blob: a05cd3870d7f1b5cec459fae2987c005a16d3b91 [file] [log] [blame]
# -- Perl 5 interface to the Net-SNMP toolkit
# written by G. S. Marzot (
# Copyright (c) 1995-2006 G. S. Marzot. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package SNMP;
$VERSION = '5.0703'; # current release version number
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
require DynaLoader;
require AutoLoader;
use NetSNMP::default_store (':all');
@SNMP::ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader DynaLoader);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
no strict;
# This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant()
# XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed
# to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader.
my $constname;
($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
# croak "&$module::constant not defined" if $constname eq 'constant';
($!, $val) = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0);
if ($! != 0) {
if ($! =~ /Invalid/) {
goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
else {
($pack,$file,$line) = caller;
die "Your vendor has not defined SNMP macro $constname, used at $file line $line.
eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }";
goto &$AUTOLOAD;
bootstrap SNMP;
# Preloaded methods go here.
# Package variables
tie $SNMP::debugging, 'SNMP::DEBUGGING';
tie $SNMP::debug_internals, 'SNMP::DEBUG_INTERNALS';
tie $SNMP::dump_packet, 'SNMP::DUMP_PACKET';
tie %SNMP::MIB, 'SNMP::MIB';
tie $SNMP::save_descriptions, 'SNMP::MIB::SAVE_DESCR';
tie $SNMP::replace_newer, 'SNMP::MIB::REPLACE_NEWER';
tie $SNMP::mib_options, 'SNMP::MIB::MIB_OPTIONS';
%SNMP::V3_SEC_LEVEL_MAP = (noAuthNoPriv => 1, authNoPriv => 2, authPriv =>3);
use vars qw(
$auto_init_mib $use_long_names $use_sprint_value $use_enums
$use_numeric %MIB $verbose $debugging $dump_packet $save_descriptions
$best_guess $non_increasing $replace_newer %session_params
$debug_internals $mib_options
$auto_init_mib = 1; # enable automatic MIB loading at session creation time
$use_long_names = 0; # non-zero to prefer longer mib textual identifiers rather
# than just leaf indentifiers (see translateObj)
# may also be set on a per session basis(see UseLongNames)
$use_sprint_value = 0; # non-zero to enable formatting of response values
# using the snmp libraries "snprint_value"
# may also be set on a per session basis(see UseSprintValue)
# note: returned values not suitable for 'set' operations
$use_enums = 0; # non-zero to return integers as enums and allow sets
# using enums where appropriate - integer data will
# still be accepted for set operations
# may also be set on a per session basis (see UseEnums)
$use_numeric = 0; # non-zero to return object tags as numeric OID's instead
# of converting to textual representations. use_long_names,
# if non-zero, returns the entire OID, otherwise, return just
# the label portion. use_long_names is also set if the
# use_numeric variable is set.
%MIB = (); # tied hash to access libraries internal mib tree structure
# parsed in from mib files
$verbose = 0; # controls warning/info output of SNMP module,
# 0 => no output, 1 => enables warning and info
# output from SNMP module itself (is also controlled
# by SNMP::debugging)
$debugging = 0; # non-zero to globally enable libsnmp do_debugging output
# set to >= 2 to enabling packet dumping (see below)
$dump_packet = 0; # non-zero to globally enable libsnmp dump_packet output.
# is also enabled when $debugging >= 2
$save_descriptions = 0; #tied scalar to control saving descriptions during
# mib parsing - must be set prior to mib loading
$best_guess = 0; # determine whether or not to enable best-guess regular
# expression object name translation. 1 = Regex (-Ib),
# 2 = random (-IR)
$non_increasing = 0; # stop polling with an "OID not increasing"-error
# when an OID does not increases in bulkwalk.
$replace_newer = 0; # determine whether or not to tell the parser to replace
# older MIB modules with newer ones when loading MIBs.
# WARNING: This can cause an incorrect hierarchy.
sub register_debug_tokens {
my $tokens = shift;
sub getenv {
my $name = shift;
return SNMP::_getenv($name);
sub setenv {
my $envname = shift;
my $envval = shift;
my $overwrite = shift;
return SNMP::_setenv($envname, $envval, $overwrite);
sub setMib {
# loads mib from file name provided
# setting second arg to true causes currently loaded mib to be replaced
# otherwise mib file will be added to existing loaded mib database
# NOTE: now deprecated in favor of addMibFiles and new module based funcs
my $file = shift;
my $force = shift || '0';
return 0 if $file and not (-r $file);
sub initMib {
# equivalent to calling the snmp library init_mib if Mib is NULL
# if Mib is already loaded this function does nothing
# Pass a zero valued argument to get minimal mib tree initialization
# If non zero argument or no argument then full mib initialization
if (defined $_[0] and $_[0] == 0) {
} else {
sub addMibDirs {
# adds directories to search path when a module is requested to be loaded
foreach (@_) {
SNMP::_add_mib_dir($_) or return undef;
return 1;
sub addMibFiles {
# adds mib definitions to currently loaded mib database from
# file(s) supplied
foreach (@_) {
SNMP::_read_mib($_) or return undef;
return 1;
sub loadModules {
# adds mib module definitions to currently loaded mib database.
# Modules will be searched from previously defined mib search dirs
# Passing and arg of 'ALL' will cause all known modules to be loaded
foreach (@_) {
SNMP::_read_module($_) or return undef;
return 1;
sub unloadModules {
# causes modules to be unloaded from mib database
# Passing and arg of 'ALL' will cause all known modules to be unloaded
warn("SNMP::unloadModules not implemented! (yet)");
sub translateObj {
# Translate object identifier(tag or numeric) into alternate representation
# (i.e., sysDescr => '.' and '.' => sysDescr)
# when $SNMP::use_long_names or second arg is non-zero the translation will
# return longer textual identifiers (e.g., system.sysDescr). An optional
# third argument of non-zero will cause the module name to be prepended
# to the text name (e.g. 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr'). If no Mib is loaded
# when called and $SNMP::auto_init_mib is enabled then the Mib will be
# loaded. Will return 'undef' upon failure.
my $obj = shift;
my $temp = shift;
my $include_module_name = shift || "0";
my $long_names = $temp || $SNMP::use_long_names;
return undef if not defined $obj;
my $res;
if ($obj =~ /^\.?(\d+\.)*\d+$/) {
$res = SNMP::_translate_obj($obj,1,$long_names,$SNMP::auto_init_mib,0,$include_module_name);
} elsif ($obj =~ /(\.\d+)*$/ && $SNMP::best_guess == 0) {
$res = SNMP::_translate_obj($`,0,$long_names,$SNMP::auto_init_mib,0,$include_module_name);
$res .= $& if defined $res and defined $&;
} elsif ($SNMP::best_guess) {
$res = SNMP::_translate_obj($obj,0,$long_names,$SNMP::auto_init_mib,$SNMP::best_guess,$include_module_name);
sub getType {
# return SNMP data type for given textual identifier
my $tag = shift;
SNMP::_get_type($tag, $SNMP::best_guess);
sub mapEnum {
# return the corresponding integer value *or* tag for a given MIB attribute
# and value. The function will sense which direction to perform the conversion
# various arg formats are supported
# $val = SNMP::mapEnum($varbind); # note: will update $varbind
# $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 'forwarding');
# $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 1);
my $var = shift;
my ($tag, $val, $update);
if (ref($var) =~ /ARRAY/ or ref($var) =~ /Varbind/) {
$tag = SNMP::Varbind::tag($var);
$val = SNMP::Varbind::val($var);
$update = 1;
} else {
$tag = $var;
$val = shift;
my $iflag = $val =~ /^\d+$/;
my $res = SNMP::_map_enum($tag, $val, $iflag, $SNMP::best_guess);
if ($update and defined $res) { SNMP::Varbind::val($var) = $res; }
%session_params = (DestHost => 1,
Community => 1,
Version => 1,
Timeout => 1,
Retries => 1,
RemotePort => 1,
LocalPort => 1);
sub strip_session_params {
my @params;
my @args;
my $param;
while ($param = shift) {
push(@params,$param, shift), next
if $session_params{$param};
@_ = @args;
sub snmp_get {
# procedural form of 'get' method. sometimes quicker to code
# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::Session::new and
# SNMP::Session::get (*NOTE*: this api does not support async callbacks)
my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
my $sess = new SNMP::Session(@sess_params);
sub snmp_getnext {
# procedural form of 'getnext' method. sometimes quicker to code
# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::Session::new and
# SNMP::Session::getnext (*NOTE*: this api does not support async callbacks)
my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
my $sess = new SNMP::Session(@sess_params);
sub snmp_set {
# procedural form of 'set' method. sometimes quicker to code
# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::Session::new and
# SNMP::Session::set (*NOTE*: this api does not support async callbacks)
my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
my $sess = new SNMP::Session(@sess_params);
sub snmp_trap {
# procedural form of 'trap' method. sometimes quicker to code
# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::TrapSession::new and
# SNMP::TrapSession::trap
my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
my $sess = new SNMP::TrapSession(@sess_params);
