blob: f33b984813c7d75b8dd9a9c0a02d2befee7d6068 [file] [log] [blame]
Device-Mapper's "verity" target provides transparent integrity checking of
block devices using a cryptographic digest provided by the kernel crypto API.
This target is read-only.
Parameters: payload=<device path> hashtree=<hash device path> alg=<alg> \
salt=<salt> root_hexagiest=<root hash> \
[ hashstart=<hash start> error_behavior=<error behavior> ]
<device path>
This is the device that is going to be integrity checked. It may be
a subset of the full device as specified to dmsetup (start sector and count)
It may be specified as a path, like /dev/sdaX, or a device number,
<hash device path>
This is the device that that supplies the dm-bht hash data. It may be
specified similarly to the device path and may be the same device. If the
same device is used, the hash offset should be outside of the dm-verity
configured device size.
The cryptographic hash algorithm used for this device. This should
be the name of the algorithm, like "sha1".
Salt value (in hex).
<root hash>
The hexadecimal encoding of the cryptographic hash of all of the
neighboring nodes at the first level of the tree. This hash should be
trusted as there is no other authenticity beyond this point.
<hash start>
Start address of hashes (default 0).
<error behavior>
0 = return -EIO. 1 = panic. 2 = none. 3 = call notifier.
Theory of operation
dm-verity is meant to be setup as part of a verified boot path. This
may be anything ranging from a boot using tboot or trustedgrub to just
booting from a known-good device (like a USB drive or CD).
When a dm-verity device is configured, it is expected that the caller
has been authenticated in some way (cryptographic signatures, etc).
After instantiation, all hashes will be verified on-demand during
disk access. If they cannot be verified up to the root node of the
tree, the root hash, then the I/O will fail. This should identify
tampering with any data on the device and the hash data.
Cryptographic hashes are used to assert the integrity of the device on a
per-block basis. This allows for a lightweight hash computation on first read
into the page cache. Block hashes are stored linearly aligned to the nearest
block the size of a page.
For more information on the hashing process, see dm-bht.txt.
Setup a device;
dmsetup create vroot --table \
"0 204800 verity payload=/dev/sda1 hashtree=/dev/sda2 alg=sha1 "\
A command line tool is available to compute the hash tree and return the
root hash value.;a=tree