blob: 9b6abc1fb2fa306fe256d9a6a5d5e08efbb1ccc1 [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file vp880_fxs_control.c
* vp880_fxs_control.c
* This file contains the control functions for the FXS lines of the VP880
* device.
* Copyright (c) 2011, Microsemi
* $Revision: $
* $LastChangedDate: 2010-03-23 14:01:46 -0500 (Tue, 23 Mar 2010) $
#include "../includes/vp_api_cfg.h"
#if defined (VP_CC_880_SERIES) && defined (VP880_FXS_SUPPORT)
#include "../../arch/uvb/vp_api_types.h"
#include "../../arch/uvb/vp_hal.h"
#include "../includes/vp_api_int.h"
#include "../includes/vp880_api.h"
#include "../vp880_api/vp880_api_int.h"
#include "../../arch/uvb/sys_service.h"
/**< Functions called by Set Line State to abstract device states used for ABS
* and non ABS devices (if they are different). Set line state then operates
* on device state only (abstracted from API-II line state).
static void
VpLineCtxType *pLineCtx);
static void
VpLineCtxType *pLineCtx);
* Vp880ProcessFxsLine()
* This function should only be called by Vp880ApiTick on FXS lines. It
* performs all line processing for operations that are Tick based
* Preconditions:
* Conditions defined by purpose of Api Tick.
* Postconditions:
* The Api variables and events (as appropriate) for the line passed have been
* updated.
Vp880DeviceObjectType *pDevObj,
VpLineCtxType *pLineCtx)
Vp880LineObjectType *pLineObj = pLineCtx->pLineObj;
uint8 channelId = pLineObj->channelId;
bool dpStatus[2] = {FALSE, FALSE};
VpOptionEventMaskType lineEvents1;
VpOptionEventMaskType lineEvents2;
VpDialPulseDetectStatesType beforeState, afterState;
uint8 hookStatus = 0, i, validSamples;
uint8 hookIncrement;
bool dp2Valid;
/* Skip processing during line test */
if (Vp880IsChnlUndrTst(pDevObj, channelId) == TRUE) {
lineEvents1.signaling = 0;
lineEvents2.signaling = 0;
/* If the secondary pulse params are all 0 (default), mark them as invalid
* so that they will not be used. */
if (pDevObj->pulseSpecs2.breakMin == 0 &&
pDevObj->pulseSpecs2.breakMax == 0 &&
pDevObj->pulseSpecs2.makeMin == 0 &&
pDevObj->pulseSpecs2.makeMax == 0 &&
pDevObj->pulseSpecs2.onHookMin == 0 &&
pDevObj->pulseSpecs2.interDigitMin == 0 &&
pDevObj->pulseSpecs2.flashMin == 0 &&
pDevObj->pulseSpecs2.flashMax == 0) {
dp2Valid = FALSE;
} else {
dp2Valid = TRUE;
* If the line is configured for Dial Pulse Detection, run the Dial Pulse
* detection code. Dial Pulse detection code will generate the appropriate
* events
if((pLineObj->pulseMode == VP_OPTION_PULSE_DECODE_ON) &&
(!(pLineObj->lineState.condition & VP_CSLAC_LINE_LEAK_TEST))) {
* Based on the following (vp880_api_int.h):
* #define VP880_CC_500HZ_RATE 0x40
* #define VP880_CC_1KHZ_RATE 0x30
* #define VP880_CC_2KHZ_RATE 0x20
* #define VP880_CC_4KHZ_RATE 0x10
* #define VP880_CC_8KHZ_RATE 0x00
* Get the incremental steps sizes in 125us increments used to apply to the on/off-hook
* times below, which is also the same scale as the Dial Pulse Detection Parameters.
uint8 shiftAmt = ((pDevObj->txBufferDataRate >> 4) & 0x7);
hookIncrement = (1 << shiftAmt);
validSamples = ((pDevObj->txBuffer[VP880_TX_BUF_HOOK_MSB_INDEX]
& VP880_TX_BUF_LEN_MASK) >> 4);
if (validSamples == 7) {
validSamples = 6;
if (channelId == 0) {
hookStatus = pDevObj->txBuffer[VP880_TX_BUF_HOOK_LSB_INDEX]
} else {
hookStatus = (pDevObj->txBuffer[VP880_TX_BUF_HOOK_MSB_INDEX]
hookStatus |= ((pDevObj->txBuffer[VP880_TX_BUF_HOOK_LSB_INDEX]
& VP880_TX_BUF_HOOK_CHAN2_MASK) >> 6);
* If the line is currently in Low Power Mode, the meaning applied to the hook detector is
* inverted from it's normal meaning. A "high" signal level into the hook detector, which
* normally measures current, will cause the hook bit to be set = '1'. The SW has to
* understand that the hook detector is being fed line voltage when in LPM and interpret
* that to mean the customer phone is on-hook. In normal detection mode where the
* hook detector is being fed current, a "high" signal level means high current = phone is
* off-hook.
