blob: 02e096cfc94a2685617bffb6ca450edb8d6127b3 [file] [log] [blame]
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#include "tpm_common.h"
#include "tpm_header.h"
#include "tpm_sysfs_help.h"
/* ===================================================================*/
/* ================================================================== */
** sfs_tpm_cfg_index
** DESCRIPTION: The function print cfg help
** PARAMETERS: char* buf
** OUTPUTS: char* buf
** RETURNS: message length
int sfs_tpm_cfg_index(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "==================================================================================================\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_tpm_cfg_index - show this help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_frwd_rule_cfg - show frwd rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_igmp_cfg - show IGMP configuration help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_ipv4_key_cfg - show IPV4 key ACL help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_ipv4_rule_add - show add IPV4 rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_ipv6_dip_key_cfg - show IPV6 DIP key ACL help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_ipv6_ctc_cm_key_cfg - show IPV6 CTC key ACL help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_ipv6_dip_rule_add - show add IPV6 DIP rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_ipv6_l4_ports_rule_add - show add IPV6 L4 ports rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_ipv6_nh_rule_add - show add IPV6 NH rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_ipv6_gen_key_cfg - show IPV6 key ACL help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_ipv6_gen_rule_add - show add IPV6 rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_ctc_cm_rule_add - show add CTC CnM rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_key_rule_delete - show key delete from DB table (mod/frwd/vlan/l2/l3/ipv4) help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_l2_key_cfg - show L2 key ACL help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_l2_rule_add - show add L2 rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_l3_key_cfg - show L3 key ACL help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_l3_rule_add - show add L3 rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_mc_ipvx_stream_add - show add multicast IPV4 stream help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_mib_reset - show MIB reset help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_mod_rule_cfg - show mod rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_no_mc_stream_add - show delete multicast stream help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_no_oam_omci_channel - show delete OAM/OMCI channel help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_no_rule_add - show delete L2/L3/IPV4/IPV6_xxx/DSCP IPV4/DSCP IPV6/CTC CnM rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_oam_omci_channel - show OAM/OMCI channel configuration help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_pkt_mod_add - show packet modification add help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_pkt_mod_get_del_purge - show packet modification display, delete. purge help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_rate_limit - show queue rate limit/scheduling, entity rate limit help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_rule_table_display - show rule table display help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_vlan_rule_cfg - show vlan rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_delete_entry_rule_table - show delete rule entry help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_tpm_self_check - show TPM check help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_mac_learn_rule_add - show add MAC learn rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "cat help_mac_learn_def_act_set - show set action of mac learn default rule help\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "==================================================================================================\n");
** sfs_help_frwd_rule_cfg - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_frwd_rule_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] [port_bitmap] [queue] [gem_port] > frwd_rule_set - set a forwarding rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tport_bitmap (hex) see below\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_PORT_WAN %#.5X TPM_TRG_TCONT_0 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_PORT_WAN, TPM_TRG_TCONT_0);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_1 %#.5X TPM_TRG_TCONT_2 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_TCONT_1, TPM_TRG_TCONT_2);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_3 %#.5X TPM_TRG_TCONT_4 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_TCONT_3, TPM_TRG_TCONT_4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_5 %#.5X TPM_TRG_TCONT_6 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_TCONT_5, TPM_TRG_TCONT_6);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_7 %#.5X TPM_TRG_LLID_0 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_TCONT_7, TPM_TRG_LLID_0);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_1 %#.5X TPM_TRG_LLID_2 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_LLID_1, TPM_TRG_LLID_2);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_3 %#.5X TPM_TRG_LLID_4 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_LLID_3, TPM_TRG_LLID_4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_5 %#.5X TPM_TRG_LLID_6 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_LLID_5, TPM_TRG_LLID_6);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_7 %#.5X TPM_TRG_UNI_0 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_LLID_7, TPM_TRG_UNI_0);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_1 %#.5X TPM_TRG_UNI_2 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_UNI_1, TPM_TRG_UNI_2);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_3 %#.5X TPM_TRG_UNI_4 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_UNI_3, TPM_TRG_UNI_4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_5 %#.5X TPM_TRG_UNI_6 %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_UNI_5, TPM_TRG_UNI_6);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_7 %#.5X TPM_TRG_UNI_VIRT %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_UNI_7, TPM_TRG_UNI_VIRT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_PORT_CPU %#.5X TPM_TRG_PORT_UNI_ANY %#.5X\n",TPM_TRG_PORT_CPU, TPM_TRG_PORT_UNI_ANY);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_PORT_UNI_CPU_LOOP %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_PORT_UNI_CPU_LOOP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tqueue (dec)Queue number\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tgem_port (dec)GEM port\n");
** sfs_help_vlan_rule_cfg - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_vlan_rule_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] [tpid] [tpid_mask] [vid] [vid_mask] [cfi] [cfi_mask] [pbit] [pbit_mask] > vlan_rule_set - set a VLAN rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttpid (hex)TPID VLAN Ethertype\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttpid_mask (hex)TPID mask\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tvid (dec)VID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tvid_mask (hex)VID mask\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tcfi (dec)CFI\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tcfi_mask (hex)CFI mask\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tpbit (dec)P-bits\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tpbit_mask (hex)P-bits mask\n");
** sfs_help_mod_rule_cfg - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_mod_rule_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
#if 0
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] [proto] > mod_proto_rule_set - set protocol part of mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tprotocol_type (hex)Protocol\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] [mh2b] > mod_mh_rule_set - set protocol part of mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t 'dbg_entry' is reserved for PMT debugging\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmh2b (hex)2 Bytes Marvell Header\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [operation] [vlan_rule_1] [vlan_rule_2] > mod_vlan_rule_set - set VLAN part of mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tvlan_rule_1 (str)VLAN rule (Use vlan_empty for absent rule)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tvlan_rule_2 (str)VLAN rule (Use vlan_empty for absent rule)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\toperation (str)VLAN operation\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tnone ext_tag_mod ext_tag_del ext_tag_ins ext_tag_mod_ins ins_2tag\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tmod_2tag swap_tags del_2tags int_tag_mod split_mod_pbit ext_tag_del_int_mod\n");
#if 0
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [dscp] [dscpmask] > mod_dscp_rule_set - set dscp part of mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdscp (dec)DSCP value\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdscp_mask (hex)DSCP mask\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [session] [protocol_type] > mod_pppoe_rule_set - set PPPoE part of mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsession (dec)Session number\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tprotocol_type (hex)Protocol type\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [src_port] [dst_port] > mod_ipv4_port_rule_set - set IPV4 port part of mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] [src_port] [dst_port] > mod_ipv6_port_rule_set - set IPV6 port part of mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (dec)Source port\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdst_port (dec)Destination port\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [srcip] [srcip_mask] [dstip] [dstip_mask] > mod_ipv6_addr_rule_set - set IPV6 address part of mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] [srcip] [srcip_mask] [dstip] [dstip_mask] > mod_ipv4_addr_rule_set - set IPV4 address part of mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] [SA] [SA_mask] [DA] [DA_mask] > mod_mac_addr_rule_set - set MAC address part of mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tMAC address/mask aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff where each part is hexadecimal in range 0..FF\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV4 address/mask w.x.y.z where each part is decimal value in range 0..255\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV6 address/mask aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff:gggg:hhhh where each part is hexadecimal in range 0..FFFF\n");