# Preserves the ability to call MainLoop() with no args so we don't
# break old code
# Alternately, MainLoop() could be called as an object method,
# ( $sess->MainLoop() ) , so that $self winds up in @_. Then it would
# be more like :
# my $self = shift;
# ....
# SNMP::_main_loop(......, $self->{SessPtr});
sub MainLoop {
my $ss = shift if(&SNMP::_api_mode() == SNMP::SNMP_API_SINGLE());
my $time = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $time_sec = ($time ? int $time : 0);
my $time_usec = ($time ? int(($time-$time_sec)*1000000) : 0);
SNMP::_main_loop($time_sec,$time_usec,$callback,(defined($ss) ? $ss->{SessPtr} : ()));
sub finish {
sub reply_cb {
# callback function for async snmp calls
# when triggered, will do a SNMP read on the
# given fd
my $fd = shift;
sub select_info {
# retrieves SNMP used fd's and timeout info
# calculates timeout in fractional seconds
# ( easy to use with select statement )
my($block, $to_sec, $to_usec, @fd_set)=SNMP::_get_select_info();
my $time_sec_dec = ($block? 0 : $to_sec + $to_usec * 1e-6);
#print "fd's for snmp -> ", @fd_set, "\n";
#print "block -> ", $block, "\n";
#print "timeout_sec -> ", $to_sec, "\n";
#print "timeout_usec -> ", $to_usec, "\n";
#print "timeout dec -> ", $time_sec_dec, "\n";
return ($time_sec_dec,@fd_set);
sub check_timeout {
# check to see if a snmp session
# timed out, and if so triggers
# the callback function
# check to see when have to check again
my($block, $to_sec, $to_usec, @fd_set)=SNMP::_get_select_info();
my $time_sec_dec = ($block? 0 : $to_sec + $to_usec * 1e-6);
#print "fd's for snmp -> ", @fd_set, "\n";
#print "block -> ", $block, "\n";
#print "timeout_sec -> ", $to_sec, "\n";
#print "timeout_usec -> ", $to_usec, "\n";
#print "timeout dec -> ", $time_sec_dec, "\n";
return ($time_sec_dec);
sub _tie {
# this is a little implementation hack so ActiveState can access pp_tie
# thru perl code. All other environments allow the calling of pp_tie from
# XS code but AS was not exporting it when PERL_OBJECT was used.
# short term solution was call this perl func which calls 'tie'
# longterm fix is to supply a patch which allows AS to export pp_tie in
# such a way that it can be called from XS code. gsarathy says:
# a patch to util.c is needed to provide access to PL_paddr
# so it is possible to call PL_paddr[OP_TIE] as the compiler does
sub split_vars {
# This sub holds the regex that is used throughout this module
# to parse the base part of an OID from the IID.
# eg: portName.9.30 -> ['portName','9.30']
my $vars = shift;
# The regex was changed to this simple form by patch 722075 for some reason.
# Testing shows now (2/05) that it is not needed, and that the long expression
# works fine. AB
# my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^(.*?)\.?(\d+)+$/);
# These following two are the same. Broken down for easier maintenance
# my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^((?:\.\d+)+|(?:\w+(?:\-*\w+)+))\.?(.*)$/);
my ($tag, $iid) =
($vars =~ /^( # Capture $1
# 1. either this
(?:\.\d+)+ # for grouping, won't increment $1
# 2. or asdf-asdf-asdf-asdf
(?: # grouping again
\w+ # needs some letters followed by
(?:\-*\w+)+ # zero or more dashes, one or more letters
\.? # optionally match a dot
(.*) # whatever is left in the string is our iid ($2)
return [$tag,$iid];
package SNMP::Session;
sub new {
my $type = shift;
my $this = {};
my ($name, $aliases, $host_type, $len, $thisaddr);
%$this = @_;
$this->{ErrorStr} = ''; # if methods return undef check for expln.
$this->{ErrorNum} = 0; # contains SNMP error return
$this->{Version} ||=
if ($this->{Version} eq 128) {
# special handling of the bogus v1 definition.
$this->{Version} = 1;
# allow override of local SNMP port
$this->{LocalPort} ||= 0;
# destination host defaults to localhost
$this->{DestHost} ||= 'localhost';
# community defaults to public
$this->{Community} ||= NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_COMMUNITY()) || 'public';
# number of retries before giving up, defaults to SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES
$this->{Retries} = SNMP::SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES() unless defined($this->{Retries});
# timeout before retry, defaults to SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
$this->{Timeout} = SNMP::SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT() unless defined($this->{Timeout});
# flag to enable fixing pdu and retrying with a NoSuch error
$this->{RetryNoSuch} ||= 0;
# backwards compatibility. Make host = host:port
if ($this->{RemotePort} && $this->{DestHost} !~ /:/) {
$this->{DestHost} = $this->{DestHost} . ":" . $this->{RemotePort};
if ($this->{DestHost} =~ /^(dtls|tls|ssh)/) {
# only works with version 3
$this->{Version} = 3;
if ($this->{Version} eq '1' or $this->{Version} eq '2'
or $this->{Version} eq '2c') {
$this->{SessPtr} = SNMP::_new_session($this->{Version},
} elsif ($this->{Version} eq '3' ) {
$this->{SecName} ||=
NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_SECNAME()) ||
if (!$this->{SecLevel}) {
$this->{SecLevel} =
NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_SECLEVEL()) ||
} elsif ($this->{SecLevel} !~ /^\d+$/) {
$this->{SecLevel} = $SNMP::V3_SEC_LEVEL_MAP{$this->{SecLevel}};
$this->{SecEngineId} ||= '';
$this->{ContextEngineId} ||= $this->{SecEngineId};
$this->{Context} ||=
NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_CONTEXT()) || '';
if ($this->{DestHost} =~ /^(dtls|tls|ssh)/) {
# this is a tunneled protocol
$this->{'OurIdentity'} ||= '';
$this->{'TheirIdentity'} ||= '';
$this->{'TheirHostname'} ||= '';
$this->{'TrustCert'} ||= '';
$this->{'SecLevel'} = $SNMP::V3_SEC_LEVEL_MAP{'authPriv'};
$this->{SessPtr} =
} else {
# USM or some other internal security protocol
# USM specific parameters:
$this->{AuthProto} ||= 'DEFAULT'; # use the library's default
$this->{AuthPass} ||=
NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PASSPHRASE()) || '';
$this->{AuthMasterKey} ||= '';
$this->{PrivMasterKey} ||= '';
$this->{AuthLocalizedKey} ||= '';
$this->{PrivLocalizedKey} ||= '';
$this->{PrivProto} ||= 'DEFAULT'; # use the library's default
$this->{PrivPass} ||=
NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PASSPHRASE()) || '';
$this->{EngineBoots} = 0 if not defined $this->{EngineBoots};
$this->{EngineTime} = 0 if not defined $this->{EngineTime};
$this->{SessPtr} =
unless ($this->{SessPtr}) {
warn("unable to create session") if $SNMP::verbose;
return undef;
SNMP::initMib($SNMP::auto_init_mib); # ensures that *some* mib is loaded
$this->{UseLongNames} = $SNMP::use_long_names
unless exists $this->{UseLongNames};
$this->{UseSprintValue} = $SNMP::use_sprint_value
unless exists $this->{UseSprintValue};
$this->{BestGuess} = $SNMP::best_guess unless exists $this->{BestGuess};
$this->{NonIncreasing} ||= $SNMP::non_increasing;
$this->{UseEnums} = $SNMP::use_enums unless exists $this->{UseEnums};
$this->{UseNumeric} = $SNMP::use_numeric unless exists $this->{UseNumeric};
