blob: 7092e9ba548764068f192a759c55109642f2b07c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2002, Marvell International Ltd.
* This code contains confidential information of Marvell semiconductor, inc.
* no rights are granted herein under any patent, mask work right or copyright
* of Marvell or any third party.
* Marvell reserves the right at its sole discretion to request that this code
* be immediately returned to Marvell. This code is provided "as is".
* Marvell makes no warranties, express, implied or otherwise, regarding its
* accuracy, completeness or performance.
* FILENAME: $Workfile: qdFFmii.c $
* REVISION: $Revision: 8 $
* LAST UPDATE: $Modtime: 3/03/03 3:24a $
* DESCRIPTION: SMI access routines for Firefox board
#include "mv_platform.h"
#include "mv_os.h"
#include "mv_qd.h"
* For each platform, all we need is
* 1) Assigning functions into
* fgtReadMii : to read MII registers, and
* fgtWriteMii : to write MII registers.
* 2) Register Interrupt (Not Defined Yet.)
* Firefox Specific Definition
#define SMI_BUSY 1<<28
#define READ_VALID 1<<27
* GT_BOOL qdFFReadMii (GT_QD_DEV* dev, unsigned int portNumber ,
* unsigned int MIIReg, unsigned int* value)
* Description
* This function will access the MII registers and will read the value of
* the MII register , and will retrieve the value in the pointer.
* Inputs
* portNumber - one of the 2 possiable Ethernet ports (0-1).
* MIIReg - the MII register offset.
* Outputs
* value - pointer to unsigned int which will receive the value.
* Returns Value
* true if success.
* false if fail to make the assignment.
* Error types (and exceptions if exist)
GT_BOOL ffReadMii (GT_QD_DEV* dev, unsigned int portNumber , unsigned int MIIReg,
unsigned int* value)
GT_U32 smiReg;
unsigned int phyAddr;
unsigned int timeOut = SMI_TIMEOUT_COUNTER; /* in 100MS units */
int i;
/* first check that it is not busy */
smiReg = gtOsGtRegRead(GT_REG_ETHER_SMI_REG);
if (smiReg & SMI_BUSY)
for(i=0; i<SMI_TIMEOUT_COUNTER; i++);
smiReg = gtOsGtRegRead(GT_REG_ETHER_SMI_REG);
if (timeOut-- < 1)
return GT_FALSE;
} while (smiReg & SMI_BUSY);
/* not busy */
phyAddr = portNumber;
smiReg = (phyAddr << 16) | (SMI_OP_CODE_BIT_READ << 26) | (MIIReg << 21)
gtOsGtRegWrite(GT_REG_ETHER_SMI_REG, smiReg);
timeOut = SMI_TIMEOUT_COUNTER; /* initialize the time out var again */
smiReg = gtOsGtRegRead(GT_REG_ETHER_SMI_REG);
if (!(smiReg & READ_VALID))
for(i = 0 ; i < SMI_TIMEOUT_COUNTER; i++);
smiReg = gtOsGtRegRead(GT_REG_ETHER_SMI_REG);
if (timeOut-- < 1 )
return GT_FALSE;
} while (!(smiReg & READ_VALID));
*value = (unsigned int)(smiReg & 0xffff);
return GT_TRUE;
* GT_BOOL qdFFWriteMii (GT_QD_DEV* dev, unsigned int portNumber ,
* unsigned int MIIReg, unsigned int value)
* Description
* This function will access the MII registers and will write the value
* to the MII register.
* Inputs
* portNumber - one of the 2 possiable Ethernet ports (0-1).
* MIIReg - the MII register offset.
* value -the value that will be written.
* Outputs
* Returns Value
* true if success.
* false if fail to make the assignment.
* Error types (and exceptions if exist)
GT_BOOL ffWriteMii (GT_QD_DEV* dev, unsigned int portNumber , unsigned int MIIReg,
unsigned int value)
GT_U32 smiReg;
unsigned int phyAddr;
unsigned int timeOut = SMI_TIMEOUT_COUNTER; /* in 100MS units */
int i;
/* first check that it is not busy */
smiReg = gtOsGtRegRead(GT_REG_ETHER_SMI_REG);
if (smiReg & SMI_BUSY)
for(i=0; i<SMI_TIMEOUT_COUNTER; i++);
smiReg = gtOsGtRegRead(GT_REG_ETHER_SMI_REG);
if (timeOut-- < 1)
return GT_FALSE;
} while (smiReg & SMI_BUSY);
/* not busy */
phyAddr = portNumber;
smiReg = 0; /* make sure no garbage value in reserved bits */
smiReg = smiReg | (phyAddr << 16) | (SMI_OP_CODE_BIT_WRITE << 26) |
(MIIReg << 21) | (value & 0xffff);
gtOsGtRegWrite(GT_REG_ETHER_SMI_REG, smiReg);
return GT_TRUE;