blob: 459b8477a63f252fb3f0f81693e3dc761cdeb075 [file] [log] [blame]
Reported By: Eduardo Cardona;
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 15:42
In Section 4.2.1, page 50, in DESCRIPTION clause of snmpNotifyFilterTable:
A more complete discussion of notification filtering
can be found in section 6. of [SNMP-APPL]."
It should be:
A more complete discussion of notification filtering
can be found in section 6. of RFC3413."
Additionally, page 52, in DESCRIPTION clause of snmpNotifyFilterType:
filter. A more detailed discussion of the use of this
object can be found in section 6. of [SNMP-APPL]."
It should be:
filter. A more detailed discussion of the use of this
object can be found in section 6. of RFC3413."
Reported By: Guan Hai Bing;
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 14:36:59 +0800
In Section
(2) If appropriate outgoing management target information cannot be
found, the proxy forwarder increments the snmpProxyDrops
counter [RFC1907], and then calls the Dispatcher using the
returnResponsePdu abstract service interface.
Should be:
(2) If appropriate outgoing management target information cannot be
found, the proxy forwarder increments the snmpProxyDrops
counter [RFC3418], and then calls the Dispatcher using the
returnResponsePdu abstract service interface.
In Sections 3.2 and 4.1.2:
by [RFC1905]
Should be:
by [RFC3416]