# Force UseLongNames if UseNumeric is in use.
$this->{UseLongNames}++ if $this->{UseNumeric};
bless $this, $type;
sub update {
# *Not Implemented*
# designed to update the fields of session to allow retargetting to different
# host, community name change, timeout, retry changes etc. Unfortunately not
# working yet because some updates (the address in particular) need to be
# done on the internal session pointer which cannot be fetched w/o touching
# globals at this point which breaks win32. A patch to the net-snmp toolkit
# is needed
my $this = shift;
my ($name, $aliases, $host_type, $len, $thisaddr);
my %new_fields = @_;
@$this{keys %new_fields} = values %new_fields;
$this->{UseLongNames} = $SNMP::use_long_names
unless exists $this->{UseLongNames};
$this->{UseSprintValue} = $SNMP::use_sprint_value
unless exists $this->{UseSprintValue};
$this->{BestGuess} = $SNMP::best_guess unless exists $this->{BestGuess};
$this->{NonIncreasing} ||= $SNMP::non_increasing;
$this->{UseEnums} = $SNMP::use_enums unless exists $this->{UseEnums};
$this->{UseNumeric} = $SNMP::use_numeric unless exists $this->{UseNumeric};
# Force UseLongNames if UseNumeric is in use.
$this->{UseLongNames}++ if $this->{UseNumeric};
sub set {
my $this = shift;
my $vars = shift;
my $varbind_list_ref;
my $res = 0;
if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
$varbind_list_ref = $vars;
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
$varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
} else {
#$varbind_list_ref = [[$tag, $iid, $val]];
my $split_vars = SNMP::split_vars($vars);
my $val = shift;
push @$split_vars,$val;
$varbind_list_ref = [$split_vars];
my $cb = shift;
$res = SNMP::_set($this, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
sub get {
my $this = shift;
my $vars = shift;
my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
$varbind_list_ref = $vars;
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
$varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
} else {
$varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
my $cb = shift;
@res = SNMP::_get($this, $this->{RetryNoSuch}, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
my $have_netsnmp_oid = eval { require NetSNMP::OID; };
sub gettable {
# getTable
# --------
# Get OIDs starting at $table_oid, and continue down the tree
# until we get to an OID which does not start with $table_oid,
# i.e. we have reached the end of this table.
my $state;
my ($this, $root_oid, @options) = @_;
$state->{'options'} = {@options};
my ($textnode, $varbinds, $vbl, $res, $repeat);
# translate the OID into numeric form if its not
if ($root_oid !~ /^[\.0-9]+$/) {
$textnode = $root_oid;
$root_oid = SNMP::translateObj($root_oid);
} else {
$textnode = SNMP::translateObj($root_oid);
# bail if we don't have a valid oid.
return if (!$root_oid);
# deficed if we're going to parse indexes
my $parse_indexes = (defined($state->{'options'}{'noindexes'})) ?
0 : $have_netsnmp_oid;
# get the list of columns we should look at.
my @columns;
if (!$state->{'options'}{'columns'}) {
if ($textnode) {
my %indexes;
if ($parse_indexes) {
# get indexes
my @indexes =
@{$SNMP::MIB{$textnode}{'children'}[0]{'indexes'} || []};
# quick translate into a hash
map { $indexes{$_} = 1; } @indexes;
# calculate the list of accessible columns that aren't indexes
my $children = $SNMP::MIB{$textnode}{'children'}[0]{'children'};
foreach my $c (@$children) {
push @{$state->{'columns'}},
$root_oid . ".1." . $c->{'subID'}
if (!$indexes{$c->{'label'}});
if ($#{$state->{'columns'}} == -1) {
# some tables are only indexes, and we need to walk at
# least one column. We pick the last.
push @{$state->{'columns'}}, $root_oid . ".1." .
if ref($state) eq 'HASH' and ref($children) eq 'ARRAY';
} else {
# XXX: requires specification in numeric OID... ack.!
@{$state->{'columns'}} = @{$state->{'options'}{'columns'}};
# if the columns aren't numeric, we need to turn them into
# numeric columns...
map {
if ($_ !~ /\.1\.3/) {
$_ = $SNMP::MIB{$_}{'objectID'};
} @{$state->{'columns'}};
# create the initial walking info.
foreach my $c (@{$state->{'columns'}}) {
push @{$state->{'varbinds'}}, [$c];
push @{$state->{'stopconds'}}, $c;
if ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} == -1) {
print STDERR "ack: gettable failed to find any columns to look for.\n";
$vbl = $state->{'varbinds'};
my $repeatcount;
if ($this->{Version} eq '1' || $state->{'options'}{nogetbulk}) {
$state->{'repeatcount'} = 1;
} elsif ($state->{'options'}{'repeat'}) {
$state->{'repeatcount'} = $state->{'options'}{'repeat'};
} elsif ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} == -1) {
$state->{'repeatcount'} = 1;
} else {
# experimentally determined maybe guess at a best repeat value
# 1000 bytes max (safe), 30 bytes average for encoding of the
# varbind (experimentally determined to be closer to
# 26. Again, being safe. Then devide by the number of
# varbinds.
$state->{'repeatcount'} = int(1000 / 36 / ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} + 1));
# Make sure we run at least once
if ($state->{'repeatcount'} < 1) {
$state->{'repeatcount'} = 1;
# if we've been configured with a callback, then call the
# sub-functions with a callback to our own "next" processing
# function (_gettable_do_it). or else call the blocking method and
# call the next processing function ourself.
if ($state->{'options'}{'callback'}) {
if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
$res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl,
[\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
$parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
} else {
$res = $this->getnext($vbl,
[\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
$parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
} else {
if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
$res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl);
} else {
$res = $this->getnext($vbl);
return $this->_gettable_do_it($vbl, $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state);
return 0;
sub _gettable_do_it() {
my ($this, $vbl, $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state) = @_;
my ($res);
$vbl = $_[$#_] if ($state->{'options'}{'callback'});
while ($#$vbl > -1 && !$this->{ErrorNum}) {
if (($#$vbl + 1) % ($#{$state->{'stopconds'}} + 1) != 0) {
if ($vbl->[$#$vbl][2] ne 'ENDOFMIBVIEW') {
# unless it's an end of mib view we didn't get the
# proper number of results back.
print STDERR "ack: gettable results not appropriate\n";
my @k = keys(%{$state->{'result_hash'}});
last if ($#k > -1); # bail with what we have
$state->{'varbinds'} = [];
my $newstopconds;
my $lastsetstart = ($state->{'repeatcount'}-1) * ($#{$state->{'stopconds'}}+1);
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$vbl; $i++) {
my $row_oid = SNMP::translateObj($vbl->[$i][0]);
my $row_text = $vbl->[$i][0];
my $row_index = $vbl->[$i][1];
my $row_value = $vbl->[$i][2];
my $row_type = $vbl->[$i][3];
if ($row_oid =~
/^$state->{'stopconds'}[$i % ($#{$state->{'stopconds'}}+1)]/ &&
$row_value ne 'ENDOFMIBVIEW' ){
if ($row_type eq "OBJECTID") {
# If the value returned is an OID, translate this
# back in to a textual OID
$row_value = SNMP::translateObj($row_value);
# Place the results in a hash
$state->{'result_hash'}{$row_index}{$row_text} = $row_value;
# continue past this next time
if ($i >= $lastsetstart) {
push @$newstopconds,
push @{$state->{'varbinds'}},[$vbl->[$i][0],$vbl->[$i][1]];
if ($#$newstopconds == -1) {
if ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} == -1) {
print "gettable ack. shouldn't get here\n";
$vbl = $state->{'varbinds'};
$state->{'stopconds'} = $newstopconds;
