blob: 9c004e7641cb5cc4f294a3f9b5e19319c7ad3bd3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Project: DMW96
* Module Name:
* $Source: /prj/C2000/vault/sim/soft/dect/scu_arm_dtcm_with_cortex/host_code/asm/mcu_scu_arm_dtcm_with_cortex.s,v $
* $ReVision: $
* $Date: 2011/02/16 05:19:26 $
* $Author: gokavaa $
* Copyright (C) 2010 DSPG Ltd. All Rights Reserved
* Description: in this test the cortex performs transactions
* to the DTCM while the arm petches instructions simultanously
/*#include "../common_code/asm/macros.h"*/
#include "../common_code/asm/sys_regs_def.h"
#include "../arm926_boot/mcu_test_end.s"
/* EXPORT mainc_mcu_scu_arm_dtcm_with_cortex */
* EXPORT undefined_Handler
* EXPORT swi_Handler
* EXPORT prefetchAbort_Handler
* EXPORT dataAbort_Handler
* EXPORT irq_Handler
* EXPORT fiq_Handler
/* AREA bank0, CODE, READONLY */
.global mainc_mcu_scu_arm_dtcm_with_cortex
* read-compare from DTCM physical boundaries
* the data was inserted ahead by readmemh
LDR r12, =0x0001
LDR r0, =McuCssDtcm
/* read from the start of physical 32KRam */
LDR r2, =0x01111011
ldr r6,[r0]
CMP r6,r2
BNE ErrorTest_host
/* read from the end of physical 32KRam */
LDR r7, =0x7FFC
ADD r1,r0,r7
LDR r2, =0x02222022
ldr r6,[r1]
CMP r6,r2
BNE ErrorTest_host
/* read from the start of physical 32KRam with wraped memory address
* LDR r7, =0x10000 ;wraped memory address to adress 0x0000000
* ADD r1,r0,r7
* LDR r2, =0x01111011
* ldr r6,[r1]
* CMP r6,r2
* BNE ErrorTest_host
* write to all DTCM physical boundaries
LDR r12, =0x0002
/* write to the start of physical 32KRam */
LDR r2, =0x12212211
str r2,[r0]
/* write to the end of physical 32KRam */
LDR r7, =0x7FFC
ADD r1,r0,r7
LDR r2, =0x23323322
str r2,[r1]
* read-compare from all DTCM physical boundaries
LDR r12, =0x0003
/* read-compare from the start of physical 32KRam0 */
LDR r2, =0x12212211
ldr r6,[r0]
CMP r6,r2
BNE ErrorTest_host
/* read-compare from the end of physical 32KRam0 */
LDR r7, =0x7FFC
ADD r1,r0,r7
LDR r2, =0x23323322
ldr r6,[r1]
CMP r6,r2
BNE ErrorTest_host
* ordering the test env to load the scu out files
/* ; ldr r0, =0x8000 */
/* ; ldr r5, =TopTbRegsBase + TbEnvConfigOffset */
/* ; strh r0, [r5] */
* enabling the arm clock & removing out of reset
LDR r12, =0x0006
/* Write the GPIO registers to bring ARM926 out fo reset */
LDR r11, =0xf3
LDR r10, =0x904700b0
str r11,[r10]
LDR r11, =0x0
LDR r10, =0x904700b4
str r11,[r10]
/* enabeling the write- protected clk_en register for writing
* WriteWord CmuBase, CmuWrProtOffset, 0x00000090
* enable clock for arm (bit[1])
* other fields are set to their default values
* WriteWord CmuBase, CmuSwCtrlClkEn1Offset, 0x00804012
* waiting for arm to start fetching
* poling for "c4c4" at css sys cfg scratch pad reg
* this is written by the arm to indicate to the cortex that the arm started his tasks
LDR r11, = CssSysCfgBase + CssSysCfgScPadRegOffset
ldr r10, [r11]
LDR r7, =0xc4c4
cmp r10,r7
BEQ loop1end
b loop1
* write-read-compare to DTCM in intervals
LDR r12, =0x0007
LDR r0, =McuCssDtcm
ADD r0, r0, #0x6000 @ points 0x6000 bytes into DTCM memory
ADD r1, r0, #0x0040
LDR r2, =0x38576328
LDR r3, =0x38473694
LDR r4, =0x97473864
LDR r5, =0x50374673
STM r0,{r2-r5}
LDMIA r0!,{r6-r9}
* str r2,[r0]
* nop
* ldr r6,[r0]
* add r0,r0,#4
CMP r6,r2
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r7,r3
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r8,r4
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r9,r5
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r0, r1
BNE loop2
* write-read-compare to DTCM in intervals 16bit
LDR r12, =0x0008
LDR r0, =McuCssDtcm
ADD r0, r0, #0x6000 @ points 0x6000 bytes into ITCM memory
ADD r0, r0, #0x0040
ADD r1, r0, #0x0010
LDR r2, =0x3328
LDR r3, =0x3694
LDR r4, =0x9744
LDR r5, =0x3746
strh r2,[r0]
strh r3,[r0,#2]
strh r4,[r0,#4]
strh r5,[r0,#6]
ldrh r6,[r0]
ldrh r7,[r0,#2]
ldrh r8,[r0,#4]
ldrh r9,[r0,#6]
ADD r0, r0, #8
CMP r6,r2
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r7,r3
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r8,r4
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r9,r5
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r0, r1
BLT loop4
* write-read-compare to DTCM in intervals 8bit
LDR r12, =0x0009
LDR r0, =McuCssDtcm
ADD r0, r0, #0x6000 @ points 0x6000 bytes into ITCM memory
ADD r0, r0, #0x0060
ADD r1, r0, #0x0010
LDR r2, =0x6a
LDR r3, =0x23
LDR r4, =0x8f
LDR r5, =0x2d
strb r2,[r0]
strb r3,[r0,#1]
strb r4,[r0,#2]
strb r5,[r0,#3]
ldrb r6,[r0]
ldrb r7,[r0,#1]
ldrb r8,[r0,#2]
ldrb r9,[r0,#3]
ADD r0, r0, #4
CMP r6,r2
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r7,r3
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r8,r4
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r9,r5
BNE ErrorTest_host
CMP r0, r1
BLT loop5
* checking that the arm finished fetching
LDR r12, =0x00010
/* poling for "a2a2" at css sys cfg scratch pad reg
* this is written by the arm to indicate to the cortex that the arm finished his tasks
LDR r11, =CssSysCfgBase + CssSysCfgScPadRegOffset
ldr r10, [r11]
LDR r7, =0xa2a2
cmp r10,r7
beq loop3end
b loop3
b StopTest_host
* Interrupt HANDLERS
* undefined_Handler
* swi_Handler
* prefetchAbort_Handler
* dataAbort_Handler
* irq_Handler
* fiq_Handler
/* END */