blob: a53aa6637ad425b80609dc2f2cff3201b8e309f1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* filterbanks.c
* This file contains function
* WebRtcIsacfix_SplitAndFilter, and WebRtcIsacfix_FilterAndCombine
* which implement filterbanks that produce decimated lowpass and
* highpass versions of a signal, and performs reconstruction.
#include "codec.h"
#include "filterbank_tables.h"
#include "settings.h"
static void AllpassFilter2FixDec16(WebRtc_Word16 *InOut16, //Q0
const WebRtc_Word16 *APSectionFactors, //Q15
WebRtc_Word16 lengthInOut,
WebRtc_Word16 NumberOfSections,
WebRtc_Word32 *FilterState) //Q16
int n, j;
WebRtc_Word32 a, b;
for (j=0; j<NumberOfSections; j++) {
for (n=0;n<lengthInOut;n++) {
a = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(APSectionFactors[j], InOut16[n]); //Q15*Q0=Q15
a = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(a, 1); // Q15 -> Q16
b = WEBRTC_SPL_ADD_SAT_W32(a, FilterState[j]); //Q16+Q16=Q16
a = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16_RSFT(-APSectionFactors[j], (WebRtc_Word16) WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(b, 16), 0); //Q15*Q0=Q15
FilterState[j] = WEBRTC_SPL_ADD_SAT_W32(WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(a,1), WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((WebRtc_UWord32)InOut16[n],16)); // Q15<<1 + Q0<<16 = Q16 + Q16 = Q16
InOut16[n] = (WebRtc_Word16) WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(b, 16); //Save as Q0
static void HighpassFilterFixDec32(
WebRtc_Word16 *io, /* Q0:input Q0: Output */
WebRtc_Word16 len, /* length of input, Input */
const WebRtc_Word16 *coeff, /* Coeff: [Q30hi Q30lo Q30hi Q30lo Q35hi Q35lo Q35hi Q35lo] */
WebRtc_Word32 *state) /* Q4:filter state Input/Output */
int k;
WebRtc_Word32 a, b, c, in;
for (k=0; k<len; k++) {
in = (WebRtc_Word32)io[k];
/* Q35 * Q4 = Q39 ; shift 32 bit => Q7 */
a = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_32_32_RSFT32(coeff[2*2], coeff[2*2+1], state[0]);
b = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_32_32_RSFT32(coeff[2*3], coeff[2*3+1], state[1]);
c = ((WebRtc_Word32)in) + WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(a+b, 7); // Q0
//c = WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(c, 1); // Q-1
io[k] = (WebRtc_Word16)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(c); // Write output as Q0
/* Q30 * Q4 = Q34 ; shift 32 bit => Q2 */
a = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_32_32_RSFT32(coeff[2*0], coeff[2*0+1], state[0]);
b = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_32_32_RSFT32(coeff[2*1], coeff[2*1+1], state[1]);
c = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((WebRtc_Word32)in, 2) - a - b; // New state in Q2
c= (WebRtc_Word32)WEBRTC_SPL_SAT((WebRtc_Word32)536870911, c, (WebRtc_Word32)-536870912); // Check for wrap-around
state[1] = state[0];
state[0] = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(c, 2); // Write state as Q4
void WebRtcIsacfix_SplitAndFilter1(WebRtc_Word16 *pin,
WebRtc_Word16 *LP16,
WebRtc_Word16 *HP16,
PreFiltBankstr *prefiltdata)
/* Function WebRtcIsacfix_SplitAndFilter */
/* This function creates low-pass and high-pass decimated versions of part of
the input signal, and part of the signal in the input 'lookahead buffer'. */
int k;
WebRtc_Word16 tempin_ch1[FRAMESAMPLES/2 + QLOOKAHEAD];
WebRtc_Word16 tempin_ch2[FRAMESAMPLES/2 + QLOOKAHEAD];
WebRtc_Word32 tmpState[WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2,(QORDER-1))]; /* 4 */
/* High pass filter */
HighpassFilterFixDec32(pin, FRAMESAMPLES, WebRtcIsacfix_kHpStCoeffInQ30, prefiltdata->HPstates_fix);
/* First Channel */
for (k=0;k<FRAMESAMPLES/2;k++) {
tempin_ch1[QLOOKAHEAD + k] = pin[1+WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, k)];
for (k=0;k<QLOOKAHEAD;k++) {
prefiltdata->INLABUF1_fix[k]=pin[FRAMESAMPLES+1-WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, QLOOKAHEAD)+WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, k)];
/* Second Channel. This is exactly like the first channel, except that the
even samples are now filtered instead (lower channel). */
for (k=0;k<FRAMESAMPLES/2;k++) {
tempin_ch2[QLOOKAHEAD+k] = pin[WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, k)];
for (k=0;k<QLOOKAHEAD;k++) {
prefiltdata->INLABUF2_fix[k]=pin[FRAMESAMPLES-WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, QLOOKAHEAD)+WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, k)];
/*obtain polyphase components by forward all-pass filtering through each channel */
/* The all pass filtering automatically updates the filter states which are exported in the
prefiltdata structure */
AllpassFilter2FixDec16(tempin_ch1,WebRtcIsacfix_kUpperApFactorsQ15, FRAMESAMPLES/2 , NUMBEROFCHANNELAPSECTIONS, prefiltdata->INSTAT1_fix);
AllpassFilter2FixDec16(tempin_ch2,WebRtcIsacfix_kLowerApFactorsQ15, FRAMESAMPLES/2 , NUMBEROFCHANNELAPSECTIONS, prefiltdata->INSTAT2_fix);
for (k=0;k<WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, (QORDER-1));k++)
tmpState[k] = prefiltdata->INSTAT1_fix[k];
AllpassFilter2FixDec16(tempin_ch1 + FRAMESAMPLES/2,WebRtcIsacfix_kUpperApFactorsQ15, QLOOKAHEAD , NUMBEROFCHANNELAPSECTIONS, tmpState);
for (k=0;k<WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, (QORDER-1));k++)
tmpState[k] = prefiltdata->INSTAT2_fix[k];
AllpassFilter2FixDec16(tempin_ch2 + FRAMESAMPLES/2,WebRtcIsacfix_kLowerApFactorsQ15, QLOOKAHEAD , NUMBEROFCHANNELAPSECTIONS, tmpState);
/* Now Construct low-pass and high-pass signals as combinations of polyphase components */
for (k=0; k<FRAMESAMPLES/2 + QLOOKAHEAD; k++) {
WebRtc_Word32 tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
tmp1 = (WebRtc_Word32)tempin_ch1[k]; // Q0 -> Q0
tmp2 = (WebRtc_Word32)tempin_ch2[k]; // Q0 -> Q0
tmp3 = (WebRtc_Word32)WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32((tmp1 + tmp2), 1);/* low pass signal*/
LP16[k] = (WebRtc_Word16)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(tmp3); /*low pass */
tmp3 = (WebRtc_Word32)WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32((tmp1 - tmp2), 1);/* high pass signal*/
HP16[k] = (WebRtc_Word16)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(tmp3); /*high pass */
}/*end of WebRtcIsacfix_SplitAndFilter */
/* Without lookahead */
void WebRtcIsacfix_SplitAndFilter2(WebRtc_Word16 *pin,
WebRtc_Word16 *LP16,
WebRtc_Word16 *HP16,
PreFiltBankstr *prefiltdata)
/* Function WebRtcIsacfix_SplitAndFilter2 */
/* This function creates low-pass and high-pass decimated versions of part of
the input signal. */
int k;
WebRtc_Word16 tempin_ch1[FRAMESAMPLES/2];
WebRtc_Word16 tempin_ch2[FRAMESAMPLES/2];
/* High pass filter */
HighpassFilterFixDec32(pin, FRAMESAMPLES, WebRtcIsacfix_kHpStCoeffInQ30, prefiltdata->HPstates_fix);
/* First Channel */
for (k=0;k<FRAMESAMPLES/2;k++) {
tempin_ch1[k] = pin[1+WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, k)];
/* Second Channel. This is exactly like the first channel, except that the
even samples are now filtered instead (lower channel). */
for (k=0;k<FRAMESAMPLES/2;k++) {
tempin_ch2[k] = pin[WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, k)];
/*obtain polyphase components by forward all-pass filtering through each channel */
/* The all pass filtering automatically updates the filter states which are exported in the
prefiltdata structure */
AllpassFilter2FixDec16(tempin_ch1,WebRtcIsacfix_kUpperApFactorsQ15, FRAMESAMPLES/2 , NUMBEROFCHANNELAPSECTIONS, prefiltdata->INSTAT1_fix);
AllpassFilter2FixDec16(tempin_ch2,WebRtcIsacfix_kLowerApFactorsQ15, FRAMESAMPLES/2 , NUMBEROFCHANNELAPSECTIONS, prefiltdata->INSTAT2_fix);
/* Now Construct low-pass and high-pass signals as combinations of polyphase components */
for (k=0; k<FRAMESAMPLES/2; k++) {
WebRtc_Word32 tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
tmp1 = (WebRtc_Word32)tempin_ch1[k]; // Q0 -> Q0
tmp2 = (WebRtc_Word32)tempin_ch2[k]; // Q0 -> Q0
tmp3 = (WebRtc_Word32)WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32((tmp1 + tmp2), 1);/* low pass signal*/
LP16[k] = (WebRtc_Word16)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(tmp3); /*low pass */
tmp3 = (WebRtc_Word32)WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32((tmp1 - tmp2), 1);/* high pass signal*/
HP16[k] = (WebRtc_Word16)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(tmp3); /*high pass */
}/*end of WebRtcIsacfix_SplitAndFilter */
////////// Combining
/* Function WebRtcIsacfix_FilterAndCombine */
/* This is a decoder function that takes the decimated
length FRAMESAMPLES/2 input low-pass and
high-pass signals and creates a reconstructed fullband
output signal of length FRAMESAMPLES. WebRtcIsacfix_FilterAndCombine
is the sibling function of WebRtcIsacfix_SplitAndFilter */
inLP: a length FRAMESAMPLES/2 array of input low-pass
inHP: a length FRAMESAMPLES/2 array of input high-pass
postfiltdata: input data structure containing the filterbank
states from the previous decoding iteration.
Out: a length FRAMESAMPLES array of output reconstructed
samples (fullband) based on the input low-pass and
high-pass signals.
postfiltdata: the input data structure containing the filterbank
states is updated for the next decoding iteration */
void WebRtcIsacfix_FilterAndCombine1(WebRtc_Word16 *tempin_ch1,
WebRtc_Word16 *tempin_ch2,
WebRtc_Word16 *out16,
PostFiltBankstr *postfiltdata)
int k;
WebRtc_Word16 in[FRAMESAMPLES];
/* all-pass filter the new upper channel signal. HOWEVER, use the all-pass filter factors
that were used as a lower channel at the encoding side. So at the decoder, the
corresponding all-pass filter factors for each channel are swapped.*/
AllpassFilter2FixDec16(tempin_ch1, WebRtcIsacfix_kLowerApFactorsQ15, FRAMESAMPLES/2, NUMBEROFCHANNELAPSECTIONS,postfiltdata->STATE_0_UPPER_fix);
/* Now, all-pass filter the new lower channel signal. But since all-pass filter factors
at the decoder are swapped from the ones at the encoder, the 'upper' channel
all-pass filter factors (kUpperApFactors) are used to filter this new lower channel signal */
AllpassFilter2FixDec16(tempin_ch2, WebRtcIsacfix_kUpperApFactorsQ15, FRAMESAMPLES/2, NUMBEROFCHANNELAPSECTIONS,postfiltdata->STATE_0_LOWER_fix);
/* Merge outputs to form the full length output signal.*/
for (k=0;k<FRAMESAMPLES/2;k++) {
in[WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, k)]=tempin_ch2[k];
in[WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, k)+1]=tempin_ch1[k];
/* High pass filter */
HighpassFilterFixDec32(in, FRAMESAMPLES, WebRtcIsacfix_kHPStCoeffOut1Q30, postfiltdata->HPstates1_fix);
HighpassFilterFixDec32(in, FRAMESAMPLES, WebRtcIsacfix_kHPStCoeffOut2Q30, postfiltdata->HPstates2_fix);
for (k=0;k<FRAMESAMPLES;k++) {
out16[k] = in[k];
/* Function WebRtcIsacfix_FilterAndCombine */
/* This is a decoder function that takes the decimated
length len/2 input low-pass and
high-pass signals and creates a reconstructed fullband
output signal of length len. WebRtcIsacfix_FilterAndCombine
is the sibling function of WebRtcIsacfix_SplitAndFilter */
inLP: a length len/2 array of input low-pass
inHP: a length len/2 array of input high-pass
postfiltdata: input data structure containing the filterbank
states from the previous decoding iteration.
Out: a length len array of output reconstructed
samples (fullband) based on the input low-pass and
high-pass signals.
postfiltdata: the input data structure containing the filterbank
states is updated for the next decoding iteration */
void WebRtcIsacfix_FilterAndCombine2(WebRtc_Word16 *tempin_ch1,
WebRtc_Word16 *tempin_ch2,
WebRtc_Word16 *out16,
PostFiltBankstr *postfiltdata,
WebRtc_Word16 len)
int k;
WebRtc_Word16 in[FRAMESAMPLES];
/* all-pass filter the new upper channel signal. HOWEVER, use the all-pass filter factors
that were used as a lower channel at the encoding side. So at the decoder, the
corresponding all-pass filter factors for each channel are swapped.*/
AllpassFilter2FixDec16(tempin_ch1, WebRtcIsacfix_kLowerApFactorsQ15,(WebRtc_Word16) (len/2), NUMBEROFCHANNELAPSECTIONS,postfiltdata->STATE_0_UPPER_fix);
/* Now, all-pass filter the new lower channel signal. But since all-pass filter factors
at the decoder are swapped from the ones at the encoder, the 'upper' channel
all-pass filter factors (kUpperApFactors) are used to filter this new lower channel signal */
AllpassFilter2FixDec16(tempin_ch2, WebRtcIsacfix_kUpperApFactorsQ15, (WebRtc_Word16) (len/2), NUMBEROFCHANNELAPSECTIONS,postfiltdata->STATE_0_LOWER_fix);
/* Merge outputs to form the full length output signal.*/
for (k=0;k<len/2;k++) {
in[WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, k)]=tempin_ch2[k];
in[WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, k)+1]=tempin_ch1[k];
/* High pass filter */
HighpassFilterFixDec32(in, len, WebRtcIsacfix_kHPStCoeffOut1Q30, postfiltdata->HPstates1_fix);
HighpassFilterFixDec32(in, len, WebRtcIsacfix_kHPStCoeffOut2Q30, postfiltdata->HPstates2_fix);
for (k=0;k<len;k++) {
out16[k] = in[k];