blob: 701f8bd627e7fe597d11cfd9bf9f80463b7ad4c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.webrtc.videoengineapp;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
public class ViEAndroidJavaAPI {
public ViEAndroidJavaAPI(Context context) {
Log.d("*WEBRTCJ*", "Loading ViEAndroidJavaAPI...");
Log.d("*WEBRTCJ*", "Calling native init...");
if (!NativeInit(context)) {
Log.e("*WEBRTCJ*", "Native init failed");
throw new RuntimeException("Native init failed");
else {
Log.d("*WEBRTCJ*", "Native init successful");
String a = "";
// API Native
private native boolean NativeInit(Context context);
// Video Engine API
// Initialization and Termination functions
public native int GetVideoEngine();
public native int Init(boolean enableTrace);
public native int Terminate();
public native int StartSend(int channel);
public native int StopRender(int channel);
public native int StopSend(int channel);
public native int StartReceive(int channel);
public native int StopReceive(int channel);
// Channel functions
public native int CreateChannel(int voiceChannel);
// Receiver & Destination functions
public native int SetLocalReceiver(int channel, int port);
public native int SetSendDestination(int channel, int port, byte ipadr[]);
// Codec
public native int SetReceiveCodec(int channel, int codecNum,
int intbitRate, int width,
int height, int frameRate);
public native int SetSendCodec(int channel, int codecNum,
int intbitRate, int width,
int height, int frameRate);
// Rendering
public native int AddRemoteRenderer(int channel, Object glSurface);
public native int RemoveRemoteRenderer(int channel);
public native int StartRender(int channel);
// Capture
public native int StartCamera(int channel, int cameraNum);
public native int StopCamera(int cameraId);
public native int GetCameraOrientation(int cameraNum);
public native int SetRotation(int cameraId,int degrees);
public native int EnableNACK(int channel, boolean enable);
//PLI for H.264
public native int EnablePLI(int channel, boolean enable);
// Enable stats callback
public native int SetCallback(int channel, IViEAndroidCallback callback);
// Voice Engine API
// Create and Delete functions
public native boolean VoE_Create(Activity context);
public native boolean VoE_Delete();
// Initialization and Termination functions
public native int VoE_Authenticate(String key);
public native int VoE_Init(boolean enableTrace);
public native int VoE_Terminate();
// Channel functions
public native int VoE_CreateChannel();
public native int VoE_DeleteChannel(int channel);
// Receiver & Destination functions
public native int VoE_SetLocalReceiver(int channel, int port);
public native int VoE_SetSendDestination(int channel, int port,
String ipaddr);
// Media functions
public native int VoE_StartListen(int channel);
public native int VoE_StartPlayout(int channel);
public native int VoE_StartSend(int channel);
public native int VoE_StopListen(int channel);
public native int VoE_StopPlayout(int channel);
public native int VoE_StopSend(int channel);
// Volume
public native int VoE_SetSpeakerVolume(int volume);
// Hardware
public native int VoE_SetLoudspeakerStatus(boolean enable);
// Playout file locally
public native int VoE_StartPlayingFileLocally(int channel,
String fileName,
boolean loop);
public native int VoE_StopPlayingFileLocally(int channel);
// Play file as microphone
public native int VoE_StartPlayingFileAsMicrophone(int channel,
String fileName,
boolean loop);
public native int VoE_StopPlayingFileAsMicrophone(int channel);
// Codec-setting functions
public native int VoE_NumOfCodecs();
public native int VoE_SetSendCodec(int channel, int index);
//VE funtions
public native int VoE_SetECStatus(boolean enable, int mode,
int AESmode, int AESattenuation);
public native int VoE_SetAGCStatus(boolean enable, int mode);
public native int VoE_SetNSStatus(boolean enable, int mode);