- (FAQ): Dave Shield explains in wonderous detail all about the VACM module.
git-svn-id: file:///home/hardaker/lib/sf-bkups/net-snmp-convert-svnrepo/trunk@1811 06827809-a52a-0410-b366-d66718629ded
diff --git a/FAQ b/FAQ
index 65d6a16..61c62a9 100644
--- a/FAQ
+++ b/FAQ
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
What traps are sent by the agent?
When I run the agent it runs and then quits without staying around. Why?
How can I stop other people getting at my agent?
+ I don't understand the new access control stuff - what does it mean?
How do I write C code to integrate with the agent?
What ASN.1 parser is used?
@@ -484,6 +485,118 @@
+I don't understand the new access control stuff - what does it mean?
+ The idea behind the new access control model is to give a more flexible
+ way of specifying who can see and do what within the MIB tree.
+ It's more complicated to understand than the old community style, but
+ that's because it can do a whole lot more.
+ There are four configuration keywords in the new scheme:
+ 'com2sec', 'group', 'view', and 'access'
+ We'll consider these one at a time, starting with 'access'.
+ (Because I feel like starting with the last one, that's why - OK?)
+ The "access" keyword has the job of specifying who has access to
+ which bits of the MIB tree. This has eight parameters, so can look
+ rather offputting. Most of these can be safely left with default values
+ in most cases (so don't you worry your pretty little head about them).
+ The syntax is
+ access {group} "" any noauth 0 {read-tree} {write-tree} {notify-tree}
+ where the entries in braces need to be defined elsewhere (I'm coming
+ to that - be patient!), and the rest can be left as shown here.
+ [ If you really want to know, the 'sec.model' field can be used
+ to have an access line that's only relevant to particular
+ versions of SNMP (such v1 or v2c) rather than "any" version,
+ and the 'sec.level' field can be used to ensure that the
+ request is authenticated or encrypted.
+ You'll have to ask Niels about the other two!]
+ The "view" keyword is used to define particular bits of the MIB tree,
+ for use in the last three field of the access entry.
+ This has the syntax
+ view {name} included/excluded {subtree} {mask}
+ where {name} is the identifier to be used for this view (i.e. what should
+ appear in the access entry), and {subtree} is the portion of the MIB tree
+ that this name refers to (in either numeric or named form).
+ Note that the name of the view does not have to have anything to do
+ with the MIB sub-identifier names - it's purely an identifying tag for
+ use within the config file (though choosing a meaningful name is, as
+ always, a very good idea).
+ The {mask} field is used to control which elements of the OID subtree
+ should be regarded as relevent when determining which view an OID is in.
+ Normally, the whole of the OID should be included, so you'll need a mask
+ with as many bits set as there are OID elements.
+ Thus, in the example config file, ".1" (i.e. the whole dod tree) has
+ one element, so the mask has one bit set (counting from the most
+ significant) - i.e. '80' (in hex).
+ ".iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2" has six elements, so six bits set ('fc').
+ "system" is short for ".iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.system", which
+ has seven elements, and so seven bits in its mask (hence 'fe')
+ If there are more than eight elements, you specify the longer masks
+ as single octet values, separated by dots (e.g. 'ff.c0' for 10 bits)
+ The third field can be used to include or exclude particular portions
+ of the MIB from the view, and different lines can use the same view name
+ to build up a more complicated view, if that's what's needed.
+ The three view fields in the access line are used to control which
+ portions of the MIB tree a particular {group} can see (GET et al),
+ alter (SET), or request NOTIFYs on.
+ That's dealt with the "what" - now for the "who".
+ This is the role of the "group" and "com2sec" entries.
+ The "group" keyword gives general control, by mapping between a
+ "security name" (and possibly a particular protocol version), and the
+ internal name used in the access line. This will really only come into
+ play once the full features of SNMP v3 are available.
+ At the moment, it's just an intermediate step between the "access" line
+ and the "com2sec" line, which is the last bit of the jigsaw.
+ The "com2sec" entry is used to determine a "security name" from the
+ traditional community string, taking into account where the request has
+ come from. Thus the same community string can give access to different
+ portions of the tree, depending on where the request is sent from.
+ For example, in the example config file, there are two com2sec lines
+ with the community string "public" - one is valid from anywhere (with
+ the security name "public") and one is only valid from the local network
+ (using the security name "mynet").
+ The group lines convert these security names into the groups "public"
+ and "mygroup" respectively, and the access lines give these two groups
+ the ability to GET values in the 'system' sub-tree (from anywhere) or
+ the 'mib-2' sub-tree (from the local network). Neither of these can
+ SET any values though, (since the write-tree is "none" in both cases).
+ Someone on the local machine, using the community string "private",
+ has the security name "local" and the group name "local", and hence has
+ full access (both GET and SET, as well as NOTIFY) to the whole of the
+ MIB tree (or at least everything under .1, which covers most things!)
+ Note that the three occurances of "public", as community string,
+ security name and group name, are three totally separate things.
+ You can't use a community string in a security name field, or either
+ of these as a group name (or vice versa), unless you set up suitable
+ entries to map one name onto the other.
+ And here concludes our tour of the view-based access control mechanism.
+ Phew!