blob: 1bda752e34ba84815126d0355451195259d7b31f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "acm_cng.h"
#include "acm_codec_database.h"
#include "acm_common_defs.h"
#include "acm_neteq.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "webrtc_cng.h"
#include "webrtc_neteq.h"
#include "webrtc_neteq_help_macros.h"
namespace webrtc {
ACMCNG::ACMCNG(WebRtc_Word16 codecID) {
_encoderInstPtr = NULL;
_decoderInstPtr = NULL;
_codecID = codecID;
_sampFreqHz = ACMCodecDB::CodecFreq(_codecID);
if (_encoderInstPtr != NULL) {
_encoderInstPtr = NULL;
if (_decoderInstPtr != NULL) {
_decoderInstPtr = NULL;
// CNG is not like a regular encoder, this function
// should not be called normally
// instead the following function is called from inside
// ACMGenericCodec::ProcessFrameVADDTX
WebRtc_Word16 ACMCNG::InternalEncode(WebRtc_UWord8* /* bitStream */,
WebRtc_Word16* /* bitStreamLenByte */) {
return -1;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMCNG::DecodeSafe(WebRtc_UWord8* /* bitStream */,
WebRtc_Word16 /* bitStreamLenByte */,
WebRtc_Word16* /* audio */,
WebRtc_Word16* /* audioSamples */,
WebRtc_Word8* /* speechType */) {
return 0;
// CNG is not like a regular encoder,
// this function should not be called normally
// instead the following function is called from inside
// ACMGenericCodec::ProcessFrameVADDTX
WebRtc_Word16 ACMCNG::InternalInitEncoder(
WebRtcACMCodecParams* /* codecParams */) {
return -1;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMCNG::InternalInitDecoder(
WebRtcACMCodecParams* /* codecParams */) {
return WebRtcCng_InitDec(_decoderInstPtr);
WebRtc_Word32 ACMCNG::CodecDef(WebRtcNetEQ_CodecDef& codecDef,
const CodecInst& codecInst) {
if (!_decoderInitialized) {
// TODO (tlegrand): log error
return -1;
// Fill up the structure by calling
// Then return the structure back to NetEQ to add the codec to it's
// database.
if (_sampFreqHz == 8000 || _sampFreqHz == 16000 || _sampFreqHz == 32000) {
SET_CODEC_PAR((codecDef), kDecoderCNG, codecInst.pltype,
_decoderInstPtr, _sampFreqHz);
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
ACMGenericCodec* ACMCNG::CreateInstance(void) {
return NULL;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMCNG::InternalCreateEncoder() {
if (WebRtcCng_CreateEnc(&_encoderInstPtr) < 0) {
_encoderInstPtr = NULL;
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
void ACMCNG::DestructEncoderSafe() {
if (_encoderInstPtr != NULL) {
_encoderInstPtr = NULL;
_encoderExist = false;
_encoderInitialized = false;
WebRtc_Word16 ACMCNG::InternalCreateDecoder() {
if (WebRtcCng_CreateDec(&_decoderInstPtr) < 0) {
_decoderInstPtr = NULL;
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
void ACMCNG::DestructDecoderSafe() {
if (_decoderInstPtr != NULL) {
_decoderInstPtr = NULL;
_decoderExist = false;
_decoderInitialized = false;
void ACMCNG::InternalDestructEncoderInst(void* ptrInst) {
if (ptrInst != NULL) {
WebRtc_Word16 ACMCNG::UnregisterFromNetEqSafe(ACMNetEQ* netEq,
WebRtc_Word16 payloadType) {
if (payloadType != _decoderParams.codecInstant.pltype) {
"Cannot unregister codec %s given payload-type %d does not "
"match the stored payload type",
_decoderParams.codecInstant.plname, payloadType,
return -1;
return netEq->RemoveCodec(kDecoderCNG);
} // namespace webrtc