blob: a0cd9b3cdf741de652d8db63eb25d96c1fd14474 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Broadcom Corporation
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/* uniMAC register definations.*/
#ifndef __BCMGENET_MAP_H__
#define __BCMGENET_MAP_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "bcmgenet_defs.h"
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
/* 64B status Block */
struct status_64 {
unsigned long length_status; /* length and peripheral status */
unsigned long ext_status; /* Extended status*/
unsigned long rx_csum; /* partial rx checksum */
unsigned long filter_index; /* Filter index */
unsigned long extracted_bytes[4]; /* Extracted byte 0 - 16 */
unsigned long reserved[4];
#else /* GENET_V3+ */
unsigned long filter_index[2]; /* Filter index */
unsigned long extracted_bytes[4]; /* Extracted byte 0 - 16 */
unsigned long reserved[3];
unsigned long tx_csum_info; /* Tx checksum info. */
unsigned long unused[3]; /* unused */
} ;
/* Rx status bits */
#define STATUS_RX_CSUM_OK 0x10000
#define STATUS_RX_CSUM_FR 0x20000
/* Tx status bits */
#define STATUS_TX_CSUM_LV 0x80000000
** DMA Descriptor
struct DmaDesc {
unsigned long length_status; /* in bytes of data in buffer */
unsigned long address; /* address of data */
** UniMAC TSV or RSV (Transmit Status Vector or Receive Status Vector
/* Rx/Tx common counter group.*/
struct PktCounterSize {
unsigned long cnt_64; /* RO Recvied/Transmited 64 bytes packet */
unsigned long cnt_127; /* RO Rx/Tx 127 bytes packet */
unsigned long cnt_255; /* RO Rx/Tx 65-255 bytes packet */
unsigned long cnt_511; /* RO Rx/Tx 256-511 bytes packet */
unsigned long cnt_1023; /* RO Rx/Tx 512-1023 bytes packet */
unsigned long cnt_1518; /* RO Rx/Tx 1024-1518 bytes packet */
unsigned long cnt_mgv; /* RO Rx/Tx 1519-1522 good VLAN packet */
unsigned long cnt_2047; /* RO Rx/Tx 1522-2047 bytes packet*/
unsigned long cnt_4095; /* RO Rx/Tx 2048-4095 bytes packet*/
unsigned long cnt_9216; /* RO Rx/Tx 4096-9216 bytes packet*/
/* RSV, Receive Status Vector */
struct UniMacRSV {
struct PktCounterSize stat_sz; /* (0x400 - 0x424), stats of received
packets classfied by size */
unsigned long rx_pkt; /* RO (0x428) Receive pkt count*/
unsigned long rx_bytes; /* RO Receive byte count */
unsigned long rx_mca; /* RO # of Received multicast pkt */
unsigned long rx_bca; /* RO # of Receive broadcast pkt */
unsigned long rx_fcs; /* RO # of Received FCS error */
unsigned long rx_cf; /* RO # of Received control frame pkt*/
unsigned long rx_pf; /* RO # of Received pause frame pkt */
unsigned long rx_uo; /* RO # of unknown op code pkt */
unsigned long rx_aln; /* RO # of alignment error count */
unsigned long rx_flr; /* RO # of frame length out of range count */
unsigned long rx_cde; /* RO # of code error pkt */
unsigned long rx_fcr; /* RO # of carrier sense error pkt */
unsigned long rx_ovr; /* RO # of oversize pkt*/
unsigned long rx_jbr; /* RO # of jabber count */
unsigned long rx_mtue; /* RO # of MTU error pkt*/
unsigned long rx_pok; /* RO # of Received good pkt */
unsigned long rx_uc; /* RO # of unicast pkt */
unsigned long rx_ppp; /* RO # of PPP pkt */
unsigned long rcrc; /* RO (0x470),# of CRC match pkt */
/* TSV, Transmit Status Vector */
struct UniMacTSV {