if (pLineObj->status & VP880_LOW_POWER_EN) {
hookStatus = ~hookStatus;
beforeState = pLineObj->dpStruct.state;
* This flag is set when the Test Buffer (more specifically, the Hook-Bit buffer) has been
* read this tick. It could happen when a hook interrupt occurs or not (i.e., there are a
* few reasons for reading the test buffer). It should ONLY be set on silicon > VC, but it
* isn't too much effort to check for both Hook-Bit Buffer read AND > VC silicon before
* processing the data.
if ((pDevObj->state & VP_DEV_TEST_BUFFER_READ) &&
(pDevObj->staticInfo.rcnPcn[VP880_RCN_LOCATION] > VP880_REV_VC)) {
* Loop Open and Loop Close times are only at the accuracy of the tickrate now. We
* want to improve that by looking for the point the hook status changed in the hook-bit
* buffer and adjust based on the hook bit buffer sample rate (i.e., hook increment set
* above).
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx,
("CH%d Validsamples %d, buffer %02X %02X %d%d%d%d%d%d at time %d",
((pDevObj->txBuffer[VP880_TX_BUF_HOOK_MSB_INDEX] & VP880_TX_BUF_LEN_MASK) >> 4),
pDevObj->txBuffer[0], pDevObj->txBuffer[1],
(hookStatus & 0x20) == 0x20,
(hookStatus & 0x10) == 0x10,
(hookStatus & 0x08) == 0x08,
(hookStatus & 0x04) == 0x04,
(hookStatus & 0x02) == 0x02,
(hookStatus & 0x01) == 0x01,
for (i = 1; i < (1 << validSamples); i <<= 1) {
if (beforeState == VP_DP_DETECT_STATE_LOOP_CLOSE) {
if (!(hookStatus & i)) {
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx,
("CH%d - Loop Close Time (%d) at time (%d) Hook Increment (%d)",
channelId, pLineObj->dpStruct.lc_time, pDevObj->timeStamp,
if (pLineObj->dpStruct.lc_time > hookIncrement) {
pLineObj->dpStruct.lc_time -= hookIncrement;
if (pLineObj->dpStruct2.lc_time > hookIncrement) {
pLineObj->dpStruct2.lc_time -= hookIncrement;
} else {
} else if (beforeState == VP_DP_DETECT_STATE_LOOP_OPEN) {
if (hookStatus & i) {
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx,
("CH%d - Loop Open Time (%d) at time (%d) Hook Increment (%d)",
channelId, pLineObj->dpStruct.lo_time, pDevObj->timeStamp,
if (pLineObj->dpStruct.lo_time > hookIncrement) {
pLineObj->dpStruct.lo_time -= hookIncrement;
if (pLineObj->dpStruct2.lo_time > hookIncrement) {
pLineObj->dpStruct2.lo_time -= hookIncrement;
} else {
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx,
("CH%d Fine Measurement Loop Open Time (%d) Loop Close Time (%d) at time %d",
channelId, pLineObj->dpStruct.lo_time, pLineObj->dpStruct.lc_time,
if ((!(pDevObj->stateInt & VP880_IS_ABS)) &&
/* Compensate for slow onhook detection with Fixed Mode Tracking Designs */
if (beforeState == VP_DP_DETECT_STATE_LOOP_CLOSE && !(pLineObj->dpStruct.hookSt)) {
if (pLineObj->dpStruct.lc_time > VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_LONG) {
pLineObj->dpStruct.lc_time -= VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_LONG;
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx,
("CH%d Long Compensation to Loop Close Time (%d) at time (%d)",
channelId, pLineObj->dpStruct.lc_time, pDevObj->timeStamp));
if (beforeState == VP_DP_DETECT_STATE_LOOP_CLOSE && !(pLineObj->dpStruct2.hookSt)) {
if (pLineObj->dpStruct2.lc_time > VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_LONG) {
pLineObj->dpStruct2.lc_time -= VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_LONG;
} else {
/* Compensate just for the silicon */
if (beforeState == VP_DP_DETECT_STATE_LOOP_CLOSE && !(pLineObj->dpStruct.hookSt)) {
if (pLineObj->dpStruct.lc_time > VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_SHORT) {
pLineObj->dpStruct.lc_time -= VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_SHORT;
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx,
("CH%d Short Compensation to Loop Close Time (%d) at time (%d)",
channelId, pLineObj->dpStruct.lc_time, pDevObj->timeStamp));
if (beforeState == VP_DP_DETECT_STATE_LOOP_CLOSE && !(pLineObj->dpStruct2.hookSt)) {
if (pLineObj->dpStruct2.lc_time > VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_SHORT) {
