blob: 42b3bae089bc14960fa5cd55421731e4a00d90fa [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file vp_api_types.h
* vp_api_types.h
* This file is the header for all standard types used in the API code.
* Copyright (c) 2005, Legerity Inc.
* All rights reserved
* This software is the property of Legerity , Inc. Please refer to the
* Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) that you have signed for more information
* on legal obligations in using, modifying or distributing this file.
#ifndef VP_API_TYPES_H
#define VP_API_TYPES_H
#ifdef VXWORKS
#include "linux/string.h"
#include "vp_api_profile_type.h"
/*#include "limits.h" */ /* For maximum that can be stored in an int */
/* VpDeviceIdType defines the type for the deviceId in the VpDevCtxType type.
* This information is passed through the API to the HAL to communicate
* with a specific device. The values assigned via VpMakeDeviceObject()
* are user defined and may be simple device indexing (0, 1, .. (n-1)):
* where n = device number in system
typedef unsigned char VpDeviceIdType;
typedef unsigned char VpLineIdType;
* Macros for displaying VpDeviceIdType and VpLineIdType values. If you have
* defined these (in vp_api_types.h) as something other than simple integers,
* you should modify the printf format strings as needed:
#define VP_PRINT_DEVICE_ID(deviceId) VpSysDebugPrintf(" (dev 0x%2.2X)", (int)deviceId)
#define VP_PRINT_LINE_ID(lineId) VpSysDebugPrintf(" (line %d)", (int)lineId)
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL (0)
#define VP_NULL NULL
#ifdef EXTERN
#undef EXTERN
#error EXTERN was redefined!
#endif /* undef EXTERN */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define EXTERN extern "C"
#define EXTERN extern
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/********************* DECLARATIONS ***************************/
/* Constants */
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE (0) /* Boolean constant */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (1) /* Boolean constant */
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* C++ language provides a boolean data type; So no need to define
* one more data type; Make use of it
* NOTE: The 'C' potions of the VP-API assume C++ "bool" to be of the
* same size as that of "char". Please make sure this assumption is correct.
#ifdef VXWORKS
typedef unsigned char bool;
// boolean data type is defined in Linux since version 2.6.19
//#include <linux/version.h>
#include <generated/version.h>
#include <common.h>
typedef unsigned char bool;
#endif /* VXWORKS */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/****************** typedefs ***********************************/
/* These are the basic number types used */
/* for uint8, uint16, uint32, int8, int16, int32, bool */
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef unsigned long uint32;
typedef signed char int8;
typedef signed short int int16;
typedef signed long int32;
typedef uint8* uint8p;
typedef uint16* uint16p;
typedef uint32* uint32p;
typedef int8* int8p;
typedef int16* int16p;
typedef int32* int32p;
typedef const VpProfileDataType * VpProfilePtrType;
typedef uint8p VpImagePtrType;
typedef uint16p VpVectorPtrType;
typedef uint8 VpPktDataType;
typedef VpPktDataType* VpPktDataPtrType;
/* Some compilers optimize the size of enumeration data types based on
* the maximum data value assigned to the members of that data type.
* 'Standard C' requires enumeration data types to be of the same size
* as that of native 'int' implementation.
* The VP-API from a portability persepective adds a 'dummy' member to
* all enumeration data types that force the compilers to allocate the size
* of enumeration data types to be equal to that of native 'int'
* implementation */
#ifdef VXWORKS
#include <Limits.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#ifndef SHRT_MAX
#define SHRT_MAX (32767)
#ifndef SHRT_MIN
#define SHRT_MIN (-32768)
/* Define any API specific basic data type ranges (that are necessary) */
#define VP_INT16_MAX (SHRT_MAX)
#define VP_INT16_MIN (SHRT_MIN)
#define VP_INT32_MAX (LONG_MAX)
#define VP_INT32_MIN (LONG_MIN)
#endif /* VP_API_TYPES_H */