| # There are three kinds of suppressions in this file: |
| # 1. Third party stuff we have no control over. |
| # |
| # 2. Intentional unit test errors, stuff that is somehow a false positive |
| # in our own code, or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing. |
| # |
| # 3. Suppressions for real WebRTC bugs that are not yet fixed. |
| # These should all be in WebRTC's bug tracking system. |
| # Periodically we should sweep this file and the bug tracker clean by |
| # running overnight and removing outdated bugs/suppressions. |
| #----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| # 1. Third party stuff we have no control over. |
| { |
| FIXME mac kevent libevent probably needs valgrind hooks |
| Memcheck:Param |
| kevent(changelist) |
| fun:kevent |
| fun:event_base_new |
| } |
| { |
| # CoreAudio leak. See http://crbug.com/9351 |
| bug_9351 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN12HALCADClient19AddPropertyListenerEmPK26AudioObjectPropertyAddressPFlmmS2_PvES3_ |
| fun:_ZN16HALDefaultDevice22InstallServerListenersEv |
| fun:_ZN16HALDefaultDevice10InitializeEv |
| fun:_ZN9HALSystem16CheckOutInstanceEv |
| } |
| { |
| # Mac test_shell_tests. See http://crbug.com/11134 |
| # Doesn't happen on bots, but happens like crazy on the smo |
| # test machine 'caliban'. Don't delete just because it |
| # doesn't happen on the bots. |
| bug_11134 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:vCMMVectorConvert8BitRGBToRGB |
| fun:_ZNK15CMMConvRGBToRGB7ConvertER8CMM8BitsP14CMMRuntimeInfomm |
| } |
| { |
| # Mac system library bug? See http://crbug.com/11327 |
| bug_11327 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:_ZN19AudioConverterChain5ResetEv |
| fun:AudioConverterReset |
| obj:/System/Library/Components/CoreAudio.component/Contents/MacOS/CoreAudio |
| } |
| { |
| # Mac system library bug? See http://crbug.com/11327 |
| bug_11327b |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:AUNetSendEntry |
| fun:AUNetSendEntry |
| obj:/System/Library/Components/CoreAudio.component/Contents/MacOS/CoreAudio |
| } |
| { |
| # Filed with Apple as rdar://6915060; see http://crbug.com/11270 |
| bug_11270 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:calloc |
| fun:CMSSetLabCLUT |
| } |
| { |
| # Mac leak in CMOpenOrNewAccess in unit_tests PlatformCanvas_SkLayer_Test, |
| # ToolbarControllerTest_FocusLocation_Test. See http://crbug.com/11333. |
| bug_11333 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:stdSmartNewPtr |
| fun:stdSmartNewHandle |
| fun:IOCreateAndOpen |
| fun:ScratchInit |
| fun:CMOpenOrNewAccess |
| } |
| { |
| # suddenly very common as of 6 aug 2009 |
| bug_11333b |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:stdSmartNewPtr |
| fun:stdSmartNewHandle |
| fun:IOCreateAndOpen |
| fun:ScratchInit |
| fun:CMNewAccessFromAnother |
| } |
| { |
| # Tiny one-time leak, widely seen by valgind users; everyone suppresses this. |
| # See related discussion at http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=39366 |
| plugin_bundle_global_leak |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:__cxa_get_globals |
| fun:__cxa_allocate_exception |
| fun:_ZN4dyld4loadEPKcRKNS_11LoadContextE |
| fun:dlopen |
| fun:dlopen |
| fun:_CFBundleDlfcnCheckLoaded |
| } |
| { |
| bug_18215 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:_DPSNextEvent |
| fun:-[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] |
| fun:-[NSApplication run] |
| } |
| { |
| bug_18223 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| fun:_ZNK8Security12UnixPlusPlus17StaticForkMonitorclEv |
| fun:_ZN12ocspdGlobals10serverPortEv |
| } |
| { |
| # Filed with Apple as rdar://7255382 |
| bug_20459a |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:_CFRuntimeCreateInstance |
| fun:CFRunLoopSourceCreate |
| fun:CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource |
| fun:_ZN8Security12MachPlusPlus10CFAutoPort6enableEv |
| fun:_ZN8Security14SecurityServer14ThreadNotifierC2Ev |
| } |
| { |
| # Also filed with Apple as rdar://7255382 |
| bug_20459b |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc_zone_malloc |
| fun:_CFRuntimeCreateInstance |
| fun:__CFArrayInit |
| fun:CFArrayCreateMutableCopy |
| fun:_ZN8Security12KeychainCore5Trust8evaluateEv |
| } |
| # See description of bug_20653a/b in suppressions.txt. |
| { |
| bug_20653a_mac |
| Memcheck:Param |
| write(buf) |
| fun:write$UNIX2003 |
| fun:pager_write_pagelist |
| } |
| { |
| bug_20653b_mac |
| Memcheck:Param |
| write(buf) |
| fun:write$UNIX2003 |
| ... |
| fun:pager_write |
| } |
| |
| # See http://www.openradar.me/8287193 |
| { |
| Invalid redzone accesses in DKeyHas8Words |
| Memcheck:Unaddressable |
| fun:DKeyHas8Words |
| } |
| |
| # See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=188572 |
| # This suppression is missing in Valgrind on Mac 10.6 |
| # TODO(glider): remove it once it arrives in the trunk. |
| { |
| Unavoidable leak in setenv() |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc_zone_malloc |
| fun:__setenv |
| fun:setenv$UNIX2003 |
| } |
| { |
| # Reported to Apple as rdar://6915429 |
| bug_12525 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:-[CIContextImpl render:toBitmap:rowBytes:bounds:format:colorSpace:] |
| } |
| { |
| bug_69436 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:-[CIKernel initWithCString:noCopy:] |
| ... |
| fun:-[NSPopUpButtonCell _drawIndicatorWithFrame:inView:] |
| } |
| { |
| # Capturer on Mac uses OpenGL driver, which triggers several warnings. |
| # The check has to be quite generic, as different hardware graphics cards |
| # will cause different sets of warnings. |
| bug_75037 |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| ... |
| fun:_ZN8remoting*CapturerMac* |
| } |
| { |
| # See also http://openradar.appspot.com/radar?id=1235407 |
| bug_77063 |
| Memcheck:Free |
| fun:_ZdlPv |
| fun:_ZN15THFSPlusCatalogD2Ev |
| fun:_ZN5TNode10SetCatalogEP15THFSPlusCatalog |
| fun:_ZN15TMountPointList9AddVolumeEsb |
| fun:_ZN15TMountPointList4FindEsPN5TNode12StPopulatingE |
| fun:_ZN15TMountPointList20SupportsInvisibleBitEsPN5TNode12StPopulatingEb |
| fun:_ZNK21THFSPlusPropertyStore4OpenEbb |
| fun:_ZNK21THFSPlusPropertyStore13GetPropertiesEb |
| fun:_ZN16TFSCopyOperation22GetSourcePropertyStoreERK11THFSPlusRef |
| fun:_ZN16TFSCopyOperation13DoMoveToTrashERK11THFSPlusRef |
| fun:_ZN16TFSCopyOperation3RunEv |
| fun:_FSOperation |
| fun:_FSOperateOnObjectSync |
| fun:FSMoveObjectToTrashSync |
| fun:_Z9TrashFuncRK8FilePath |
| } |
| { |
| # See also http://openradar.appspot.com/radar?id=1169404 |
| bug_79533a |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| ... |
| fun:_Z*19cssm_DataAbortQuery17cssm_dl_db_handlel |
| fun:CSSM_DL_DataAbortQuery |
| fun:_ZN11SSDLSession14DataAbortQueryEll |
| fun:_Z*19cssm_DataAbortQuery17cssm_dl_db_handlel |
| fun:CSSM_DL_DataAbortQuery |
| fun:tpDbFindIssuerCrl |
| fun:tpVerifyCertGroupWithCrls |
| } |
| { |
| # See also http://openradar.appspot.com/radar?id=1169404 |
| bug_79533b |
| Memcheck:Uninitialized |
| ... |
| fun:_Z*19cssm_DataAbortQuery17cssm_dl_db_handlel |
| fun:CSSM_DL_DataAbortQuery |
| fun:_ZN11SSDLSession14DataAbortQueryEll |
| fun:_Z*19cssm_DataAbortQuery17cssm_dl_db_handlel |
| fun:CSSM_DL_DataAbortQuery |
| fun:tpDbFindIssuerCrl |
| fun:tpVerifyCertGroupWithCrls |
| } |
| { |
| bug_85213_a |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:_CFBundleCopyDirectoryContentsAtPath |
| } |
| { |
| bug_85213_b |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:_CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectoryWithVersion |
| } |
| { |
| bug_85213_c |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:_CFBundleURLLooksLikeBundleVersion |
| } |
| { |
| bug_85213_d |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:_CFBundleCreate |
| fun:_ZN6webkit5npapi9PluginLib17ReadWebPluginInfoERK8FilePathPNS0_13WebPluginInfoE |
| } |
| { |
| bug_85213_e |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:CFBundlePreflightExecutable |
| fun:_ZN6webkit5npapi9PluginLib17ReadWebPluginInfoERK8FilePathPNS0_13WebPluginInfoE |
| } |
| { |
| bug_85213_f |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:CFBundleGetPackageInfo |
| fun:_ZN6webkit5npapi9PluginLib17ReadWebPluginInfoERK8FilePathPNS0_13WebPluginInfoE |
| } |
| { |
| bug_86927 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:malloc |
| fun:CGSMapShmem |
| fun:CGSResolveShmemReference |
| fun:CGSScoreboard |
| fun:initCGDisplayState |
| fun:initCGDisplayMappings |
| fun:cgsInit |
| fun:pthread_once |
| fun:CGSInitialize |
| fun:CGSServerOperationState |
| fun:+[NSThemeFrame initialize] |
| fun:_class_initialize |
| } |
| { |
| # QTKit leak. See http://crbug.com/100772 and rdar://10319535. |
| bug_100772 |
| Memcheck:Leak |
| fun:calloc |
| fun:QTMLCreateMutex |
| fun:WarholCreateGlobals |
| fun:INIT_QuickTimeLibInternal |
| fun:pthread_once |
| fun:INIT_QuickTimeLib |
| fun:EnterMovies_priv |
| fun:EnterMovies |
| fun:TundraUnitInputFromTSFileEntry |
| fun:TundraUnitVDIGInputEntry |
| fun:TundraUnitCreateFromDescription |
| fun:+[QTCaptureVDIGDevice _refreshDevices] |
| fun:+[QTCaptureVDIGDevice devicesWithIOType:] |
| fun:+[QTCaptureDevice devicesWithIOType:] |
| fun:+[QTCaptureDevice inputDevices] |
| fun:+[QTCaptureDevice inputDevicesWithMediaType:] |
| fun:+[VideoCaptureDeviceQTKit deviceNames] |
| fun:_ZN5media18VideoCaptureDevice14GetDeviceNamesEPSt4listINS0_4NameESaIS2_EE |
| fun:_ZN5media21VideoCaptureDeviceMac4InitEv |
| fun:_ZN5media18VideoCaptureDevice6CreateERKNS0_4NameE |
| fun:_ZN5media45VideoCaptureDeviceTest_OpenInvalidDevice_Test8TestBodyEv |
| } |
| |
| # 2. Intentional unit test errors, stuff that is somehow a false positive |
| # in our own code, or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing. |
| |
| # 3. Suppressions for real WebRTC bugs that are not yet fixed. |