blob: 598f40ac3a2802b62cebd14e2c4250486269865d [file] [log] [blame]
set -x
cd /
export CLISH_PATH=/etc/xml_commands
# We now only support gpon, but the previous pon types were as follows:
# epon=0, gpon=1, p2p=2, none=3
# sycl starts omci binary which uses fw_printenv, and
# fw_printenv needs a valid fw_env.config.
# Setup the fw_config file.
mtd=$(grep env /proc/mtd)
if [ -z "$mtd" ]; then
echo "Error: no uboot environment mapping."
device=$(echo $mtd | cut -f 1 -d ':')
erase_size=$(echo $mtd | cut -f 3 -d ' ')
echo "/dev/$device 0x00000 0x1000 0x$erase_size" >/tmp/fw_env.config
sycl &