blob: 040d77346e25005cc83d0d879b79570d1244a8dd [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (c) 2011 by Silicon Laboratories
** proslic_tstin.h
** Author(s):
** cdp
** Distributed by:
** Silicon Laboratories, Inc
** This file contains proprietary information.
** No dissemination allowed without prior written permission from
** Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
** File Description:
** This is the header file for the inward test implementations.
** Dependancies:
** si_voice_datatypes.h. proslic.h
#include "si_voice_datatypes.h"
#include "proslic.h"
/** @addtogroup DIAGNOSTICS
* @{
/** @defgroup PROSLIC_TSTIN ProSLIC Inward Tests (Test-In)
* This section documents functions and datastructures related to the
* ProSLIC/FXS inward test implementations.
* @{
#define MIN_RINGING_SAMPLES 16 /**< Minimum number of ringing samples for measuring ring amplitude */
#define MAX_RINGING_SAMPLES 255 /**< Maximum number of ringing samples for measuring ring amplitude */
#define MIN_RINGING_SAMPLE_INTERVAL 1 /**< Minimum sample interval for measuring ring amplitude */
#define MAX_RINGING_SAMPLE_INTERVAL 10 /**< Maximum sample interval for measuring ring amplitude */
* Test-In results status
enum {
* PCM format options
enum {
* Abort if Line-in-use option
enum {
* Check for loop closure option
enum {
* Check for ringtrip option
enum {
* Defines generic test limit/value/status structure
typedef struct {
int32 lowerLimit; /**< Lower test limit */
int32 upperLimit; /**< Upper test limit */
int32 value; /**< Numeric test result */
uInt8 testResult; /**< 0 - Fail, 1 - pass */
* Defines structure for PCM Loopback Test
typedef struct {
BOOLEAN testEnable; /**< Gate execution/updating of results with this flag */
BOOLEAN pcmLpbkEnabled; /**< Indicates if test data is valid (1) or stale (0) */
BOOLEAN pcm8BitLinear; /**< Set to use 8 bit linear mode (used if normally using ulaw or alaw) */
uInt8 pcmModeSave; /**< Store entry PCMMODE value */
uInt8 testResult; /**< OR of all test results in this structure */
* Defines structure for DC Feed Test
typedef struct {
BOOLEAN testEnable; /**< Gate execution/updating of results with this flag */
BOOLEAN testDataValid; /**< Indicates if test data is valid (1) or stale (0) */
BOOLEAN abortIfLineInUse; /**< Abort test if LCR set at the start of test. Leaves results invalid */
BOOLEAN applyLcrThresh; /**< Apply alternate LCR thresholds to ensure LCR event occurs */
uInt32 altLcrOffThresh; /**< Optional LCROFFHK threshold to apply during test */
uInt32 altLcrOnThresh; /**< Optional LCRONHK threshold to apply during test */
BOOLEAN lcrStatus; /**< Indicates LCR status after applying test load */
proslicTestObj dcfeedVtipOnhook; /**< On-hook VTIP test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedVringOnhook; /**< On-hook VRING test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedVloopOnhook; /**< On-hook VLOOP test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedVbatOnhook; /**< On-hook VBAT test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedItipOnhook; /**< On-hook ITIP test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedIringOnhook; /**< On-hook IRING test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedIloopOnhook; /**< On-hook ILOOP test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedIlongOnhook; /**< On-hook ILONG test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedVtipOffhook; /**< Off-hook VTIP test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedVringOffhook; /**< Off-hook VRING test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedVloopOffhook; /**< Off-hook VLOOP test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedVbatOffhook; /**< Off-hook VBAT test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedItipOffhook; /**< Off-hook ITIP test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedIringOffhook; /**< Off-hook IRING test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedIloopOffhook; /**< Off-hook ILOOP test results */
proslicTestObj dcfeedIlongOffhook; /**< Off-hook ILONG test results */
uInt8 testResult; /**< OR of all test results in this structure */
* Defines structure for Ringing Test
typedef struct {
BOOLEAN testEnable; /**< Gate execution/updating of results with this flag */
BOOLEAN testDataValid; /**< Indicates if test data is valid (1) or stale (0) */
BOOLEAN abortIfLineInUse; /**< Abort test if LCR set at the start of test. Leaves results invalid */
uInt16 numSamples; /**< Number of samples taken */
uInt8 sampleInterval; /**< Sample interval (in ms - range 1 to 100) */
