!defined($set));
if ($set) {
push @{$parser_default_options->{'expanded_formats'}}, $region
unless (grep {$_ eq $region} @{$parser_default_options->{'expanded_formats'}});
} else {
@{$parser_default_options->{'expanded_formats'}} =
grep {$_ ne $region} @{$parser_default_options->{'expanded_formats'}};
= grep {$_ ne $region} @{$default_expanded_format};
my $format_from_command_line = 0;
my %format_command_line_names = (
'xml' => 'texinfoxml',
my %formats_table = (
'info' => {
'nodes_tree' => 1,
'floats' => 1,
'module' => 'Texinfo::Convert::Info'
'plaintext' => {
'nodes_tree' => 1,
'floats' => 1,
'split' => 1,
'module' => 'Texinfo::Convert::Plaintext'
'html' => {
'nodes_tree' => 1,
'floats' => 1,
'split' => 1,
'internal_links' => 1,
'simple_menu' => 1,
'move_index_entries_after_items' => 1,
'no_warn_non_empty_parts' => 1,
'module' => 'Texinfo::Convert::HTML'
'texinfoxml' => {
'nodes_tree' => 1,
'module' => 'Texinfo::Convert::TexinfoXML',
'floats' => 1,
'texinfosxml' => {
'nodes_tree' => 1,
'module' => 'Texinfo::Convert::TexinfoSXML',
'floats' => 1,
'ixinsxml' => {
'nodes_tree' => 1,
'module' => 'Texinfo::Convert::IXINSXML'
'docbook' => {
'move_index_entries_after_items' => 1,
'no_warn_non_empty_parts' => 1,
'module' => 'Texinfo::Convert::DocBook'
'pdf' => {
'texi2dvi_format' => 1,
'ps' => {
'texi2dvi_format' => 1,
'dvi' => {
'texi2dvi_format' => 1,
'dvipdf' => {
'texi2dvi_format' => 1,
'debugcount' => {
'nodes_tree' => 1,
'floats' => 1,
'module' => 'DebugTexinfo::DebugCount'
'debugtree' => {
'split' => 1,
'module' => 'DebugTexinfo::DebugTree'
'textcontent' => {
'converter' => sub{Texinfo::Convert::TextContent->converter(@_)},
'rawtext' => {
'converter' => sub{Texinfo::Convert::Text->converter(@_)},
'plaintexinfo' => {
'converter' => sub{Texinfo::Convert::PlainTexinfo->converter(@_)},
'parse' => {
'structure' => {
'nodes_tree' => 1,
'floats' => 1,
'split' => 1,
my $call_texi2dvi = 0;
# previous_format should be in argument if there is a possibility of error.
# as a fallback, the $format global variable is used.
sub set_format($;$$)
my $set_format = shift;
my $previous_format = shift;
$previous_format = $format if (!defined($previous_format));
my $do_not_override_command_line = shift;
my $new_format;
if ($format_command_line_names{$set_format}) {
$new_format = $format_command_line_names{$set_format};
} else {
$new_format = $set_format;
my $expanded_format = $set_format;
if (!$formats_table{$new_format}) {
document_warn(sprintf(__("ignoring unrecognized TEXINFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT value `%s'\n"),
$new_format = $previous_format;
} else {
if ($format_from_command_line and $do_not_override_command_line) {
$new_format = $previous_format;
} else {
if ($formats_table{$new_format}->{'texi2dvi_format'}) {
$call_texi2dvi = 1;
push @texi2dvi_args, '--'.$new_format;
$expanded_format = 'tex';
if ($Texinfo::Common::texinfo_output_formats{$expanded_format}) {
if ($expanded_format eq 'plaintext') {
$default_expanded_format = [$expanded_format, 'info']
} else {
$default_expanded_format = [$expanded_format]
$format_from_command_line = 1
unless ($do_not_override_command_line);
return $new_format;
sub set_global_format($)
my $set_format = shift;
$format = set_format($set_format);
sub document_warn($) {
return if (get_conf('NO_WARN'));
my $text = shift;
chomp ($text);
warn(sprintf(__p("program name: warning: warning_message",
"%s: warning: %s\n"), $real_command_name, $text));
sub _exit($$)
my $error_count = shift;
my $opened_files = shift;
if ($error_count and $opened_files and !get_conf('FORCE')) {
while (@$opened_files) {
my $opened_file = shift (@$opened_files);
unlink ($opened_file);
exit (1) if ($error_count and (!get_conf('FORCE')
or $error_count > get_conf('ERROR_LIMIT')));