pLineObj->dpStruct2.lc_time -= VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_SHORT;
dpStatus[0] = VpUpdateDP(pDevObj->devProfileData.tickRate,
&pDevObj->pulseSpecs, &pLineObj->dpStruct, &lineEvents1);
if (dp2Valid == TRUE) {
dpStatus[1] = VpUpdateDP(pDevObj->devProfileData.tickRate,
&pDevObj->pulseSpecs2, &pLineObj->dpStruct2, &lineEvents2);
afterState = pLineObj->dpStruct.state;
/* Update the loop open and close times according to the hook change
* within a tick */
/* If the state changed, adjust the hook timings */
if (beforeState != afterState) {
if (pDevObj->state & VP_DEV_TEST_BUFFER_READ) {
for (i = 1; i < (1 << validSamples); i <<= 1) {
if (afterState == VP_DP_DETECT_STATE_LOOP_CLOSE) {
if (hookStatus & i) {
pLineObj->dpStruct.lc_time += hookIncrement;
pLineObj->dpStruct2.lc_time += hookIncrement;
} else {
} else if (afterState == VP_DP_DETECT_STATE_LOOP_OPEN) {
if (!(hookStatus & i)) {
pLineObj->dpStruct.lo_time += hookIncrement;
pLineObj->dpStruct2.lo_time += hookIncrement;
} else {
if (afterState == VP_DP_DETECT_STATE_LOOP_OPEN) {
if ((!(pDevObj->stateInt & VP880_IS_ABS)) &&
/* Compensate for slow onhook detection with Fixed Mode Tracking Designs */
pLineObj->dpStruct.lo_time += VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_LONG;
pLineObj->dpStruct2.lo_time += VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_LONG;
} else {
/* Compensate for silicon only */
pLineObj->dpStruct.lo_time += VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_SHORT;
pLineObj->dpStruct2.lo_time += VP880_PULSE_DETECT_ADJUSTMENT_SHORT;
* The state machines will not necessarily complete at the same time, so
* keep track of each and when both are done, report a passing digit if
* one exists, or invalid if no criteria was met.
if (dpStatus[0] == TRUE) {
pLineObj->signaling1 = lineEvents1.signaling;
pLineObj->lineEventHandle = pDevObj->timeStamp;
if (!(pLineObj->lineEvents.signaling & VP_LINE_EVID_BREAK_MAX)) {
pLineObj->status |= VP880_DP_SET1_DONE;
if (dpStatus[1] == TRUE && dp2Valid == TRUE) {
pLineObj->signaling2 = lineEvents2.signaling;
pLineObj->lineEventHandle = pDevObj->timeStamp;
if (!(pLineObj->lineEvents.signaling & VP_LINE_EVID_BREAK_MAX)) {
pLineObj->status |= VP880_DP_SET2_DONE;
/* Report events if:
* Both DP sets are done, OR
* Set 1 is done and set 2 is invalid */
if ((pLineObj->status & VP880_DP_SET1_DONE) &&
((pLineObj->status & VP880_DP_SET2_DONE) ||
dp2Valid == FALSE))
/* Use the results of DP set 1 if it detected a valid digit, or
* if DP set 2 detected an invalid digit, or if set 2 is disabled */
if (pLineObj->dpStruct.digits != -1 ||
pLineObj->dpStruct2.digits == -1 ||
dp2Valid == FALSE)
pLineObj->signalingData = pLineObj->dpStruct.digits;
pLineObj->lineEvents.signaling |= pLineObj->signaling1;
pLineObj->lineEventHandle = VP_DP_PARAM1;
} else {
pLineObj->signalingData = pLineObj->dpStruct2.digits;
pLineObj->lineEvents.signaling |= pLineObj->signaling2;
pLineObj->lineEventHandle = VP_DP_PARAM2;
if (pLineObj->signalingData == 0) {
pLineObj->signalingData = pLineObj->lineEventHandle;
pLineObj->lineEventHandle = pDevObj->timeStamp;
pLineObj->status &= ~(VP880_DP_SET1_DONE | VP880_DP_SET2_DONE);
pLineObj->signaling1 = 0;
pLineObj->signaling2 = 0;
* If Caller ID sequencer is in progress, update unless it's in a state of
* suspension. If suspended, re-enable if device is in underrun (no more
* data to transmit).
if ((pLineObj->callerId.status & VP_CID_IN_PROGRESS)
|| (pLineObj->suspendCid == TRUE)) {
VpDeviceIdType deviceId = pDevObj->deviceId;
uint8 ecVal = pLineObj->ecVal;
VP_API_FUNC_INT(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880ProcessFxsLine()+"));
/* First read of the CID State Machine this tick. */
VpMpiCmdWrapper(deviceId, ecVal, VP880_CID_PARAM_RD,
VP880_CID_PARAM_LEN, pLineObj->tickBeginState);
pLineObj->delayConsumed = FALSE;
if (pLineObj->suspendCid == TRUE) {
* Check to see if the Device Buffer is empty. If it is, continue
* with CID.