** sfs_help_l2_key_cfg - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_l2_key_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] [ether_type] > l2_key_ethertype_rule_set - set ethertype part of L2 ACL key\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tether_type (hex)Ethernet type\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [gem_port] > l2_key_gemport_rule_set - set gemport part of L2 ACL key\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tgem_port (dec)Ethernet type\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [SA] [SA_mask] [DA] [DA_mask] > l2_key_mac_addr_rule_set - set MAC address part of L2 ACL rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tMAC address aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff where each part is hexadecimal in range 0..FF\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [vlan_rule_1] [vlan_rule_2] > l2_key_vlan_rule_set - set VLAN part of L2 ACL rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tvlan_rule_1 (str)VLAN rule name (Use vlan_empty for absent rule)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tvlan_rule_2 (str)VLAN rule name (Use vlan_empty for absent rule)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [session] [protocol_type] > l2_key_pppoe_rule_set - set PPPoE part of L2 ACL rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsession (dec)Session number\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tprotocol_type (hex)Protocol type\n");
** sfs_help_l3_key_cfg - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_l3_key_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] [ether_type] > l3_key_ethertype_rule_set - set ethertype part of L3 ACL key\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tether_type (hex)Ethernet type\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule name] [session] [protocol_type] > l3_key_pppoe_rule_set - set PPPoE part of L3 ACL rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsession (dec)Session number\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tprotocol_type (hex)Protocol type\n");
** sfs_help_ipv4_key_cfg - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv4_key_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] [proto] > ipv4_key_proto_rule_set - set protocol part of IPV4 ACL rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tproto (dec)Protocol 0-255\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [dscp] [dscpmask] > ipv4_key_dscp_rule_set - set dscp part of IPV4 ACL rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdscp (dec)DSCP value 0-63\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdscp_mask (hex)DSCP mask 0x0-0xFF\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [src_port] [dst_port] > ipv4_key_port_rule_set - set IPV4 port part of IPV4 ACL rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (dec)Source port\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdst_port (dec)Destination port\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [rule_name] [srcip] [srcip_mask] [dstip] [dstip_mask] > ipv4_key_addr_rule_set - set IPV4 address part of IPV4 ACL rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (max 16 chars)Rule name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV4 address w.x.y.z where each part is decimal value in range 0..255\n");
** sfs_help_mtu_cfg - see
int sfs_help_mtu_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [enable] > enable_mtu - enable mtu checking\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tenable (dec)0 disable, 1 enable\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [ipv4_or_ipv6] [direction] [mtu_value] > set_mtu - set mtu\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tipv4_or_ipv6 (dec)0 for IPv4, 1 for IPv6\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdirection (dec)0 for DS, 1 for US\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmtu_value (dec)mtu value\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [ipv4_or_ipv6] [direction] [pppoe_mtu_value] > set_pppoe_mtu - set pppoe mtu\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tipv4_or_ipv6 (dec)0 for IPv4, 1 for IPv6\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdirection (dec)0 for DS, 1 for US\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tpppoe_mtu_value (dec)pppoe mtu value\n");
** sfs_help_ipv6_gen_key_cfg - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv6_gen_key_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [key_name] [DSCP] [DSCP Mask] > ipv6_gen_key_dscp_rule_set - set dscp key\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tkey_name (max 16 chars)Key name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tDSCP (dec)DSCP\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tDSCP Mask (hex)DSCP Mask\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [Key_name] [srcip] [srcip_mask] > ipv6_gen_key_sip_rule_set - set sip key\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tKey_name (max 16 chars)Key name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV6 address/mask aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff:gggg:hhhh where each part is hexadecimal in range 0..FFFF\n");
** sfs_help_ipv6_dip_key_cfg - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv6_dip_key_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [Key_name] [dip] [dip_mask] > ipv6_dip_key_rule_set - set dip key\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tKey_name (max 16 chars)Key name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV6 dip address aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff:gggg:hhhh where each part is hexadecimal in range 0..FFFF\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV6 dip address mask aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff:gggg:hhhh where each part is hexadecimal in range 0..FFFF\n");
** sfs_help_ipv6_ctc_cm_key_cfg - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv6_ctc_cm_key_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [ipv6_ctc_Key_name] [ipv6_gen_Key_name] [ipv6_dip_Key_name] [ipv6_l4_Key_name] "
"[ipv6_nh] [ipv6_hoplimit] > ipv6_ctc_cm_key_rule_set - set IPv6 CTC CnM key\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV6 ctc Key name (max 32 chars)Key name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV6 gen Key name (max 32 chars)Key name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV6 dip Key name (max 32 chars)Key name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV6 l4 Key name (max 32 chars)Key name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV6 ipv6 nh (dec)Next Header\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV6 ipv6 hoplimit (dec)Hop Limit\n");
** sfs_help_ipv6_l4_key_cfg - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv6_l4_key_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [Key_name] [src_port] [dst_port] > ipv6_l4_key_rule_set - set l4 key\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tKey_name (max 16 chars)Key name\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (dec)Source port\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdst_port (dec)Destination port\n");
** sfs_help_rule_table_display - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_rule_table_display(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [table_name] > rule_table_display - display table rules\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttable_name (str)frwd/vlan/mod/l2/l3/ipv4/ipv6_dip/ipv6_gen/ipv6_l4\n");
** sfs_help_key_rule_delete - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_key_rule_delete(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [table_name] [rule_name] > no_rule_set - clear rule from table\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttable_name (str)frwd/vlan/mod/l2key/l3key/ipv4key/ipv6_dip/ipv6_gen/ipv6_l4\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_name (str)Name of entry in table\n");
** sfs_help_l2_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_l2_rule_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [rule_num] [parse_rule_bm] [parse_flags_bm] [action] [next_phase] [key_name] [frwd_name] [mod_name] [pkt_mod_bm] > l2_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new primary L2 processing ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port The packet originating source port (WAN/UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_5/UNI_6/UNI_7/UNI_VIRT/UNI_ANY)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_num (dec)Entry number to be added to the current ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_MAC_DA %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_MAC_DA);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_MAC_SA %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_MAC_SA);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_ONE_VLAN_TAG %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_ONE_VLAN_TAG);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_TWO_VLAN_TAG %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_TWO_VLAN_TAG);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_ETYPE %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_ETYPE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_PPPOE_SES %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_PPPOE_SES);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_PPP_PROT %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_PPP_PROT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_GEMPORT %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_GEMPORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_flags_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags result of the primary ACL filtering\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG2_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG2_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG2_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG2_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\taction (hex)Action associated with the rule:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_DROP_PK %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_DROP_PK);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_TO_CPU %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_TO_CPU);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_MTM %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_MTM);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SPEC_MC_VID %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_SPEC_MC_VID);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnext_phase (str)Parse stage (l2/l3/ipv4/ipv6_gen/ipv6_dip/ipv6_nh/ipv6_l4/done)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tkey_name (str)Name of L2 key data which has been defined by user [or l2_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_name (str)Name of pkt forwarding data which has been defined by user [or frwd_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_name (str)Name of pkt modification data which has been defined by user [or mod_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tpkt_mod_bm (str)Bit map of pkt modification data \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_MAC_DA_SET %#.6X\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_MAC_SA_SET %#.6X\n", TPM_MAC_SA_SET);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_VLAN_MOD %#.6X\n", TPM_VLAN_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PPPOE_DEL %#.6X\n", TPM_PPPOE_DEL);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PPPOE_ADD %#.6X\n", TPM_PPPOE_ADD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_DSCP_SET %#.6X\n", TPM_DSCP_SET);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TTL_DEC %#.6X\n", TPM_TTL_DEC);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPV4_UPDATE %#.6X\n", TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPV4_SRC_SET %#.6X\n", TPM_IPV4_SRC_SET);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPV4_DST_SET %#.6X\n", TPM_IPV4_DST_SET);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPV6_UPDATE %#.6X\n", TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_HOPLIM_DEC %#.6X\n", TPM_HOPLIM_DEC);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPV6_SRC_SET %#.6X\n", TPM_IPV6_SRC_SET);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPV6_DST_SET %#.6X\n", TPM_IPV6_DST_SET);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L4_SRC_SET %#.6X\n", TPM_L4_SRC_SET);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L4_DST_SET %#.6X\n", TPM_L4_DST_SET);
** sfs_help_l3_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_l3_rule_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [rule_num] [parse_rule_bm] [parse_flags_bm] [action] [next_phase] [key_name] [frwd_name] > l3_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new L3 type processing ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port The packet originating source port (WAN/UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_5/UNI_6/UNI_7/UNI_VIRT/UNI_ANY)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_num (dec)Entry number to be added to the current ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_ETYPE %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_ETYPE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_PPPOE_SES %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_PPPOE_SES);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_PPP_PROT %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_PPP_PROT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_flags_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags result of the primary ACL filtering\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG2_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG2_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG2_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG2_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\taction (hex)Action associated with the rule:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_DROP_PK %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_DROP_PK);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_TO_CPU %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_TO_CPU);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnext_phase (str)Parse stage (l2/l3/ipv4/ipv6_gen/ipv6_dip/ipv6_nh/ipv6_l4/ctc_cm/done)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_name (str)Name of pkt forwarding data which has been defined by user [or frwd_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tkey_name (str)Name of L3 key data which has been defined by user [or l3_key_empty]\n");
** sfs_help_ipv4_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv4_rule_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [rule_num] [parse_rule_bm] [parse_flags_bm] [action] [next_phase] [mod_bm] [key_name] [frwd_name] [mod_name] > ipv4_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new IPv4 processing ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (str)The packet originating source port (WAN/UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_5/UNI_6/UNI_7/UNI_VIRT/UNI_ANY)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_num (dec)Entry number to be added to the current ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv4_PARSE_SIP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv4_PARSE_SIP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv4_PARSE_DIP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv4_PARSE_DIP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv4_PARSE_DSCP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv4_PARSE_DSCP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv4_PARSE_PROTO %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv4_PARSE_PROTO);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_SRC %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_SRC);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_DST %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_DST);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_flags_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags result of the primary ACL filtering\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\taction (hex)Action associated with the rule:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_DROP_PK %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_DROP_PK);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_TO_CPU %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_TO_CPU);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_UDP_CHKSUM_CALC %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_UDP_CHKSUM_CALC);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnext_phase (str)Parse stage (l2/l3/ipv4/ipv6_gen/ipv6_dip/ipv6_nh/ipv6_l4/ctc_cm/done)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_bm (hex)Packet fields modification command bitmap:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_VLAN_MOD %#.4X\n", TPM_VLAN_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tThis is the only packet modification supported in this version. \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tkey_name (str)Name of IPv4 key data which has been defined by user [or ipv4_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_name (str)Name of pkt forwarding data which has been defined by user [or frwd_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_name (str)Name of pkt modification data which has been defined by user [or mod_empty]\n");
** sfs_help_ipv6_gen_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv6_gen_rule_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [rule_num] [parse_rule_bm] [parse_flags_bm] [action] [next_phase] [mod_bm] [key_name] [frwd_name] [mod_name] > ipv6_gen_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new IPv6 gen processing ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (str)The packet originating source port (WAN/UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_5/UNI_6/UNI_7/UNI_VIRT/UNI_ANY)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_num (dec)Entry number to be added to the current ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_SIP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_SIP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_DSCP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_DSCP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_HOPL %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_HOPL);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_flags_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags result of the primary ACL filtering\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\taction (hex)Action associated with the rule:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_DROP_PK %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_DROP_PK);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_TO_CPU %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_TO_CPU);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnext_phase (str)Parse stage (l2/l3/ipv4/ipv6_gen/ipv6_dip/ipv6_nh/ipv6_l4/done)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_bm (hex)Packet fields modification command bitmap:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_VLAN_MOD %#.4X\n", TPM_VLAN_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tThis is the only packet modification supported in this version. \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tkey_name (str)Name of IPv6 gen key data which has been defined by user [or ipv6_gen_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_name (str)Name of pkt forwarding data which has been defined by user [or frwd_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_name (str)Name of pkt modification data which has been defined by user [or mod_empty]\n");