sub handle_errors($$$)
my $self = shift;
my $error_count = shift;
my $opened_files = shift;
my ($errors, $new_error_count) = $self->errors();
$error_count += $new_error_count if ($new_error_count);
foreach my $error_message (@$errors) {
warn $error_message->{'error_line'} if ($error_message->{'type'} eq 'error'
or !get_conf('NO_WARN'));
_exit($error_count, $opened_files);
return $error_count;
sub _get_converter_default($)
my $option = shift;
return $Texinfo::Convert::Converter::all_converters_defaults{$option}
if (defined($Texinfo::Convert::Converter::all_converters_defaults{$option}));
return undef;
sub makeinfo_help()
my $makeinfo_help =
sprintf(__("Usage: %s [OPTION]... TEXINFO-FILE...\n"),
$real_command_name . $command_suffix)
__("Translate Texinfo source documentation to various other formats, by default
Info files suitable for reading online with Emacs or standalone GNU Info.
This program is commonly installed as both `makeinfo' and `texi2any';
the behavior is identical, and does not depend on the installed name.\n")
$makeinfo_help .= sprintf(__("General options:
--document-language=STR locale to use in translating Texinfo keywords
for the output document (default C).
--error-limit=NUM quit after NUM errors (default %d).
--force preserve output even if errors.
--help display this help and exit.
--no-validate suppress node cross-reference validation.
--no-warn suppress warnings (but not errors).
--conf-dir=DIR search also for initialization files in DIR.
--init-file=FILE load FILE to modify the default behavior.
-c, --set-customization-variable VAR=VAL set customization variable VAR
to value VAL.
-v, --verbose explain what is being done.
--version display version information and exit.\n"),
$makeinfo_help .= __("Output format selection (default is to produce Info):
--docbook output Docbook XML rather than Info.
--html output HTML rather than Info.
--plaintext output plain text rather than Info.
--xml output Texinfo XML rather than Info.
--dvi, --dvipdf, --ps, --pdf call texi2dvi to generate given output,
after checking validity of TEXINFO-FILE.\n")
$makeinfo_help .= __("General output options:
-E, --macro-expand=FILE output macro-expanded source to FILE,
ignoring any \@setfilename.
--no-headers suppress node separators, Node: lines, and menus
from Info output (thus producing plain text)
or from HTML (thus producing shorter output).
Also, if producing Info, write to
standard output by default.
--no-split suppress any splitting of the output;
generate only one output file.
--[no-]number-sections output chapter and sectioning numbers;
default is on.
-o, --output=DEST output to DEST.
With split output, create DEST as a directory
and put the output files there.
With non-split output, if DEST is already
a directory or ends with a /,
put the output file there.
Otherwise, DEST names the output file.\n")
$makeinfo_help .= sprintf(__("Options for Info and plain text:
--disable-encoding do not output accented and special characters
in Info output based on \@documentencoding.
--enable-encoding override --disable-encoding (default).
--fill-column=NUM break Info lines at NUM characters (default %d).
--footnote-style=STYLE output footnotes in Info according to STYLE:
`separate' to put them in their own node;
`end' to put them at the end of the node, in
which they are defined (this is the default).
--paragraph-indent=VAL indent Info paragraphs by VAL spaces (default %d).
If VAL is `none', do not indent; if VAL is
`asis', preserve existing indentation.
--split-size=NUM split Info files at size NUM (default %d).\n"),
$makeinfo_help .= __("Options for HTML:
--css-include=FILE include FILE in HTML <style> output;
read stdin if FILE is -.
--css-ref=URL generate CSS reference to URL.