BOOLEAN ringtripTestEnable; /**< Enable ringtrip test */
BOOLEAN rtpStatus; /**< RTP Bit */
proslicTestObj ringingVac; /**< Ringing AC Voltage test results */
proslicTestObj ringingVdc; /**< Ringing DC Voltage test results */
uInt8 testResult; /**< OR of all test results in this structure */
* Defines structure for Battery Test
typedef struct {
BOOLEAN testEnable; /**< Gate execution/updating of results with this flag */
BOOLEAN testDataValid; /**< Indicates if test data is valid (1) or stale (0) */
proslicTestObj vbat; /**< VBAT test results */
uInt8 testResult; /**< OR of all test results in this structure */
* Defines structure for Audio Test
typedef struct {
BOOLEAN testEnable; /**< Gate execution/updating of results with this flag */
BOOLEAN testDataValid; /**< Indicates if test data is valid (1) or stale (0) */
BOOLEAN abortIfLineInUse; /**< Abort test if LCR set at the start of test. Leaves results invalid */
int32 zerodBm_mVpk; /**< 0dBm voltage (in mVpk) of ref impedance */
proslicTestObj txGain; /**< TX path gain test results */
proslicTestObj rxGain; /**< RX path gain test results */
uInt8 testResult; /**< OR of all test results in this structure */
* Defines structure for all tests
typedef struct {
proslicPcmLpbkTest pcmLpbkTest;
proslicDcFeedTest dcFeedTest;
proslicRingingTest ringingTest;
proslicBatteryTest batteryTest;
proslicAudioTest audioTest;
typedef proslicTestInObjType *proslicTestInObjType_ptr;
* @brief
* Allocate memory and initialize the given structure.
* @param[in,out] *pTstin - the structure to initialize
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType @ref RC_NONE indicates no error.
int ProSLIC_createTestInObj(proslicTestInObjType_ptr *pTstin);
* @brief
* Free memory reserved by the given structure.
* @param[in,out] *pTstin - the structure to initialize
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType @ref RC_NONE indicates no error.
int ProSLIC_destroyTestInObj(proslicTestInObjType_ptr *pTstin);
* @brief
* Enable PCM loopback.
* @param[in] pProslic - channel data structure
* @param[in,out] pTstin->pcmLpbkTest - all control, limits, and results
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType @ref RC_NONE indicates no error.
int ProSLIC_testInPCMLpbkEnable(proslicChanType_ptr pProslic, proslicTestInObjType_ptr pTstin);
* @brief
* Disable PCM loopback.
* @param[in] pProslic - channel data structure
* @param[in,out] pTstin->pcmLpbkTest - all control, limits, and results
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType @ref RC_NONE indicates no error.
int ProSLIC_testInPCMLpbkDisable(proslicChanType_ptr pProslic, proslicTestInObjType_ptr pTstin);
* @brief
* DC Feed Test
* @param[in] pProslic - channel data structure
* @param[in,out] pTstin->dcFeedTest - all control, limits, and results
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType
* @retval RC_TEST_PASSED indicates test completed and passed
* @retval RC_TEST_FAILED indicates test completed and failed
* @retval RC_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE indicates feature not supported on this device
* @retval RC_TEST_DISABLED indicates test has not been initialized/enabled
* @retval RC_LINE_IN_USE indicates LCS already set
int ProSLIC_testInDCFeed(proslicChanType_ptr pProslic, proslicTestInObjType_ptr pTstin);
* @brief
* Ringing and Ringtrip Test
* @param[in] pProslic - channel data structure
* @param[in,out] pTstin->ringingTest - all control, limits, and results
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType
* @retval RC_TEST_PASSED indicates test completed and passed
* @retval RC_TEST_FAILED indicates test completed and failed
* @retval RC_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE indicates feature not supported on this device
* @retval RC_TEST_DISABLED indicates test has not been initialized/enabled
* @retval RC_LINE_IN_USE indicates LCS already set
int ProSLIC_testInRinging(proslicChanType_ptr pProslic, proslicTestInObjType_ptr pTstin);
* @brief
* Battery Test
* @param[in] **pTstin - the structure to initialize
* @param[out] **pTstin->batteryTest.testResult - Pass/Fail Result
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType
* @retval RC_TEST_PASSED indicates test completed and passed
* @retval RC_TEST_FAILED indicates test completed and failed
* @retval RC_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE indicates feature not supported on this device
* @retval RC_TEST_DISABLED indicates test has not been initialized/enabled
int ProSLIC_testInBattery(proslicChanType_ptr pProslic, proslicTestInObjType_ptr pTstin);
* @brief
* Audio level inward test.