** sfs_help_ipv6_nh_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv6_nh_rule_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [rule_num] [parse_flags_bm] [action] [next_phase] [nh_iter] [nh] [frwd_name] > ipv6_nh_acl_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new IPv6 NH processing ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_num (dec)Entry number to be added to the current ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_flags_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags result of the primary ACL filtering\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\taction (hex)Action associated with the rule:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_DROP_PK %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_DROP_PK);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_TO_CPU %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_TO_CPU);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnext_phase (str)Parse stage (ipv6_nh/ipv6_l4/ipv6_gen/ctc_cm/done)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnh_iter (dec)0:First Next Header 1:Extension Header\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnh (hex)Code of Next Header\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_name (str)Name of pkt forwarding data which has been defined by user [or frwd_empty]\n");
** sfs_help_mc_ipvx_stream_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_mc_ipvx_stream_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "IPV4: echo [owner_id] [stream] [igmp_mode] [mc_stream_pppoe] [vid] [src_ip] [dst_ip] [ignore] [target_ports] > mc_ipv4_stream_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new multicast stream\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tstream (dec)Stream number\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tigmp_mode (dec)0-snooping/1-proxy\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmc_pppoe (str)true/false.\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tvid (dec)Vlan Id. When Id is 65535, MC packet is untagged or do not need MC VID check\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_ip Source IP address\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdst_ip Destination IP address\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tignore (str)true/false. When true, the source IP address is not part of the key\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttarget_ports (hex)Bitmap of port targets \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_PORT_WAN %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_PORT_WAN);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_0 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_TCONT_0);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_1 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_TCONT_1);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_2 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_TCONT_2);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_3 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_TCONT_3);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_4 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_TCONT_4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_5 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_TCONT_5);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_6 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_TCONT_6);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_TCONT_7 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_TCONT_7);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_0 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_LLID_0);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_1 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_LLID_1);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_2 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_LLID_2);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_3 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_LLID_3);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_4 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_LLID_4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_5 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_LLID_5);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_6 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_LLID_6);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_LLID_7 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_LLID_7);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_0 %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_0);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_1 %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_1);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_2 %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_2);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_3 %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_3);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_4 %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_5 %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_5);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_6 %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_6);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_7 %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_7);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_VIRT %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_VIRT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_PORT_CPU %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_PORT_CPU);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_PORT_UNI_ANY %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_PORT_UNI_ANY);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_PORT_UNI_CPU_LOOP %#.5X\n", TPM_TRG_PORT_UNI_CPU_LOOP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n\tIPV4 address: dst_ip 224.x.y.z - 239.x.y.z. Source address w.x.y.z. Each part is decimal value in range 0..255.\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [stream] [target_ports] > mc_ipv4_stream_update\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tstream (dec)Stream number\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttarget_ports (hex)Bitmap of port targets - SEE ABOVE\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\nIPV6: echo [owner_id] [stream] [igmp_mode] [mc_stream_pppoe] [vid] [src_ip] [dst_ip] [ignore] [target_ports] > mc_ipv6_stream_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new multicast stream, params refer to IPv4 MC stream add interface, except dst_ip.\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tIPV6 address: ff00:aabb:bbcc:ccdd:ddee:eeff:1111:2222. Each part is Hex value in range 0..ffff.\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [stream] [target_ports] > mc_ipv6_stream_update\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tstream (dec)Stream number\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttarget_ports (hex)Bitmap of port targets - SEE ABOVE\n");
** sfs_help_igmp_cfg - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_igmp_cfg(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [frwd_mode] > igmp_port_forward_mode_cfg\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Configures port forward mode\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (str)Source port - WAN/UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_5/UNI_6/UNI_7/UNI_ANY\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_mode (str)Forwarding mode - drop/frwd/snoop\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [queue] > igmp_cpu_queue_cfg\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Configures CPU queue for IGMP\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tqueue (dec)CPU queue 0-7\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [sa_mac] > igmp_proxy_sa_mac\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Configures the sa_mac for IGMP proxy\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsa_mac (hex)Mac address in format, aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] > mc_vid_key_reset\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "reset the mc_uni_xlate configuration for all the UNI ports\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [src_port] [mc_uni_xlate_mode] [mc_uni_xlate_vid] > mc_vid_key_set\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Configures mc_uni_xlate_mode\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (str)Source port - UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_5/UNI_6/UNI_7/UNI_VIRT\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmc_uni_xlate_mode (dec)uni_xlate_mode\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\texclude 0\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\ttransparent 1\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tstrip 2\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\ttranslate 3\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tuni_vid (dec)mc uni vid\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [mc_vid] > mc_vid_cfg_set\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Configures mc vid, first use mc_vid_key_reset, then mc_vid_key_set to set per uni xlate, at last use mc_vid_cfg_set\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmc_vid (dec)mc_vid\n");
** sfs_help_no_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_no_rule_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [rule_num] > no_rule_add_l2 - delete L2 rule from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [rule_idx] > no_rule_add_l3 - delete L3 rule from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [rule_idx] > no_rule_add_ipv4 - delete IPv4 rule from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [rule_idx] > no_rule_add_ipv6_dip_acl - delete a IPv6 DIP ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [rule_idx] > no_rule_add_ipv6_gen_acl - delete a IPv6 gen ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [rule_idx] > no_rule_add_ipv6_l4_ports_acl - delete a IPv6 L4 ports ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [rule_idx] > no_rule_add_ipv6_nh_acl - delete a IPv6 NH ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_idx (dec)Rule Id returned from the create call\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [owner_id] [src_port] [precedence] > no_rule_add_ctc_cm_acl - delete a CTC cm rule from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (str)The packet originating source port (UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_5/UNI_6/UNI_7/UNI_VIRT)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tprecedence (dec)Precedence - 0..7\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [l2key_name] > no_rule_add_mac_learn - delete MAC learn rule from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tl2key_name (str)Name of L2 key data which define src MAC addr, empty is not allowed\n");
** sfs_help_no_mc_stream_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_no_mc_stream_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [stream] > no_mc_stream_add_ipv4 - delete IPV4 multicast stream from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tstream (dec)Stream Id used in the mc create call\n");
** sfs_help_oam_omci_channel - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_oam_omci_channel(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [rx_q] [llid] > oam_channel - create OAM management channel\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trx_q (dec)Receive queue\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tllid (hex)LLID for management\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tLLID_0 0x01 LLID_1 0x02 LLID_2 0x04 LLID_3 0x08\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tLLID_4 0x10 LLID_5 0x20 LLID_6 0x40 LLID_7 0x80\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [gem_port] [rx_q] [tx_q] [tcont] > omci_channel - create OMCI management channel\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tgem_port (dec)OMCI gem port\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trx_q (dec)Receive queue\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttx_q (dec)Transmit queue\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttcont (hex)T-CONT for management\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTCONT_0 0x01 TCONT_1 0x02 TCONT_2 0x04 TCONT_3 0x08\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTCONT_4 0x10 TCONT_5 0x20 TCONT_6 0x40 TCONT_7 0x80\n");
** sfs_help_no_oam_omci_channel - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_no_oam_omci_channel(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] > no_oam_channel - delete OAM management channel from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] > no_omci_channel - delete OMCI management channel from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
** sfs_help_setup - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_setup(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [wan_type] [filename] > setup - tpm setup \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[wan_type] (dec)EPON 0 or GPON 1\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[filename] FILENAME/default\n");
** sfs_help_mib_reset - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_mib_reset(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [reset_level] > mib_reset - MIB reset\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[reset_level] (dec)Reset level 0 or 1\n");
** sfs_help_erase_section - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_erase_section(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [api_type] > erase_section - erase spceified API section\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[api_type] (dec)the API PnC section to be deleted\n");
** sfs_help_flush_vtu - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_flush_vtu(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] > flush_vtu - flush VTU on Switch\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
** sfs_help_flush_atu - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_flush_atu(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] > flush_atu - flush ATU on Switch\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tflush_type (dec)0-flush all/1-flush dynamic\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdb_num (dec)only 0 is valid since there is only one ATU db\n");
** sfs_help_cfg_cpu_lpbk - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_cfg_cpu_lpbk(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [trg_port] [trg_queue] [gem port] > add_cpu_lpbk - Add CPU WAN loopback\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[owner_id ] (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[trg_port ] (hex)tcont/llid bitmap, 0x01:tcont0/llid0,..., 0x80: tcont7/llid7\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[trg_queue] (dec)Target queue number, 0~7\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[gem port ] (dec)GEM port number, 0<gem port<4096, fill 0 in EPON mode\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [trg_port] [trg_queue] [gem port] > del_cpu_lpbk - Del CPU WAN loopback\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[owner_id ] (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[trg_port ] (hex)tcont/llid bitmap, 0x01:tcont0/llid0,..., 0x80: tcont7/llid7\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[trg_queue] (dec)Target queue number, 0~7\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[gem port ] (dec)GEM port number, 0<gem port<4096, fill 0 in EPON mode\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] > dump_cpu_lpbk - Dump all valid loopback entry from DB \n");
** sfs_help_cfg_age_count - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_cfg_age_count(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [api_group] [lu_num] [lu_reset] > get_lu_entry - Get least used PnC entires\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[owner_id ] (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[api_group] (dec)PnC API group, supported TPM API group,l2[%d], L3[%d], L4[%d] \n", TPM_API_L2_PRIM, TPM_API_L3_TYPE, TPM_API_IPV4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[lu_num ] (dec)required LU number queue number, 1~100\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[lu_reset ] (dec)Whether need to reset PnC aging counter after read it.1: reset after read, 0: do not reset\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [api_group] [rule_idx] [lu_rule_mask] > set_count_mask - Set least used mask of specific PnC entry\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[owner_id ] (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[api_group] (dec)PnC API group, supported TPM API group,l2[%d], L3[%d], L4[%d] \n", TPM_API_L2_PRIM, TPM_API_L3_TYPE, TPM_API_IPV4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[rule_idx ] (dec)rule index returned when add L2/L3/L4 PnC rules\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[lu_rule_mask] (dec)Whether need to mask least used loopup for specific PnC rule.1: mask, 0: enable\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [api_group] [rule_idx] [hit_reset] > get_hit_count - Get hitted counter for specific PnC rules\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[owner_id ] (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[api_group] (dec)PnC API group, supported TPM API group,l2[%d], L3[%d], L4[%d] \n", TPM_API_L2_PRIM, TPM_API_L3_TYPE, TPM_API_IPV4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[rule_idx ] (dec)rule index returned when add L2/L3/L4 PnC rules\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [api_group] [lu_thresh_pkts] > set_lu_thresh - Set least used threshold for specific counter group\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[owner_id ] (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[api_group] (dec)PnC API group, supported TPM API group,l2[%d], L3[%d], L4[%d] \n", TPM_API_L2_PRIM, TPM_API_L3_TYPE, TPM_API_IPV4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[lu_thresh_pkts ] (dec)Least used lookup threshold in number of packets, 0~67108863\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [api_group] > reset_age_group - Reset aging counter for all the PnC rules in one couter group\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[owner_id ] (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[api_group] (dec)PnC API group, supported TPM API group,l2[%d], L3[%d], L4[%d] \n", TPM_API_L2_PRIM, TPM_API_L3_TYPE, TPM_API_IPV4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [api_group] [high_thresh_pkts] [counters_reset] [valid_counters] > get_all_hit_counters - Get all PnC entires for the API group lower than threshold\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[owner_id ] (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[api_group] (dec)PnC API group, supported TPM API group,l2[%d], L3[%d], L4[%d] \n", TPM_API_L2_PRIM, TPM_API_L3_TYPE, TPM_API_IPV4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[high_thresh_pkts](dec)counter high threshold watermark\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[counters_reset] (dec)Whether need to reset PnC aging counter after read it.1: reset after read, 0: do not reset\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[valid_counters] (dec)The number of entries to read, returns the actually read counters\n");
** sfs_help_rate_limit - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_rate_limit(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [direction] [sched_entity] [que] [rate_limit] [bucket_size] > rate_limit_queue_set - set queue rate limit\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdirection Upstream or downstream (us/ds)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsched_entity WAN/TCONT_0/TCONT_1/../TCONT_7/UNI_ANY\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tque (dec)Queue id - 0..7\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trate_limit (dec)> 64\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tbucket_size (dec)TBD\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [direction] [sched_entity] [rate_limit] [bucket_size] > rate_limit_if_set - set interface rate limit\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdirection Upstream or downstream (us/ds)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsched_entity WAN/TCONT_0/TCONT_1/../TCONT_7/UNI_ANY\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trate_limit (dec)> 64\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tbucket_size (dec)TBD\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [direction] [sched_entity] [mode] [que] [wrr_weight] > scheduling_mode_queue_set - configure queue scheduling mode\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdirection Upstream or downstream (us/ds)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsched_entity WAN/TCONT_0/TCONT_1/../TCONT_7/UNI_ANY\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmode Strict or weighted round robin - strict/wrr \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tque (dec)Queue id - 0..7\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\twrr_weight (dec)Weight for wrr\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [rate_limit] [bucket_size] > gmac0_ingr_rate_limit_set - set ingress rate limit for GMAC0 only when no switch init\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trate_limit (dec)> 64\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tbucket_size (dec)TBD\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [thresh_high] [thresh_low] [port] [tx_port] [tx_queue] [tgt_port] > "
"fc_config_set - configure CPU port flow control\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tthresh_high (dec)High threshold (decriptors amount)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tthresh_low (dec)Low threshold (decriptors amount)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tport (dec)Port to monitor \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttx_port (dec)TX port\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttx_queue (dec)TX queue\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttgt_port (dec)Port to apply FC\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [us_period] > fc_us_period_set - configure flow control period\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tus_period (dec)Flow control engine monitoring priod (us)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [oneshot_hits] > fc_oneshot_set - configure oneshot statistic count\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\toneshot_hits (dec)Flow control engine monitoring oneshot statistics hits count\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t Setting this value to 0 resets oneshot statistics counters\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\n");
** sfs_help_pkt_mod_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_pkt_mod_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [trg_port] [mod_bm] [flag] [mod_name] > pkt_mod_eng_entry_add - add packet modification to mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttrg_port Target port - WAN/TCONT_0/TCONT_1/TCONT_2/TCONT_3/TCONT_4/TCONT_5/TCONT_6/TCONT_7/UNI_ANY\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_bm (hex)Modification bitmap:\n");
/* VLAN Operation only */
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - VLAN\n", TPM_VLAN_MOD);
/* IPv4 Napt */
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | TTL | SIP | L4_SRC\n",
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | TTL | DIP | L4_DST\n",
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | VLAN | SIP | L4_SRC | TTL\n",
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | VLAN | DIP | L4_DST | TTL\n",
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | PPPoE ADD | SIP | L4_SRC | TTL\n",
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | PPPoE DEL | DIP | L4_DST | TTL\n",
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | VLAN | PPPoE ADD | SIP | L4_SRC | TTL\n",
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | VLAN | PPPoE DEL | DIP | L4_DST | TTL\n",
/* IPv6 Route */
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | DA | SA | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | DA | SA | VLAN | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | DA | SA | PPPoE ADD | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_PPPOE_ADD | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | DA | SA | PPPoE DEL | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | DA | SA | VLAN | PPPoE ADD | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_PPPOE_ADD | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | DA | SA | VLAN | PPPoE DEL | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
/* IPv4 Route */
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | TTL\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | VLAN | TTL\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | PPPoE ADD | TTL\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_PPPOE_ADD | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | PPPoE DEL | TTL\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | VLAN | PPPoE ADD | TTL\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_PPPOE_ADD | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | VLAN | PPPoE DEL | TTL\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
/* (IPv4) Multicast */
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - MH\n", TPM_MH_SET);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - MH | VLAN\n", TPM_MH_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | MH | SA | TTL\n", TPM_MH_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | MH | SA | VLAN | TTL\n", TPM_MH_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | MH | DA | SA | PPPoE DEL | TTL\n", TPM_MH_SET | TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | MH | DA | SA | VLAN | PPPoE DEL | TTL\n", TPM_MH_SET | TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | SA | TTL\n", TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | SA | VLAN | TTL\n", TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | PPPoE DEL | TTL\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv4 | DA | SA | VLAN | PPPoE DEL | TTL\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_TTL_DEC | TPM_IPV4_UPDATE);
/* (IPv6) Multicast */
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | MH | SA | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MH_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | MH | SA | VLAN | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MH_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | MH | DA | SA | PPPoE DEL | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MH_SET | TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | MH | DA | SA | VLAN | PPPoE DEL | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MH_SET | TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | SA | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | SA | VLAN | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | DA | SA | PPPoE DEL | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%05x - IPv6 | DA | SA | VLAN | PPPoE DEL | HOPLIM\n", TPM_MAC_DA_SET | TPM_MAC_SA_SET | TPM_VLAN_MOD | TPM_PPPOE_DEL | TPM_HOPLIM_DEC | TPM_IPV6_UPDATE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tflag (hex)Additional packet data:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%03x - TCP\n", TPM_INT_L4_TCP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%03x - UDP\n", TPM_INT_L4_UDP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%03x - Split modification flag\n", TPM_INT_SPLIT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%03x - Update UDP checksum\n", TPM_INT_UDP_CHECKSUM);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\t0x%03x - Multicast modification\n", TPM_INT_MC_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_name Name of pkt modification data which has been defined by user\n");
** sfs_help_pkt_mod_eng - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_pkt_mod_get_del_purge(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [trg_port] [mod_idx] > pkt_mod_eng_entry_del - delete packet modification from mod rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [trg_port] [mod_idx] > pkt_mod_eng_entry_show - show packet modification\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [trg_port] > pkt_mod_eng_purge - delete all packet modifications for given port\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttrg_port Target port - WAN/TCONT_0/TCONT_1/TCONT_2/TCONT_3/TCONT_4/TCONT_5/TCONT_6/TCONT_7/UNI_ANY\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_idx (dec)Modification entry returned from pkt_mod_eng_entry_add\n");
/* jinghuaxxxxxx */
** sys_help_ipv6_dip_acl_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sys_help_ipv6_dip_acl_rule_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [rule_num] [parse_rule_bm] [parse_flags_bm] [action] [next_phase] [mod_bm] [key_name] [frwd_name] [mod_name] > ipv6_dip_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new IPv6 processing ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (str)The packet originating source port (WAN/UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_5/UNI_6/UNI_7/UNI_VIRT/UNI_ANY)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_num (dec)Entry number to be added to the current ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_DIP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_DIP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_flags_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags result of the primary ACL filtering\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TAG1_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\taction (hex)Action associated with the rule:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_DROP_PK %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_DROP_PK);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_TO_CPU %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_TO_CPU);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnext_phase (str)Parse stage (l2/l3/ipv4/ipv6_gen/ipv6_dip/ipv6_nh/ipv6_l4/done)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_bm (hex)Packet fields modification command bitmap:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_VLAN_MOD %#.4X\n", TPM_VLAN_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tThis is the only packet modification supported in this version. \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tkey_name (str)Name of IPv6 key data which has been defined by user [or ipv6_dip_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_name (str)Name of pkt forwarding data which has been defined by user [or frwd_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_name (str)Name of pkt modification data which has been defined by user [or mod_empty]\n");
#if 0
