blob: c84d2258a536e42ac886a2f883e66fdb3065ab6c [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef TimeKeeper_HPP
#define TimeKeeper_HPP
#ifndef WIN32
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "timer.h"
#define HARD_CUT_DELAY 3
class TimeKeeper
TimeKeeper(double presetDuration, double smoothDuration, double easterEgg);
void UpdateTimers();
void StartPreset();
void StartSmoothing();
void EndSmoothing();
bool CanHardCut();
double SmoothRatio();
bool IsSmoothing();
double GetRunningTime();
double PresetProgressA();
double PresetProgressB();
int PresetFrameA();
int PresetFrameB();
double sampledPresetDuration();
void ChangePresetDuration(int seconds) { _presetDuration = seconds; }
#ifndef WIN32
/* The first ticks value of the application */
struct timeval startTime;
long startTime;
#endif /** !WIN32 */
double _easterEgg;
double _presetDuration;
double _presetDurationA;
double _presetDurationB;
double _smoothDuration;
double _currentTime;
double _presetTimeA;
double _presetTimeB;
int _presetFrameA;
int _presetFrameB;
bool _isSmoothing;