# if we've been configured with a callback, then call the
# sub-functions with a callback to our own "next" processing
# function (_gettable_do_it). or else call the blocking method and
# call the next processing function ourself.
if ($state->{'options'}{'callback'}) {
if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
$res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl,
[\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
$parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
} else {
$res = $this->getnext($vbl,
[\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
$parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
} else {
if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
$res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl);
} else {
$res = $this->getnext($vbl);
# finish up
_gettable_end_routine($state, $parse_indexes, $textnode);
# return the hash if no callback was specified
if (!$state->{'options'}{'callback'}) {
# if they provided a callback, call it
# (if an array pass the args as well)
if (ref($state->{'options'}{'callback'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
my $code = shift @{$state->{'options'}{'callback'}};
$code->(@{$state->{'options'}{'callback'}}, $state->{'result_hash'});
} else {
sub _gettable_end_routine {
my ($state, $parse_indexes, $textnode) = @_;
if ($parse_indexes) {
my @indexes = @{$SNMP::MIB{$textnode}{'children'}[0]{'indexes'}};
my $i;
foreach my $trow (keys(%{$state->{'result_hash'}})) {
my $noid = new NetSNMP::OID($state->{'columns'}[0] . "." . $trow);
if (!$noid) {
print STDERR "***** ERROR parsing $state->{'columns'}[0].$trow MIB OID\n";
my $nindexes = $noid->get_indexes();
if (!$nindexes || ref($nindexes) ne 'ARRAY' ||
$#indexes != $#$nindexes) {
print STDERR "***** ERROR parsing $state->{'columns'}[0].$trow MIB indexes:\n $noid => " . ref($nindexes) . "\n [should be an ARRAY]\n expended # indexes = $#indexes\n";
if (ref($nindexes) eq 'ARRAY') {
print STDERR "***** ERROR parsing $state->{'columns'}[0].$trow MIB indexes: " . ref($nindexes) . " $#indexes $#$nindexes\n";
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#indexes; $i++) {
$state->{'result_hash'}{$trow}{$indexes[$i]} = $nindexes->[$i];
sub fget {
my $this = shift;
my $vars = shift;
my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
$varbind_list_ref = $vars;
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
$varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
} else {
$varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
my $cb = shift;
SNMP::_get($this, $this->{RetryNoSuch}, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
foreach my $varbind (@$varbind_list_ref) {
my $sub = $this->{VarFormats}{SNMP::Varbind::tag($varbind)} ||
&$sub($varbind) if defined $sub;
push(@res, SNMP::Varbind::val($varbind));
return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
sub getnext {
my $this = shift;
my $vars = shift;
my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
$varbind_list_ref = $vars;
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
$varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
} else {
$varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
my $cb = shift;
@res = SNMP::_getnext($this, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
sub fgetnext {
my $this = shift;
my $vars = shift;
my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
$varbind_list_ref = $vars;
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
$varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
} else {
$varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
my $cb = shift;
SNMP::_getnext($this, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
foreach my $varbind (@$varbind_list_ref) {
my $sub = $this->{VarFormats}{SNMP::Varbind::tag($varbind)} ||
&$sub($varbind) if defined $sub;
push(@res, SNMP::Varbind::val($varbind));
return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
sub getbulk {
my $this = shift;
my $nonrepeaters = shift;
my $maxrepetitions = shift;
my $vars = shift;
my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
$varbind_list_ref = $vars;
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
$varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
} else {
$varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
my $cb = shift;
@res = SNMP::_getbulk($this, $nonrepeaters, $maxrepetitions, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
sub bulkwalk {
my $this = shift;
my $nonrepeaters = shift;
my $maxrepetitions = shift;
my $vars = shift;
my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
$varbind_list_ref = $vars;
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
$varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
} else {
# my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^((?:\.\d+)+|\w+)\.?(.*)$/);
my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^(.*?)\.?(\d+)+$/);
$varbind_list_ref = [[$tag, $iid]];
if (scalar @$varbind_list_ref == 0) {
$this->{ErrorNum} = SNMP::constant("SNMPERR_GENERR", 0);
$this->{ErrorStr} = "cannot bulkwalk() empty variable list";
return undef;
if (scalar @$varbind_list_ref < $nonrepeaters) {
$this->{ErrorNum} = SNMP::constant("SNMPERR_GENERR", 0);
$this->{ErrorStr} = "bulkwalk() needs at least $nonrepeaters varbinds";
return undef;
my $cb = shift;
@res = SNMP::_bulkwalk($this, $nonrepeaters, $maxrepetitions,
$varbind_list_ref, $cb);
# Return, in list context, a copy of the array of arrays of Varbind refs.
# In scalar context, return either a reference to the array of arrays of
# Varbind refs, or the request ID for an asynchronous bulkwalk. This is
# a compromise between the getbulk()-ish return, and the more useful array
# of arrays of Varbinds return from the synchronous bulkwalk().
return @res if (wantarray());
return defined($cb) ? $res[0] : \@res;
my %trap_type = (coldStart => 0, warmStart => 1, linkDown => 2, linkUp => 3,
authFailure => 4, egpNeighborLoss => 5, specific => 6 );
sub trap {
# (v1) enterprise, agent, generic, specific, uptime, <vars>
# $sess->trap(enterprise=>'.', # or 'ucdavis' [default]
# agent => '', # or 'localhost',[default 1st intf on host]
# generic => specific, # can be omitted if 'specific' supplied
# specific => 5, # can be omitted if 'generic' supplied
# uptime => 1234, # default to localhost uptime (0 on win32)
# [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
# # always last
# (v2) oid, uptime, <vars>
# $sess->trap(uptime => 1234,
# oid => 'snmpRisingAlarm',
# [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
# # always last
# # always last
my $this = shift;
my $vars = pop if ref($_[$#_]); # last arg may be varbind or varlist
my %param = @_;
my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
$varbind_list_ref = $vars;
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
$varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
if ($this->{Version} eq '1') {
my $enterprise = $param{enterprise} || 'ucdavis';
$enterprise = SNMP::translateObj($enterprise)
unless $enterprise =~ /^[\.\d]+$/;
my $agent = $param{agent} || '';
my $generic = $param{generic} || 'specific';
$generic = $trap_type{$generic} || $generic;
my $uptime = $param{uptime} || SNMP::_sys_uptime();
my $specific = $param{specific} || 0;
@res = SNMP::_trapV1($this, $enterprise, $agent, $generic, $specific,
$uptime, $varbind_list_ref);
} elsif ($this->{Version} =~ '^[23]') {
my $trap_oid = $param{oid} || $param{trapoid} || '.0.0';
my $uptime = $param{uptime} || SNMP::_sys_uptime();
@res = SNMP::_trapV2($this, $uptime, $trap_oid, $varbind_list_ref);
return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
sub inform {
# (v3) oid, uptime, <vars>
# $sess->inform(uptime => 1234,
# oid => 'coldStart',
# [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
# # then callback
# always last
my $this = shift;
my $vars;
my $cb;
$cb = pop if ref($_[$#_]) eq 'CODE'; # last arg may be code
$vars = pop if ref($_[$#_]); # varbind or varlist
my %param = @_;
my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
$varbind_list_ref = $vars;
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
} elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
$varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
$varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
my $trap_oid = $param{oid} || $param{trapoid};
my $uptime = $param{uptime} || SNMP::_sys_uptime();
if($this->{Version} eq '3') {
@res = SNMP::_inform($this, $uptime, $trap_oid, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
} else {
warn("error:inform: This version doesn't support the command\n");
return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
package SNMP::TrapSession;
@SNMP::TrapSession::ISA = ('SNMP::Session');
sub new {
my $type = shift;
# allow override of remote SNMP trap port
unless (grep(/RemotePort/, @_)) {
push(@_, 'RemotePort', 162); # push on new default for trap session
SNMP::Session::new($type, @_);
package SNMP::Varbind;
$SNMP::Varbind::tag_f = 0;
$SNMP::Varbind::iid_f = 1;
$SNMP::Varbind::val_f = 2;
$SNMP::Varbind::type_f = 3;
$SNMP::Varbind::time_f = 4;
sub new {
my $type = shift;
my $this = shift;
$this ||= [];
bless $this;
sub tag {
sub iid {
sub val {
sub type {
sub name {
if (defined($_[0]->[$SNMP::Varbind::iid_f]) && ($_[0]->[$SNMP::Varbind::iid_f] =~ m/^[0-9]+$/)) {
return $_[0]->[$SNMP::Varbind::tag_f] . "." . $_[0]->[$SNMP::Varbind::iid_f];
return $_[0]->[$SNMP::Varbind::tag_f];
sub fmt {
my $self = shift;
return $self->name . " = \"" . $self->val . "\" (" . $self->type . ")";
#sub DESTROY {
# print "SNMP::Varbind::DESTROY($_[0])\n";
package SNMP::VarList;
sub new {
my $type = shift;
my $this = [];
my $varb;
foreach $varb (@_) {
$varb = new SNMP::Varbind($varb) unless ref($varb) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/;
push(@{$this}, $varb);
bless $this;
#sub DESTROY {
# print "SNMP::VarList::DESTROY($_[0])\n";
# controls info/debugging output from SNMP module and libsnmp
# $SNMP::debugging == 1 => enables general info and warning output
# (eqiv. to setting $SNMP::verbose)
# $SNMP::debugging == 2 => enables do_debugging from libsnmp as well
# $SNMP::debugging == 3 => enables packet_dump from libsnmp as well
sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
sub STORE {
$SNMP::verbose = $_[1];
$SNMP::dump_packet = ($_[1]>2);
${$_[0]} = $_[1];
sub DELETE {
$SNMP::verbose = 0;
$SNMP::dump_packet = 0;
${$_[0]} = undef;
package SNMP::DEBUG_INTERNALS; # Controls SNMP.xs debugging.
sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
sub STORE {
${$_[0]} = $_[1];
sub DELETE {
${$_[0]} = undef;
# controls packet dump output from libsnmp
sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
sub STORE { SNMP::_dump_packet($_[1]); ${$_[0]} = $_[1]; }
sub DELETE { SNMP::_dump_packet(0); ${$_[0]} = 0; }
package SNMP::MIB;
bless {};
sub FETCH {
my $this = shift;
my $key = shift;
if (!defined $this->{$key}) {
tie(%{$this->{$key}}, 'SNMP::MIB::NODE', $key) or return undef;
sub STORE {
warn "STORE(@_) : write access to the MIB not implemented\n";
sub DELETE {
delete $_[0]->{$_[1]}; # just delete cache entry
sub FIRSTKEY { return '.1'; } # this should actually start at .0 but
# because nodes are not stored in lexico
# order in ucd-snmp node tree walk will
# miss most of the tree
sub NEXTKEY { # this could be sped up by using an XS __get_next_oid maybe
my $node = $_[0]->FETCH($_[1])->{nextNode};
sub EXISTS { exists $_[0]->{$_[1]} || $_[0]->FETCH($_[1]); }
sub CLEAR { undef %{$_[0]}; } # clear the cache
package SNMP::MIB::NODE;
my %node_elements =
objectID => 0, # dotted decimal fully qualified OID
label => 0, # leaf textual identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr')
subID => 0, # leaf numeric OID component of objectID (e.g., '1')
moduleID => 0, # textual identifier for module (e.g., 'RFC1213-MIB')
parent => 0, # parent node
children => 0, # array reference of children nodes
indexes => 0, # returns array of column labels
implied => 0, # boolean: is the last index IMPLIED
varbinds => 0, # returns array of trap/notification varbinds
nextNode => 0, # next lexico node (BUG! does not return in lexico order)
type => 0, # returns simple type (see getType for values)
access => 0, # returns ACCESS (ReadOnly, ReadWrite, WriteOnly,
# NoAccess, Notify, Create)
status => 0, # returns STATUS (Mandatory, Optional, Obsolete,
# Deprecated)
syntax => 0, # returns 'textualConvention' if defined else 'type'
textualConvention => 0, # returns TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
units => 0, # returns UNITS
hint => 0, # returns HINT
enums => 0, # returns hash ref {tag => num, ...}
ranges => 0, # returns array ref of hash ref [{low => num, high => num}]
defaultValue => 0, # returns default value
description => 0, # returns DESCRIPTION ($SNMP::save_descriptions must
# be set prior to MIB initialization/parsing
augments => 0, # textual identifier of augmented object
# sub TIEHASH - implemented in SNMP.xs
# sub FETCH - implemented in SNMP.xs
sub STORE {
warn "STORE(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
sub DELETE {
warn "DELETE(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
sub FIRSTKEY { my $k = keys %node_elements; (each(%node_elements))[0]; }
sub NEXTKEY { (each(%node_elements))[0]; }
sub EXISTS { exists($node_elements{$_[1]}); }
sub CLEAR {
warn "CLEAR(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
#sub DESTROY {
# warn "DESTROY(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
# # print "SNMP::MIB::NODE::DESTROY : $_[0]->{label} ($_[0])\n";
sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
sub STORE { SNMP::_set_save_descriptions($_[1]); ${$_[0]} = $_[1]; }
sub DELETE { SNMP::_set_save_descriptions(0); ${$_[0]} = 0; }
package SNMP::MIB::REPLACE_NEWER; # Controls MIB parsing
sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
sub STORE {
${$_[0]} = $_[1];
sub DELETE {
${$_[0]} = 0;
sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
sub STORE { SNMP::_mib_toggle_options($_[1]); ${$_[0]} = $_[1]; }
sub DELETE { SNMP::_mib_toggle_options(0); ${$_[0]} = ''; }
package SNMP;
END{SNMP::_sock_cleanup() if defined &SNMP::_sock_cleanup;}
# Autoload methods go after __END__, and are processed by the autosplit prog.
=head1 NAME
SNMP - The Perl5 'SNMP' Extension Module for the Net-SNMP SNMP package.
use SNMP;
$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => localhost, Community => public);
$val = $sess->get('sysDescr.0');
$vars = new SNMP::VarList([sysDescr,0], [sysContact,0], [sysLocation,0]);
@vals = $sess->get($vars);
$vb = new SNMP::Varbind();
do {
$val = $sess->getnext($vb);
print "@{$vb}\n";
} until ($sess->{ErrorNum});
$SNMP::save_descriptions = 1;
SNMP::initMib(); # assuming mib is not already loaded
print "$SNMP::MIB{sysDescr}{description}\n";
Note: The perl SNMP 5.0 module which comes with net-snmp 5.0 and
higher is different than previous versions in a number of ways. Most
importantly, it behaves like a proper net-snmp application and calls
init_snmp properly, which means it will read configuration files and
use those defaults where appropriate automatically parse MIB files,
etc. This will likely affect your perl applications if you have, for
instance, default values set up in your snmp.conf file (as the perl
module will now make use of those defaults). The documentation,
however, has sadly not been updated yet (aside from this note), nor is
the read_config default usage implementation fully complete.
The basic operations of the SNMP protocol are provided by this module
through an object oriented interface for modularity and ease of use.
The primary class is SNMP::Session which encapsulates the persistent
aspects of a connection between the management application and the
managed agent. Internally the class is implemented as a blessed hash
reference. This class supplies 'get', 'getnext', 'set', 'fget', and
'fgetnext' method calls. The methods take a variety of input argument
formats and support both synchronous and asynchronous operation through
a polymorphic API (i.e., method behaviour varies dependent on args
passed - see below).
=head1 SNMP::Session
$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'host', ...)
The following arguments may be passed to new as a hash.
=head2 Basic Options
=over 4
=item DestHost
Hostname or IP address of the SNMP agent you want to talk to.
Specified in Net-SNMP formatted agent addresses. These addresses
typically look like one of the following:
Defaults to 'localhost'.
=item Version
SNMP version to use.
The default is taken from library configuration - probably 3 [1, 2
(same as 2c), 2c, 3].
=item Timeout
The number of micro-seconds to wait before resending a request.
The default is '1000000'
=item Retries
The number of times to retry a request.
The default is '5'
=item RetryNoSuch
If enabled NOSUCH errors in 'get' pdus will
be repaired, removing the varbind in error, and resent -
undef will be returned for all NOSUCH varbinds, when set
to '0' this feature is disabled and the entire get request
will fail on any NOSUCH error (applies to v1 only)
The default is '0'.