--internal-links=FILE produce list of internal links in FILE.
--split=SPLIT split at SPLIT, where SPLIT may be `chapter',
`section' or `node'.
--transliterate-file-names use file names in ASCII transliteration.
--node-files produce redirection files for nodes and
anchors; default is set only if split.\n")
$makeinfo_help .= __("Options for XML and Docbook:
--output-indent=VAL does nothing, retained for compatibility.\n")
$makeinfo_help .= __("Options for DVI/PS/PDF:
--Xopt=OPT pass OPT to texi2dvi; can be repeated.\n")
$makeinfo_help .= __("Input file options:
--commands-in-node-names does nothing, retained for compatibility.
-D VAR define the variable VAR, as with \@set.
-D 'VAR VAL' define VAR to VAL (one shell argument).
-I DIR append DIR to the \@include search path.
-P DIR prepend DIR to the \@include search path.
-U VAR undefine the variable VAR, as with \@clear.\n")
$makeinfo_help .= __("Conditional processing in input:
--ifdocbook process \@ifdocbook and \@docbook even if
not generating Docbook.
--ifhtml process \@ifhtml and \@html even if not generating HTML.
--ifinfo process \@ifinfo even if not generating Info.
--ifplaintext process \@ifplaintext even if not generating plain text.
--iftex process \@iftex and \@tex.
--ifxml process \@ifxml and \@xml.
--no-ifdocbook do not process \@ifdocbook and \@docbook text.
--no-ifhtml do not process \@ifhtml and \@html text.
--no-ifinfo do not process \@ifinfo text.
--no-ifplaintext do not process \@ifplaintext text.
--no-iftex do not process \@iftex and \@tex text.
--no-ifxml do not process \@ifxml and \@xml text.
Also, for the --no-ifFORMAT options, do process \@ifnotFORMAT text.\n")
$makeinfo_help .= __(" The defaults for the \@if... conditionals depend on the output format:
if generating Docbook, --ifdocbook is on and the others are off;
if generating HTML, --ifhtml is on and the others are off;
if generating Info, --ifinfo is on and the others are off;
if generating plain text, --ifplaintext is on and the others are off;
if generating XML, --ifxml is on and the others are off.\n")
$makeinfo_help .= __("Examples:
makeinfo foo.texi write Info to foo's \@setfilename
makeinfo --html foo.texi write HTML to \@setfilename
makeinfo --xml foo.texi write Texinfo XML to \@setfilename
makeinfo --docbook foo.texi write Docbook XML to \@setfilename
makeinfo --plaintext foo.texi write plain text to standard output
makeinfo --pdf foo.texi write PDF using texi2dvi
makeinfo --html --no-headers foo.texi write html without node lines, menus
makeinfo --number-sections foo.texi write Info with numbered sections
makeinfo --no-split foo.texi write one Info file however big\n")
$makeinfo_help .= __("Email bug reports to bug-texinfo\,
general questions and discussion to help-texinfo\
Texinfo home page:") ."\n";
return $makeinfo_help;
my $Xopt_arg_nr = 0;
my $latex2html_file = '';
my $result_options = Getopt::Long::GetOptions (
'help|h' => sub { print makeinfo_help(); exit 0; },
'version|V' => sub {print "$program_name (GNU texinfo) $configured_version\n\n";
printf __("Copyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"), "2016";
exit 0;},