int sys_help_del_ipv6_dip_acl_rule (char *buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [rule_idx] [parse_rule_bm] [l2_key_name] > no_rule_add_l2 - delete L2 rule from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [rule_idx] [parse_rule_bm] [l3_key_name] > no_rule_add_l3 - delete L3 rule from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [rule_idx] [parse_rule_bm] [ipv4_key_name] > no_rule_add_ipv4 - delete IPV4 rule from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [rule_idx] [parse_rule_bm] [ipv6_key_name] > no_rule_add_ipv6 - delete IPV6 rule from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port WAN/UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_ANY\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_idx (dec)Rule Id returned from the create call\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_rule_bm (hex)Parsing fields bitmap used when the rule was created\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tkey_name The key name used when the rule was created\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [owner_id] [rule_idx] > no_rule_add_dscp_ipv4 - delete DSCP IPV4 rule from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [rule_idx] > no_rule_add_dscp_ipv6 - delete DSCP IPV6 rule from hardware\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_idx (dec)Rule Id returned from the create call\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "rule del ipv6 <owner_id> <src_port> <rule_index> \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "delete an existing IPv6 processing ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (str)The packet originating source port (WAN/UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_ANY)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\rule_index (dec)Entry index was given when adding the ACL\n");
int sys_help_del_ipv6_l4_ports_acl_rule (char *buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "rule del ipv6 <owner_id> <rule_index> \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "delete an existing IPv6 l4 processing ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (str)The packet originating source port (WAN/UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_ANY)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\rule_index (dec)Entry index was given when adding the ACL\n");
** sfs_help_pkt_mod_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv6_l4_ports_rule_add (char *buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [rule_num] [parse_rule_bm] [parse_flags_bm] [action] [next_phase] [l4_src_port] [l4_dst_port] [mod_bm] [frwd_name] [mod_name] > ipv6_l4_ports_acl_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new IPv6 l4 processing ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (str)The packet originating source port (WAN/UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_5/UNI_6/UNI_7/UNI_VIRT/UNI_ANY)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_num (dec)Entry number to be added to the current ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_SRC %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_SRC);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_DST %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_DST);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_flags_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags result of the primary ACL filtering\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_TO_CPU_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\taction (hex)Action associated with the rule:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_DROP_PK %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_DROP_PK);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_TO_CPU %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_TO_CPU);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_CUST_CPU_PKT_PARSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnext_phase (str)Parse stage (ipv6_gen/ipv6_dip/ctc_cm/done)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tl4_src_port (dec)L4 source port\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tl4_dst_port (dec)L4 destination port\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_bm (hex)Packet fields modification command bitmap:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_VLAN_MOD %#.4X\n", TPM_VLAN_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tThis is the only packet modification supported in this version. \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_name (str)Name of pkt forwarding data which has been defined by user [or frwd_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_name (str)Name of pkt modification data which has been defined by user [or mod_empty]\n");
** sfs_help_delete_entry_rule_table - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_delete_entry_rule_table(char *buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] > delete_entry_frwd_rule_table - delete a forwarding rule entry\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] > delete_entry_mod_rule_table - delete a modification rule entry\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [rule_name] > delete_entry_vlan_rule_table - delete a VLAN rule entry\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [l2key_name] > delete_entry_l2_rule_table - delete a L2 key entry\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [l3key_name] > delete_entry_l3_rule_table - delete a L3 key entry\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [ipv4key_name] > delete_entry_ipv4_rule_table - delete a ipv4 key entry\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [ipv6_gen] > delete_entry_ipv6_gen_rule_table - delete a ipv6_gen key entry\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [ipv6_dip] > delete_entry_ipv6_dip_rule_table - delete a ipv6_dip key entry\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [ipv6_l4] > delete_entry_ipv6_l4_rule_table - delete a ipv6_l4 key entry\n");
int sfs_help_send_genquery_to_uni(char *buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [target_ports] [pkt_num] > send_genquery_to_uni\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "send general query to uni ports\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\ttarget_ports (hex)Bitmap of port targets \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_0 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_0);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_1 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_1);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_2 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_2);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_3 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_3);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_UNI_4 %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_UNI_4);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_TRG_PORT_UNI_ANY %#.4X\n", TPM_TRG_PORT_UNI_ANY);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tpkt_num (dec)general query packet number send to each UNI port\n");
** sfs_help_ipv6_gen_5t_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv6_gen_5t_rule_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_dir] [rule_num] [parse_rule_bm] [parse_flags_bm] [action] [next_phase] [mod_bm] [l4_key_name] [gen_key_name] [frwd_name] [mod_name] > ipv6_gen_5t_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new IPv6 SIP processing rule of 5-tuple\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_dir (str)The packet direction (US/DS)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_num (dec)Entry number to be added to the current ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_SRC %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_SRC);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_DST %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_DST);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_SIP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_SIP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_flags_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags result of the primary ACL filtering\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_UDP %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_UDP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_TCP %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_TCP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\taction (hex)Action associated with the rule:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_DROP_PK %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_DROP_PK);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnext_phase (str)Parse stage (ipv6_dip/done)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_bm (hex)Packet fields modification command bitmap:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tl4_key_name (str)Name of IPv6 l4 ports key data which has been defined by user [or ipv6_l4_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tgen_key_name (str)Name of IPv6 gen key data which has been defined by user [or ipv6_gen_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_name (str)Name of pkt forwarding data which has been defined by user [or frwd_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_name (str)Name of pkt modification data which has been defined by user [or mod_empty]\n");
** sfs_help_ipv6_dip_5t_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv6_dip_5t_rule_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_dir] [rule_num] [parse_rule_bm] [parse_flags_bm] [action] [next_phase] [mod_bm] [l4_key_name] [gen_key_name] [dip_key_name] [frwd_name] [mod_name] > ipv6_dip_5t_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new IPv6 DIP processing rule of 5-tuple\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_dir (str)The packet direction (US/DS)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_num (dec)Entry number to be added to the current ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_SRC %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_SRC);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_DST %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_DST);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_SIP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_SIP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_DIP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_DIP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_flags_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags result of the primary ACL filtering\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_UDP %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_UDP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_TCP %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_TCP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\taction (hex)Action associated with the rule:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_DROP_PK %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_DROP_PK);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnext_phase (str)Parse stage (done)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_bm (hex)Packet fields modification command bitmap:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tl4_key_name (str)Name of IPv6 key data which has been defined by user [or ipv6_l4_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tgen_key_name (str)Name of IPv6 key data which has been defined by user [or ipv6_gen_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tdip_key_name (str)Name of IPv6 key data which has been defined by user [or ipv6_dip_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_name (str)Name of pkt forwarding data which has been defined by user [or frwd_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_name (str)Name of pkt modification data which has been defined by user [or mod_empty]\n");
** sfs_help_ipv6_l4_ports_5t_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ipv6_l4_ports_5t_rule_add(char *buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_dir] [rule_num] [parse_rule_bm] [parse_flags_bm] [action] [next_phase] [mod_bm] [l4_key_name] [frwd_name] [mod_name] > ipv6_l4_ports_5t_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new IPv6 L4 ports processing rule of 5-tuple\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_dir (str)The packet direction (US/DS)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\trule_num (dec)Entry number to be added to the current ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_SRC %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_SRC);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_DST %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_DST);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_flags_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags result of the primary ACL filtering\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_UDP %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_UDP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_TCP %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_L4_TCP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_MTM_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_TRUE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_TRUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_FALSE %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_FLAG_PPPOE_FALSE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\taction (hex)Action associated with the rule:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_DROP_PK %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_DROP_PK);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD %#.2X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tnext_phase (str)Parse stage (ipv6_gen/ctc_cm/done)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_bm (hex)Packet fields modification command bitmap:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tl4_key_name (str)Name of IPv6 key data which has been defined by user [or ipv6_l4_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_name (str)Name of pkt forwarding data which has been defined by user [or frwd_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmod_name (str)Name of pkt modification data which has been defined by user [or mod_empty]\n");
** sfs_help_ctc_cm_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ctc_cm_rule_add(char *buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [src_port] [precedence] [l2_parse_rule_bm] [ipv4_parse_rule_bm] [action] [l2_key_name] [ipv4_key_name] [frwd_name] [p_bits] > ctc_cm_acl_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a CTC CnM rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tsrc_port (str)The packet originating source port (UNI_0/UNI_1/UNI_2/UNI_3/UNI_4/UNI_5/UNI_6/UNI_7/UNI_VIRT)\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tprecedence (dec)Precedence - 0..7\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tl2_parse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_MAC_DA %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_MAC_DA);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_MAC_SA %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_MAC_SA);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_ONE_VLAN_TAG %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_ONE_VLAN_TAG);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_L2_PARSE_ETYPE %#.4X\n", TPM_L2_PARSE_ETYPE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tipv4_parse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv4_PARSE_SIP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv4_PARSE_SIP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv4_PARSE_DIP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv4_PARSE_DIP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv4_PARSE_DSCP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv4_PARSE_DSCP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv4_PARSE_PROTO %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv4_PARSE_PROTO);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_SRC %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_SRC);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_DST %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_DST);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\taction (hex)Action associated with the rule:\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_PORT);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_TARGET_QUEUE);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD %#.4X\n", TPM_ACTION_SET_PKT_MOD);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tl2_key_name (str)Name of L2 key data which has been defined by user [or l2_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tipv4_key_name (str)Name of IPV4 key data which has been defined by user [or ipv4_key_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tfrwd_name (str)Name of pkt forwarding data which has been defined by user [or frwd_empty]\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tp_bits (dec)P_bit - 0..7\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\necho [owner_id] [src_port] [precedence] [ipv6_parse_rule_bm] [action] [ipv6_key_name] [frwd_name] [p_bits] > ctc_cm_ipv6_acl_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a CTC CnM rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tparse_rule_bm (hex)Bitmap containing the significant flags for parsing fields of the packet\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_SIP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_SIP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_DIP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_DIP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_DSCP %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_DSCP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_NH %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_NH);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_IPv6_PARSE_HOPL %#.4X\n", TPM_IPv6_PARSE_HOPL);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_SRC %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_SRC);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_PARSE_L4_DST %#.4X\n", TPM_PARSE_L4_DST);
** sfs_help_ctc_cm_set_ipv6_parse_win - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_ctc_cm_set_ipv6_parse_win(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [ipv6_parse_win] > ctc_cm_set_ipv6_parse_win - set ipv6 parse window\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tipv6_parse_win (dec)ipv6 parse window\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_CTC_CM_IPv6_FIRST_24B %d\n", TPM_CTC_CM_IPv6_FIRST_24B);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_CTC_CM_IPv6_SECOND_24B %d\n", TPM_CTC_CM_IPv6_SECOND_24B);
** sfs_help_tpm_self_check - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_tpm_self_check(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [check_level] > tpm_self_check - tpm rules check\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t[check_level] (dec)0: check without correct; 1: check with correct\n");
** sfs_help_mac_learn_rule_add - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_mac_learn_rule_add(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [l2_key_name] > mac_learn_rule_add\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Creates a new L2 MAC learn rule ACL\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tl2_key_name (str)Name of L2 key data which define src MAC addr, empty is not allowed \n");
** sfs_help_mac_learn_def_act_set - see header of sfs_tpm_cfg_index
int sfs_help_mac_learn_def_act_set(char* buf)
int off = 0;
off += sprintf(buf+off, "echo [owner_id] [mac_conf] > mac_learn_default_rule_act_set\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "Set the action of mac learn default rule\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\towner_id (dec)Application owner ID\n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\tmac_conf (hex)Action associated with mac learn default rule: \n");
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_UNK_MAC_TRAP, (trap packet to CPU) %#.2X\n", TPM_UNK_MAC_TRAP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_UNK_MAC_DROP, (drop the packet) %#.2X\n", TPM_UNK_MAC_DROP);
off += sprintf(buf+off, "\t\tTPM_UNK_MAC_CONTINUE, (frwd packet to GMAC1) %#.2X\n", TPM_UNK_MAC_CONTINUE);