blob: 9810e37845c7ab48e4d3cef8f215dd4bfab6fac5 [file] [log] [blame]
32-bit ioctl compatibility for 64-bit comedi kernel module.
Author: Ian Abbott, MEV Ltd. <>
Copyright (C) 2007 MEV Ltd. <>
COMEDI - Linux Control and Measurement Device Interface
Copyright (C) 1997-2007 David A. Schleef <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#define __NO_VERSION__
#include "comedi.h"
#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include "comedi_compat32.h"
#include <linux/ioctl32.h> /* for (un)register_ioctl32_conversion */
#define COMEDI32_CHANINFO _IOR(CIO, 3, struct comedi32_chaninfo_struct)
#define COMEDI32_RANGEINFO _IOR(CIO, 8, struct comedi32_rangeinfo_struct)
/* N.B. COMEDI32_CMD and COMEDI_CMD ought to use _IOWR, not _IOR.
* It's too late to change it now, but it only affects the command number. */
#define COMEDI32_CMD _IOR(CIO, 9, struct comedi32_cmd_struct)
/* N.B. COMEDI32_CMDTEST and COMEDI_CMDTEST ought to use _IOWR, not _IOR.
* It's too late to change it now, but it only affects the command number. */
#define COMEDI32_CMDTEST _IOR(CIO, 10, struct comedi32_cmd_struct)
#define COMEDI32_INSNLIST _IOR(CIO, 11, struct comedi32_insnlist_struct)
#define COMEDI32_INSN _IOR(CIO, 12, struct comedi32_insn_struct)
struct comedi32_chaninfo_struct {
unsigned int subdev;
compat_uptr_t maxdata_list; /* 32-bit 'unsigned int *' */
compat_uptr_t flaglist; /* 32-bit 'unsigned int *' */
compat_uptr_t rangelist; /* 32-bit 'unsigned int *' */
unsigned int unused[4];
struct comedi32_rangeinfo_struct {
unsigned int range_type;
compat_uptr_t range_ptr; /* 32-bit 'void *' */
struct comedi32_cmd_struct {
unsigned int subdev;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int start_src;
unsigned int start_arg;
unsigned int scan_begin_src;
unsigned int scan_begin_arg;
unsigned int convert_src;
unsigned int convert_arg;
unsigned int scan_end_src;
unsigned int scan_end_arg;
unsigned int stop_src;
unsigned int stop_arg;
compat_uptr_t chanlist; /* 32-bit 'unsigned int *' */
unsigned int chanlist_len;
compat_uptr_t data; /* 32-bit 'short *' */
unsigned int data_len;
struct comedi32_insn_struct {
unsigned int insn;
unsigned int n;
compat_uptr_t data; /* 32-bit 'unsigned int *' */
unsigned int subdev;
unsigned int chanspec;
unsigned int unused[3];
struct comedi32_insnlist_struct {
unsigned int n_insns;
compat_uptr_t insns; /* 32-bit 'struct comedi_insn *' */
/* Handle translated ioctl. */
static int translated_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
unsigned long arg)
if (!file->f_op)
return -ENOTTY;
if (file->f_op->unlocked_ioctl) {
int rc = (int)(*file->f_op->unlocked_ioctl) (file, cmd, arg);
if (rc == -ENOIOCTLCMD)
rc = -ENOTTY;
return rc;
if (file->f_op->ioctl) {
int rc;
rc = (*file->f_op->ioctl) (file->f_dentry->d_inode,
file, cmd, arg);
return rc;
return -ENOTTY;
/* Handle 32-bit COMEDI_CHANINFO ioctl. */
static int compat_chaninfo(struct file *file, unsigned long arg)
struct comedi_chaninfo __user *chaninfo;
struct comedi32_chaninfo_struct __user *chaninfo32;
int err;
union {
unsigned int uint;
compat_uptr_t uptr;
} temp;
chaninfo32 = compat_ptr(arg);
chaninfo = compat_alloc_user_space(sizeof(*chaninfo));
/* Copy chaninfo structure. Ignore unused members. */
if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, chaninfo32, sizeof(*chaninfo32))
|| !access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, chaninfo, sizeof(*chaninfo))) {
return -EFAULT;
err = 0;
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &chaninfo32->subdev);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &chaninfo->subdev);
err |= __get_user(temp.uptr, &chaninfo32->maxdata_list);
err |= __put_user(compat_ptr(temp.uptr), &chaninfo->maxdata_list);
err |= __get_user(temp.uptr, &chaninfo32->flaglist);
err |= __put_user(compat_ptr(temp.uptr), &chaninfo->flaglist);
err |= __get_user(temp.uptr, &chaninfo32->rangelist);
err |= __put_user(compat_ptr(temp.uptr), &chaninfo->rangelist);
if (err)
return -EFAULT;
return translated_ioctl(file, COMEDI_CHANINFO, (unsigned long)chaninfo);
/* Handle 32-bit COMEDI_RANGEINFO ioctl. */
static int compat_rangeinfo(struct file *file, unsigned long arg)
struct comedi_rangeinfo __user *rangeinfo;
struct comedi32_rangeinfo_struct __user *rangeinfo32;
int err;
union {
unsigned int uint;
compat_uptr_t uptr;
} temp;
rangeinfo32 = compat_ptr(arg);
