blob: a0751ff628690f846c107308604253c2729f34b3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Function type. */
typedef double (*func_t) (double);
/* Data type for links in the chain of symbols. */
struct symrec
char *name; /* name of symbol */
int type; /* type of symbol: either VAR or FNCT */
double var; /* value of a VAR */
func_t fnctptr; /* value of a FNCT */
} value;
struct symrec *next; /* link field */
typedef struct symrec symrec;
/* The symbol table: a chain of 'struct symrec'. */
extern symrec *sym_table;
symrec *putsym (char const *, int);
symrec *getsym (char const *);