blob: 0a6b1d670777c310dc9f8e79751def7d5079e205 [file] [log] [blame]
mount -rw -t proc none /proc
mount -rw -t tmpfs none /tmp
mount -rw -t sysfs none /sys
mkdir /dev/pts && mount -rw -t devpts none /dev/pts
## Put the names of the interfaces in the environmental variables
## (They can be board unique)
export WAN_IF=eth0
export LAN_IF=eth1
ifconfig $LAN_IF up
ifconfig $WAN_IF up
[ "$(kernopt debug)" = 1 ] && echo DEBUG > /tmp/DEBUG
touch /tmp/disable_pings
#We want to limit RSS to be around 30M, however, ulimit -m
#is not working for linux 2.6.30+.
#There is no accurate, corresponding virtual memory metric for
#RSS 30M, the number below is from estimate.
ulimit -v 40960
exec /sbin/init --init </dev/console >/dev/console 2>&1