struct PktCounterSize stat_sz; /* (0x480 - 0x0x4a4), statistics of
xmited packets classified by size */
unsigned long tx_pkt; /* RO (0x4a8) Transmited pkt */
unsigned long tx_mca; /* RO # of xmited multicast pkt */
unsigned long tx_bca; /* RO # of xmited broadcast pkt */
unsigned long tx_pf; /* RO # of xmited pause frame count */
unsigned long tx_cf; /* RO # of xmited control frame count */
unsigned long tx_fcs; /* RO # of xmited FCS error count */
unsigned long tx_ovr; /* RO # of xmited oversize pkt */
unsigned long tx_drf; /* RO # of xmited deferral pkt */
unsigned long tx_edf; /* RO # of xmited Excessive deferral pkt*/
unsigned long tx_scl; /* RO # of xmited single collision pkt */
unsigned long tx_mcl; /* RO # of xmited multiple collision pkt*/
unsigned long tx_lcl; /* RO # of xmited late collision pkt */
unsigned long tx_ecl; /* RO # of xmited excessive collision pkt*/
unsigned long tx_frg; /* RO # of xmited fragments pkt*/
unsigned long tx_ncl; /* RO # of xmited total collision count */
unsigned long tx_jbr; /* RO # of xmited jabber count*/
unsigned long tx_bytes; /* RO # of xmited byte count */
unsigned long tx_pok; /* RO # of xmited good pkt */
unsigned long tx_uc; /* RO (0x0x4f0)# of xmited unitcast pkt */
struct uniMacRegs {
unsigned long unused; /* (00) UMAC register start from offset 0x04 */
unsigned long hdBkpCtrl; /* (04) RW */
unsigned long cmd; /* (08) RW */
unsigned long mac_0; /* (0x0c) RW */
unsigned long mac_1; /* (0x10) RW */
unsigned long max_frame_len; /* (0x14) RW */
unsigned long pause_quant; /* (0x18) RW */
unsigned long unused0[9];
unsigned long sdf_offset; /* (0x40) RW */
unsigned long mode; /* (0x44) RO */
unsigned long frm_tag0; /* (0x48) RW */
unsigned long frm_tag1; /* (0x4c) RW */
unsigned long unused10[3];
unsigned long tx_ipg_len; /* (0x5c) RW */
unsigned long unused1[172];
unsigned long macsec_tx_crc; /* (0x310) RW */
unsigned long macsec_ctrl; /* (0x314) RW */
unsigned long ts_status; /* (0x318) RO */
unsigned long ts_data; /* (0x31c) RO */
unsigned long unused2[4];
unsigned long pause_ctrl; /* (0x330) RW */
unsigned long tx_flush; /* (0x334) RW */
unsigned long rxfifo_status; /* (0x338) RO */
unsigned long txfifo_status; /* (0x33c) RO */
unsigned long ppp_ctrl; /* (0x340) RW */
unsigned long ppp_refresh_ctrl; /* (0x344) RW */
unsigned long unused11[4]; /* (0x348 - 0x354)*/
unsigned long unused12[4]; /* (0x358 - 0x364) */
unsigned long unused13[38];
struct UniMacRSV rsv; /* (0x400 - 0x470) */
unsigned long unused3[3];
struct UniMacTSV tsv; /* (0x480 - 0x4f0) */
unsigned long unused4[7]; /* Ignore RUNT sutff for now! */
unsigned long unused5[28];
unsigned long mib_ctrl; /* (0x580) RW */
unsigned long unused6[31];
unsigned long bkpu_ctrl; /* (0x600) RW */
unsigned long mac_rxerr_mask; /* (0x604) RW */
unsigned long max_pkt_size; /* (0x608) RW */
unsigned long unused7[2];
unsigned long mdio_cmd; /* (0x614 RO */
unsigned long mdio_cfg; /* (0x618) RW */
unsigned long unused9;
unsigned long rbuf_ovfl_pkt_cnt; /* (0x61c) RO */
unsigned long mpd_ctrl; /* (0x620) RW */
unsigned long mpd_pw_ms; /* (0x624) RW */
unsigned long mpd_pw_ls; /* (0x628) RW */
unsigned long unused8[9];
unsigned long mdf_ctrl; /* (0x650) RW */
unsigned long mdf_addr[34]; /* (0x654 - 0x6d8) */
