blob: adbd63633d00425f4e0028d99d7e2dbcc25980dc [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (c) 2007-2010 by Silicon Laboratories
** $Id: si3226_intf.h 3100 2011-09-15 14:04:54Z cdp $
** Si3226_Intf.h
** Si3226 ProSLIC interface header file
** Author(s):
** laj
** Distributed by:
** Silicon Laboratories, Inc
** This file contains proprietary information.
** No dissemination allowed without prior written permission from
** Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
** File Description:
** This is the header file for the ProSLIC driver.
** Dependancies:
** proslic_datatypes.h, Si3226_registers.h, ProSLIC.h
#ifndef SI3226_INTF_H
#define SI3226_INTF_H
** Si3226 General Constants
/* Timeouts in 10s of ms */
#define SI3226_TIMEOUT_DCDC_UP 200
#define SI3226_TIMEOUT_DCDC_DOWN 200
#define SI3226_CAL_STD_CALR1 0xFF
#define SI3226_CAL_STD_CALR2 0xF8
** Function: PROSLIC_Reset
** Description:
** Resets the ProSLIC
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_Reset (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_ShutdownChannel
** Description:
** Safely shutdown channel w/o interruption to
** other active channels
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_ShutdownChannel (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_Init
** Description:
** Initializes the ProSLIC
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_Init (proslicChanType_ptr *hProslic,int size);
** Function: PROSLIC_Reinit
** Description:
** Peforms Soft Reset and reinitializes the ProSLIC
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_Reinit (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic,int size);
** Function: PROSLIC_Init_MultiBOM
** Description:
** Initializes the ProSLIC with supplied general configuration preset
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_Init_MultiBOM (proslicChanType_ptr *hProslic,int size,int preset);
int Si3226_VerifyControlInterface (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic);
uInt8 Si3226_ReadReg (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic,uInt8 addr);
int Si3226_WriteReg (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic,uInt8 addr,uInt8 data);
ramData Si3226_ReadRAM (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic,uInt16 addr);
int Si3226_WriteRAM (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic,uInt16 addr, ramData data);
** Function: ProSLIC_PrintDebugData
** Description:
** Register and RAM dump utility
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_PrintDebugData (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic);
** Function: ProSLIC_PrintDebugReg
** Description:
** Register dump utility
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_PrintDebugReg (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic);
** Function: ProSLIC_PrintDebugRAM
** Description:
** RAM dump utility
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_PrintDebugRAM (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic);
** Function: Si3226_PowerUpConverter
** Description:
** Powers all DC/DC converters sequentially with delay to minimize
** peak power draw on VDC.
** Returns:
** int (error)
int Si3226_PowerUpConverter(proslicChanType_ptr hProslic);
** Function: Si3226_PowerDownConverter
** Description:
** Power down DCDC converter (selected channel only)
** Returns:
** int (error)
int Si3226_PowerDownConverter(proslicChanType_ptr hProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_Calibrate
** Description:
** Calibrates the ProSLIC
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_Calibrate (proslicChanType_ptr *hProslic, int size, uInt8 *calr, int maxTime);
** Function: PROSLIC_Cal
** Description:
** Calibrates the ProSLIC
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_Cal (proslicChanType_ptr *hProslic, int size);
** Function: PROSLIC_LoadRegTables
** Description:
** Loads registers and ram in the ProSLIC
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** pRamTable: pointer to ram values to load
** pRegTable: pointer to register values to load
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_LoadRegTables (proslicChanType_ptr *hProslic, ProslicRAMInit *pRamTable, ProslicRegInit *pRegTable,int size);
** Function: PROSLIC_LoadPatch
** Description:
** Loads patch to the ProSLIC
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** pPatch: pointer to patch data
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_LoadPatch (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic, const proslicPatch *pPatch);
** Function: PROSLIC_VerifyPatch
** Description:
** Verifies patch to the ProSLIC
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to PROSLIC object
** pPatch: pointer to patch data
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_VerifyPatch (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic, const proslicPatch *pPatch);
** Function: PROSLIC_EnableInterrupts
** Description:
** Enables interrupts
** Input Parameters:
** hProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** Return:
int Si3226_EnableInterrupts (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic);
int Si3226_DisableInterrupts (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic);
int Si3226_SetLoopbackMode (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic, ProslicLoopbackModes newMode);
int Si3226_SetMuteStatus (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic, ProslicMuteModes muteEn);
