blob: a376dfeb617f354a710b1b02a2401c34729c51fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// Performs delay estimation on binary converted spectra.
// The return value is 0 - OK and -1 - Error, unless otherwise stated.
#include "typedefs.h"
typedef struct {
// Pointer to bit counts.
int32_t* mean_bit_counts;
int* far_bit_counts;
// Array only used locally in ProcessBinarySpectrum() but whose size is
// determined at run-time.
int32_t* bit_counts;
// Binary history variables.
uint32_t* binary_far_history;
uint32_t* binary_near_history;
// Delay estimation variables.
int32_t minimum_probability;
int last_delay_probability;
// Delay memory.
int last_delay;
// Buffer size.
int history_size;
// Near-end buffer size.
int near_history_size;
} BinaryDelayEstimator;
// Releases the memory allocated by WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(...).
// Input:
// - handle : Pointer to the delay estimation instance.
int WebRtc_FreeBinaryDelayEstimator(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle);
// Refer to WebRtc_CreateDelayEstimator() in delay_estimator_wrapper.h.
int WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(BinaryDelayEstimator** handle,
int max_delay,
int lookahead);
// Initializes the delay estimation instance created with
// WebRtc_CreateBinaryDelayEstimator(...).
// Input:
// - handle : Pointer to the delay estimation instance.
// Output:
// - handle : Initialized instance.
int WebRtc_InitBinaryDelayEstimator(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle);
// Estimates and returns the delay between the binary far-end and binary near-
// end spectra. The value will be offset by the lookahead (i.e. the lookahead
// should be subtracted from the returned value).
// Inputs:
// - handle : Pointer to the delay estimation instance.
// - binary_far_spectrum : Far-end binary spectrum.
// - binary_near_spectrum : Near-end binary spectrum of the current block.
// Output:
// - handle : Updated instance.
// Return value:
// - delay : >= 0 - Calculated delay value.
// -1 - Error.
// -2 - Insufficient data for estimation.
int WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle,
uint32_t binary_far_spectrum,
uint32_t binary_near_spectrum);
// Returns the last calculated delay updated by the function
// WebRtc_ProcessBinarySpectrum(...).
// Input:
// - handle : Pointer to the delay estimation instance.
// Return value:
// - delay : >= 0 - Last calculated delay value
// -1 - Error
// -2 - Insufficient data for estimation.
int WebRtc_binary_last_delay(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle);
// Returns the history size used in the far-end buffers to calculate the delay
// over.
// Input:
// - handle : Pointer to the delay estimation instance.
// Return value:
// - history_size : > 0 - Far-end history size.
// -1 - Error.
int WebRtc_history_size(BinaryDelayEstimator* handle);
// Updates the |mean_value| recursively with a step size of 2^-|factor|. This
// function is used internally in the Binary Delay Estimator as well as the
// Fixed point wrapper.
// Inputs:
// - new_value : The new value the mean should be updated with.
// - factor : The step size, in number of right shifts.
// Input/Output:
// - mean_value : Pointer to the mean value.
void WebRtc_MeanEstimatorFix(int32_t new_value,
int factor,
int32_t* mean_value);