rangeinfo = compat_alloc_user_space(sizeof(*rangeinfo));
/* Copy rangeinfo structure. */
if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, rangeinfo32, sizeof(*rangeinfo32))
|| !access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, rangeinfo, sizeof(*rangeinfo))) {
return -EFAULT;
err = 0;
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &rangeinfo32->range_type);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &rangeinfo->range_type);
err |= __get_user(temp.uptr, &rangeinfo32->range_ptr);
err |= __put_user(compat_ptr(temp.uptr), &rangeinfo->range_ptr);
if (err)
return -EFAULT;
return translated_ioctl(file, COMEDI_RANGEINFO,
(unsigned long)rangeinfo);
/* Copy 32-bit cmd structure to native cmd structure. */
static int get_compat_cmd(struct comedi_cmd __user * cmd,
struct comedi32_cmd_struct __user * cmd32)
int err;
union {
unsigned int uint;
compat_uptr_t uptr;
} temp;
/* Copy cmd structure. */
if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, cmd32, sizeof(*cmd32))
|| !access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, cmd, sizeof(*cmd))) {
return -EFAULT;
err = 0;
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->subdev);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->subdev);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->flags);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->flags);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->start_src);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->start_src);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->start_arg);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->start_arg);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->scan_begin_src);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->scan_begin_src);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->scan_begin_arg);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->scan_begin_arg);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->convert_src);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->convert_src);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->convert_arg);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->convert_arg);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->scan_end_src);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->scan_end_src);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->scan_end_arg);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->scan_end_arg);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->stop_src);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->stop_src);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->stop_arg);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->stop_arg);
err |= __get_user(temp.uptr, &cmd32->chanlist);
err |= __put_user(compat_ptr(temp.uptr), &cmd->chanlist);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->chanlist_len);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->chanlist_len);
err |= __get_user(temp.uptr, &cmd32->data);
err |= __put_user(compat_ptr(temp.uptr), &cmd->data);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &cmd32->data_len);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &cmd->data_len);
return err ? -EFAULT : 0;
/* Copy native cmd structure to 32-bit cmd structure. */
static int put_compat_cmd(struct comedi32_cmd_struct __user * cmd32,
struct comedi_cmd __user * cmd)
int err;
unsigned int temp;
/* Copy back most of cmd structure. */
/* Assume the pointer values are already valid. */
/* (Could use ptr_to_compat() to set them, but that wasn't implemented
* until kernel version 2.6.11.) */
if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, cmd, sizeof(*cmd))
|| !access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, cmd32, sizeof(*cmd32))) {
return -EFAULT;
err = 0;
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->subdev);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->subdev);
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->flags);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->flags);
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->start_src);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->start_src);
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->start_arg);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->start_arg);