=head2 SNMPv3/TLS Options
=item OurIdentity
Our X.509 identity to use, which should either be a fingerprint or the
filename that holds the certificate.
=item TheirIdentity
The remote server's identity to connect to, specified as eihter a
fingerprint or a file name. Either this must be specified, or the
hostname below along with a trust anchor.
=item TheirHostname
The remote server's hostname that is expected. If their certificate
was signed by a CA then their hostname presented in the certificate
must match this value or the connection fails to be established (to
avoid man-in-the-middle attacks).
=item TrustCert
A trusted certificate to use a trust anchor (like a CA certificate)
for verifying a remote server's certificate. If a CA certificate is
used to validate a certificate then the TheirHostname parameter must
also be specified to ensure their presente hostname in the certificate
=head2 SNMPv3/USM Options
=item SecName
The SNMPv3 security name to use (most for SNMPv3 with USM).
The default is 'initial'.
=item SecLevel
The SNMPv3 security level to use [noAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv, authPriv] (v3)
The default is 'noAuthNoPriv'.
=item SecEngineId
The SNMPv3 security engineID to use (if the snmpv3 security model
needs it; for example USM).
The default is <none>, security engineID and it will be probed if not
supplied (v3)
=item ContextEngineId
The SNMPv3 context engineID to use.
The default is the <none> and will be set either to the SecEngineId
value if set or discovered or will be discovered in other ways if
using TLS (RFC5343 based discovery).
=item Context
The SNMPv3 context name to use.
The default is '' (an empty string)
=item AuthProto
The SNMPv3/USM authentication protocol to use [MD5, SHA].
The default is 'MD5'.
=item AuthPass
The SNMPv3/USM authentication passphrase to use.
default <none>, authentication passphrase
=item PrivProto
The SNMPv3/USM privacy protocol to use [DES, AES].
The default is 'DES'.
=item PrivPass
The SNMPv3/USM privacy passphrase to use.
default <none>, privacy passphrase (v3)
=item AuthMasterKey
=item PrivMasterKey
=item AuthLocalizedKey
=item PrivLocalizedKey
Directly specified SNMPv3 USM user keys (used if you want to specify
the keys instead of deriving them from a password as above).
=head2 SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c Options
=item Community
For SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, the clear-text community name to use.
The default is 'public'.
=head2 Other Configuration Options
=item VarFormats
default 'undef', used by 'fget[next]', holds an hash
reference of output value formatters, (e.g., {<obj> =>
<sub-ref>, ... }, <obj> must match the <obj> and format
used in the get operation. A special <obj>, '*', may be
used to apply all <obj>s, the supplied sub is called to
translate the value to a new format. The sub is called
passing the Varbind as the arg
=item TypeFormats
default 'undef', used by 'fget[next]', holds an hash
reference of output value formatters, (e.g., {<type> =>
<sub-ref>, ... }, the supplied sub is called to translate
the value to a new format, unless a VarFormat mathces first
(e.g., $sess->{TypeFormats}{INTEGER} = \&mapEnum();
although this can be done more efficiently by enabling
$SNMP::use_enums or session creation param 'UseEnums')
=item UseLongNames
defaults to the value of SNMP::use_long_names at time
of session creation. set to non-zero to have <tags>
for 'getnext' methods generated preferring longer Mib name
convention (e.g., system.sysDescr vs just sysDescr)
=item UseSprintValue
defaults to the value of SNMP::use_sprint_value at time
of session creation. set to non-zero to have return values
for 'get' and 'getnext' methods formatted with the libraries
snprint_value function. This will result in certain data types
being returned in non-canonical format Note: values returned
with this option set may not be appropriate for 'set' operations
(see discussion of value formats in <vars> description section)
=item UseEnums
defaults to the value of SNMP::use_enums at time of session
creation. set to non-zero to have integer return values
converted to enumeration identifiers if possible, these values
will also be acceptable when supplied to 'set' operations
=item UseNumeric
defaults to the value of SNMP::use_numeric at time of session
creation. set to non-zero to have <tags> for get methods returned
as numeric OID's rather than descriptions. UseLongNames will be
set so that the full OID is returned to the caller.
=item BestGuess
defaults to the value of SNMP::best_guess at time of session
creation. this setting controls how <tags> are parsed. setting to
0 causes a regular lookup. setting to 1 causes a regular expression
match (defined as -Ib in snmpcmd) and setting to 2 causes a random
access lookup (defined as -IR in snmpcmd).
=item NonIncreasing
defaults to the value of SNMP::non_increasing at time of session
creation. this setting controls if a non-increasing OID during
bulkwalk will causes an error. setting to 0 causes the default
behaviour (which may, in very badly performing agents, result in a never-ending loop).
setting to 1 causes an error (OID not increasing) when this error occur.
=item ErrorStr
read-only, holds the error message assoc. w/ last request
=item ErrorNum
read-only, holds the snmp_err or staus of last request
=item ErrorInd
read-only, holds the snmp_err_index when appropriate
Private variables:
=item DestAddr
internal field used to hold the translated DestHost field
=item SessPtr
internal field used to cache a created session structure
=item RemotePort
Obsolete. Please use the DestHost specifier to indicate the hostname
and port combination instead of this paramet.
=head2 SNMP::Session methods
=item $sess->update(E<lt>fieldsE<gt>)
Updates the SNMP::Session object with the values fields
passed in as a hash list (similar to new(E<lt>fieldsE<gt>))
B<(WARNING! not fully implemented)>
=item $sess->get(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
do SNMP GET, multiple <vars> formats accepted.
for syncronous operation <vars> will be updated
with value(s) and type(s) and will also return
retrieved value(s). If <callback> supplied method
will operate asynchronously
=item $sess->fget(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
do SNMP GET like 'get' and format the values according
the handlers specified in $sess->{VarFormats} and
=item $sess->getnext(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
do SNMP GETNEXT, multiple <vars> formats accepted,
returns retrieved value(s), <vars> passed as arguments are
updated to indicate next lexicographical <obj>,<iid>,<val>,
and <type>
Note: simple string <vars>,(e.g., 'sysDescr.0')
form is not updated. If <callback> supplied method
will operate asynchronously
=item $sess->fgetnext(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
do SNMP GETNEXT like getnext and format the values according
the handlers specified in $sess->{VarFormats} and
=item $sess->set(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
do SNMP SET, multiple <vars> formats accepted.
the value field in all <vars> formats must be in a canonical
format (i.e., well known format) to ensure unambiguous
translation to SNMP MIB data value (see discussion of
canonical value format <vars> description section),
returns snmp_errno. If <callback> supplied method
will operate asynchronously
=item $sess->getbulk(E<lt>non-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>max-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>varsE<gt>)
do an SNMP GETBULK, from the list of Varbinds, the single
next lexico instance is fetched for the first n Varbinds
as defined by <non-repeaters>. For remaining Varbinds,
the m lexico instances are retrieved each of the remaining
Varbinds, where m is <max-repeaters>.
=item $sess->bulkwalk(E<lt>non-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>max-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
Do a "bulkwalk" of the list of Varbinds. This is done by
sending a GETBULK request (see getbulk() above) for the
Varbinds. For each requested variable, the response is
examined to see if the next lexico instance has left the
requested sub-tree. Any further instances returned for
this variable are ignored, and the walk for that sub-tree
is considered complete.
If any sub-trees were not completed when the end of the
responses is reached, another request is composed, consisting
of the remaining variables. This process is repeated until
all sub-trees have been completed, or too many packets have
been exchanged (to avoid loops).
The bulkwalk() method returns an array containing an array of
Varbinds, one for each requested variable, in the order of the
variable requests. Upon error, bulkwalk() returns undef and
sets $sess->ErrorStr and $sess->ErrorNum. If a callback is
supplied, bulkwalk() returns the SNMP request id, and returns
immediately. The callback will be called with the supplied
argument list and the returned variables list.