* @param[in] pProslic - channel data structure
* @param[in,out] pTstin->audioTest - all control, limits, and results
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType
* @retval RC_TEST_PASSED indicates test completed and passed
* @retval RC_TEST_FAILED indicates test completed and failed
* @retval RC_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE indicates feature not supported on this device
* @retval RC_TEST_DISABLED indicates test has not been initialized/enabled
* @retval RC_LINE_IN_USE indicates LCS already set
int ProSLIC_testInAudio(proslicChanType_ptr pProslic, proslicTestInObjType_ptr pTstin);
* @brief
* Initialize/Enable PCM Loopback Test. Links test config/limits
* to inward test data structure.
* @param[in,out] pTstin->pcmLpbkTest - all control, limits, and results
* @param[in] pcmLpbkTest - test config and limits to link to pTstin->pcmLpbkTest
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType @ref RC_NONE indicates no error.
int ProSLIC_testInPcmLpbkSetup(proslicTestInObjType *pTstin, proslicPcmLpbkTest *pcmLpbkTest);
* @brief
* Initialize/Enable DC Feed Test. Links test config/limits
* to inward test data structure.
* @param[in,out] pTstin->dcFeedTest - all control, limits, and results
* @param[in] dcFeedTest - test config and limits to link to pTstin->dcFeedTest
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType @ref RC_NONE indicates no error.
int ProSLIC_testInDcFeedSetup(proslicTestInObjType *pTstin,proslicDcFeedTest *dcFeedTest);
* @brief
* Initialize/Enable Ringing Test. Links test config/limits
* to inward test data structure.
* @param[in,out] pTstin->ringingTest - all control, limits, and results
* @param[in] ringingTest - test config and limits to link to pTstin->ringingTest
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType @ref RC_NONE indicates no error.
int ProSLIC_testInRingingSetup(proslicTestInObjType *pTstin, proslicRingingTest *ringingTest);
* @brief
* Initialize/Enable Battery Test. Links test config/limits
* to inward test data structure.
* @param[in,out] pTstin->batteryTest - all control, limits, and results
* @param[in] batteryTest - test config and limits to link to pTstin->batteryTest
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType @ref RC_NONE indicates no error.
int ProSLIC_testInBatterySetup(proslicTestInObjType *pTstin, proslicBatteryTest *batteryTest);
* @brief
* Initialize/Enable Audio Test. Links test config/limits
* to inward test data structure.
* @param[in,out] pTstin->audioTest - all control, limits, and results
* @param[in] audioTest - test config and limits to link to pTstin->audioTest
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType @ref RC_NONE indicates no error.
int ProSLIC_testInAudioSetup(proslicTestInObjType *pTstin, proslicAudioTest *audioTest);
* @brief
* Debug utility to log presently loaded test limits
* @param[in] pProslic - channel data structure
* @param[in] pTstin - inward test data structure
* @retval int - error from @ref errorCodeType
* @retval RC_NONE indicates no error.
* @retval RC_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE indicates feature not supported on this device
int ProSLIC_testInPrintLimits(proslicChanType *pProslic,proslicTestInObjType *pTstin);