blob: ce6a9a20a64cc8ff4b990e5126a6f8fc58eed527 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (c) 2007-2010 by Silicon Laboratories
** $Id: si_voice_datatypes_example.h 425 2009-02-20 21:14:41Z cdp@SILABS.COM $
** si_voice_datatypes.h
** ProSLIC datatypes file
** Author(s):
** laj
** Distributed by:
** Silicon Laboratories, Inc
** This file contains proprietary information.
** No dissemination allowed without prior written permission from
** Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
** File Description:
** This is the header file that contains
** type definitions for the data types
** used in the demonstration code.
** Dependancies:
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (1)
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE (0)
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *) 0)
#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__KERNEL__)
#include <linux/types.h>
typedef u_int8_t BOOLEAN;
typedef int8_t int8;
typedef u_int8_t uInt8;
typedef uInt8 uChar;
typedef int16_t int16;
typedef u_int16_t uInt16;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef u_int32_t uInt32;
#elif defined(WIN32)
#include <wtypes.h>
typedef char int8;
typedef unsigned char uInt8;
typedef uInt8 uChar;
typedef short int int16;
typedef unsigned short int uInt16;
typedef long int32;
typedef unsigned long uInt32;
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint8_t BOOLEAN;
typedef int8_t int8;
typedef uint8_t uInt8;
typedef uint8_t uChar;
typedef int16_t int16;
typedef uint16_t uInt16;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef uint32_t uInt32;
** RAM data
#define ramData uInt32