Note: Because the client must "discover" that the tree is
complete by comparing the returned variables with those that
were requested, there is a potential "gotcha" when using the
max-repeaters value. Consider the following code to print a
list of interfaces and byte counts:
$numInts = $sess->get('ifNumber.0');
($desc, $in, $out) = $sess->bulkwalk(0, $numInts,
[['ifDescr'], ['ifInOctets'], ['ifOutOctets']]);
for $i (0..($numInts - 1)) {
printf "Interface %4s: %s inOctets, %s outOctets\n",
$$desc[$i]->val, $$in[$i]->val, $$out[$i]->val;
This code will produce *two* requests to the agent -- the first
to get the interface values, and the second to discover that all
the information was in the first packet. To get around this,
use '$numInts + 1' for the max_repeaters value. This asks the
agent to include one additional (unrelated) variable that signals
the end of the sub-tree, allowing bulkwalk() to determine that
the request is complete.
=item $results = $sess->gettable(E<lt>TABLE OIDE<gt>, E<lt>OPTIONS<gt>)
This will retrieve an entire table of data and return a hash reference
to that data. The returned hash reference will have indexes of the
OID suffixes for the index data as the key. The value for each entry
will be another hash containing the data for a given row. The keys to
that hash will be the column names, and the values will be the data.
use SNMP;
use Data::Dumper;
my $s = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'localhost');
print Dumper($s->gettable('ifTable'));
On my machine produces:
$VAR1 = {
'6' => {
'ifMtu' => '1500',
'ifPhysAddress' => 'PV',
# ...
'ifInUnknownProtos' => '0'
'4' => {
'ifMtu' => '1480',
'ifPhysAddress' => '',
# ...
'ifInUnknownProtos' => '0'
# ...
By default, it will try to do as optimized retrieval as possible.
It'll request multiple columns at once, and use GETBULK if possible.
A few options may be specified by passing in an I<OPTIONS> hash
containing various parameters:
=item noindexes => 1
Instructs the code not to parse the indexes and place the results in
the second hash. If you don't need the index data, this will be
=item columns => [ colname1, ... ]
This specifies which columns to collect. By default, it will try to
collect all the columns defined in the MIB table.
=item repeat => I<COUNT>
Specifies a GETBULK repeat I<COUNT>. IE, it will request this many
varbinds back per column when using the GETBULK operation. Shortening
this will mean smaller packets which may help going through some
systems. By default, this value is calculated and attempts to guess
at what will fit all the results into 1000 bytes. This calculation is
fairly safe, hopefully, but you can either raise or lower the number
using this option if desired. In lossy networks, you want to make
sure that the packets don't get fragmented and lowering this value is
one way to help that.
=item nogetbulk => 1
Force the use of GETNEXT rather than GETBULK. (always true for
SNMPv1, as it doesn't have GETBULK anyway). Some agents are great
implementers of GETBULK and this allows you to force the use of
GETNEXT operations instead.
=item callback => \&subroutine
=item callback => [\&subroutine, optarg1, optarg2, ...]
If a callback is specified, gettable will return quickly without
returning results. When the results are finally retrieved the
callback subroutine will be called (see the other sections defining
callback behaviour and how to make use of SNMP::MainLoop which is
required fro this to work). An additional argument of the normal hash
result will be added to the callback subroutine arguments.
Note 1: internally, the gettable function uses it's own callbacks
which are passed to getnext/getbulk as appropriate.
Note 2: callback support is only available in the SNMP module version
5.04 and above. To test for this in code intending to support both
versions prior to 5.04 and 5.04 and up, the following should work:
if ($response = $sess->gettable('ifTable', callback => \&my_sub)) {
# got a response, gettable doesn't support callback
$no_mainloop = 1;
Deciding on whether to use SNMP::MainLoop is left as an exercise to
the reader since it depends on whether your code uses other callbacks
as well.
=head1 SNMP::TrapSession
$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'host', ...)
supports all applicable fields from SNMP::Session
(see above)
=head2 SNMP::TrapSession methods
=item $sess->trap(enterprise, agent, generic, specific, uptime, <vars>)
$sess->trap(enterprise=>'.', # or 'ucdavis' [default]
agent => '', # or 'localhost',[dflt 1st intf on host]
generic => specific, # can be omitted if 'specific' supplied
specific => 5, # can be omitted if 'generic' supplied
uptime => 1234, # dflt to localhost uptime (0 on win32)
[[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
# always last
=item trap(oid, uptime, <vars>) - v2 format
$sess->trap(oid => 'snmpRisingAlarm',
uptime => 1234,
[[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
# always last
=head1 Acceptable variable formats:
<vars> may be one of the following forms:
=item SNMP::VarList
represents an array of MIB objects to get or set,
implemented as a blessed reference to an array of
SNMP::Varbinds, (e.g., [<varbind1>, <varbind2>, ...])
=item SNMP::Varbind
represents a single MIB object to get or set, implemented as
a blessed reference to a 4 element array;
[<obj>, <iid>, <val>, <type>].
=item <obj>
one of the following forms:
=item 1)
leaf identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr') assumed to be
unique for practical purposes
=item 2)
fully qualified identifier (e.g.,
=item 3)
fully qualified, dotted-decimal, numeric OID (e.g.,
=item <iid>
the dotted-decimal, instance identifier. for
scalar MIB objects use '0'
=item <val>
the SNMP data value retrieved from or being set
to the agents MIB. for (f)get(next) operations
<val> may have a variety of formats as determined by
session and package settings. However for set
operations the <val> format must be canonical to
ensure unambiguous translation. The canonical forms
are as follows:
dotted-decimal (e.g., .
perl scalar containing octets
decimal signed integer (or enum)
=item IPADDR
decimal unsigned integer
=item COUNTER64
decimal unsigned integer
=item GAUGE
decimal unsigned integer
decimal unsigned integer
=item TICKS
decimal unsigned integer
=item OPAQUE
perl scalar containing octets
=item NULL
perl scalar containing nothing
=item <type>
SNMP data type (see list above), this field is
populated by 'get' and 'getnext' operations. In
some cases the programmer needs to populate this
field when passing to a 'set' operation. this
field need not be supplied when the attribute
indicated by <tag> is already described by loaded
Mib modules. for 'set's, if a numeric OID is used
and the object is not currently in the loaded Mib,
the <type> field must be supplied
=item simple string
light weight form of <var> used to 'set' or 'get' a
single attribute without constructing an SNMP::Varbind.
stored in a perl scalar, has the form '<tag>.<iid>',
(e.g., 'sysDescr.0'). for 'set' operations the value
is passed as a second arg. Note: This argument form is
not updated in get[next] operations as are the other forms.
=head1 Acceptable callback formats
<callback> may be one of the following forms:
=item without arguments
=item \&subname
=item sub { ... }
=item or with arguments
=item [ \&subname, $arg1, ... ]
=item [ sub { ... }, $arg1, ... ]
=item [ "method", $obj, $arg1, ... ]
callback will be called when response is received or timeout
occurs. the last argument passed to callback will be a
SNMP::VarList reference. In case of timeout the last argument
will be undef.
=item &SNMP::MainLoop([<timeout>, [<callback>]])
to be used with async SNMP::Session
calls. MainLoop must be called after initial async calls
so return packets from the agent will not be processed.
If no args supplied this function enters an infinite loop
so program must be exited in a callback or externally
interrupted. If <timeout(sic)
=item &SNMP::finish()
This function, when called from an SNMP::MainLoop() callback
function, will cause the current SNMP::MainLoop() to return
after the callback is completed. finish() can be used to
terminate an otherwise-infinite MainLoop. A new MainLoop()
instance can then be started to handle further requests.
=head1 SNMP package variables and functions
the current version specifier (e.g., 3.1.0)
=item $SNMP::auto_init_mib
default '1', set to 0 to disable automatic reading
of the MIB upon session creation. set to non-zero
to call initMib at session creation which will result
in MIB loading according to Net-SNMP env. variables (see
man mib_api)
=item $SNMP::verbose
default '0', controls warning/info output of
SNMP module, 0 => no output, 1 => enables warning/info
output from SNMP module itself (is also controlled
by SNMP::debugging - see below)
=item $SNMP::use_long_names
default '0', set to non-zero to enable the use of
longer Mib identifiers. see translateObj. will also
influence the formatting of <tag> in varbinds returned
from 'getnext' operations. Can be set on a per session
basis (UseLongNames)
=item $SNMP::use_sprint_value
default '0', set to non-zero to enable formatting of
response values using the snmp libraries snprint_value
function. can also be set on a per session basis (see
UseSprintValue) Note: returned values may not be
suitable for 'set' operations
=item $SNMP::use_enums
default '0',set non-zero to return values as enums and
allow sets using enums where appropriate. integer data
will still be accepted for set operations. can also be
set on a per session basis (see UseEnums)
=item $SNMP::use_numeric
default to '0',set to non-zero to have <tags> for 'get'
methods returned as numeric OID's rather than descriptions.