#define HFB_NUM_FLTRS 16
#define HFB_NUM_FLTRS 48
struct tbufRegs {
unsigned long tbuf_ctrl; /* (00) tx buffer control */
unsigned long unused0;
unsigned long tbuf_endian_ctrl; /* (08) */
unsigned long tbuf_bp_mc; /* (0c) */
unsigned long tbuf_pkt_rdy_thld; /* (10) */
unsigned long tbuf_energy_ctrl; /* (14) */
unsigned long tbuf_ext_bp_stats; /* (18) */
unsigned long tbuf_tsv_mask0;
unsigned long tbuf_tsv_mask1;
unsigned long tbuf_tsv_status0;
unsigned long tbuf_tsv_status1;
struct rbufRegs {
unsigned long rbuf_ctrl; /* (00)*/
unsigned long unused0;
unsigned long rbuf_pkt_rdy_thld; /* (08)*/
unsigned long rbuf_status; /* (0c)*/
unsigned long rbuf_endian_ctrl; /* (10)*/
unsigned long rbuf_chk_ctrl; /* (14)*/
unsigned long rbuf_rxc_offset[8]; /* (18 - 34) */
unsigned long unused1[18];
unsigned long rbuf_ovfl_pkt_cnt; /* (80) */
unsigned long rbuf_err_cnt; /* (84) */
unsigned long rbuf_energy_ctrl; /* (88) */
unsigned long unused2[7];
unsigned long rbuf_pd_sram_ctrl; /* (a8) */
unsigned long unused3[12];
unsigned long rbuf_test_mux_ctrl; /* (dc) */
#else /* GENET_V3+ */
unsigned long unused1[7]; /* (18 - 34) */
unsigned long rbuf_rxc_offset[24]; /* (34 - 90) */
unsigned long rbuf_ovfl_pkt_cnt; /* (94) */
unsigned long rbuf_err_cnt; /* (98) */
unsigned long rbuf_energy_ctrl; /* (9c) */
unsigned long rbuf_pd_sram_ctrl; /* (a0) */
unsigned long rbuf_test_mux_ctrl; /* (a4) */
unsigned long rbuf_spare_reg0; /* (a8) */
unsigned long rbuf_spare_reg1; /* (ac) */
unsigned long rbuf_spare_reg2; /* (b0) */
unsigned long rbuf_tbuf_size_ctrl; /* (b4) */
struct hfbRegs {
unsigned long hfb_ctrl;
unsigned long hfb_flt_enable[2];
unsigned long unused[4];
unsigned long hfb_fltr_len[HFB_NUM_FLTRS / 4];
struct rbufRegs {
unsigned long rbuf_ctrl; /* (00) */
unsigned long rbuf_flush_ctrl; /* (04) */
unsigned long rbuf_pkt_rdy_thld; /* (08) */
unsigned long rbuf_status; /* (0c) */
unsigned long rbuf_endian_ctrl; /* (10) */
unsigned long rbuf_chk_ctrl; /* (14) */
unsigned long rbuf_rxc_offset[8]; /* (18 - 34) */
unsigned long rbuf_hfb_ctrl; /* (38) */
unsigned long rbuf_fltr_len[HFB_NUM_FLTRS / 4]; /* (3c - 48) */
unsigned long unused0[13];
unsigned long tbuf_ctrl; /* (80) */
unsigned long tbuf_flush_ctrl; /* (84) */
unsigned long unused1[5];
unsigned long tbuf_endian_ctrl; /* (9c) */
unsigned long tbuf_bp_mc; /* (a0) */
unsigned long tbuf_pkt_rdy_thld; /* (a4) */
unsigned long unused2[2];
unsigned long rgmii_oob_ctrl; /* (b0) */
unsigned long rgmii_ib_status; /* (b4) */
unsigned long rgmii_led_ctrl; /* (b8) */
unsigned long unused3;
unsigned long moca_status; /* (c0) */
unsigned long unused4[6];
unsigned long test_mux_ctrl; /* (dc) */
/* uniMac intrl2 registers */
struct intrl2Regs {
unsigned long cpu_stat; /*(00) CPU interrupt status */
unsigned long cpu_set; /*(04) set the corresponding irq*/
unsigned long cpu_clear; /*(08) clear the corresponding irq*/
unsigned long cpu_mask_status; /*(0c) Show current masking of irq*/
unsigned long cpu_mask_set; /*(10) Disable corresponding irq*/
unsigned long cpu_mask_clear; /*(14) Enable corresponding irq*/
unsigned long pci_stat; /*(00) PCI interrupt status */
unsigned long pci_set; /*(04) set the corresponding irq*/
unsigned long pci_clear; /*(08) clear the corresponding irq*/
