blob: e822152b58b904068ccf68e72c3deb83600e8ba8 [file] [log] [blame]
. /etc/
platform=$(cat /etc/platform)
usage() {
echo "Usage:"
echo " $0 {laser channel num}"
echo " Write to the I2C bus to tune the transceiver the specified channel"
echo " number."
exit 99
if ! startswith "$platform" "GFLT3"; then
# not all fiberjacks have tuneable optics.
exit 0
if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then
# Make sure we've been given a decimal value.
if [ -z "${1##*[!0-9]*}" ]; then
echo "Need a decimal laser channel value! Got: '$1' instead."
exit 1
# We are directly setting 4 bits of the lower byte (0x91).
# Make sure that it doesn't spill over into the upper byte 0x90.
# The PON-ID message format is here: http://go/golong-ponid-ploam-msg
# GFLT3 will only accept a channel inbetween 0-15
if [ "$1" -lt "0" ] && [ "$1" -gt "15" ]; then
echo "Laser channel is out of range: $1 (range is: 0-15)"
exit 1
# Program the laser channel.
result=$(i2cset -y 0 0x51 0x91 $1)
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
echo "Failed to set laser channel! i2cset error: $result"
exit 1
# Something funky is going on with the i2c bus after writing, sleeping for
# a while seems to allow us to consistently be able to read again.
sleep 1
result=$(i2cget -y 0 0x51 0x91)
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
echo "Failed to get the laser channel! i2cget error: $result"
exit 1
# Some early transceiver firmware versions will only accept channel numbers 0
# through 13 (0xd). The final product uses "AWG absolute channel" numbers 0x05
# through 0x10 (channels 5 through 16).
if [ "$(($result))" -ne "$1" ]; then
echo "Error verifying laser channel! Laser channel did not stick? " \
"Expected: $1, got: $(($result))"
exit 1