'macro-expand|E=s' => sub { set_from_cmdline('MACRO_EXPAND', $_[1]); },
'ifhtml!' => sub { set_expansion('html', $_[1]); },
'ifinfo!' => sub { set_expansion('info', $_[1]); },
'ifxml!' => sub { set_expansion('xml', $_[1]); },
'ifdocbook!' => sub { set_expansion('docbook', $_[1]); },
'iftex!' => sub { set_expansion('tex', $_[1]); },
'ifplaintext!' => sub { set_expansion('plaintext', $_[1]); },
'I=s' => sub { push @texi2dvi_args, ('-'.$_[0], $_[1]);
push @include_dirs, split(/$quoted_path_separator/, $_[1]); },
'conf-dir=s' => sub { push @conf_dirs, split(/$quoted_path_separator/, $_[1]); },
'P=s' => sub { unshift @prepend_dirs, split(/$quoted_path_separator/, $_[1]); },
'number-sections!' => sub { set_from_cmdline('NUMBER_SECTIONS', $_[1]); },
'number-footnotes!' => sub { set_from_cmdline('NUMBER_FOOTNOTES', $_[1]); },
'node-files!' => sub { set_from_cmdline('NODE_FILES', $_[1]); },
'footnote-style=s' => sub {
if ($_[1] eq 'end' or $_[1] eq 'separate') {
set_from_cmdline('footnotestyle', $_[1]);
} else {
die sprintf(__("%s: --footnote-style arg must be `separate' or `end', not `%s'.\n"), $real_command_name, $_[1]);
'split=s' => sub { my $split = $_[1];
my @messages
= Texinfo::Common::warn_unknown_split($_[1], \&__);
if (@messages) {
foreach my $message (@messages) {
$split = 'node';
set_from_cmdline('SPLIT', $split); },
'no-split' => sub { set_from_cmdline('SPLIT', '');
set_from_cmdline('SPLIT_SIZE', undef);},
'headers!' => sub { set_from_cmdline('HEADERS', $_[1]);
set_from_cmdline('SHOW_MENU', $_[1]);
$format = 'plaintext' if (!$_[1] and $format eq 'info'); },
'output|out|o=s' => sub {
my $var = 'OUTFILE';
if ($_[1] =~ m:/$: or -d $_[1]) {
set_from_cmdline($var, undef);
$var = 'SUBDIR';
set_from_cmdline($var, $_[1]);
set_from_cmdline('OUT', $_[1]);
push @texi2dvi_args, '-o', $_[1];
'no-validate|no-pointer-validate' => sub {
$parser_default_options->{'novalidate'} = $_[1];
'no-warn' => sub { set_from_cmdline('NO_WARN', $_[1]); },
'verbose|v!' => sub {set_from_cmdline('VERBOSE', $_[1]);
push @texi2dvi_args, '--verbose'; },
'document-language=s' => sub {
set_from_cmdline('documentlanguage', $_[1]);
$parser_default_options->{'documentlanguage'} = $_[1];
my @messages
= Texinfo::Common::warn_unknown_language($_[1], \&__);
foreach my $message (@messages) {
'D=s' => sub {
my $var = $_[1];
my @field = split (/\s+/, $var, 2);
if (@field == 1) {
$parser_default_options->{'values'}->{$var} = 1;
} else {
$parser_default_options->{'values'}->{$field[0]} = $field[1];
'U=s' => sub {delete $parser_default_options->{'values'}->{$_[1]};},
'init-file=s' => sub {
locate_and_load_init_file($_[1], [ @conf_dirs, @program_init_dirs ]);
'set-customization-variable|c=s' => sub {
my $var_val = $_[1];
if ($var_val =~ s/^(\w+)\s*=?\s*//) {
my $var = $1;
my $value = $var_val;
if ($value =~ /^undef$/i) {
$value = undef;
# special format
if ($var eq 'TEXINFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT') {
$format = set_format($value, $format, 1);
} elsif ($var eq 'TEXI2HTML') {
$format = set_format('html');
$parser_default_options->{'values'}->{'texi2html'} = 1;
set_from_cmdline($var, $value);