unsigned long pci_mask_status; /*(0c) Show current masking of irq*/
unsigned long pci_mask_set; /*(10) Disable corresponding irq*/
unsigned long pci_mask_clear; /*(14) Enable corresponding irq*/
/* Register block offset */
#define GENET_GR_BRIDGE_OFF 0x0040
#define GENET_EXT_OFF 0x0080
#define GENET_INTRL2_0_OFF 0x0200
#define GENET_INTRL2_1_OFF 0x0240
#define GENET_RBUF_OFF 0X0300
#define GENET_UMAC_OFF 0x0800
#define GENET_HFB_OFF 0x1000
#define GENET_RDMA_OFF 0x2000
#define GENET_TDMA_OFF 0x3000
#define GENET_TBUF_OFF 0x0600
#define GENET_HFB_OFF 0x1000
#define GENET_HFB_REG_OFF 0x2000
#define GENET_RDMA_OFF 0x3000
#define GENET_TDMA_OFF 0x4000
#else /* GENET_V3+ */
#define GENET_TBUF_OFF 0x0600
#define GENET_HFB_OFF 0x8000
#define GENET_HFB_REG_OFF 0xfc00
#define GENET_RDMA_OFF 0x10000
#define GENET_TDMA_OFF 0x11000
struct SysRegs {
unsigned long sys_rev_ctrl;
unsigned long sys_port_ctrl;
unsigned long rbuf_flush_ctrl;
unsigned long tbuf_flush_ctrl;
struct GrBridgeRegs {
unsigned long gr_bridge_rev;
unsigned long gr_bridge_ctrl;
unsigned long gr_bridge_sw_reset_0;
unsigned long gr_bridge_sw_reset_1;
struct ExtRegs {
unsigned long ext_pwr_mgmt;
unsigned long ext_emcg_ctrl;
unsigned long ext_test_ctrl;
unsigned long rgmii_oob_ctrl;
unsigned long rgmii_ib_status;
unsigned long rgmii_led_ctrl;
unsigned long ext_genet_pwr_mgmt;
unsigned long ext_in_ctrl;
unsigned long ext_fblp_ctrl;
unsigned long ext_stat0;
unsigned long ext_stat1;
unsigned long ext_ch_ctrl[6];
struct rDmaRingRegs {
unsigned long rdma_write_pointer;
unsigned long rdma_producer_index;
unsigned long rdma_consumer_index;
unsigned long rdma_ring_buf_size;
unsigned long rdma_start_addr;
unsigned long rdma_end_addr;
unsigned long rdma_mbuf_done_threshold;
unsigned long rdma_xon_xoff_threshold;
unsigned long rdma_read_pointer;
unsigned long unused[7];
struct tDmaRingRegs {
unsigned long tdma_read_pointer;
unsigned long tdma_consumer_index;
unsigned long tdma_producer_index;
unsigned long tdma_ring_buf_size;
unsigned long tdma_start_addr;
unsigned long tdma_end_addr;
unsigned long tdma_mbuf_done_threshold;
unsigned long tdma_flow_period;
unsigned long tdma_write_pointer;
unsigned long unused[7];
struct rDmaRegs {
struct rDmaRingRegs rDmaRings[17];
unsigned long rdma_ring_cfg;
unsigned long rdma_ctrl;
unsigned long rdma_status;
unsigned long unused;
unsigned long rdma_scb_burst_size;
unsigned long rdma_activity;
unsigned long rdma_mask;
unsigned long rdma_map[3];
unsigned long rdma_back_status;
unsigned long rdma_override;
unsigned long rdma_timeout[17];
unsigned long rdma_index2ring[8];
unsigned long rdma_test;
unsigned long rdma_debug;
struct tDmaRegs {
struct tDmaRingRegs tDmaRings[17];
unsigned long tdma_ring_cfg;
unsigned long tdma_ctrl;
unsigned long tdma_status;
unsigned long unused;
unsigned long tdma_scb_burst_size;
unsigned long tdma_activity;
unsigned long tdma_mask;
unsigned long tdma_map[2];
unsigned long tdma_map[3];
unsigned long tdma_back_status;
unsigned long tdma_override;
unsigned long tdma_rate_limit_ctrl;
unsigned long tdma_arb_ctrl;
unsigned long tdma_priority[3];
unsigned long tdma_test;
unsigned long tdma_debug;
unsigned long tdma_rate_adj;
#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
#ifdef __cplusplus