UseLongNames will be set so that the entire OID will be
returned. Set on a per-session basis (see UseNumeric).
=item $SNMP::best_guess
default '0'. This setting controls how <tags> are
parsed. Setting to 0 causes a regular lookup. Setting
to 1 causes a regular expression match (defined as -Ib
in snmpcmd) and setting to 2 causes a random access
lookup (defined as -IR in snmpcmd). Can also be set
on a per session basis (see BestGuess)
=item $SNMP::save_descriptions
default '0',set non-zero to have mib parser save
attribute descriptions. must be set prior to mib
=item $SNMP::debugging
default '0', controls debugging output level
within SNMP module and libsnmp
=item 1
enables 'SNMP::verbose' (see above)
=item 2
level 1 plus snmp_set_do_debugging(1)
=item 3
level 2 plus snmp_set_dump_packet(1)
=item $SNMP::dump_packet
default '0', set [non-]zero to independently set
=item SNMP::register_debug_tokens()
Allows to register one or more debug tokens, just like the -D option of snmpd.
Each debug token enables a group of debug statements. An example:
=head1 %SNMP::MIB
a tied hash to access parsed MIB information. After
the MIB has been loaded this hash allows access to
to the parsed in MIB meta-data(the structure of the
MIB (i.e., schema)). The hash returns blessed
references to SNMP::MIB::NODE objects which represent
a single MIB attribute. The nodes can be fetched with
multiple 'key' formats - the leaf name (e.g.,sysDescr)
or fully/partially qualified name (e.g.,
system.sysDescr) or fully qualified numeric OID. The
returned node object supports the following fields:
=item objectID
dotted decimal fully qualified OID
=item label
leaf textual identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr')
=item subID
leaf numeric OID component of objectID (e.g., '1')
=item moduleID
textual identifier for module (e.g., 'RFC1213-MIB')
=item parent
parent node
=item children
array reference of children nodes
=item nextNode
next lexico node B<(BUG!does not return in lexico order)>
=item type
returns application type (see getType for values)
=item access
returns ACCESS (ReadOnly, ReadWrite, WriteOnly,
NoAccess, Notify, Create)
=item status
returns STATUS (Mandatory, Optional, Obsolete,
=item syntax
returns 'textualConvention' if defined else 'type'
=item textualConvention
=item TCDescription
=item units
returns UNITS
=item hint
returns HINT
=item enums
returns hash ref {tag => num, ...}
=item ranges
returns array ref of hash ref [{low => num, high => num}, ...]
=item description
returns DESCRIPTION ($SNMP::save_descriptions must
be set prior to MIB initialization/parsing)
=item reference
returns the REFERENCE clause
=item indexes
returns the objects in the INDEX clause
=item implied
returns true if the last object in the INDEX is IMPLIED
=head1 MIB Functions
=item &SNMP::setMib(<file>)
allows dynamic parsing of the mib and explicit
specification of mib file independent of environment
variables. called with no args acts like initMib,
loading MIBs indicated by environment variables (see
Net-SNMP mib_api docs). passing non-zero second arg
forces previous mib to be freed and replaced
B<(Note: second arg not working since freeing previous
Mib is more involved than before)>.
=item &SNMP::initMib()
calls library init_mib function if Mib not already
loaded - does nothing if Mib already loaded. will
parse directories and load modules according to
environment variables described in Net-SNMP documentations.
(see man mib_api, MIBDIRS, MIBS, MIBFILE(S), etc.)
=item &SNMP::addMibDirs(<dir>,...)
calls library add_mibdir for each directory
supplied. will cause directory(s) to be added to
internal list and made available for searching in
subsequent loadModules calls
=item &SNMP::addMibFiles(<file>,...)
calls library read_mib function. The file(s)
supplied will be read and all Mib module definitions
contained therein will be added to internal mib tree
=item &SNMP::loadModules(<mod>,...)
calls library read_module function. The
module(s) supplied will be searched for in the
current mibdirs and and added to internal mib tree
structure. Passing special <mod>, 'ALL', will cause
all known modules to be loaded.
=item &SNMP::unloadModules(<mod>,...)
B<*Not Implemented*>
=item &SNMP::translateObj(<var>[,arg,[arg]])
will convert a text obj tag to an OID and vice-versa.
Any iid suffix is retained numerically. Default
behaviour when converting a numeric OID to text
form is to return leaf identifier only
(e.g.,'sysDescr') but when $SNMP::use_long_names
is non-zero or a non-zero second arg is supplied it
will return a longer textual identifier. An optional
third argument of non-zero will cause the module name
to be prepended to the text name (e.g.
'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr'). When converting a text obj,
the $SNMP::best_guess option is used. If no Mib is
loaded when called and $SNMP::auto_init_mib is enabled
then the Mib will be loaded. Will return 'undef' upon
=item &SNMP::getType(<var>)
return SNMP data type for given textual identifier
=item &SNMP::mapEnum(<var>)
converts integer value to enumertion tag defined
in Mib or converts tag to integer depending on
input. the function will return the corresponding
integer value *or* tag for a given MIB attribute
and value. The function will sense which direction
to perform the conversion. Various arg formats are
=item $val = SNMP::mapEnum($varbind);
where $varbind is SNMP::Varbind or equiv.
note: $varbind will be updated
=item $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 'forwarding');
=item $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 1);
=head1 Exported SNMP utility functions
Note: utility functions do not support async operation yet.
=item &snmp_get()
takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
=item &snmp_getnext()
takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
=item &snmp_set()
takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
=item &snmp_trap()
takes args of SNMP::TrapSession::new followed by those of
=head1 Trouble Shooting
If problems occur there are number areas to look at to narrow down the
The first step should be to test the Net-SNMP installation
independently from the Perl5 SNMP interface.
Try running the apps from the Net-SNMP distribution.
Make sure your agent (snmpd) is running and properly configured with
read-write access for the community you are using.
Ensure that your MIBs are installed and enviroment variables are set
appropriately (see man mib_api)
Be sure to remove old net-snmp installations and ensure headers and
libraries from old CMU installations are not being used by mistake.
If the problem occurs during compilation/linking check that the snmp
library being linked is actually the Net-SNMP library (there have been
name conflicts with existing snmp libs).
Also check that the header files are correct and up to date.
Sometimes compiling the Net-SNMP library with
'position-independent-code' enabled is required (HPUX specifically).
If you cannot resolve the problem you can post to
comp.lang.perl.modules or
please give sufficient information to analyze the problem (OS type,
versions for OS/Perl/Net-SNMP/compiler, complete error output, etc.)
=head1 Acknowledgements
Many thanks to all those who supplied patches, suggestions and
Joe Marzot (the original author)
Wes Hardaker and the net-snmp-coders
Dave Perkins
Marcel Wiget
David Blackburn
John Stofell
Gary Hayward
Claire Harrison
Achim Bohnet
Doug Kingston
Jacques Vidrine
Carl Jacobsen
Wayne Marquette
Scott Schumate
Michael Slifcak
Srivathsan Srinivasagopalan
Bill Fenner
Jef Peeraer
Daniel Hagerty
Karl "Rat" Schilke and Electric Lightwave, Inc.
Perl5 Porters
Alex Burger
Apologies to any/all who's patch/feature/request was not mentioned or
included - most likely it was lost when paying work intruded on my
fun. Please try again if you do not see a desired feature. This may
actually turn out to be a decent package with such excellent help and
the fact that I have more time to work on it than in the past.
=head1 AUTHOR
bugs, comments, questions to
=head1 Copyright
Copyright (c) 1995-2000 G. S. Marzot. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Networks Associates Technology, Inc. All
Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl