blob: 920965e27b4535134df774c76cb45a2f8bacb548 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "acm_g7221c.h"
#include "acm_codec_database.h"
#include "acm_common_defs.h"
#include "acm_neteq.h"
#include "webrtc_neteq.h"
#include "webrtc_neteq_help_macros.h"
#include "trace.h"
#ifdef WEBRTC_CODEC_G722_1C
// NOTE! G.722.1C is not included in the open-source package. The following
// interface file is needed:
// /modules/audio_coding/codecs/g7221c/main/interface/g7221c_interface.h
// The API in the header file should match the one below.
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_CreateEnc24(G722_1C_24_encinst_t_** encInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_CreateEnc32(G722_1C_32_encinst_t_** encInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_CreateEnc48(G722_1C_48_encinst_t_** encInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_CreateDec24(G722_1C_24_decinst_t_** decInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_CreateDec32(G722_1C_32_decinst_t_** decInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_CreateDec48(G722_1C_48_decinst_t_** decInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_FreeEnc24(G722_1C_24_encinst_t_** encInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_FreeEnc32(G722_1C_32_encinst_t_** encInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_FreeEnc48(G722_1C_48_encinst_t_** encInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_FreeDec24(G722_1C_24_decinst_t_** decInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_FreeDec32(G722_1C_32_decinst_t_** decInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_FreeDec48(G722_1C_48_decinst_t_** decInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_EncoderInit24(G722_1C_24_encinst_t_* encInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_EncoderInit32(G722_1C_32_encinst_t_* encInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_EncoderInit48(G722_1C_48_encinst_t_* encInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_DecoderInit24(G722_1C_24_decinst_t_* decInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_DecoderInit32(G722_1C_32_decinst_t_* decInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_DecoderInit48(G722_1C_48_decinst_t_* decInst);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_Encode24(G722_1C_24_encinst_t_* encInst,
// int16_t* input,
// int16_t len,
// int16_t* output);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_Encode32(G722_1C_32_encinst_t_* encInst,
// int16_t* input,
// int16_t len,
// int16_t* output);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_Encode48(G722_1C_48_encinst_t_* encInst,
// int16_t* input,
// int16_t len,
// int16_t* output);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_Decode24(G722_1C_24_decinst_t_* decInst,
// int16_t* bitstream,
// int16_t len,
// int16_t* output);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_Decode32(G722_1C_32_decinst_t_* decInst,
// int16_t* bitstream,
// int16_t len,
// int16_t* output);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_Decode48(G722_1C_48_decinst_t_* decInst,
// int16_t* bitstream,
// int16_t len,
// int16_t* output);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_DecodePlc24(G722_1C_24_decinst_t_* decInst,
// int16_t* output,
// int16_t nrLostFrames);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_DecodePlc32(G722_1C_32_decinst_t_* decInst,
// int16_t* output,
// int16_t nrLostFrames);
// int16_t WebRtcG7221C_DecodePlc48(G722_1C_48_decinst_t_* decInst,
// int16_t* output,
// int16_t nrLostFrames);
// void WebRtcG7221C_Version(char *versionStr, short len);
#include "g7221c_interface.h"
namespace webrtc {
#ifndef WEBRTC_CODEC_G722_1C
ACMG722_1C::ACMG722_1C(WebRtc_Word16 /* codecID */)
: _operationalRate(-1),
_decoderInst48Ptr(NULL) {
ACMG722_1C::~ACMG722_1C() {
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::InternalEncode(
WebRtc_UWord8* /* bitStream */,
WebRtc_Word16* /* bitStreamLenByte */) {
return -1;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::DecodeSafe(WebRtc_UWord8* /* bitStream */,
WebRtc_Word16 /* bitStreamLenByte */,
WebRtc_Word16* /* audio */,
WebRtc_Word16* /* audioSamples */,
WebRtc_Word8* /* speechType */) {
return -1;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::InternalInitEncoder(
WebRtcACMCodecParams* /* codecParams */) {
return -1;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::InternalInitDecoder(
WebRtcACMCodecParams* /* codecParams */) {
return -1;
WebRtc_Word32 ACMG722_1C::CodecDef(WebRtcNetEQ_CodecDef& /* codecDef */,
const CodecInst& /* codecInst */) {
return -1;
ACMGenericCodec* ACMG722_1C::CreateInstance(void) {
return NULL;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::InternalCreateEncoder() {
return -1;
void ACMG722_1C::DestructEncoderSafe() {
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::InternalCreateDecoder() {
return -1;
void ACMG722_1C::DestructDecoderSafe() {
void ACMG722_1C::InternalDestructEncoderInst(void* /* ptrInst */) {
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::UnregisterFromNetEqSafe(
ACMNetEQ* /* netEq */,
WebRtc_Word16 /* payloadType */) {
return -1;
#else //===================== Actual Implementation =======================
ACMG722_1C::ACMG722_1C(WebRtc_Word16 codecID) :
_encoderInstPtr(NULL), _encoderInstPtrRight(NULL), _decoderInstPtr(NULL),
_encoderInst24Ptr(NULL), _encoderInst24PtrR(NULL), _encoderInst32Ptr(NULL),
_encoderInst32PtrR(NULL), _encoderInst48Ptr(NULL), _encoderInst48PtrR(NULL),
_decoderInst24Ptr(NULL), _decoderInst32Ptr(NULL), _decoderInst48Ptr(NULL) {
_codecID = codecID;
if (_codecID == ACMCodecDB::kG722_1C_24) {
_operationalRate = 24000;
} else if (_codecID == ACMCodecDB::kG722_1C_32) {
_operationalRate = 32000;
} else if (_codecID == ACMCodecDB::kG722_1C_48) {
_operationalRate = 48000;
} else {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"Wrong codec id for G722_1c.");
_operationalRate = -1;
ACMG722_1C::~ACMG722_1C() {
if (_encoderInstPtr != NULL) {
delete _encoderInstPtr;
_encoderInstPtr = NULL;
if (_encoderInstPtrRight != NULL) {
delete _encoderInstPtrRight;
_encoderInstPtrRight = NULL;
if (_decoderInstPtr != NULL) {
delete _decoderInstPtr;
_decoderInstPtr = NULL;
switch (_operationalRate) {
case 24000: {
_encoderInst24Ptr = NULL;
_encoderInst24PtrR = NULL;
_decoderInst24Ptr = NULL;
case 32000: {
_encoderInst32Ptr = NULL;
_encoderInst32PtrR = NULL;
_decoderInst32Ptr = NULL;
case 48000: {
_encoderInst48Ptr = NULL;
_encoderInst48PtrR = NULL;
_decoderInst48Ptr = NULL;
default: {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"Wrong rate for G722_1c.");
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::InternalEncode(WebRtc_UWord8* bitStream,
WebRtc_Word16* bitStreamLenByte) {
WebRtc_Word16 leftChannel[640];
WebRtc_Word16 rightChannel[640];
WebRtc_Word16 lenInBytes;
WebRtc_Word16 outB[240];
// If stereo, split input signal in left and right channel before encoding
if (_noChannels == 2) {
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < _frameLenSmpl * 2; i += 2, j++) {
leftChannel[j] = _inAudio[_inAudioIxRead + i];
rightChannel[j] = _inAudio[_inAudioIxRead + i + 1];
} else {
memcpy(leftChannel, &_inAudio[_inAudioIxRead], 640);
switch (_operationalRate) {
case 24000: {
lenInBytes = WebRtcG7221C_Encode24(_encoderInst24Ptr, leftChannel, 640,
if (_noChannels == 2) {
lenInBytes += WebRtcG7221C_Encode24(_encoderInst24PtrR, rightChannel,
640, &outB[lenInBytes / 2]);
case 32000: {
lenInBytes = WebRtcG7221C_Encode32(_encoderInst32Ptr, leftChannel, 640,
if (_noChannels == 2) {
lenInBytes += WebRtcG7221C_Encode32(_encoderInst32PtrR, rightChannel,
640, &outB[lenInBytes / 2]);
case 48000: {
lenInBytes = WebRtcG7221C_Encode48(_encoderInst48Ptr, leftChannel, 640,
if (_noChannels == 2) {
lenInBytes += WebRtcG7221C_Encode48(_encoderInst48PtrR, rightChannel,
640, &outB[lenInBytes / 2]);
default: {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"InternalEncode: Wrong rate for G722_1c.");
return -1;
memcpy(bitStream, outB, lenInBytes);
*bitStreamLenByte = lenInBytes;
// increment the read index this tell the caller that how far
// we have gone forward in reading the audio buffer
_inAudioIxRead += 640 * _noChannels;
return *bitStreamLenByte;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::DecodeSafe(WebRtc_UWord8* /* bitStream */,
WebRtc_Word16 /* bitStreamLenByte */,
WebRtc_Word16* /* audio */,
WebRtc_Word16* /* audioSamples */,
WebRtc_Word8* /* speechType */) {
return 0;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::InternalInitEncoder(
WebRtcACMCodecParams* codecParams) {
WebRtc_Word16 ret;
switch (_operationalRate) {
case 24000: {
ret = WebRtcG7221C_EncoderInit24(_encoderInst24PtrR);
if (ret < 0) {
return ret;
return WebRtcG7221C_EncoderInit24(_encoderInst24Ptr);
case 32000: {
ret = WebRtcG7221C_EncoderInit32(_encoderInst32PtrR);
if (ret < 0) {
return ret;
return WebRtcG7221C_EncoderInit32(_encoderInst32Ptr);
case 48000: {
ret = WebRtcG7221C_EncoderInit48(_encoderInst48PtrR);
if (ret < 0) {
return ret;
return WebRtcG7221C_EncoderInit48(_encoderInst48Ptr);
default: {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"InternalInitEncode: Wrong rate for G722_1c.");
return -1;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::InternalInitDecoder(
WebRtcACMCodecParams* /* codecParams */) {
switch (_operationalRate) {
case 24000: {
return WebRtcG7221C_DecoderInit24(_decoderInst24Ptr);
case 32000: {
return WebRtcG7221C_DecoderInit32(_decoderInst32Ptr);
case 48000: {
return WebRtcG7221C_DecoderInit48(_decoderInst48Ptr);
default: {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"InternalInitDecoder: Wrong rate for G722_1c.");
return -1;
WebRtc_Word32 ACMG722_1C::CodecDef(WebRtcNetEQ_CodecDef& codecDef,
const CodecInst& codecInst) {
if (!_decoderInitialized) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"CodeDef: decoder not initialized for G722_1c");
return -1;
// NetEq has an array of pointers to WebRtcNetEQ_CodecDef.