# FIXME do that here or when all command line options are processed?
if ($var eq 'L2H' and get_conf('L2H')) {
[ @conf_dirs, @program_init_dirs ]);
'css-include=s' => \@css_files,
'css-ref=s' => \@css_refs,
'transliterate-file-names!' =>
sub {set_from_cmdline('TRANSLITERATE_FILE_NAMES', $_[1]);},
'error-limit|e=i' => sub { set_from_cmdline('ERROR_LIMIT', $_[1]); },
'split-size=s' => sub {set_from_cmdline('SPLIT_SIZE', $_[1])},
'paragraph-indent|p=s' => sub {
my $value = $_[1];
if ($value =~ /^([0-9]+)$/ or $value eq 'none' or $value eq 'asis') {
set_from_cmdline('paragraphindent', $_[1]);
} else {
die sprintf(__("%s: --paragraph-indent arg must be numeric/`none'/`asis', not `%s'.\n"),
$real_command_name, $value);
'fill-column|f=i' => sub {set_from_cmdline('FILLCOLUMN',$_[1]);},
'enable-encoding' => sub {set_from_cmdline('ENABLE_ENCODING',$_[1]);
$parser_default_options->{'ENABLE_ENCODING'} = $_[1];},
'disable-encoding' => sub {set_from_cmdline('ENABLE_ENCODING', 0);
$parser_default_options->{'ENABLE_ENCODING'} = 0;},
'internal-links=s' => sub {set_from_cmdline('INTERNAL_LINKS', $_[1]);},
'force|F' => sub {set_from_cmdline('FORCE', $_[1]);},
'commands-in-node-names' => sub { ;},
'output-indent=i' => sub { ;},
'reference-limit=i' => sub { ;},
'Xopt=s' => sub {push @texi2dvi_args, $_[1]; $Xopt_arg_nr++},
'silent|quiet' => sub {set_from_cmdline('SILENT', $_[1]);
push @texi2dvi_args, '--'.$_[0];},
'plaintext' => sub {$format = set_format($_[0].'');},
'html' => sub {$format = set_format($_[0].'');},
'info' => sub {$format = set_format($_[0].'');},
'docbook' => sub {$format = set_format($_[0].'');},
'xml' => sub {$format = set_format($_[0].'');},
'dvi' => sub {$format = set_format($_[0].'');},
'dvipdf' => sub {$format = set_format($_[0].'');},
'ps' => sub {$format = set_format($_[0].'');},
'pdf' => sub {$format = set_format($_[0].'');},
'debug=i' => sub {set_from_cmdline('DEBUG', $_[1]);
$parser_default_options->{'DEBUG'} = $_[1];
push @texi2dvi_args, '--'.$_[0]; },
exit 1 if (!$result_options);
# For tests, set some strings to values not changing with releases
my %test_conf = (
'PACKAGE' => 'texinfo',
'PACKAGE_NAME' => 'texinfo',
'PACKAGE_AND_VERSION' => 'texinfo',
'PACKAGE_URL' => '',
# maybe don't set this?
'PROGRAM' => 'texi2any',
if (get_conf('TEST')) {
foreach my $conf (keys (%test_conf)) {
$converter_default_options->{$conf} = $test_conf{$conf};
my %format_names = (
'info' => 'Info',
'html' => 'HTML',
'docbook' => 'DocBook',
'texinfoxml' => 'Texinfo XML',
'plaintext' => 'Plain Text',
sub format_name($)
my $format = shift;
if ($format_names{$format}) {
return $format_names{$format};
} else {
return $format;
$format = set_format($ENV{'TEXINFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT'}, $format, 1);
if ($call_texi2dvi) {
if (defined(get_conf('OUT')) and @ARGV > 1) {
die sprintf(__('%s: when generating %s, only one input FILE may be specified with -o'."\n"),
$real_command_name, format_name($format));
} elsif($Xopt_arg_nr) {
document_warn(__('--Xopt option without printed output'));
require Texinfo::Parser;
require Texinfo::Structuring;
# Avoid loading these modules until down here to speed up the case
# when they are not needed.
my %tree_transformations;
if (get_conf('TREE_TRANSFORMATIONS')) {
my @transformations = split /,/, get_conf('TREE_TRANSFORMATIONS');
foreach my $transformation (@transformations) {
if (Texinfo::Common::valid_tree_transformation($transformation)) {
$tree_transformations{$transformation} = 1;
} else {
document_warn(sprintf(__('unknown tree transformation %s'),
if (get_conf('SPLIT') and !$formats_table{$format}->{'split'}) {
document_warn(sprintf(__('ignoring splitting for format %s'),
set_from_cmdline('SPLIT', '');
foreach my $expanded_format (@{$default_expanded_format}) {
push @{$parser_default_options->{'expanded_formats'}}, $expanded_format
unless (grep {$_ eq $expanded_format} @{$parser_default_options->{'expanded_formats'}});
my $converter_class;
my %converter_defaults;
if (defined($formats_table{$format}->{'module'})) {
# Speed up initialization by only loading the module we need.
eval "require $formats_table{$format}->{'module'};"
or die "$@";
eval '$formats_table{$format}->{\'converter\'} = sub{'.
