blob: e9c786995506cce2d8b05427f9714b32a1142735 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1996, 2003 VIA Networking Technologies, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* File: rf.h
* Purpose:
* Author: Jerry Chen
* Date: Feb. 19, 2004
#ifndef __RF_H__
#define __RF_H__
#include "device.h"
/*--------------------- Export Definitions -------------------------*/
* Baseband RF pair definition in eeprom (Bits 6..0)
#define RF_RFMD2959 0x01
#define RF_MAXIMAG 0x02
#define RF_AIROHA 0x03
#define RF_UW2451 0x05
#define RF_MAXIMG 0x06
#define RF_MAXIM2829 0x07 /* RobertYu: 20041118 */
#define RF_UW2452 0x08 /* RobertYu: 20041210 */
#define RF_AIROHA7230 0x0a /* RobertYu: 20050104 */
#define RF_UW2453 0x0b
#define RF_VT3226 0x09
#define RF_AL2230S 0x0e
#define RF_NOTHING 0x7E
#define RF_EMU 0x80
#define RF_MASK 0x7F
#define ZONE_FCC 0
#define ZONE_MKK1 1
#define ZONE_ETSI 2
#define ZONE_IC 3
#define ZONE_SPAIN 4
#define ZONE_FRANCE 5
#define ZONE_MKK 6
#define ZONE_ISRAEL 7
/* [20050104] CB_MAXIM2829_CHANNEL_5G_HIGH, CB_UW2452_CHANNEL_5G_HIGH: 40==>41 */
#define CB_MAXIM2829_CHANNEL_5G_HIGH 41 /* Index41: channel = 100, Tf = 5500MHz, set the (A3:A0=0101) D6=1 */
#define CB_UW2452_CHANNEL_5G_HIGH 41 /* [20041210] Index41: channel = 100, Tf = 5500MHz, change VCO2->VCO3 */
/*--------------------- Export Classes ----------------------------*/
/*--------------------- Export Variables --------------------------*/
/*--------------------- Export Functions --------------------------*/
bool IFRFbWriteEmbedded(struct vnt_private *, unsigned long dwData);
bool RFbSelectChannel(struct vnt_private *, unsigned char byRFType, u16);
bool RFbInit(
struct vnt_private *
bool RFvWriteWakeProgSyn(struct vnt_private *, unsigned char byRFType, u16);
bool RFbSetPower(struct vnt_private *, unsigned int rate, u16);
bool RFbRawSetPower(
struct vnt_private *,
unsigned char byPwr,
unsigned int rate
struct vnt_private *,
unsigned char byCurrRSSI,
long *pldBm
/* {{ RobertYu: 20050104 */
bool RFbAL7230SelectChannelPostProcess(struct vnt_private *, u16, u16);
/* }} RobertYu */
#endif /* __RF_H__ */