// get an entry of that array (neteq wrapper will allocate memory)
// by calling "netEq->CodecDef", where "NETEQ_CODEC_G722_1_XX" would
// be the index of the entry.
// Fill up the given structure by calling
// Then return the structure back to NetEQ to add the codec to it's
// database.
switch (_operationalRate) {
case 24000: {
SET_CODEC_PAR((codecDef), kDecoderG722_1C_24, codecInst.pltype,
_decoderInst24Ptr, 32000);
case 32000: {
SET_CODEC_PAR((codecDef), kDecoderG722_1C_32, codecInst.pltype,
_decoderInst32Ptr, 32000);
case 48000: {
SET_CODEC_PAR((codecDef), kDecoderG722_1C_32, codecInst.pltype,
_decoderInst48Ptr, 32000);
default: {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"CodeDef: Wrong rate for G722_1c.");
return -1;
return 0;
ACMG722_1C::CreateInstance(void) {
return NULL;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::InternalCreateEncoder() {
if ((_encoderInstPtr == NULL) || (_encoderInstPtrRight == NULL)) {
return -1;
switch (_operationalRate) {
case 24000: {
case 32000: {
case 48000: {
default: {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"InternalCreateEncoder: Wrong rate for G722_1c.");
return -1;
return 0;
void ACMG722_1C::DestructEncoderSafe() {
_encoderExist = false;
_encoderInitialized = false;
if (_encoderInstPtr != NULL) {
delete _encoderInstPtr;
_encoderInstPtr = NULL;
if (_encoderInstPtrRight != NULL) {
delete _encoderInstPtrRight;
_encoderInstPtrRight = NULL;
_encoderInst24Ptr = NULL;
_encoderInst32Ptr = NULL;
_encoderInst48Ptr = NULL;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::InternalCreateDecoder() {
if (_decoderInstPtr == NULL) {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"InternalCreateEncoder: cannot create decoder");
return -1;
switch (_operationalRate) {
case 24000: {
case 32000: {
case 48000: {
default: {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"InternalCreateEncoder: Wrong rate for G722_1c.");
return -1;
return 0;
void ACMG722_1C::DestructDecoderSafe() {
_decoderExist = false;
_decoderInitialized = false;
if (_decoderInstPtr != NULL) {
delete _decoderInstPtr;
_decoderInstPtr = NULL;
_decoderInst24Ptr = NULL;
_decoderInst32Ptr = NULL;
_decoderInst48Ptr = NULL;
void ACMG722_1C::InternalDestructEncoderInst(void* ptrInst) {
if (ptrInst != NULL) {
delete ptrInst;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMG722_1C::UnregisterFromNetEqSafe(ACMNetEQ* netEq,
WebRtc_Word16 payloadType) {
if (payloadType != _decoderParams.codecInstant.pltype) {
"Cannot unregister codec %s given payload-type %d does not"
"match the stored payload type",
_decoderParams.codecInstant.plname, payloadType,
return -1;
switch (_operationalRate) {
case 24000: {
return netEq->RemoveCodec(kDecoderG722_1C_24);
case 32000: {
return netEq->RemoveCodec(kDecoderG722_1C_32);
case 48000: {
return netEq->RemoveCodec(kDecoderG722_1C_48);
default: {
WEBRTC_TRACE(webrtc::kTraceError, webrtc::kTraceAudioCoding, _uniqueID,
"Could not remove codec from NetEQ for G722_1c."
"Sampling frequency doesn't match");
return -1;
} // namespace webrtc