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->scan_begin_src);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->scan_begin_src);
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->scan_begin_arg);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->scan_begin_arg);
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->convert_src);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->convert_src);
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->convert_arg);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->convert_arg);
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->scan_end_src);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->scan_end_src);
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->scan_end_arg);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->scan_end_arg);
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->stop_src);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->stop_src);
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->stop_arg);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->stop_arg);
/* Assume chanlist pointer is unchanged. */
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->chanlist_len);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->chanlist_len);
/* Assume data pointer is unchanged. */
err |= __get_user(temp, &cmd->data_len);
err |= __put_user(temp, &cmd32->data_len);
return err ? -EFAULT : 0;
/* Handle 32-bit COMEDI_CMD ioctl. */
static int compat_cmd(struct file *file, unsigned long arg)
struct comedi_cmd __user *cmd;
struct comedi32_cmd_struct __user *cmd32;
int rc;
cmd32 = compat_ptr(arg);
cmd = compat_alloc_user_space(sizeof(*cmd));
rc = get_compat_cmd(cmd, cmd32);
if (rc)
return rc;
return translated_ioctl(file, COMEDI_CMD, (unsigned long)cmd);
/* Handle 32-bit COMEDI_CMDTEST ioctl. */
static int compat_cmdtest(struct file *file, unsigned long arg)
struct comedi_cmd __user *cmd;
struct comedi32_cmd_struct __user *cmd32;
int rc, err;
cmd32 = compat_ptr(arg);
cmd = compat_alloc_user_space(sizeof(*cmd));
rc = get_compat_cmd(cmd, cmd32);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = translated_ioctl(file, COMEDI_CMDTEST, (unsigned long)cmd);
if (rc < 0)
return rc;
err = put_compat_cmd(cmd32, cmd);
if (err)
rc = err;
return rc;
/* Copy 32-bit insn structure to native insn structure. */
static int get_compat_insn(struct comedi_insn __user * insn,
struct comedi32_insn_struct __user * insn32)
int err;
union {
unsigned int uint;
compat_uptr_t uptr;
} temp;
/* Copy insn structure. Ignore the unused members. */
err = 0;
if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, insn32, sizeof(*insn32))
|| !access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, insn, sizeof(*insn)))
return -EFAULT;
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &insn32->insn);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &insn->insn);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &insn32->n);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &insn->n);
err |= __get_user(temp.uptr, &insn32->data);
err |= __put_user(compat_ptr(temp.uptr), &insn->data);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &insn32->subdev);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &insn->subdev);
err |= __get_user(temp.uint, &insn32->chanspec);
err |= __put_user(temp.uint, &insn->chanspec);
return err ? -EFAULT : 0;
/* Handle 32-bit COMEDI_INSNLIST ioctl. */
static int compat_insnlist(struct file *file, unsigned long arg)
struct combined_insnlist {
struct comedi_insnlist insnlist;
struct comedi_insn insn[1];
} __user *s;
struct comedi32_insnlist_struct __user *insnlist32;
struct comedi32_insn_struct __user *insn32;
compat_uptr_t uptr;
unsigned int n_insns, n;
int err, rc;
insnlist32 = compat_ptr(arg);
/* Get 32-bit insnlist structure. */
if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, insnlist32, sizeof(*insnlist32))) {
return -EFAULT;
err = 0;
err |= __get_user(n_insns, &insnlist32->n_insns);
err |= __get_user(uptr, &insnlist32->insns);
insn32 = compat_ptr(uptr);
if (err)
return -EFAULT;
/* Allocate user memory to copy insnlist and insns into. */
s = compat_alloc_user_space(offsetof(struct combined_insnlist,
/* Set native insnlist structure. */
if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, &s->insnlist, sizeof(s->insnlist))) {
return -EFAULT;
err |= __put_user(n_insns, &s->insnlist.n_insns);