uint8 cidState = (pLineObj->tickBeginState[0] & VP880_CID_STATE_MASK);
if ((cidState == VP880_CID_STATE_URUN)
|| (cidState == VP880_CID_STATE_IDLE)) {
uint8 cidParam = pLineObj->tickBeginState[0];
pLineObj->suspendCid = FALSE;
cidParam &= ~(VP880_CID_FRAME_BITS);
cidParam |= VP880_CID_DIS;
Vp880MuteChannel(pLineCtx, FALSE);
if (cidParam != pLineObj->tickBeginState[0]) {
pLineObj->tickBeginState[0] = cidParam;
VP_CID(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx,
("Stopping FSK Generator with 0x%02X to CID Params at time %d",
pLineObj->tickBeginState[0], pDevObj->timeStamp));
VpMpiCmdWrapper(deviceId, ecVal, VP880_CID_PARAM_WRT,
VP880_CID_PARAM_LEN, pLineObj->tickBeginState);
pLineObj->callerId.status &= ~VP_CID_FSK_ACTIVE;
if (pLineObj->callerId.status & VP_CID_IN_PROGRESS) {
VP_API_FUNC_INT(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880ProcessFxsLine()-"));
* Vp880SetRelayState()
* This function controls the state of controlled relays for the VP880 device.
* Preconditions:
* Device/Line context should be created and initialized. For applicable
* devices bootload should be performed before calling the function.
* Postconditions:
* The indicated relay state is set for the given line.
VpLineCtxType *pLineCtx,
VpRelayControlType rState)
Vp880LineObjectType *pLineObj = pLineCtx->pLineObj;
uint8 ecVal = pLineObj->ecVal;
VpTermType termType = pLineObj->termType;
VpDevCtxType *pDevCtx = pLineCtx->pDevCtx;
Vp880DeviceObjectType *pDevObj = pDevCtx->pDevObj;
VpDeviceIdType deviceId = pDevObj->deviceId;
uint8 pcn = pDevObj->staticInfo.rcnPcn[VP880_PCN_LOCATION];
uint8 revCode = pDevObj->staticInfo.rcnPcn[VP880_RCN_LOCATION];
uint8 ioDirection[VP880_IODIR_REG_LEN];
uint8 ioData[VP880_IODATA_REG_LEN];
uint8 mpiBuffer[3 + VP880_IODIR_REG_LEN + VP880_IODATA_REG_LEN + VP880_ICR1_LEN];
uint8 mpiIndex = 0;
* In case this function fails, make sure the line object is unchanged by
* pre-saving it's current value. First step prior to 100% verifiying if
* this function will be success is to pre-clear the relay control bits.
uint8 preIcr1Values = pLineObj->icr1Values[VP880_ICR1_TEST_LOAD_LOCATION];
VpSysEnterCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
VP_API_FUNC_INT(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880SetRelayState+"));
/* Proceed if device state is either in progress or complete */
if (pDevObj->state & (VP_DEV_INIT_CMP | VP_DEV_INIT_IN_PROGRESS)) {
} else {
VpSysExitCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
VP_API_FUNC_INT(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880SetRelayState-"));
* Do not proceed if the device calibration is in progress. This could
* damage the device.
if (pDevObj->state & VP_DEV_IN_CAL) {
VpSysExitCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
VP_API_FUNC_INT(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880SetRelayState-"));
* Handle the VP_RELAY_BRIDGED_TEST case for devices that do not have a
* physical test load. Use the internal test termination algorithm instead.
* If the VP880_ALWAYS_USE_INTERNAL_TEST_TERMINATION option is defined in
* vp_api_cfg.h the HAS_TEST_LOAD_SWITCH flag will always be cleared at
* initialization so that this method will always be used. The internal
* test termination is only supported for revisions newer than VC.
if (rState == VP_RELAY_BRIDGED_TEST &&
!(pDevObj->stateInt & VP880_HAS_TEST_LOAD_SWITCH) &&
revCode > VP880_REV_VC) {
pLineObj->relayState = VP_RELAY_BRIDGED_TEST;
VpSysExitCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
/* If the internal test termination is currently applied and we're going
* to a state other than BRIDGED_TEST, restore the internal settings */
if (pLineObj->internalTestTermApplied == TRUE &&
/* Read registers that may have partial modifications */
VpMpiCmdWrapper(deviceId, ecVal, VP880_IODIR_REG_RD, VP880_IODIR_REG_LEN,
VpMpiCmdWrapper(deviceId, ecVal, VP880_IODATA_REG_RD, VP880_IODATA_REG_LEN,
/* Always set the value for Test Load Control. */
pLineObj->icr1Values[VP880_ICR1_TEST_LOAD_LOCATION-1] |=
/* Preclear test load bits */
switch (pLineObj->termType) {
switch (rState) {
if (!(pDevObj->stateInt & VP880_HAS_TEST_LOAD_SWITCH)) {
/* Restore values prior to caling this function. */
pLineObj->icr1Values[VP880_ICR1_TEST_LOAD_LOCATION] = preIcr1Values;
VpSysExitCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
VP_API_FUNC_INT(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880SetRelayState-"));
/* Test Load bits pre-cleared. Can pick up at Normal */
/* Restore values prior to caling this function. */
pLineObj->icr1Values[VP880_ICR1_TEST_LOAD_LOCATION] = preIcr1Values;
VpSysExitCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
VP_API_FUNC_INT(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880SetRelayState-"));
ioDirection[0] &= ~VP880_IODIR_IO1_MASK;
ioData[0] &= ~(VP880_IODATA_IO1);
switch (rState) {
if (!(pDevObj->stateInt & VP880_HAS_TEST_LOAD_SWITCH)) {
/* Restore values prior to caling this function. */
pLineObj->icr1Values[VP880_ICR1_TEST_LOAD_LOCATION] = preIcr1Values;
VpSysExitCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
VP_API_FUNC_INT(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880SetRelayState-"));
/* Test Load bits pre-cleared. Can pick up at Normal */
if (revCode <= VP880_REV_VC) {
ioDirection[0] |= VP880_IODIR_IO1_OPEN_DRAIN;
if ((termType == VP_TERM_FXS_ISOLATE) ||
(termType == VP_TERM_FXS_ISOLATE_LP)) {
* Dir = open drain, Set Data = 0
* This causes the output to go high.
ioData[0] &= ~VP880_IODATA_IO1;
} else {
* Dir = open drain, Set Data = 1
* This causes the output to go low.
ioData[0] |= VP880_IODATA_IO1;
} else {
* Devices VP880_DEV_PCN_88536 and VP880_DEV_PCN_88264
* are affected here because the VP-API-II forces the
* revision code to >= JA
if ((termType == VP_TERM_FXS_ISOLATE) ||
(termType == VP_TERM_FXS_ISOLATE_LP)) {
* Dir = output, Set Data = 1
* This causes the output to go high.
ioDirection[0] |= VP880_IODIR_IO1_OUTPUT;
ioData[0] |= VP880_IODATA_IO1;
} else {
if ((pcn == VP880_DEV_PCN_88536) ||
(pcn == VP880_DEV_PCN_88264)) {
* Dir = output, Set Data = 0
* This causes the output to go low.
ioDirection[0] |= VP880_IODIR_IO1_OUTPUT;
ioData[0] &= ~VP880_IODATA_IO1;
} else {
* Dir = open drain, Set Data = 1
* This causes the output to go low.
ioDirection[0] |= VP880_IODIR_IO1_OPEN_DRAIN;
ioData[0] |= VP880_IODATA_IO1;
if (revCode <= VP880_REV_VC) {
ioDirection[0] |= VP880_IODIR_IO1_OPEN_DRAIN;
if ((termType == VP_TERM_FXS_ISOLATE) ||
(termType == VP_TERM_FXS_ISOLATE_LP)) {
* Dir = open drain, Set Data = 1.
* This causes the output to go low
ioData[0] |= VP880_IODATA_IO1;
} else {
* Dir = open drain, Set Data = 0
* This causes the output to go high.
ioData[0] &= ~VP880_IODATA_IO1;
} else {
* Devices VP880_DEV_PCN_88536 and VP880_DEV_PCN_88264
* are affected here because the VP-API-II forces the
* revision code to >= JA
if ((termType == VP_TERM_FXS_ISOLATE) ||
(termType == VP_TERM_FXS_ISOLATE_LP)) {
if ((pcn == VP880_DEV_PCN_88536) ||
(pcn == VP880_DEV_PCN_88264)) {
* Dir = output, Set Data = 0.
* This causes the output to go low
ioDirection[0] |= VP880_IODIR_IO1_OUTPUT;
ioData[0] &= ~VP880_IODATA_IO1;
} else {
* Dir = open drain, Set Data = 1.
* This causes the output to go low
ioDirection[0] |= VP880_IODIR_IO1_OPEN_DRAIN;
ioData[0] |= VP880_IODATA_IO1;
} else {
* Dir = output, Set Data = 1
* This causes the output to go high.
ioDirection[0] |= VP880_IODIR_IO1_OUTPUT;
ioData[0] |= VP880_IODATA_IO1;
/* Restore values prior to caling this function. */
pLineObj->icr1Values[VP880_ICR1_TEST_LOAD_LOCATION] = preIcr1Values;
VpSysExitCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
VP_API_FUNC_INT(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880SetRelayState-"));
/* Restore values prior to caling this function. */
pLineObj->icr1Values[VP880_ICR1_TEST_LOAD_LOCATION] = preIcr1Values;
VpSysExitCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
VP_API_FUNC_INT(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880SetRelayState-"));
VP_LINE_STATE(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("1. Write IODATA 0x%02X on Ch %d",
ioData[0], pLineObj->channelId));
VP_LINE_STATE(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("2. Write IODIR 0x%02X on Channel %d",
ioDirection[0], pLineObj->channelId));
* Note in this ONE VP-API-II case for ICR1 Write, we don't go through
* protected write because that's handled above in this function.
mpiIndex = VpCSLACBuildMpiBuffer(mpiIndex, mpiBuffer, VP880_ICR1_WRT,
VP880_ICR1_LEN, pLineObj->icr1Values);
VP_LINE_STATE(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880SetRelayState(): Write ICR1 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X Ch %d",
pLineObj->icr1Values[0], pLineObj->icr1Values[1],
pLineObj->icr1Values[2], pLineObj->icr1Values[3], pLineObj->channelId));
mpiIndex = VpCSLACBuildMpiBuffer(mpiIndex, mpiBuffer, VP880_IODATA_REG_WRT,
VP880_IODATA_REG_LEN, ioData);
mpiIndex = VpCSLACBuildMpiBuffer(mpiIndex, mpiBuffer, VP880_IODIR_REG_WRT,
VP880_IODIR_REG_LEN, ioDirection);
/* send down the mpi commands */
VpMpiCmdWrapper(deviceId, ecVal, mpiBuffer[0], mpiIndex-1, &mpiBuffer[1]);
pLineObj->relayState = rState;
VpSysExitCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
VP_API_FUNC_INT(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880SetRelayState-"));
* Vp880ApplyInternalTestTerm()
* Configures ICR settings for the internal test termination algorithm, which
* is used instead of a physical test load for devices which do not have one.
* The internal test termination works by internally shorting tip and ring.
static void
VpLineCtxType *pLineCtx)
Vp880LineObjectType *pLineObj = pLineCtx->pLineObj;
VpDevCtxType *pDevCtx = pLineCtx->pDevCtx;
Vp880DeviceObjectType *pDevObj = pDevCtx->pDevObj;
VpDeviceIdType deviceId = pDevObj->deviceId;
uint8 ecVal = pLineObj->ecVal;
uint16 timerDelay;
uint8 icr1Reg[VP880_ICR1_LEN];
uint8 mpiBuffer[3 + VP880_ICR6_LEN + VP880_ICR4_LEN + VP880_ICR1_LEN];
uint8 mpiIndex = 0;
if (pLineObj->internalTestTermApplied == TRUE) {
VpSysEnterCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
/* Disconnect VAB sensing */
pLineObj->icr6Values[VP880_DC_CAL_CUT_INDEX] |= VP880_C_TIP_SNS_CUT;
pLineObj->icr6Values[VP880_DC_CAL_CUT_INDEX] |= VP880_C_RING_SNS_CUT;
mpiIndex = VpCSLACBuildMpiBuffer(mpiIndex, mpiBuffer, VP880_ICR6_WRT,
VP880_ICR6_LEN, pLineObj->icr6Values);
/* Reverse the polarity of the ground key detector to disable ground
* key event */
pLineObj->icr4Values[VP880_ICR4_GKEY_DET_LOCATION] |= VP880_ICR4_GKEY_POL;
pLineObj->icr4Values[VP880_ICR4_GKEY_DET_LOCATION+1] |= VP880_ICR4_GKEY_POL;
mpiIndex = VpCSLACBuildMpiBuffer(mpiIndex, mpiBuffer, VP880_ICR4_WRT,
VP880_ICR4_LEN, pLineObj->icr4Values);
* Forcing the SLIC DC bias for 200ms helps collapse the battery voltage, especially for fixed
* tracking designs. We're taking over ICR1 completely here. Other parts of the code will set
* pLineObj->icr1Values but will not actually write to the register while this relay state is
* active. See Vp880ProtectedWriteICR1(). When we leave this relay state, we will restore
* pLineObj->icr1Values
icr1Reg[0] = 0xFF;
icr1Reg[2] = 0xFF;
if (pDevObj->stateInt & VP880_IS_ABS) {
#ifdef VP880_ABS_SUPPORT
icr1Reg[1] = 0x68;
icr1Reg[3] = 0x06;
} else {
icr1Reg[1] = 0xFF;
icr1Reg[3] = 0x0F;
VP_LINE_STATE(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx,
("Vp880ApplyInternalTestTerm(): Write ICR1 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X Ch %d",
icr1Reg[0], icr1Reg[1], icr1Reg[2], icr1Reg[3], pLineObj->channelId));
mpiIndex = VpCSLACBuildMpiBuffer(mpiIndex, mpiBuffer, VP880_ICR1_WRT, VP880_ICR1_LEN, icr1Reg);
/* send down the mpi commands */
VpMpiCmdWrapper(deviceId, ecVal, mpiBuffer[0], mpiIndex-1, &mpiBuffer[1]);
/* Start a timer to change the ICR1 settings later to make tip and ring
* outputs high impedance so that they tend to pull to battery. */
if ((pDevObj->stateInt & VP880_IS_ABS) ||
/* Use a short delay for ABS and non-fixed tracking devices */
} else {
/* Use a longer delay for fixed tracking devices */
pLineObj->lineTimers.timers.timer[VP_LINE_INTERNAL_TESTTERM_TIMER] =
(MS_TO_TICKRATE(timerDelay, pDevObj->devProfileData.tickRate)) | VP_ACTIVATE_TIMER;
pLineObj->internalTestTermApplied = TRUE;
VpSysExitCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
} /* Vp880ApplyInternalTestTerm() */
* Vp880RemoveInternalTestTerm()
* This function reverts the settings that control the internal test
* termination.
static void
VpLineCtxType *pLineCtx)
Vp880LineObjectType *pLineObj = pLineCtx->pLineObj;
VpDevCtxType *pDevCtx = pLineCtx->pDevCtx;
Vp880DeviceObjectType *pDevObj = pDevCtx->pDevObj;
VpDeviceIdType deviceId = pDevObj->deviceId;
uint8 ecVal = pLineObj->ecVal;
uint8 mpiBuffer[3 + VP880_ICR6_LEN + VP880_ICR4_LEN + VP880_ICR1_LEN];
uint8 mpiIndex = 0;
VpSysEnterCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
/* Restore VAB sensing */
pLineObj->icr6Values[VP880_DC_CAL_CUT_INDEX] &= ~VP880_C_TIP_SNS_CUT;
pLineObj->icr6Values[VP880_DC_CAL_CUT_INDEX] &= ~VP880_C_RING_SNS_CUT;
mpiIndex = VpCSLACBuildMpiBuffer(mpiIndex, mpiBuffer, VP880_ICR6_WRT,
VP880_ICR6_LEN, pLineObj->icr6Values);
/* Restore ground key polarity setting */
pLineObj->icr4Values[VP880_ICR4_GKEY_DET_LOCATION] &= ~VP880_ICR4_GKEY_POL;
pLineObj->icr4Values[VP880_ICR4_GKEY_DET_LOCATION+1] &= ~VP880_ICR4_GKEY_POL;
mpiIndex = VpCSLACBuildMpiBuffer(mpiIndex, mpiBuffer, VP880_ICR4_WRT,
VP880_ICR4_LEN, pLineObj->icr4Values);
/* Restore ICR1 to the cached value in pLineObj->icr1Values */
VP_LINE_STATE(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Vp880RemoveInternalTestTerm(): Write ICR1 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X Ch %d",
pLineObj->icr1Values[0], pLineObj->icr1Values[1],
pLineObj->icr1Values[2], pLineObj->icr1Values[3], pLineObj->channelId));
mpiIndex = VpCSLACBuildMpiBuffer(mpiIndex, mpiBuffer, VP880_ICR1_WRT,
VP880_ICR1_LEN, pLineObj->icr1Values);
/* send down the mpi commands */
VpMpiCmdWrapper(deviceId, ecVal, mpiBuffer[0], mpiIndex-1, &mpiBuffer[1]);
/* Deactivate the timer in case it is still running */
pLineObj->internalTestTermApplied = FALSE;
VpSysExitCritical(deviceId, VP_CODE_CRITICAL_SEC);
} /* Vp880RemoveInternalTestTerm() */
* Vp880OffHookMgmt()
* This function manages the device and API behavior when an off-hook is
* detected from the device AFTER all normal debounce timers have expired.
* Preconditions:
* This function is called internally by the API-II only.
* Postconditions:
* Device and API is updated accordingly. Returns TRUE if an event is posted.
Vp880DeviceObjectType *pDevObj,
VpLineCtxType *pLineCtx,
uint8 ecVal)
Vp880LineObjectType *pLineObj = pLineCtx->pLineObj;
bool retFlag = FALSE;
VpProfilePtrType pCadence;
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Off-Hook on Line %d at Time %d Low Power 0x%02X",
pLineObj->channelId, pDevObj->timeStamp, (pLineObj->status & VP880_LOW_POWER_EN)));
pLineObj->dpStruct.hookSt = TRUE;
pLineObj->dpStruct2.hookSt = TRUE;
pLineObj->leakyLineCnt = 0;
pLineObj->status &= ~VP880_LINE_LEAK;
if(pLineObj->pulseMode == VP_OPTION_PULSE_DECODE_OFF) {
pLineObj->lineEvents.signaling |= VP_LINE_EVID_HOOK_OFF;
pLineObj->lineEventHandle = pDevObj->timeStamp;
retFlag = TRUE;
* If an off-hook is detected when the active cadence is a Message Waiting
* Pulse on the line, restore the line state.
pCadence = pLineObj->cadence.pActiveCadence;
if (pCadence != VP_PTABLE_NULL) {
VP_LINE_STATE(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("Stopping Active Message Waiting Pulse"));
Vp880SetLineState(pLineCtx, pLineObj->lineState.currentState);
return retFlag;
* Vp880OnHookMgmt()
* This function manages the device and API behavior when an on-hook is
* detected from the device AFTER all normal debounce timers have expired.
* Preconditions:
* This function is called internally by the API-II only.
* Postconditions:
* Device and API is updated accordingly.
Vp880DeviceObjectType *pDevObj,
VpLineCtxType *pLineCtx,
uint8 ecVal)
Vp880LineObjectType *pLineObj = pLineCtx->pLineObj;
VpDeviceIdType deviceId = pDevObj->deviceId;
bool retFlag = FALSE;
#ifdef VP880_ABS_SUPPORT
uint8 slacState;
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("On-Hook on Line %d at Time %d",
pLineObj->channelId, pDevObj->timeStamp));
/* Restore the initial threshold */
if (pLineObj->hookHysteresis != 0) {
VpMpiCmdWrapper(deviceId, ecVal, VP880_LOOP_SUP_WRT, VP880_LOOP_SUP_LEN,
pLineObj->dpStruct.hookSt = FALSE;
pLineObj->dpStruct2.hookSt = FALSE;
if ((pLineObj->pulseMode == VP_OPTION_PULSE_DECODE_OFF) &&
(!(pLineObj->status & VP880_LINE_LEAK))) {
* If this is the first time after initialization that we are checking
* for on-hook and it is on-hook, don't generate an interrupt
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx,
("Dial Pulse Detect Disabled - checking initial on-hook.."));
if (!(pLineObj->lineState.condition & VP_CSLAC_STATUS_VALID)) {
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx,
("Line Previously Initialized - Generating On-Hook Event"));
pLineObj->lineEvents.signaling |= VP_LINE_EVID_HOOK_ON;
pLineObj->lineEventHandle = pDevObj->timeStamp;
retFlag = TRUE;
} else {
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx,
("Dial Pulse Detect Enabled. On-Hook from Dial Pulse State Machine."));
if (VpIsLowPowerTermType(pLineObj->termType)) {
VP_HOOK(VpLineCtxType, pLineCtx, ("User State %d Current State %d",
pLineObj->lineState.usrCurrent, pLineObj->lineState.currentState));
if (pLineObj->lineState.usrCurrent == VP_LINE_STANDBY) {
pLineObj->lineState.currentState = VP_LINE_STANDBY;
Vp880LLSetSysState(deviceId, pLineCtx, 0x00, FALSE);
#ifdef VP880_ABS_SUPPORT
slacState = pLineObj->slicValueCache;
if (pDevObj->stateInt & VP880_IS_ABS) {
switch(slacState & VP880_SS_LINE_FEED_MASK) {
* Feed states where the SLIC needs to be put into high battery mode
* to optimize feed conditions and transient response.
slacState &= ~VP880_SS_LINE_FEED_MASK;
if(pLineObj->lineState.usrCurrent == VP_LINE_STANDBY) {
slacState |= VP880_SS_IDLE;
} else {
slacState |= VP880_SS_ACTIVE_MID_BAT;
Vp880LLSetSysState(deviceId, pLineCtx, slacState, TRUE);
* Another state that either should not cause off-hook detection,
* or state that is handled by API-II functionality (e.g.,
* Ring Trip).
return retFlag;
* Vp880ProtectedWriteICR1()
* This function is a wrapper for writing to ICR1. If the internal test
* termination is applied, ICR1 must not be changed, so this function copies
* the data into the line object cache and returns without writing anything to
* the device. If the internal test termination is not applied, the write
* is performed.
* Note: This function must be called from within a critical section.
#ifdef VP880_FXS_SUPPORT
Vp880LineObjectType *pLineObj,
uint8 mpiIndex,
uint8 *mpiBuffer)
if (pLineObj->internalTestTermApplied == FALSE) {
VP_LINE_STATE(None, VP_NULL, ("Vp880ProtectedWriteICR1(): Channel %d Writing ICR1 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X",
pLineObj->icr1Values[0], pLineObj->icr1Values[1],
pLineObj->icr1Values[2], pLineObj->icr1Values[3]));
return VpCSLACBuildMpiBuffer(mpiIndex, mpiBuffer, VP880_ICR1_WRT,
VP880_ICR1_LEN, pLineObj->icr1Values);
return mpiIndex;
#endif /* VP880_FXS_SUPPORT */