blob: 213deea4dcb8c152634dcbad2bee5c60b5f878d3 [file] [log] [blame]
; *******************************************************
; Initialize stack pointer registers (in different modes)
; *******************************************************
; standard definitions of mode bits and interrupts in PSR
mode_usr EQU 0x10
mode_fiq EQU 0x11
mode_irq EQU 0x12
mode_svc EQU 0x13
mode_abt EQU 0x17
mode_und EQU 0x1b
mode_sys EQU 0x1f
i_bit EQU 0x80 ; when I bit is set, IRQ is disabled
f_bit EQU 0x40 ; when F bit is set, IRQ is disabled
; initialize all stack pointer modes locations & sizes
;top_of_stacks EQU 0x307ffffc
;;yb top_of_stacks EQU 0x3ffc
;;top_of_stacks EQU 0x07fc
top_of_stacks EQU 0x07ffc
len_fiq_stack EQU 0x20
len_irq_stack EQU 0x20
len_abt_stack EQU 0x20
len_und_stack EQU 0x20
len_svc_stack EQU 0x20
len_sys_stack EQU 0x20
len_usr_stack EQU 0x20
offset_fiq_stack EQU 0
offset_irq_stack EQU offset_fiq_stack + len_irq_stack
offset_abt_stack EQU offset_irq_stack + len_abt_stack
offset_und_stack EQU offset_abt_stack + len_und_stack
offset_svc_stack EQU offset_und_stack + len_svc_stack
offset_sys_stack EQU offset_svc_stack + len_sys_stack
offset_usr_stack EQU offset_sys_stack + len_usr_stack
hsel_high EQU 0x04
main_osc_sel EQU 0x01
RfExtP1Bit EQU 0x04
RfExtP2Bit EQU 0x08