err |= __put_user(&s->insn[0], &s->insnlist.insns);
if (err)
return -EFAULT;
/* Copy insn structures. */
for (n = 0; n < n_insns; n++) {
rc = get_compat_insn(&s->insn[n], &insn32[n]);
if (rc)
return rc;
return translated_ioctl(file, COMEDI_INSNLIST,
(unsigned long)&s->insnlist);
/* Handle 32-bit COMEDI_INSN ioctl. */
static int compat_insn(struct file *file, unsigned long arg)
struct comedi_insn __user *insn;
struct comedi32_insn_struct __user *insn32;
int rc;
insn32 = compat_ptr(arg);
insn = compat_alloc_user_space(sizeof(*insn));
rc = get_compat_insn(insn, insn32);
if (rc)
return rc;
return translated_ioctl(file, COMEDI_INSN, (unsigned long)insn);
/* Process untranslated ioctl. */
/* Returns -ENOIOCTLCMD for unrecognised ioctl codes. */
static inline int raw_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
unsigned long arg)
int rc;
switch (cmd) {
/* Just need to translate the pointer argument. */
arg = (unsigned long)compat_ptr(arg);
rc = translated_ioctl(file, cmd, arg);
/* No translation needed. */
rc = translated_ioctl(file, cmd, arg);
rc = compat_chaninfo(file, arg);
rc = compat_rangeinfo(file, arg);
case COMEDI32_CMD:
rc = compat_cmd(file, arg);
rc = compat_cmdtest(file, arg);
rc = compat_insnlist(file, arg);
rc = compat_insn(file, arg);
return rc;
#ifdef HAVE_COMPAT_IOCTL /* defined in <linux/fs.h> 2.6.11 onwards */
/* compat_ioctl file operation. */
/* Returns -ENOIOCTLCMD for unrecognised ioctl codes. */
long comedi_compat_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
return raw_ioctl(file, cmd, arg);
* Brain-dead ioctl compatibility for 2.6.10 and earlier.
* It's brain-dead because cmd numbers need to be unique system-wide!
* The comedi driver could end up attempting to execute ioctls for non-Comedi
* devices because it registered the system-wide cmd code first. Similarly,
* another driver could end up attempting to execute ioctls for a Comedi
* device because it registered the cmd code first. Chaos ensues.
/* Handler for all 32-bit ioctl codes registered by this driver. */
static int mapped_ioctl(unsigned int fd, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg,
struct file *file)
int rc;
/* Make sure we are dealing with a Comedi device. */
if (imajor(file->f_dentry->d_inode) != COMEDI_MAJOR)
return -ENOTTY;
rc = raw_ioctl(file, cmd, arg);
/* Do not return -ENOIOCTLCMD. */
if (rc == -ENOIOCTLCMD)
rc = -ENOTTY;
return rc;
struct ioctl32_map {
unsigned int cmd;
int (*handler) (unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long,
struct file *);
int registered;
static struct ioctl32_map comedi_ioctl32_map[] = {
{COMEDI_DEVCONFIG, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI_DEVINFO, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI_SUBDINFO, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI_BUFCONFIG, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI_BUFINFO, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI_LOCK, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI_UNLOCK, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI_CANCEL, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI_POLL, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI32_CHANINFO, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI32_RANGEINFO, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI32_CMD, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI32_CMDTEST, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI32_INSNLIST, mapped_ioctl, 0},
{COMEDI32_INSN, mapped_ioctl, 0},
#define NUM_IOCTL32_MAPS ARRAY_SIZE(comedi_ioctl32_map)
/* Register system-wide 32-bit ioctl handlers. */
void comedi_register_ioctl32(void)
int n, rc;
for (n = 0; n < NUM_IOCTL32_MAPS; n++) {
rc = register_ioctl32_conversion(comedi_ioctl32_map[n].cmd,
if (rc) {
"comedi: failed to register 32-bit "
"compatible ioctl handler for 0x%X - "
"expect bad things to happen!\n",
comedi_ioctl32_map[n].registered = !rc;
/* Unregister system-wide 32-bit ioctl translations. */
void comedi_unregister_ioctl32(void)
int n, rc;
for (n = 0; n < NUM_IOCTL32_MAPS; n++) {
if (comedi_ioctl32_map[n].registered) {
rc = unregister_ioctl32_conversion(comedi_ioctl32_map
if (rc) {
"comedi: failed to unregister 32-bit "
"compatible ioctl handler for 0x%X - "
"expect kernel Oops!\n",
} else {
comedi_ioctl32_map[n].registered = 0;
#endif /* HAVE_COMPAT_IOCTL */
#endif /* CONFIG_COMPAT */