# This gets the class right, even though there is a sub...
if (defined($formats_table{$format}->{'converter'})) {
$converter_class = ref(&{$formats_table{$format}->{'converter'}});
%converter_defaults = $converter_class->converter_defaults();
# FIXME should this be set when the --set is set too? The corresponding
# code is ready above, but commented out.
# using no warnings is wrong, but a way to avoid a spurious warning.
no warnings 'once';
foreach my $parser_settable_option (
keys(%Texinfo::Parser::default_customization_values)) {
if (defined(get_conf($parser_settable_option))) {
= get_conf($parser_settable_option);
} elsif (defined($converter_class)
and defined($converter_defaults{$parser_settable_option})) {
= $converter_defaults{$parser_settable_option};
## using no warnings is wrong, but a way to avoid a spurious warning.
#no warnings 'once';
# The configuration options are upper-cased when considered as
# customization variables, and lower-cased when passed to the Parser
foreach my $parser_option (map {uc($_)}
(keys (%Texinfo::Common::default_parser_state_configuration))) {
$parser_default_options->{lc($parser_option)} = get_conf($parser_option)
if (defined(get_conf($parser_option)));
# Main processing, process all the files given on the command line
my @input_files = @ARGV;
# use STDIN if not a tty, like makeinfo does
@input_files = ('-') if (!scalar(@input_files) and !-t STDIN);
die sprintf(__("%s: missing file argument.\n"), $real_command_name)
.sprintf(__("Try `%s --help' for more information.\n"), $real_command_name)
unless (scalar(@input_files) >= 1);
my $file_number = -1;
my @opened_files = ();
my %unclosed_files;
my $error_count = 0;
# main processing
while(@input_files) {
my $input_file_arg = shift(@input_files);
my $input_file_name;
# try to concatenate with different suffixes. The last suffix is ''
# such that the plain file name is checked.
foreach my $suffix (@input_file_suffixes) {
if (-e $input_file_arg.$suffix) {
$input_file_name = $input_file_arg.$suffix;
# in case no file was found, still set the file name
$input_file_name = $input_file_arg if (!defined($input_file_name));
my ($input_filename, $input_directory, $suffix) = fileparse($input_file_name);
if (!defined($input_directory) or $input_directory eq '') {
$input_directory = $curdir;
my $input_file_base = $input_file_name;
$input_file_base =~ s/\.te?x(i|info)?$//;
my @htmlxref_dirs;
if (get_conf('TEST')) {
# to have reproducible tests, do not use system or user
# directories if TEST is set.
@htmlxref_dirs = File::Spec->catdir($curdir, '.texinfo');
} else {
@htmlxref_dirs = @language_config_dirs;
if ($input_directory ne '.' and $input_directory ne '') {
unshift @htmlxref_dirs, $input_directory;
unshift @htmlxref_dirs, '.';
my @texinfo_htmlxref_files
= locate_init_file ($texinfo_htmlxref, \@htmlxref_dirs, 1);
my $parser_options = { %$parser_default_options };
$parser_options->{'include_directories'} = [@include_dirs];
my @prependended_include_directories = ('.');
push @prependended_include_directories, $input_directory
if ($input_directory ne '.');
unshift @{$parser_options->{'include_directories'}},
unshift @{$parser_options->{'include_directories'}}, @prepend_dirs;
my $parser = Texinfo::Parser::parser($parser_options);
my $tree = $parser->parse_texi_file($input_file_name);
#my $global_commands = $parser->global_commands_information();
#print STDERR join('|', keys(%$global_commands))."\n";
if (!defined($tree) or $format eq 'parse') {
handle_errors($parser, $error_count, \@opened_files);
if (defined(get_conf('DUMP_TREE'))
