blob: 0397fdb39feb19aa74ff4aa3cea896f84f64d03b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#ifndef __MACH_ULPI_H
#define __MACH_ULPI_H
int ulpi_set(u8 bits, int reg, void __iomem *view);
int ulpi_clear(u8 bits, int reg, void __iomem *view);
int ulpi_read(int reg, void __iomem *view);
/* ISP 1504 register addresses */
#define ISP1504_VID_LOW 0x00 /* Vendor ID low */
#define ISP1504_VID_HIGH 0x01 /* Vendor ID high */
#define ISP1504_PID_LOW 0x02 /* Product ID low */
#define ISP1504_PID_HIGH 0x03 /* Product ID high */
#define ISP1504_ITFCTL 0x07 /* Interface Control */
#define ISP1504_OTGCTL 0x0A /* OTG Control */
/* add to above register address to access Set/Clear functions */
#define ISP1504_REG_SET 0x01
#define ISP1504_REG_CLEAR 0x02
/* 1504 OTG Control Register bits */
#define USE_EXT_VBUS_IND (1 << 7) /* Use ext. Vbus indicator */
#define DRV_VBUS_EXT (1 << 6) /* Drive Vbus external */
#define DRV_VBUS (1 << 5) /* Drive Vbus */
#define CHRG_VBUS (1 << 4) /* Charge Vbus */
#define DISCHRG_VBUS (1 << 3) /* Discharge Vbus */
#define DM_PULL_DOWN (1 << 2) /* enable DM Pull Down */
#define DP_PULL_DOWN (1 << 1) /* enable DP Pull Down */
#define ID_PULL_UP (1 << 0) /* enable ID Pull Up */
#endif /* __MACH_ULPI_H */