blob: 0c40ed0ef1ae781ccc9a17aabb8012a2eb45c43a [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file vp790_api.h
* vp790_api.h
* Header file that defines the Vp790 Device and Line Objects
* Copyright (c) 2011, Microsemi
* $Revision: 9084 $
* $LastChangedDate: 2011-11-09 16:54:12 -0600 (Wed, 09 Nov 2011) $
#ifndef VP790_API_H
#define VP790_API_H
#include "vp_hal.h"
#include "vp_CSLAC_types.h"
#define VP790_MAX_MPI_DATA 0x0E /**< Max data from any MPI read command */
#define VP790_INT_SEQ_LEN 22
* Required Vp790_ Device and Line Objects for user instantiation if a Vp790
* device is used
typedef struct Vp790DeviceProfileType {
uint8 maxNumInterrupts;
uint16 pcmClkRate;
uint8 mClkMask;
uint8 mClkCorrection;
uint16 tickRate;
uint8 devCfg1;
uint8 clockSlot;
uint8 calibrationTime;
} Vp790DeviceProfileType;
typedef struct Vp790LineObjectType {
uint8 channelId; /**< Channel # associated with "this" line on the
* device
VpTermType termType; /**< Termination type of this line */
VpOptionCodecType codec; /**< Maintains the currently used code mode to
* reduce MPI activity
VpOptionLineStateType lineStateBatOption;
uint8 cidEncodeBuff[6]; /**< Encoded CID data from user data */
uint8 cidEncodeIndex; /**< current index into encoded buffer */
uint8 cidEncodeSize; /**< Size of valid CID encoded data */
VpCallerIdType callerId; /**< Caller ID related information */
VpSeqDataType cadence; /**< Sequencer related information */
VpCidSeqDataType cidSeq; /**< CID Sequencer related information */
/**< Array to control internally run sequences */
VpProfileDataType intSequence[VP790_INT_SEQ_LEN];
bool thisFskCid; /**< TRUE if device tick has not changed since last call
* to FSK CID Generator Function call. Used to prevent
* CID lockup with while() loop to load CID data in the
* device.
bool slsCalledFromApi; /**< TRUE if SetLineState is called by the API */
VpDialPulseDetectType dpStruct; /**< Dial Pulse Parameters for detecting
* digits on FXS lines
VpOptionEventMaskType lineEventsMask;
VpOptionEventMaskType lineEvents;
VpOptionPulseModeType pulseMode;
uint8 signalingData; /**< Holds data for Signaling events on this line */
uint16 processData; /**< Holds data for Process events on this line */
VpCslacTimerStruct lineTimers; /**< Timers for "this" line */
VpApiIntLineStateType lineState; /**< Line state info, used for state
* transition handling.
VpOptionPcmTxRxCntrlType pcmTxRxCtrl; /* Defines how the PCM highway is
* set for "talk" linestates
VpOptionRingControlType ringCtrl;
VpOptionZeroCrossType zeroCross; /**< Defines how zero crossing is
* implemented. The device doesn't really
* support zero crossing "methods", but
* storing what the user selected is
* necessary for Get Option (so the
* operations of Set/Get can be
* orthogonal)
VpVirtualDeviceReg virtualDeviceReg; /**< Virtual device register to
* minimize device access
VpProfilePtrType pRingingCadence; /**< Currently used ringing cadence on
* this line
VpProfilePtrType pCidProfileType1; /**< Currently used caller ID profile
* on this line for sequenced cid
VpProfilePtrType pCidProfileType2; /**< Currently used caller ID profile
* on this line for non-sequenced cid
uint16 lineEventHandle; /**< Line specific event handle information */
uint16 dtmfDigitSense; /**< Used to hold the DTMF digit reported
* with VpDtmfDigitDetected() until the
* VP_LINE_EVID_DTMF_DIG is generated.
VpLineIdType lineId; /**< Application provided value for mapping a line to
* a line context
} Vp790LineObjectType;
typedef struct Vp790DeviceObjectType {
VpDeviceIdType deviceId; /**< Device chip select ID or type defined by
* user
VpDeviceStaticInfoType staticInfo; /**< Info that will not change
* during runtime
VpDeviceDynamicInfoType dynamicInfo; /**< Info that will change during
* runtime
VpCSLACDeviceStatusType status;
VpOptionEventMaskType deviceEventsMask;
VpOptionEventMaskType deviceEvents;
VpOptionPulseType pulseSpecs;
VpOptionCriticalFltType criticalFault;
uint16 devTimer[VP_DEV_TIMER_LAST];
Vp790DeviceProfileType devProfileData;
VpCSLACDeviceProfileTableType devProfileTable;
VpCSLACProfileTableEntryType profEntry;
#if !defined(VP_REDUCED_API_IF) || defined(ZARLINK_CFG_INTERNAL)
uint8 mpiData[VP790_MAX_MPI_DATA]; /**< Buffer for MPI Low level reads to
* hold maximum amount of MPI data that
* is possible
uint8 mpiLen; /**< Length of data to be copied into mpiData buffer */
uint16 eventHandle; /**< Device level event handle information */
uint16 timeStamp;
int16 timeRemainder;
VpGetResultsOptionsType getResultsOption;
} Vp790DeviceObjectType;
#endif /* vp790_api.h */