or (get_conf('DEBUG') and get_conf('DEBUG') >= 10)) {
# this is very wrong, but a way to avoid a spurious warning.
no warnings 'once';
local $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
no warnings 'once';
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$tree]);
if ($tree_transformations{'fill_gaps_in_sectioning'}) {
my ($filled_contents, $added_sections)
= Texinfo::Structuring::fill_gaps_in_sectioning($tree);
if (!defined($filled_contents)) {
document_warn(__("fill_gaps_in_sectioning transformation return no result. No section?"));
} else {
$tree->{'contents'} = $filled_contents;
if ((get_conf('SIMPLE_MENU')
and $formats_table{$format}->{'simple_menu'})
or $tree_transformations{'simple_menus'}) {
if (defined(get_conf('MACRO_EXPAND')) and $file_number == 0) {
require Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo;
my $texinfo_text = Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo::convert($tree, 1);
#print STDERR "$texinfo_text\n";
my $macro_expand_file = get_conf('MACRO_EXPAND');
my $macro_expand_fh = Texinfo::Common::open_out($parser,
$macro_expand_file, $parser->{'INPUT_PERL_ENCODING'});
my $error_macro_expand_file;
if (defined($macro_expand_fh)) {
print $macro_expand_fh $texinfo_text;
if (!close($macro_expand_fh)) {
document_warn(sprintf(__("error on closing macro expand file %s: %s\n"),
$macro_expand_file, $!));
$error_macro_expand_file = 1;
} else {
document_warn(sprintf(__("could not open %s for writing: %s\n"),
$macro_expand_file, $!));
$error_macro_expand_file = 1;
if ($error_macro_expand_file) {
_exit($error_count, \@opened_files);
if (get_conf('DUMP_TEXI') or $formats_table{$format}->{'texi2dvi_format'}) {
handle_errors($parser, $error_count, \@opened_files);
if ($formats_table{$format}->{'move_index_entries_after_items'}
or $tree_transformations{'move_index_entries_after_items'}) {
if ($tree_transformations{'insert_nodes_for_sectioning_commands'}) {
my ($modified_contents, $added_nodes)
= Texinfo::Structuring::insert_nodes_for_sectioning_commands($parser, $tree);
if (!defined($modified_contents)) {
"insert_nodes_for_sectioning_commands transformation return no result. No section?"));
} else {
$tree->{'contents'} = $modified_contents;
# every format needs the sectioning structure
# FIXME this adjusts the level of sectioning commands. Maybe should be
# done before dumping the tree?
my $structure = Texinfo::Structuring::sectioning_structure($parser, $tree);
if ($structure
and !$formats_table{$format}->{'no_warn_non_empty_parts'}) {
if ($tree_transformations{'complete_tree_nodes_menus'}) {
Texinfo::Structuring::complete_tree_nodes_menus($parser, $tree);
} elsif (!$parser->{'validatemenus'}) {
Texinfo::Structuring::add_missing_menus($parser, $tree);
if ($tree_transformations{'indent_menu_descriptions'}) {
Texinfo::Convert::Plaintext::indent_menu_descriptions(undef, $parser);
if ($tree_transformations{'regenerate_master_menu'}) {
# this can be done for every format, since information is already gathered
my $floats = $parser->floats_information();
my $top_node;
if ($formats_table{$format}->{'nodes_tree'}) {
$top_node = Texinfo::Structuring::nodes_tree($parser);
if ($formats_table{$format}->{'floats'}) {
$error_count = handle_errors($parser, $error_count, \@opened_files);
if ($format eq 'structure') {
if ($file_number != 0) {
delete $cmdline_options->{'OUTFILE'} if exists($cmdline_options->{'OUTFILE'});
delete $cmdline_options->{'OUT'} if exists($cmdline_options->{'OUT'});
delete $cmdline_options->{'PREFIX'} if exists($cmdline_options->{'PREFIX'});
