blob: a3b2c637358563df9569121c8c57317b62d1d1b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) 2007-12 - Luca Deri <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef _PFRING_CLASS_
#define _PFRING_CLASS_
extern "C" {
#define HAVE_PF_RING
#include "pcap-int.h"
#define HAVE_PCAP
#include "pfring.h"
class PFring {
pfring *ring;
u_int snaplen;
char *device_name;
PFring(char* device, u_int snaplen, u_int flags = 0);
/* Cluster */
inline int set_cluster(u_int clusterId)
{ return(ring ? pfring_set_cluster(ring, clusterId, cluster_round_robin) : -1); };
inline int remove_from_cluster()
{ return(ring ? pfring_remove_from_cluster(ring) : -1); };
/* Channel */
inline int set_channel_id(short channelId)
{ return(ring ? pfring_set_channel_id(ring, channelId) : -1); };
/* Read Packets */
bool wait_for_packets(int msec = -1 /* -1 == infinite */);
int get_next_packet(struct pfring_pkthdr *hdr, const u_char *pkt, u_int pkt_len);
/* Filtering */
int add_bpf_filter(char *the_filter);
inline int add_filtering_rule(filtering_rule* the_rule)
{ return(ring ? pfring_add_filtering_rule(ring, the_rule) : -1); };
inline int remove_filtering_rule(u_int16_t rule_id)
{ return(ring ? pfring_remove_filtering_rule(ring, rule_id) : -1); };
inline int toggle_filtering_policy(bool rules_default_accept_policy)
{ return(ring ? pfring_toggle_filtering_policy(ring, rules_default_accept_policy ? 1 : 0) : -1); };
inline int add_hash_filtering_rule(hash_filtering_rule *rule)
{ return(ring ? pfring_handle_hash_filtering_rule(ring, rule, 1) : -1); };
inline int remove_hash_filtering_rule(hash_filtering_rule *rule)
{ return(ring ? pfring_handle_hash_filtering_rule(ring, rule, 0) : -1); };
/* Stats */
inline int get_stats(pfring_stat *stats)
{ return(ring ? pfring_stats(ring, stats) : -1); };
inline int get_filtering_rule_stats(u_int16_t rule_id, char *stats, u_int *stats_len)
{ return(ring ? pfring_get_filtering_rule_stats(ring, rule_id, stats, stats_len) : -1); };
inline int get_hash_filtering_rule_stats(hash_filtering_rule* rule, char *stats, u_int *stats_len)
{ return(ring ? pfring_get_hash_filtering_rule_stats(ring, rule, stats, stats_len) : -1); };
/* Utils */
inline char* get_device_name() { return(device_name); };
inline int enable_ring() { return(ring ? pfring_enable_ring(ring) : -1); };
inline int set_sampling_rate(u_int32_t rate /* 1 = no sampling */)
{ return(ring ? pfring_set_sampling_rate(ring, rate) : -1); };
inline int get_version(u_int32_t *version)
{ return(ring ? pfring_version(ring, version) : -1); };
inline int get_socket_id() { return(ring ? ring->fd : -1); };
#endif /* _PFRING_CLASS_ */