** Function: PROSLIC_RingSetup
** Description:
** configure ringing
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pRingSetup: pointer to ringing config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_RingSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_ToneGenSetup
** Description:
** configure tone generators
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pTone: pointer to tones config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_ToneGenSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_FSKSetup
** Description:
** configure fsk
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pFsk: pointer to fsk config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_FSKSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_DTMFDecodeSetup
** Description:
** configure dtmf decode
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pDTMFDec: pointer to dtmf decoder config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_DTMFDecodeSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_SetProfile
** Description:
** set country profile of the proslic
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pCountryData: pointer to country config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_SetProfile (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_ZsynthSetup
** Description:
** configure impedence synthesis
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pZynth: pointer to zsynth config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_ZsynthSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_GciCISetup
** Description:
** configure CI bits (GCI mode)
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pCI: pointer to ringing config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_GciCISetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_ModemDetSetup
** Description:
** configure modem detector
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pModemDet: pointer to modem det config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_ModemDetSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_AudioGainSetup
** Description:
** configure audio gains
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pAudio: pointer to audio gains config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_TXAudioGainSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
int Si3226_RXAudioGainSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
int Si3226_AudioGainSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int32 rxgain, int32 txgain, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_HybridSetup
** Description:
** configure Proslic hybrid
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pHybridCfg: pointer to ringing config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_HybridSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_AudioEQSetup
** Description:
** configure audio equalizers
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pAudioEQ: pointer to ringing config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_AudioEQSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_DCFeedSetup
** Description:
** configure dc feed
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pDcFeed: pointer to dc feed config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_DCFeedSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_GPIOSetup
** Description:
** configure gpio
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pGpio: pointer to gpio config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_GPIOSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_PCMSetup
** Description:
** configure pcm
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pPcm: pointer to pcm config structure
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_PCMSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, int preset);
int Si3226_PCMTimeSlotSetup (proslicChanType *pProslic, uInt16 rxcount, uInt16 txcount);
** Function: PROSLIC_GetInterrupts
** Description:
** Enables interrupts
** Input Parameters:
** hProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pIntData: pointer to interrupt info retrieved
** Return:
int Si3226_GetInterrupts (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic, proslicIntType *pIntData);
** Function: PROSLIC_ReadHookStatus
** Description:
** Determine hook status
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pHookStat: current hook status
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_ReadHookStatus (proslicChanType *pProslic,uInt8 *pHookStat);
** Function: PROSLIC_WriteLinefeed
** Description:
** Sets linefeed state
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** newLinefeed: new linefeed state
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_SetLinefeedStatus (proslicChanType *pProslic,uInt8 newLinefeed);
** Function: PROSLIC_PolRev
** Description:
** Sets polarity reversal state
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** abrupt: set this to 1 for abrupt pol rev
** newPolRevState: new pol rev state
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_PolRev (proslicChanType *pProslic,uInt8 abrupt, uInt8 newPolRevState);
** Function: PROSLIC_GPIOControl
** Description:
** Sets gpio of the proslic
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pGpioData: pointer to gpio status
** read: set to 1 to read status, 0 to write
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_GPIOControl (proslicChanType *pProslic,uInt8 *pGpioData, uInt8 read);
** Function: PROSLIC_MWI
** Description:
** implements message waiting indicator
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** lampOn: 0 = turn lamp off, 1 = turn lamp on
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_MWI (proslicChanType *pProslic,uInt8 lampOn);
** Function: PROSLIC_StartGenericTone
** Description:
** Initializes and start tone generators
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** timerEn: specifies whether to enable the tone generator timers
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_ToneGenStart (proslicChanType *pProslic, uInt8 timerEn);
** Function: PROSLIC_StopTone
** Description:
** Stops tone generators
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_ToneGenStop (proslicChanType *pProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_StartRing
** Description:
** Initializes and start ring generator
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_RingStart (proslicChanType *pProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_StopRing
** Description:
** Stops ring generator
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_RingStop (proslicChanType *pProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_EnableCID
** Description:
** enable fsk
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_EnableCID (proslicChanType *pProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_DisableCID
** Description:
** disable fsk
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_DisableCID (proslicChanType *pProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_SendCID
** Description:
** send fsk data
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** buffer: buffer to send
** numBytes: num of bytes in the buffer
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_SendCID (proslicChanType *pProslic, uInt8 *buffer, uInt8 numBytes);
int Si3226_CheckCIDBuffer (proslicChanType *pProslic, uInt8 *fsk_buf_avail);
** Function: PROSLIC_StartPCM
** Description:
** Starts PCM
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_PCMStart (proslicChanType *pProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_StopPCM
** Description:
** Disables PCM
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_PCMStop (proslicChanType *pProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_DialPulseDetect
** Description:
** implements pulse dial detection and should be called at every off/on hook transistion
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pPulsedialCfg: pointer to pulse dial config
** pPulseDialData: pointer to pulse dial state for current channel
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_DialPulseDetect (proslicChanType *pProslic, pulseDial_Cfg *pPulsedialCfg, pulseDialType *pPulseDialData);
** Function: PROSLIC_ReadDTMFDigit
** Description:
** Read DTMF digit (would be called after DTMF interrupt to collect digit)
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** pDigit: digit read
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_DTMFReadDigit (proslicChanType *pProslic,uInt8 *pDigit);
** Function: PROSLIC_PLLFreeRunStart
** Description:
** initiates pll free run mode
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_PLLFreeRunStart (proslicChanType *pProslic);
** Function: PROSLIC_PLLFreeRunStop
** Description:
** exit pll free run mode
** Input Parameters:
** pProslic: pointer to Proslic object
** Return:
** none
int Si3226_PLLFreeRunStop (proslicChanType *pProslic);
int Si3226_LBCal (proslicChanType_ptr *pProslic, int size);
int Si3226_GetLBCalResult (proslicChanType *pProslic,int32*result1,int32*result2,int32 *result3,int32 *result4);
int Si3226_GetLBCalResultPacked (proslicChanType *pProslic,int32 *result);
int Si3226_LoadPreviousLBCal (proslicChanType *pProslic,int32 result1,int32 result2,int32 result3,int32 result4);
int Si3226_LoadPreviousLBCalPacked (proslicChanType *pProslic,int32 *result);
int Si3226_SetLinefeedStatusBroadcast (proslicChanType_ptr hProslic, uInt8 newLinefeed);
** Function: PROSLIC_dbgSetDCFeed
** Description:
** provisionary function for setting up
** dcfeed given desired open circuit voltage
** and loop current.
int Si3226_dbgSetDCFeed (proslicChanType *pProslic, uInt32 v_vlim_val, uInt32 i_ilim_val, int32 preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_dbgSetDCFeedVopen
** Description:
** provisionary function for setting up
** dcfeed given desired open circuit voltage
** and loop current.
int Si3226_dbgSetDCFeedVopen (proslicChanType *pProslic, uInt32 v_vlim_val, int32 preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_dbgSetDCFeedIloop
** Description:
** provisionary function for setting up
** dcfeed given desired open circuit voltage
** and loop current.
int Si3226_dbgSetDCFeedIloop (proslicChanType *pProslic, uInt32 i_ilim_val, int32 preset);
** Function: PROSLIC_dbgRingingSetup
** Description:
** Provisionary function for setting up
** Ring type, frequency, amplitude and dc offset.
** Main use will be by peek/poke applications.
int Si3226_dbgSetRinging (proslicChanType *pProslic, ProSLIC_dbgRingCfg *ringCfg, int preset);
int Si3226_dbgSetRXGain (proslicChanType *pProslic, int32 gain, int impedance_preset, int audio_gain_preset);
int Si3226_dbgSetTXGain (proslicChanType *pProslic, int32 gain, int impedance_preset, int audio_gain_preset);
int Si3226_LineMonitor (proslicChanType *pProslic, proslicMonitorType *monitor);
int Si3226_PSTNCheck (proslicChanType *pProslic,proslicPSTNCheckObjType *pPSTNCheck);