delete $cmdline_options->{'SUBDIR'}
if (exists($cmdline_options->{'SUBDIR'}) and get_conf('SPLIT'));
my $converter_options = { %$converter_default_options,
%$Texinfo::Config::options };
$converter_options->{'parser'} = $parser;
$converter_options->{'output_format'} = $format;
$converter_options->{'htmlxref_files'} = \@texinfo_htmlxref_files;
my $converter = &{$formats_table{$format}->{'converter'}}($converter_options);
push @opened_files, $converter->converter_opened_files();
handle_errors($converter, $error_count, \@opened_files);
my $converter_unclosed_files = $converter->converter_unclosed_files();
if ($converter_unclosed_files) {
foreach my $unclosed_file (keys(%$converter_unclosed_files)) {
if ($unclosed_file eq '-') {
= $converter_unclosed_files->{$unclosed_file};
} else {
if (!close($converter_unclosed_files->{$unclosed_file})) {
warn(sprintf(__("%s: error on closing %s: %s\n"),
$real_command_name, $unclosed_file, $!));
_exit($error_count, \@opened_files);
if (defined(get_conf('INTERNAL_LINKS')) and $file_number == 0
and $formats_table{$format}->{'internal_links'}) {
my $internal_links_text
= $converter->output_internal_links();
# always create a file, even if empty.
$internal_links_text = '' if (!defined($internal_links_text));
my $internal_links_file = get_conf('INTERNAL_LINKS');
my $internal_links_fh = Texinfo::Common::open_out($converter,
my $error_internal_links_file;
if (defined ($internal_links_fh)) {
print $internal_links_fh $internal_links_text;
if (!close ($internal_links_fh)) {
warn(sprintf(__("%s: error on closing internal links file %s: %s\n"),
$real_command_name, $internal_links_file, $!));
$error_internal_links_file = 1;
} else {
warn(sprintf(__("%s: could not open %s for writing: %s\n"),
$real_command_name, $internal_links_file, $!));
$error_internal_links_file = 1;
if ($error_internal_links_file) {
_exit($error_count, \@opened_files);
if (defined(get_conf('SORT_ELEMENT_COUNT')) and $file_number == 0) {
my $converter_element_count_file
= Texinfo::Convert::TextContent->converter($converter_options);
my $use_sections = (! $formats_table{$format}->{'nodes_tree'}
or (defined($converter->get_conf('USE_NODES'))
and !$converter->get_conf('USE_NODES')));
my ($sorted_name_counts_array, $sort_element_count_text)
= Texinfo::Convert::Converter::sort_element_counts(
$converter_element_count_file, $tree, $use_sections,
my $sort_element_count_file = get_conf('SORT_ELEMENT_COUNT');
my $sort_element_count_fh = Texinfo::Common::open_out($converter,
my $error_sort_element_count_file;
if (defined ($sort_element_count_fh)) {
print $sort_element_count_fh $sort_element_count_text;
if (!close ($sort_element_count_fh)) {
warn(sprintf(__("%s: error on closing internal links file %s: %s\n"),
$real_command_name, $sort_element_count_file, $!));
$error_sort_element_count_file = 1;
} else {
warn(sprintf(__("%s: could not open %s for writing: %s\n"),
$real_command_name, $sort_element_count_file, $!));
$error_sort_element_count_file = 1;
if ($error_sort_element_count_file) {
_exit($error_count, \@opened_files);
foreach my $unclosed_file (keys(%unclosed_files)) {
if (!close($unclosed_files{$unclosed_file})) {
warn(sprintf(__("%s: error on closing %s: %s\n"),
$real_command_name, $unclosed_file, $!));
_exit($error_count, \@opened_files);
if ($call_texi2dvi) {
if (get_conf('DEBUG') or get_conf('VERBOSE')) {
print STDERR "EXEC ".join('|', (get_conf('TEXI2DVI'), @texi2dvi_args, @ARGV))
exec { get_conf('TEXI2DVI') } (get_conf('TEXI2DVI'), @texi2dvi_args, @ARGV);